Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 635: Girls don’t think about it

Bring him to Professor McGonagall’s office, Sean’s task is considered complete, and the subsequent interview work will naturally be handed over to the headmaster of Hogwarts.

When going out, West winked cunningly at Sean. Although the formula of the potion was already in Sean’s hands, he still felt that this kid hadn’t changed his ways.

However, since he was allowed to come to Hogwarts, Professor Scamander should still be on guard… right?

With no one around, Sean found a stone wall and got into the Room of Requirement.

“Three pairs of air-dried thighs of the Grass Ridge Bug… one of the water plants associated with the horse-shaped water monster, only take the two inches from the front…” Sean read the names of the ingredients on the potion formula, and rummaged through the ring.

This potion is not considered a high-level potion. After all, it is only used to judge the magic flow range of the underground rhizome of the Resurrection Cage Grass, so there is no need to ask a potion master to help brew it.

At the same time, potion ingredients are not considered rare, and Sean found all of them with his own inventory.

Take out a crucible and dispensing table, and Sean followed the instructions on the recipe.

“Use a silver knife to make a cross-shaped knife on the bottom of the grass worm’s dried thigh to facilitate the flow of the medicinal properties—hey, this thing is a bit big, and the cross-shaped knife is not easy to handle…” Sean took out Snape’s potion notes again, and rummaged through it.

“I remember it… oh, yes, that’s it – just cut off the bottom of the air-dried thigh. During the air-drying process, the magic power at the small details tends to fade with time, so cutting it off won’t affect the overall potion properties.” Snape’s potion notes were really useful, and Sean quickly found an easier way to deal with it.

Just like that, in just over an hour, the potion in the crucible turned into the emerald-colored but viscous liquid mentioned in the formula,

After stirring clockwise ten times, he took out a drop and put it on the potted plant to confirm that the toxicity of the potion itself was suppressed to a minimum. Sean extinguished the flame under the crucible with satisfaction.

Although the potion talent is still average, with the help of Snape’s potion notes, and his hard work, there is no problem in brewing a potion that is not difficult.

Because the resurrected cage plant in the Hufflepuff Chamber of Secrets passage was huge, Sean specially made a big pot and filled it with six large crystal bottles.

After finishing all this, Sean glanced at his watch. Now the afternoon class is over, and everyone should have gone to the auditorium.

Considering the need to keep the sun shining during the transplanting process of the resurrected cage plant, Xiao En still plans to make all the preparations and try again in the daytime tomorrow.

When leaving the Room of Requirement and going to the auditorium, Sean happened to meet Hermione who was leading some prefects over.

The senior class only had one class in the afternoon, so Hermione led people to catch the group of guys who were dueling in the underground again—the duel alone was fine, but those people were not serious about their actions now. Without Hermione’s constant deterrence, there might be serious accidents during this period.

“Hey, good evening everyone.” Sean greeted with a smile.

For some reason, Hermione snorted heavily when she saw him, and then left without looking back.

“Ah? What happened?” Sean looked at Neville in the team in confusion.

Did you do nothing? Go to class normally, and Hermione knows what happened in the afternoon…

Neville spread his hands: “I don’t know – Hermione was fine just now, and nothing happened in the underground duel today. Hey, but Hermione seems to be a little absent-minded in the morning.”

Shawn raised his head and thought for a while. He really didn’t talk to Hermione too much these days, because they both had a lot of things to do, that is, they had a quick chat during the meal. They didn’t even see each other this morning and noon because of various things.

However, during dinner last night, although Hermione was a little tired and habitually mocked him as the idle boy student council president, overall it was quite normal.

This night passed, what happened?

Bewildered, Sean could only hurry to the auditorium, but Hermione didn’t sit on the long table in Ravenclaw, as if Professor McGonagall called her to order something.

When Hermione came back, she sat directly at the front of the long table.

“What’s wrong with Hermione?” Sean asked Daisy a little puzzled.

Little Baihua was also confused, she shook her head: “What’s wrong with Hermione? She was quite normal just now, Professor McGonagall had something to ask her, so she went—well, sat there? Isn’t it because the dinner party has already started, does Professor McGonagall have something to announce?”

“I mean, how have I messed with her lately?”

Xiao Baihua tilted her head and thought for a while, then looked at Sean sympathetically: “Don’t you make her unhappy every day?”

Shawn choked for a moment, and then rolled his eyes at the smiling Daisy angrily. He looked at the back of Hermione’s head wonderingly, wondering what kind of unexplainable anger the other party had made today.

At this time, Professor McGonagall began to introduce the newly appointed teaching assistants.

The few young people who came to interview during the day passed half of them, so a total of four new teaching assistants took office, and West is one of them. He will become Professor Sprout’s assistant in the future.

Due to the arrival of a new teaching assistant, today’s dinner will be more substantial than usual.

However, Sean ate a little depressed. He tried to say hello to Hermione, but the other party stubbornly only gave him the back of his head.

The heartless Daisy is happy, Hermione is not around, she can open her stomach to enjoy dessert.

Looking at the depressed Sean, Daisy took a mouthful of the pudding and brought it to her mouth. The sweet and smooth taste made her narrow her eyes happily.

With a spoon in her mouth, she said relaxedly: “According to what I know about Hermione, there is only one possibility for this kind of resentment that you can’t find the source of.”

“What?” Sean looked over suspiciously, he knew Hermione quite well.

Xiao Baihua blinked at him, and Sean knowingly pushed the pudding in front of him.

The smiling Daisy dug another spoonful of Sean’s pudding, swallowed it beautifully, and said, “Although Hermione has strong self-esteem and a strong personality, she is actually very calm and good at self-reflection.”

Sean nodded, he knew that too.

“Generally speaking, if she is angry with you, it is because you did something wrong, such as copying her homework while she was not paying attention——”

“But I haven’t copied her homework recently, and I haven’t done anything else.” Sean wondered.

“Oh, don’t interrupt me,” Daisy gave him a reproachful look, “What I said is the general situation, and this situation, you must know what you have done.”

“But now you don’t know at all, it means that Hermione actually has something wrong with her emotions.”

After listening to Xiao Baihua’s analysis, Sean was even more puzzled: “Then why are you angry with me? When she came back before, she was talking and laughing with other people.”

Xiao Baihua exaggeratedly said “Huh——” and said, “Isn’t this obvious? The root cause of her emotional change is you.”

“But what did I do?”

“Some things are not put on the bright side.” Xiao Baihua lightly touched the surface of the pudding bomb with a silver spoon, as if she knew it well.

Sean frowned, the source?

If you want to talk about things that can make Hermione unhappy, it may be related to feelings-but recently he didn’t deliberately tease Hermione, helping Xiao Baihua put on stockings, and doing some physical work with Stephanie, Hermione didn’t know it either.

Just as he was thinking, a spoonful of sweet pudding was suddenly stuffed into his mouth, Sean turned his head and saw Daisy smiling brightly: “I’ve said it all, you are the source, but the change is Hermione’s own emotions, because you didn’t do anything, and with her character, it’s normal to be in some kind of dilemma—but Hermione is a very smart girl, she knows what to do, don’t worry, I bet you, she will be fine in two days. “

Swallowing the pudding, the sweet but not greasy taste filled his mouth. Looking at the little white flower’s face, Sean suddenly felt that the other party was right.

Hermione does have such a tendency…

However, the dilemma? Why is Hermione in a dilemma…

Girls’ minds are really hard to figure out.

With a sigh of emotion, Sean glanced at the smiling little white flower, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth: “When did you start being so thorough?”

Daisy held her nose proudly: “I have always been very thorough! This is the wisdom of the Potter family!”

“Your brother was so stupid a few days ago.”

“That’s why he is always reprimanded by his parents.” Daisy took it for granted.

Sean didn’t know how to answer for a moment—it makes sense…

However, looking at the triumphant little white flower, he always has a strange feeling…

Noticing Sean’s expression, Daisy narrowed her eyes slightly: “Your expression is not right…”

Sean raised his brows: “I just felt a little too proud when you came to clear up my doubts.”

Little Baihua laughed more and more complacently: “Of course, I am… hey! What are you doing!”

She was just about to show off. Sean usually took care of her, and it was finally her turn to answer the other party’s questions. Unexpectedly, the boy next to her suddenly lowered her head, bent over, and rushed towards the position in front of her chest.

Shawn poked his head out and ate up the pudding in front of Daisy in one gulp.

“Hmm–it’s been four times–” Sean sighed indistinctly, and then ran away.

“You! Sean!” Xiao Baihua gritted her teeth angrily.

Sean ran away contentedly—as expected, bullying Xiao Baihua is a very satisfying behavior…


As Little White Flower said, Hermione recovered after one night.

As if she wasn’t the one who turned a blind eye to Sean yesterday, in the Room of Requirement, Hermione went about her business as usual.

“Is this the kind of potion? Sean, your technique has indeed improved…” She observed the potion habitually, and even praised Sean generously.

The girl’s mind is really unpredictable, Sean and Daisy with “Look, I’ll tell you” look at each other, and spread their hands helplessly.

Since Hermione has repaired herself, there is no need for him to hold on to it.

Nodding, Sean replied, “That’s it, the recipe West gave me.”

“What about the others? That pitcher plant is exaggerated in size, right?” Hermione asked curiously.

“It’s all ready. I asked someone to order a magic sun. The light is similar to natural light. It can be illuminated all the time during the transplantation. The place for planting has also been selected. I re-developed a place in the ring. The soil is used for special cultivation.” Sean said.

When doing business, Sean has always been well-prepared. Hermione knew this, so she didn’t ask too much, but just asked: “Then do you want us to help?”

“I don’t know for the time being. I want to see the extent of the underground rhizome of the resurrected cage plant. If the ground is outrageous, I need you to go with me. The three of you stand in one place and dig it out.”

Daisy has always been very enthusiastic about this kind of activities, she immediately stretched out her hand: “Then why don’t we just go together?”

“Alright, let’s take a look together.”

Shawn’s flashing trajectory has long been taught to those close to him. Although it is very difficult, Hermione and Daisy are the first two people to learn it.

The proficiency of the two of them is not enough to use smoothly in battle, but there is no problem in daily use.

Soon, the three of them appeared in the cave at the same time.

Both Hermione and Daisy exclaimed when they saw the huge resurrected cage plant.

“It’s really exaggerated when you look at it from a close distance. The underground rhizome is probably bigger than this Hermione said with emotion.

Sean nodded: “It should be, but this place should have been transformed by Ms. Hufflepuff back then. Resurrected cage plants can only grow in soft soil, I guess

Just do it, Xiao En poured the potion along the resurrection cage plant.

Waiting for the potion to completely volatilize, they walked towards the other direction of the cave.

When they came to the stone door without a handle, Hermione and Daisy looked at it curiously.

“Is this the entrance to the chamber of secrets left by Ms. Hufflepuff?” Hermione circled around, trying to find some clues to enter.

Daisy stuck to the gap in the middle of the stone door, and tried her best to peer inside: “There must be a lot of treasures in Hufflepuff’s secret room, and there must be the most recipes…”

“If you can see what it looks like inside, all the recipes are yours.” Sean said with a smile.

“It’s pitch black, I can’t see clearly…” Xiao Baihua’s tone was regretful.

Hermione didn’t find any clues to enter, she wondered: “It shouldn’t be, it is impossible for others to enter Hufflepuff’s secret room?”

“It may be that we lack some qualifications. Maybe the door will open automatically as soon as someone steps in front of it.” Sean spread his hands.

“The environment here has been maintained for so long, which means there must be magic, but there is no trace of magic at all. The most special thing is those plants, especially the resurrected pitcher plant…Huh? Wait—” Hermione was taken aback suddenly.

Both Sean and Daisy looked over.

“This is the secret room, what about the entrance? The Resurrection Cage Plant is planted outside the Secret Chamber?” Hermione said loudly, her eyes filled with excitement as she looked at Sean, “Sean! We all forgot! Resurrection Cage Plant needs warm sunlight to keep growing!”

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