Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 667: Dumbledore’s “Letter”

“Is this normal?”

Hermione wiped the sweat off her brow, looking annoyed.

At this time, the Scottish Highlands have entered the season of howling cold winds, and even the indoors with burning torches have to wear thick clothes.

However, in the Room of Requirement, Sean, Hermione, and Daisy all took off their coats and sweaters, and changed into cool clothes.

And all this is because of the huge fiery red feather placed in front of the three of them.

Sean was also wiping his own sweat, with a tired voice: “It’s definitely not normal, but I can’t find the problem.”

Daisy on the side took off only a cool little vest, her coat was tied around her waist, and she was half slumped on the cushion, and said weakly: “If I can’t find any more problems, I’m really going to be heated to death. If I study in the auditorium, I’m afraid Hogwarts Castle will become summer.”

The fiery red feathers in front of them are naturally the tail feathers of the phoenix.

This phoenix tail feather came from Dumbledore. When Sean helped Dumbledore break the blood curse of Nagini and Daisy, Dumbledore gave this feather to Sean as a gift, which also gave Sean a chance to summon the phoenix.


The problem is that Sean used the phoenix’s tail feathers twice after that, but none of them succeeded in summoning…

Later, it was learned that Phoenix Fox’s soul had merged with half of Ariana’s soul, and Fox hadn’t appeared for a long time.

When Dumbledore’s soul went to the Illusion, he said that he wanted to retrieve the complete Ariana, then Sean knew that Fox might have been trapped in the Illusion.

But now that the Phoenix’s tail feathers suddenly have this abnormal shape, it must be some signal sent by Dumbledore, Fox, or Ariana.

The problem is that the three of them have been researching this feather all morning, but they still have no clue.

This tail feather belonging to Fox is constantly emitting heat, the heat is not exaggerated, even if you grab it with your hands, it is only slightly hot, but even so, the tail feather still raises the surrounding temperature around itself.

Sean unbelievingly picked up the slightly hot phoenix tail feather, and then closed his eyes.

He tried to find some clues by feeling the fluctuation of its magic power. If this happened to Fox’s tail feather, it must be the magic power of the phoenix itself that played some role.

Of course, Sean also considered that Fox might be captured by Haierbo because Fox was in a trance, and even Dumbledore might fall into Haierbo’s hands, so the strange shape of this feather might be some kind of trap.

But after careful testing, he has determined that this feather will not cause harm to anyone.

The abnormal shape of the feather is to convey some kind of information.

However, even with Sean’s keen perception, he couldn’t decipher the information on the feather.

He even went to find [Arrogance], the robin feather had already been given to the other party as an exchange item, and Sean had the cheek to ask for it back, but again, there was no chemical reaction between the robin feather and the phoenix tail feather.

“It’s not the same thing if we try all kinds of stupid methods here.” Seeing Sean put down his feathers in disappointment, Hermione wiped the sweat from her forehead and dissuaded her.

Shawn frowned and nodded his head. It seemed better to find a more suitable person—and that person was obviously Arianna.

To be precise, it is Arianna who only has half a soul.

However, Sean is still worried about one thing – after the sudden incident of [Furious Rage] last time, Ariana has become less safe.

It’s not that Sean suspects a girl whose mind is only seven or eight years old at present, but that she has returned from the indiscriminate stream, and her subconscious mind has been manipulated by Haier. He really dare not let her touch something that is not safe or very important.

Sean paced around for a while, then took out a silver extinguisher and said, “Let’s find foreign aid.”

When the switch of the extinguisher is pressed, the surrounding space is broken like a mirror, and then reassembled.

Daisy and Hermione were still by his side, but they could no longer see Sean.

In the mirrored space, about ten minutes later, the wall that was originally the fireplace broke open, and a new space “swelled” out.

It is a huge cave that seems to have just collapsed.

Grindelwald, whom I haven’t seen for a long time, is still wearing the iconic turtleneck trench coat. His short silver beard seems to have grown a lot, but it is still neatly groomed.

The short white hair is still standing wildly, just like Grindelwald’s current expression.

He was slowly wiping the blood on his hands with a white handkerchief—to be precise, he was covered in blood.

It seemed that Grindelwald had just been wet by a large rain of blood. Except for the cracked blood tie pin on his chest, there was nothing clean on his body.

“I’m going, teacher, why did you go?” Sean asked in disbelief.

Grindelwald glanced at him lazily, scarlet blood dripping from the tip of his eyelashes.

He wiped his hands clean, and a casual smile appeared on his blood-stained face: “I’m going to talk to a group of disobedient big men, tsk, they’re so disobedient, I gave him a chance, you know, I’m not very happy to kill now, but he actually forced me——”

Grindelwald showed an unbelievable, even innocent expression: “He forced me to taste the so-called ‘special product’, saying that only in this way can he believe me. There is no way, I can only communicate with his soul face to face—”

He smiled with satisfaction: “He believed me this time.”

Big man? Giants or trolls?

Shawn mourned the miserable guy for half a second before deciding to ignore him.

He said quickly: “Teacher, I have received a message that may come from Professor Dumbledore.”

Grindelwald’s body, which was still casual and lazy, paused slightly, and then happily waved his wand in front of the dumbfounded Sean.

What else do you want, a white handkerchief full of **** ceremony? The spell directly cleaned up all the blood on his body.

Grindelwald pinched the blood cell in the void to evaporate it, and then pulled out a hard high chair from nowhere.

He sat down on the high chair, using the broken rock formations around him as the bar counter of the bar—this guy really took out a classical cup, and even made a round ice puck out of thin air and put it in it.

The golden-red wine was poured into the cup, and a scorching sweetness radiated out.

Sean’s brows twitched. This smell, if I remember correctly, should be crafted cluck spirits, which contain pure Laughter Extract, known as the favorite happy water of Americans.

Grindelwald drank the glass of giggling spirits in one gulp, and the magical happiness in the glass made him laugh exaggeratedly.

“Hahaha—quickly tell me, what message did he send? Hahaha—he must have encountered a big trouble before sending a message back for help. The gap between the two worlds is not so easy to bridge. Hahaha—I can’t wait to hear the tragic experience of this old immortal there.”

Sean rolled his eyes, and said helplessly: “Please put the celebration and remembrance later, teacher, I said it is suspected, so far, I haven’t cracked the information yet.”

Grindelwald frowned dissatisfiedly, and he threw away the clean wine glass, which made a loud shattering sound.

“I am a useless good student, tsk tsk tsk, tell me, what information.”

“Thank you for your compliment and ridicule—” Xiao En rolled his eyes again, and then told him the original abnormality of the phoenix’s tail feathers.

Grindelwald raised his chin and narrowed his eyes, and asked a moment later: “Whether it’s about the Phoenix, whether it’s Orri, Ariana, or the old goat Aberforth, they should be quite familiar with it, right? Did you go to them?”

Sean shrugged: “I didn’t tell you last time——”

He told Grindelwald about [Furious Rage].

“Tsk, no wonder…then this choice is correct. From what I know about Albus, there will be no problem with the phoenix’s tail feathers, but it may cause some problems for Ariana—I’m afraid that the other half of the problem can only be solved by the complete return of the soul.” Grindelwald did not show any surprise at the fact that Daisy was also [Furious], but only expressed surprise.

“Yeah, that’s why I found you now.” Sean spread his hands.

Grindelwald started pacing on the spot. After a while, he stood still and looked at Sean: “Where are you?”

“Hogwarts, where else can I be.”

“Oh, then you go out.”


Before he finished speaking, Grindelwald himself interrupted the connection between the two mirrored spaces, and went somewhere.

Shawn withdrew from the mirror space suspiciously, and saw Hermione and Daisy waiting in place.

“How is it?” The two asked curiously.

Xiao En pursed his lips: “I didn’t say fart, this old man doesn’t even leave the answer to the mystery now, and I don’t know who to learn from.”

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the Room of Requirement.

“Boom, boom, boom—” three times in a row, rhythmic and polite.


Sean’s brows twitched. He has the authority of the Room of Requirement, so of course he knows who is outside!

“What the hell…” he said in his heart, and under the surprised eyes of Hermione and Daisy, he walked over and opened the door in dismay.

Of course, it will not be someone else standing outside.

Grindelwald, who had just communicated face-to-face with the soul of the hapless big man in a far corner of the world, was already standing at the door of the Room of Requirement.

“I heard someone scolding me, Mr. Wallop, do you have any idea?” Grindelwald walked in with ease, as if he had returned to his own home.

Hermione and Daisy looked at each other, then said hello awkwardly.

“Hello, children—” Grindelwald had no airs at all, and he was kind when he greeted the two girls.

Not so with Sean.

He habitually pulled out his wand and continuously fired all kinds of torturous little spells at Sean, while Sean frantically defended himself.

“I don’t have a clue, your apparition distance is too far, and you have auditory hallucinations.” Sean complained while pulling away all kinds of evil spells that came like rain.

Grindelwald didn’t hold back, and replied easily while attacking: “Stupid, of course Hogwarts’ authority is not open to me. I am using the ingenuity of the Phoenix.”

“Huh? Phoenix?” Sean made a doubtful voice.

“What else? Hogwarts still has a thousand years of experience, and I’m not a god. However, unlike what you imagine, the Phoenix is ​​no longer in this world. I just found some gaps in the magic power of the Phoenix.” Grindelwald said casually.

The master and apprentice continued to attack and defend like this, and Grindelwald was obviously stronger. Although Sean was not hurt, he was obviously in a lot of panic. He was forced by Grindelwald to keep retreating until he came to the stone platform where the phoenix tail feather was placed.

Grindelwald withdrew his wand as usual, as if he had only cast a fluorescent spell just now.

“Looks like you didn’t miss your homework, you’re lucky today.”

Sean panted slightly, then rolled his eyes suddenly, he also put away his wand, and pouted at the phoenix’s tail feather: “That’s it.”

Besides, Hermione and Daisy, who didn’t dare to show their breath, just watched the master and apprentice continue to attack and defend, and their eyes widened.

“The two of them, do you usually get along like this?” Daisy asked in a low voice, with some horror in her eyes.

Without waiting for Hermione’s answer, Grindelwald put away his wand and grabbed the phoenix’s tail feather. He observed and said, “This, I remember, is Miss Potter? You have caught the relationship between the greatest wizard in the world and his most outstanding You are such a smart girl.”

Sean rolled his eyes. After Dumbledore died, the old man had the nerve to claim that he was the greatest.

He said unhappily: “The job of bragging can be handed over to your grandchildren, I have brainwashed them-now, let’s get down to business, teacher–“

“Then shut your mouth.” Grindelwald was not polite.

Sean, who has long been accustomed to the old man’s style, sat down and replenished the water for the strenuous exercise just now.

The two girls looked at each other cautiously, and after thinking for a while, the two of them quietly moved from behind Grindelwald to Sean’s side.

Grindelwald didn’t care, he just habitually taught Sean a lesson.

The tail of the phoenix, which had been unresponsive in Xiao En’s hands, suddenly emitted a bright golden-red flame after being grabbed by him for a while.

Sean stood up suddenly and looked over.

Grindelwald narrowed his eyes, he let go of the tail feather in his hand, and the tail feather automatically suspended in the air.

The fine golden-red fluff seems to be coated with a layer of fiery red, not only the heat, but also the hot magic power fluctuating.

Grindelwald observed carefully for a while, and then pulled out a few fluffs from the phoenix’s tail feathers in a way that Sean didn’t understand.

A pearly white figure floated out like a genie released from a magic lamp.

It is Dumbledore.

He looked older than when he died, and even his wizard robes had been damaged a lot.

Like a dusty adventurer.

When Dumbledore appeared, he smiled, “Long time no see, Sean.”

Grindelwald pursed his lips, stared at Dumbledore’s figure for a long time, and then let out a disdainful voice: “Tch——”

(End of this chapter)

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