Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 705: The Forgotten Father and Daughter

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This question seemed to stump Xenophilius Lovegood all of a sudden. He was fidgeting, and kept pacing in place after standing up.

“Have we lived here all this time? Probably… No, no…” Xenophilius scratched his head, and kicked the coffee table carelessly in a hurry.

He was barefoot, and fell to the ground in pain and howled.

“Father, are you okay?” Luna asked curiously with her hands on her knees.

“I’m alright, I’m alright—hiss, **** ho **** ho…” Xenophilius’ face was deformed from the pain.

Looking at her father rolling on the ground, Luna thought for a while, and said again: “Maybe we can try Airship Lee? Although it doesn’t have a pain-relieving effect, it can improve your ability to accept abnormal things-does the pain count?”

Xenophilius’s face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, but he quickly accepted his daughter’s proposal: “It’s a good idea, hiss, ha… You can try it and help me pick some.”

Luna actually stood up and was about to go outside to pick the airship plums.

Sean, who had been on the sidelines, took out his wand: “Mr. Lovegood, if you don’t mind, maybe I can help you?”

“Oh, oh…” Xenophilius showed a surprised expression, he moved his body a little awkwardly, but finally agreed to Sean’s proposal, “Of course, of course, if you want…”

Sean didn’t wait, and directly used the healing spell. Although it was incomparable to Madam Pomfrey, it was still no problem to heal such a small injury.

When Sean was treating Xenophilius, Luna showed an obviously curious expression, and she kept looking at Sean and the wand in his hand.

After finishing the treatment, Sean put away his wand and said casually, “It seems that the Lovegood family prefers a natural life?”

Before Xenophilius could even react, the man who healed the toe proudly puffed up his chest: “Yes, yes, I taught Luna when she was a child that we should get close to nature and get close to those magical animals and plants. We wizards should be like this by nature, after all, we also come from nature.”

Shawn raised his eyebrows: “Then why don’t you send Miss Lovegood to a school of magic? You know, even if the admission letter to Hogwarts hasn’t been sent, there are other schools of magic in Europe, such as Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Nurmengard… Even schools in other continents are not out of consideration, such as Ilvermorny.”

Xenophilius’ eyelids trembled, and he patted his cheek in distress: “Yes, yes…”

Shawn continued: “Having magic, the distance in the world is just a matter of using a few more Apparitions for wizards. Of course, after reporting to the Ministry of Magic, it will be more convenient to use the Portkey… Even if you want Miss Lovegood to complete her education at Hogwarts like you, you can transfer to another school later-in fact, this year I have accepted several international students as a special processor, such as Casteloff County and the Institute of Magic.”

At this moment, Xenophilius already showed a regretful expression: “Merlin’s beard, why didn’t I let Luna go to school first…”

After listening to the conversation between the two of them, Luna suddenly looked at Sean, and asked with her unique ethereal voice: “Sir, why didn’t Hogwarts issue me an admission letter? When I turned eleven years old—of course, I am also very happy that you can find me now.”

She is so sharp…

Sean curled his lips: “I was not in charge of the previous work. I only started to be in charge of the admissions work last year.”

“Oh, well.”

Shawn looked at the distressed Xenophilius again. He walked to the chair and sat down, pretending to take out a notebook, and said, “Mr. Lovegood, what I will say next may be more straightforward, but Hogwarts has given me such a right—when beckoning new students. So, I hope you can answer me truthfully.”

“Oh, oh, ok, ok—” Xenophilius nervously pulled Luna to sit down as well.

“So—well, Mr. Lovegood, I just observed that you don’t seem to be in the habit of performing magic at home, and I haven’t seen your wand—forgive me, you graduated normally, right?”

Xenophilius rubbed his hands, then stiffly took out his wand from the back of his waist, and showed it to Sean.

Shawn noticed that his movements were very unfamiliar, not just because of nervousness – Xenophilius didn’t look like a wizard at all, because all wizards would ‘hang around’ with wands every day, and the other party looked like he hadn’t used a wand for many years.

“Well, I have a wand… I graduated from Hogwarts, Ravenclaw, you must be able to check my enrollment records, right?” Xenophilius showed an expectant expression.

“Of course.” Sean gave an affirmative answer.

“That’s good, that’s good.” Xenophilius breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was very worried that he would affect Luna’s admission.

He held his wand in an unskilled manner, and then gave a distressed expression, as if he was hesitant to say it.

Looking at her father’s appearance, Luna said softly, “Dad, let’s talk.”

“Oh, well, well…” Xenophilius became dejected, “I, I don’t know why… I don’t seem to know how to use magic spells…”

“Can’t use magic spells?” Sean frowned. He could sense the magic power of Lovegood’s father and daughter, both of whom were authentic wizards. Moreover, Xenophilius had the experience of going to school, so how could he suddenly be unable to use magic.

Xenophilius tugged at his long hair, and said distressedly: “I don’t know why… just suddenly, I don’t know when, I can’t even remember how long it lasted, I… I suddenly became a squib!”

“I… It’s really hard for me to describe what happened to me, and the situation I felt—” He said with a wry smile, “I know what I said sounds like a fantasy, but Professor Wallop, and even, I just realized it recently.”

Sean pretended to write something in his notebook, and then said flatly: “No, I believe it.”

Xenophilius was taken aback, and he showed a grateful expression: “Really? I can’t believe it…”

“Because there’s no point in lying to me, when it’s clear you want Miss Lovegood to get in.”

“Yes, yes, that’s what I meant!”

Sean narrowed his eyes: “So, Mr. Lovegood, can you tell me what you and your daughter have experienced?”

Father and daughter looked at each other, and finally, Xenophilius said dejectedly: “There is nothing.”


“Yes, nothing, as far as I can remember, Luna and I have been living peacefully in this house—”

Sean frowned: “During this period, you have never gone out, and you have not been to other places, such as Diagon Alley.”

“No,” Xenophilius shook his head, “It’s really hard to describe that feeling, like, it’s fine to stay here, it’s fine if nothing happens…even…even…”

Luna added: “My dad and I both have a feeling that we are hiding, and the object of hiding is the whole world.”

“Why do you feel this way?” Sean’s heart suddenly beat rapidly.

Luna glanced at the position of his heart, and continued: “I didn’t feel this way before, and my father and I took everything for granted. Others would not come to us or think of us, and we were the same-but, not long ago, my father and I suddenly realized this, so we had that feeling.”

Xenophilius stood up, his face full of confusion: “It’s like… It’s like I’ve been dreaming before, and we were all trapped in the dream. Then, suddenly, without warning, both Luna and I woke up from the dream, and then we realized that we were dreaming-but we weren’t actually dreaming, do you know what I mean?”

Shawn pursed his lips: “Maybe it can be described as the Lovegood family is isolated from the world, and everyone seems to have forgotten you all at once, and you have forgotten everything outside this house—but, not long ago, you realized this.”

“That’s right! That’s right! That’s it!” Xenophilius said excitedly.

Sean thought for a while: “Mr. Lovegood, after that, have you ever cast a spell?”

“No, no, no, I can’t use it, so…”

“Then you can try it now.”

Hearing what Xiao En said, Xenophilius hesitated for a while, then he raised his wand and took a deep breath.

A pot of mistletoe on the window sill suddenly grew. Xenophilius’ eyes widened in surprise. He looked at his hands and the wand in his hand in disbelief: “I can use magic spells again…”

Sean nodded, almost as he guessed.

Luna and her father, for some unknown reason, seemed to be shielded by the world. This shielding directly made the traces of their existence disappear in the world, and even the magic power disappeared together.

So, Sean and others subconsciously ignored the existence of the Lovegood family, and the Book of Access and the Pen of Acceptance did not detect the existence of Luna’s magic power.

And now, Luna has been sensed by the Book of Access and the Pen of Acceptance again, so the magic of Xenophilius’ sudden disappearance can naturally be used.

Just, why is all this…

Sean’s expression became more serious: “Please tell me everything you can recall.”

The father and daughter looked at each other, then nodded.


The exhausted Xenophilius had already fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room, while Sean was constantly kneading his temples.

The Lovegood father and daughter basically told Sean everything they knew, but there was no clue.

Yes, Sean can’t see anything unusual.

Xenophilius didn’t know when he entered that “shielded” state. In that state, he didn’t realize that there was something wrong with him at all.

And Luna seems to have been born in that situation – so weird.

At that time, both Xenophilius and his wife entered that state. They lost the ability to cast spells, and they didn’t realize that they could communicate with the outside world, so they lived alone here.

Luna was born in such an environment. She had never seen magic since she was born—but, even though she had no magic power, the Lovegoods still remembered the common sense of the wizarding world. They were like all parents, slowly teaching what they learned to their children.

In other words, Luna only has the knowledge she heard from her parents. She only has a concept from her parents about “magic power”, “spell”, and “wizard”, but she doesn’t have any feelings about it.

If this is the case, Luna should have shown great ignorance, but this is not the case now.

After the father and daughter got out of that state, Luna showed an unreasonable adaptability—she naturally comprehended the feelings that many wizards can only get from personal experience without teaching.

Like she actually went through that.

The Luna standing in front of Sean didn’t look like a child born in a hut forgotten by the world.

However, all this happened so abruptly, without any clues at all.

“You are distressed.” While Sean was thinking, Luna’s voice sounded.

Sean turned his head away, and Luna was looking at him curiously, but there was almost no expression on her face, with a strange sense of detachment.

“Probably like this…” Sean laughed at himself.

“My dad and I are in a weird situation, aren’t we?”

Sean didn’t deny it.

Luna thought for a while, and then said: “It’s really not normal.”

“Hmm, did you notice anything?” Sean asked.

Luna tugged at her white nightdress: “My father should have bought this for me——I think so. But, he and I are separated, how did he buy it?”

Sean was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

Luna continued: “I don’t know when my father bought it for me, and he probably doesn’t know – but I just know that this is a gift from him, after he and I are out of that state. There are also those foods, supplies… It’s all like this.”

“This…” Sean’s pupils shrank violently.

Luna walked to his side, squatted down slowly, and looked at his face from below: “It’s weird, isn’t it? It’s like, I lived in this world, but the traces of life have been erased, everyone has forgotten me, and I have forgotten everything I have experienced–“

“Yeah…” Sean said softly.

Luna tilted her head: “But, I think, you seem to know me before? Have we met?”

Sean forced a smile: “No.”

“I feel the same way, I haven’t met you – but I still think it’s a weird feeling that you know me, doesn’t it?”

(End of this chapter)

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