Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 6: The new Diagon Alley

“Is this the happiness of the Emperor of Europe?”

With the corner of his mouth crazily raised, Sean immediately clicked on the card.

Hermione Granger’s Echo (golden): Within half an hour of using this card, every five spells you cast, the next spell will become silent; every twenty spells, the next spell will become cast without a wand; (Echo effects can be overlapped)

Sean looked at this card in amazement. If Dumbledore had obtained this card, it would be of very limited use to him, but to him who has not yet grown up, this card is simply an artifact!

The only limitation is the number of enchantments, but that’s not a blemish compared to its powerful effects.

Satisfied, Sean chose to stop. Life is to learn to let go when you see it.


The next day, when Sean led Allen to stand in front of the Leaky Cauldron, Allen was carrying a suitcase and looked suspiciously at the crowd on the street.

“Damn it, I’ve passed by here so many times, why have I never noticed that there is a bar here.”

“Actually, I haven’t noticed.” Sean gently pushed open the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

Expected mess.

Allen took out his handkerchief, frowned and whispered, “I’m starting to regret letting you learn magic, Sean.”

“But it’s also interesting, isn’t it, Dad.”

As a well-known place in the wizarding world, the Leaky Cauldron is not very popular.

Several old women were sitting in a corner drinking sherry from small glasses, and one of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the barkeeper, whose hair was almost bare and who looked like a blunted walnut.

When the conversation between the two came to an end, Sean walked over and nodded slightly to the bar owner: “Good day, sir, are you Mr. Tom?”

Tom glanced at him, showing a slightly ferocious smile: “Freshmen? Hogwarts?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Follow me.”

Following the limping Tom across the bar, they came to the small courtyard surrounded by walls. Tom took out his wand: “Remember this brick, you can enter by yourself after you have the wand.”

After speaking, he tapped the brick surface three times.

Amid Allen’s exclamation, the brick shook and began to move, a small hole gradually appeared, and as the wall brick moved, the hole became bigger and bigger, and soon, a huge archway appeared in front of the eyes of the father and son.

Walking out of the passage, the field of vision suddenly widened, and the sunlight shone on the back wall that had returned to its original state.

It is completely different from what Sean has seen in the movie or imagined by himself.

Solid and level cobblestone streets, not small alleys with only a dozen shops, but bustling crowds on the roads, Sean has already noticed several ordinary people, they are obviously wearing normal but not gregarious clothes, with what should be newborn children, looking around dazedly.

And on both sides of the road are all kinds of wonderful magic shops, and you can’t even see the side at a glance.

“Welcome to Diagon Alley.” Tom showed his scattered front teeth, trying to give him a friendly smile.

Sean didn’t show any disgust. He smiled and said, “Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Tom.”

After saying goodbye, the father and son looked at various parts of Diagon Alley with amazement. This place was completely different from the narrow and narrow alley in Sean’s impression, and more like a commercial street with huge traffic.

Is this the new change brought about by Grindelwald’s failure to fall?

Along the way, Sean and Allen wished they could grow a few more eyes. There were all magical things they had never seen before.

Not only that, but the atmosphere of commercial competition in Diagon Alley seems to be much stronger. He had seen three or four shops selling magical animals alone.

“Leasing the vampire castle in Transylvania…the company is not responsible for the casualties of passengers?! Hell, this travel agency will not go bankrupt?” As the owner of a private hospital, Mr. Wallop reacted fiercely to such terms.

“Let’s go, Dad, we have a lot to buy.” Sean pulled his father away from the travel agency called Horror Tour.

“Yes, yes, let me see…” Allen looked into the distance, “That is, uh, Gringotts, right? We need to go there to exchange the currency used by wizards.” He blinked at his son, and calmly picked up the suitcase in his hand.

Of course Sean knew what it was, gold and gems.

Mr. Wallop said it was not enough.

The two of them walked to a tall, snow-white building, and beside the shiny bronze gate stood a goblin in a scarlet uniform.

The goblin didn’t seem to have any intention of coming up to greet them. Allen muttered “the service awareness needs to be improved”, and the two of them walked through a silver door again to the hall of Gringotts.

At this time, another goblin in a dress vest came up to him. He spoke quickly and his voice was very cold.

“A new Muggle family?”

“Yes~ hello.”

“Follow me.” The goblin led the two of them through a door. There were two rows of very tall counters, and many customers in jackets and dresses were handling business. It seems that this place is dedicated to serving Muggle families.

Walk up to an idle goblin. Sean said: “Hi, I need to exchange some Galleons.”

“Name, school.” The goblin behind the counter didn’t even raise her head.

“Sean Wallup, Hogwarts.”

The goblin tilted his head, glanced at the parchment aside and continued.

“The list is confirmed… five pounds can be exchanged for one gold Galleon, one Galleon can be exchanged for 17 silver Sickles, and one Sickle can be exchanged for 29 copper Knuts. The exchange limit for first-year freshmen is 100 Galleons, and the limit is 60 for each year thereafter.”

Mr. Wallop frowned. He glanced at the shop window just now. A book needs two Galleons. How can 100 Galleons be enough?

He cleared his throat: “Sir, can you only exchange so much?”

The goblin raised his head, showing an ugly smile on his face.

“Of course, do you think Muggle currency is useful to us? Every Galleon, Sickle, and even Nat has magic on it. What about the pound? In fact, these Galleons are sponsored by Hogwarts to you.”

“What about the other things?” Allen put the suitcase on the counter, and there was a wonderful sound of gems colliding inside.

The goblin pricked up his sharp ears and opened the box. In an instant, his ugly eyes widened, and his voice suddenly became enthusiastic and sharp.

“Of course, of course! We at Gringotts welcome all trade in precious metals and gemstones!”

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