Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 488: Christmas Ball (5)


Snow fell heavily on the castle and grounds. Beauxbaton’s light blue carriage looked like a big frosted pumpkin in winter, and the little gingerbread house next to it was Hagrid’s hut; the side of Durmstrang’s ship was covered with ice and became smooth and translucent, and the rigging was also covered with hoarfrost. The house-elves in the kitchen below were busily busy preparing piping hot stews and luscious puddings in a variety of flavours.

It may also be related to the tense atmosphere last year. After the situation gradually became less serious, the students seemed to be released. Everyone wanted to enjoy this Christmas to the fullest—they spent the last Christmas in the hall listening to Dumbledore’s serious words in pajamas that were one size smaller.

Professors also took this into consideration. Whether it was the serious Professor McGonagall or the playful Professor Flitwick, they didn’t assign much homework. Even Moody, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who just got the nickname “Crazy Teacher” from the students, left only a practical drill for breaking small curses.

Although the homework assigned by Professor Moody is not much, it has always been very difficult. This Christmas he can be regarded as “extrajudicial favor”.

Of course, the most unbelievable thing for everyone is that Snape also showed mercy and didn’t leave much homework, which made everyone unbelievable.

“I bet a Sickle! Snape must have had the Imperius Curse.” That’s what Ron said.

Harry on the side also agreed, because in the last Potions class before Christmas, Snape didn’t even bother him and Sean, and just finished the class dryly.

Even, Snape, who was used to procrastinating the class, had a feeling that he couldn’t wait to end the class.

“It’s not like that big bat at all. Today’s last class is Potions class. Tomorrow is Christmas. How can he be so kind? According to the habit, he should have tortured Sean and me before the holiday. Speaking of which, he was abnormal in the previous few classes, and even gave Sean extra points…” After the Potions class. That’s what Harry said.

Sean, who was watching, smiled and said nothing, he knew what was going on…

On the same day, when Professor McGonagall urged him and Daisy to quickly find a dance partner, Sean took advantage of the opportunity to invite Daisy.

The tangled little white flower finally happily agreed to Sean’s invitation – this also has something to do with her knowing who Hermione’s partner is.

Then, when the news got out that Sean and Daisy would be the first dance partners, Snape quickly learned.

Shaun, who “unfortunately” met Snape in the corridor, was almost poked dozens of holes in the face by the old bat’s hooked nose.

After escaping with difficulty, Sean also knew that he would definitely not have a good time in the next few classes…

So, in order to protect himself, Sean chose a more shameless approach.

By using the Marauder’s Map and the information provided by Dave, Sean knew Snape’s location in advance, and he purposely dragged Daisy around.

Until Snape came to the corner, Sean pretended not to know that there was someone nearby, and asked Daisy loudly: “Daisy, what happened to the gift you prepared for Professor Snape?”

Although Daisy was a little puzzled as to why Xiao En suddenly brought this up, Xiao Baihua still replied honestly: “It’s been ready for a long time…”

“It seems that you take everything I said to heart.” Sean nodded in satisfaction.

Daisy looked at him suspiciously, Sean never asked her to prepare a gift for Professor Snape, this was her own thought.

However, without waiting for her to question, Sean took her hand and left towards the distance. He said as he walked, “Although the professor doesn’t pay much attention to fancy things, I think gifts should be wrapped properly. I happen to have a lot of boxes and greeting cards left over there – of course, you have to do it yourself.”

“I’ve long…” Before Xiao Baihua finished speaking, Xiao En took her away with her mouth covered.

After walking away, Sean secretly glanced back, sure enough, Snape didn’t come out of the corner after hearing the voices of the two…

He had a smug look on his face, hmph, under my master’s plan, I don’t believe you have the nerve to target me recently…

On the other side of the corner of the corridor, above the greasy long hair, the moving figure in the oil painting is commenting on the people below.

“Oh, this gentleman looks very happy.”

“Ha, he can laugh!”

Snape raised his head and stared at the oil painting viciously, and left slowly after the little people fell silent.

When he walked away, the little people started talking in a low voice again.

“Look, he is really happy, and he walks briskly.”

“Oh, I can understand this gentleman’s thoughts, back then…”

In short, under Sean’s operation, not only did Snape not embarrass him in the subsequent Potions class, but even gave Sean extra points in an extremely rare way!

Historic progress!

In such a happy atmosphere, Christmas came quietly.

This is probably the Christmas with the least number of people going home for the holidays, and the castle is very lively early in the morning.

After happily enjoying breakfast in the auditorium, everyone returned to their respective common rooms to unwrap the gifts from friends. Sean collected a lot as usual, and correspondingly, he also gave out a lot—except for freshmen, other students are used to it.

Every time before Christmas, a large number of owls will come with packages and throw them at Ravenclaw’s classmate Sean Wallep, and many people will even joke about which package is a gift for themselves.

Sean spent the morning collecting and delivering presents. By lunch time, they returned to the auditorium to enjoy a sumptuous lunch, including at least a hundred turkeys, a large pile of Christmas pudding, and a mountain of Kribbage wizard crackers.

In the afternoon, Sean will also use this rare holiday to go out and play with his friends, instead of contacting magic spells or deepening his relationship with magical animals as usual.

A large group of people had a hearty snowball fight outside. When Sean manipulated a huge snowball with his magic wand to bury everyone else in it, the girls watching were already packing their things and going back.

“It’s only 5:30, the dance starts at 8 o’clock-they go back to prepare for the dance so early?” Harry pulled himself out of the snowball, looking at the backs of the girls leaving, he said inexplicably.

“Let me tell you, let’s go back and prepare too?” Ron’s face was flushed, and he didn’t know if it was from the cold or something else.

Finally, the boys reached a consensus and walked towards the dormitory together.

On the way back, they also saw a pair of people in strange costumes and holding strange musical instruments hurrying into the castle from a path.

Ron and Harry looked very excited. They told Sean that it was the famous band “Weird Sisters”-it seemed that Dumbledore had spent his money on this Christmas ball, after all, it was quite expensive to invite a band with all eight members on chocolate frog pictures to perform.

Backing to their respective dormitories, Sean read the ancient rune materials alone for a while, and finally changed into a dress under the urging of his restless roommates.

With the exception of Sean, his roommates all looked extremely nervous, and Terry Boot kept double-checking in front of the mirror that the buttons on his dress had not been buttoned in the wrong place.

Another roommate, Michael Kona, looked enviously at Sean, who had just changed into a dress. He looked down at his ordinary black dress, and said with some emotion: “Sean, you are already handsome enough, and you want to change into such a handsome dress. God, I must not stand by your side.”

The other roommates nodded in agreement.

Sean smiled heartily: “My mother has prepared it for me for a long time, and she pays more attention to these ritual things.”

His gown was not bought from Diagon Alley, but a product that Mrs. Wallop had watched for a long time in the gown haute couture shop in London. According to Mr. Wallop in the letter: Sean brought his dance partner to the banquet for the first time, which is of great significance.

The couple now just regret not being able to see their son dancing with other girls.

Of course, Sean accepted all the kindness of his parents, and this dress was indeed worthy of its six-figure price. It perfectly fit Sean’s figure and also magnified Sean’s various advantages. It was exquisite but unassuming, luxurious but calm.

When they walked out of the dormitory, there were already a lot of people in the common room. People were no longer all in black robes, but in colorful dress robes.

When Sean appeared, the crowd let out low exclamations, especially the girls, who excitedly held their companions’ hands and pointed at Sean.

His roommates all took a step back, their eyes were filled with resentment.

Shawn shrugged helplessly, greeted his familiar friends, and waited for Daisy to arrive.

The moment they looked down at their watches, the crowd suddenly let out exclamations of exclamation, both male and female, and even some boys whistled.

Sean looked up and saw two dazzling girls walking down the stairs step by step.

It’s Daisy and Hermione.

The two already beautiful girls became even more radiant after putting on their dresses, and they immediately became the focus of the crowd.

Terry sighed at the side: “It’s not inferior to that Beauxbaton’s Fleur, is it? Hermione and Daisy are so beautiful…”

Shawn nodded in deep agreement.

Terry gave him a sour look: “They are all your best friends… Daisy is still your dance partner… But who is Hermione’s dance partner? I heard that Krum even invited her, but she was rejected.”

Sean just spread his hands and said that he didn’t know anything.

The two girls came to Sean under the gaze of everyone.

Hermione is wearing a robe made of flowing light purple light blue fabric today, her temperament is completely different from before, with amazing femininity.

After she walked over, she gave Xiao En a haughty look, then waved her hand: “I’m going to find my dance partner.”

“I wish you a good time.” Sean blinked.

When Hermione left with her head held high, Daisy leaned closer. She looked at the other person’s leaving figure and said with some uncertainty: “Is this really okay…”

“Professor Flitwick agreed anyway.” Sean shrugged.

“And Hermione seems quite happy…” Xiaobaihua murmured.

“It’s a good thing…” Sean said softly, then turned to look at Daisy.

Little Baihua is wearing a light blue tube top dress today. Different from the sweet and pleasant temperament in the past, she has the **** of a little woman and the youthful atmosphere of a girl today. Just one glance makes people not want to look away.

He stretched out his arms and put on the most elegant smile: “Do I have the honor to invite you to be my dance partner today? Miss Potter.”

Daisy’s eyebrows and eyes turned into crescent moons, and she gently took Sean’s arm: “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Wallop.”

When they came to the foyer, the place was already full of students, and Sean had to put his hands on the wall to protect Daisy under his arms.

The oak front door was opened, and everyone turned their heads to see students from other schools walking in with professors. Krum walked in the front, but his expression didn’t look excited.

Over their heads, Sean saw that the front lawn had been turned into a grotto, and that it was dotted with fairy lights—meaning there were hundreds of living fairies, sitting in enchanted rose bushes, or flapping their wings on statues that seemed to be Santa Claus and his reindeer.

At eight o’clock, Professor McGonagall’s voice sounded: “Warriors, please come here!”

Professor McGonagall wore a red tartan robe with an ugly thistle wreath on the brim of his hat. She told them to stand by the door and wait for the others to go in first. After the students were all seated, they lined up and walked into the auditorium. Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies stood nearest the door. Davis seemed in disbelief about his good fortune to have a partner like Fleur, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Cedric’s dance partner is Qiu Zhang in a cheongsam, and the two are laughing and talking, George’s dance partner is Angelina Johnson, and Fred’s dance partner is Angelina’s best friend Alia Spinnet.

Krum’s dance partner seems to be a girl from Durmstrang, she is very beautiful, but she looks young and a little nervous, and the other two warriors of Durmstrang are actually paired with the remaining two girls from Beauxbatons, but the two pairs don’t even look familiar…

And the arrival of Sean and Daisy only attracted some attention because everyone was staring at the last couple.

Stephanie and… Hermione…

Daisy grabbed Sean’s arm and whispered in surprise, “That’s Stephanie…”

The corners of Sean’s eyes twitched: “Yes…”

The group of girls standing on the farthest side received surprised looks from other people, and most of the surprise came from the person next to Hermione.


She didn’t know what kind of magic she used, and her originally petite stature was raised a lot, and she was even on the same level as Sean. Instead of wearing a long dress, she wore a suit and dress similar to Sean’s, with a pair of standard men’s leather shoes on her feet.

Stephanie’s long silver hair was tied into a neat high ponytail, and above the thin tie, there was a youthful and hearty smile on her expressionless face.

She held the beautiful Hermione on her arm, looking heroic.

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