Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 338: The wind blows

There was no hoarse shouting, no ferocious agitation, Grindelwald just expressed his views calmly and sincerely.

Because of this, the wizards surrounding him became more and more fanatical.

“I never call our actions a war, it’s just an action to safeguard our rights.” Grindelwald stretched out his hands, “Go, my friends, go back to your position…”

The corners of his mouth slightly curved: “It’s time to act…”

The crowd didn’t hesitate at all, the explosions continued, and they all Apparated and left the scene.

In the end, only a few people remained.

Grindelwald walked up to a person with his hands behind his back, and patted him on the shoulder affectionately.

“Anton, you and I are getting old.”

The gray-haired old man took off his hood, and greeted Grindelwald with his chest.

“Master Grindelwald, when you called me again, my heart was younger than before, and it was jumping for joy.” The old man with white hair had a calm and prestige face, obviously he had been in a high position all year round.

It’s just that his face is full of loyalty and fanaticism.

If there are some older wizards here, they will find that the person in front of them is the president of the International Federation of Wizards, Anton Vogel.

And in the International Federation of Wizards, some higher-level people know more about this person.

Anton Vogel, decades ago, when he served as the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards, he repeatedly opposed the views of Grindelwald, who was not yet “conscientious” at the time, and strongly supported other Ministry of Magic to hunt down Grindelwald.

At the same time, this person has secretly carried out many suppression actions against Dumbledore.

Many saw Anton Vogel as a strong, iron-fisted leader.

But what is surprising is that when Grindelwald and Dumbledore shook hands and made peace, Anton Vogel’s wrist suddenly calmed down and gradually became mediocre.

Even Anton Vogel didn’t show much interest in the subsequent election of the chairman. He didn’t even pave the way for his own people, so he just handed over the power in his hand.

It’s just that the chairman left many of his own forces in the federation team at the time. Decades later, his grandson Charles Vogel successfully became the current chairman of the International Federation of Wizards.

“Anton, we need more allies, and we need to wake up more people.” Grindelwald said slowly.

Anton Vogel nodded solemnly: “Charles has already started to make arrangements, and those of us left in the committee have also started to act. Everything you asked for has been arranged.”

“Very good, my old friend,” Grindelwald smiled with satisfaction, “Oh, by the way, the guards are maintaining pressure and still obstructing their pace of finding the unicorn. It doesn’t matter if I can get it, but I want you to make sure that the unicorn does not fall into the hands of those people.”

“I see—Master Grindelwald, I have a question, if you can’t get Qilin, what is the position of the chairman?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Grindelwald smiled casually, “It should be mine, and it will come back to me anyway.”

Although Anton was a little puzzled, he knew that Grindelwald had his own ideas, and the current plan should have been implemented decades ago.

He believed that the great wizard in front of him would lead all of them to a new world.

Anton Vogel and the remaining wizards left here, and only Grindelwald was left in the small square that was originally full of people.

He looked at the half moon hanging in the sky, seemed to be whispering to himself, and seemed to be sighing to the world: “Albus, why did you go back to the past…”

“It’s just that a new curtain is about to open, are you ready to stand against me again?”

He casually glanced at the dark shadow in the distance, and then turned his head indifferently.

The smile on the corner of Grindelwald’s mouth grew stronger.

Wizard United Guard, secret base.

“Why did Grindelwald give the unicorn to Dumbledore…” Diane Allison, the guard at the time, frowned.

In front of him, a hooded figure floating in mid-air said, “Also, he probably found my subordinates. This may be a cover deliberately released by Grindelwald.”

Alison flicked the ash, glanced at the floating man, and said softly: “Can you make sure that Dumbledore must be on our side?”

The man’s voice was decisive: “No matter what Dumbledore’s thoughts are, he must be in a cooperative relationship with us at present, and it is absolutely impossible for him to plan jointly with Grindelwald.”

Hearing what the other party said, Alison felt a little relieved.

He knows that this group of guys who call themselves “Returners” are very mysterious, and they also hold wizard secrets that few people know.

That being the case… Allison said after thinking for a while: “Whether this is Grindelwald’s cover or not, our plan remains the same.”


Alison smiled softly: “No matter what Grindelwald’s goal is now, his ultimate goal must be to allow wizards to rule the world. Moreover, when dealing with people like Grindelwald, we must not follow his footsteps. We must use corresponding means to deal with him. No, no, why do we have to deal with a prophet like this? Continue our actions and tell everyone to be careful. I want the election of the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards to proceed as scheduled…”

“And…” He smiled mysteriously, “The more chaotic this world is, the more beneficial it is for us?”

The floating returnee nodded in agreement, and then asked again: “Where is the little Barty?”

“In the lowest prison, do you need to take it away?”

“Well, I will have someone come and take him away in a few days.”

Alison raised his eyebrows: “That guy is very fanatical. He has been here for so many days, but he hasn’t asked any news. However, it’s normal for someone who can cast the Imperius Curse on his father.”

“Don’t worry,” the returnee laughed confidently, “a fanatical servant will confess everything to his master.”

Shaun, who was far away at Hogwarts, was busy looking through the materials left by Ravenclaw, trying to get some useful information from the manuscripts of the Big Four.

It is a pity that time travel is extremely dangerous for wizards of any age, and even the knowledgeable Ravenclaw did not leave much information.

However, Sean found some other useful information, which pointed to the identity of the group Sean had been searching for—the returnees.

In one of Ravenclaw’s manuscripts, he mentioned the Twilight Zone, the area between the real world and the underworld.

After a wizard dies, his soul will temporarily stay in the illusion. Some souls go to death happily, and some souls cannot give up their obsessions and choose to return to the real world as ghosts.

No matter what you choose, the wizard is dead after all, and the magic power from his bloodline will also dissipate in this world.

However, there is another situation that can occur.

The world’s most famous wizard Merlin, the legendary great wizard seems to have invented a special spell. This spell can preserve the magic power of the dead wizard, using the same blood and ancient magic, the magic power of the dead will be transferred.

But this kind of transfer has a limitation, that is, it needs to enter the illusion and communicate with the original owner of the magic power.

Ravenclaw only mentioned this part. According to her, this kind of spell has been lost with the passing of the legendary wizard Merlin, and how to transfer the magic power, the magic power is transferred to the container, the body, the soul or what, these details are not explained.

However, this information is enough for Sean to make a preliminary judgment.

Grindelwald once mentioned to him that all the returnees are wizards who have died long ago, and they returned to the real world in an unknown way. Moreover, the few [Returnees] that Grindelwald came into contact with at the beginning were all insane, and even the well-known kind wizards in history have become lunatics. But their strength is not strong, and they can only affect reality weakly.

Shaun now suspects that the group of returnees returned to reality because of Merlin’s spell.

Use this spell to preserve the magic power of the dead, then enter the trance to communicate with the souls who have not left, and then transfer the preserved magic power to the ghost.

This is the judgment made by Sean, and he always remembers that Voldemort seems to have some kind of connection with the group of returnees.

Although the research direction is very abnormal, it must be admitted that Voldemort has a great say in the study of souls.

They are all experts in the field of souls, and they happen to have connections.

“I just don’t know how many people there are in that group of so-called returnees, and what kind of strength they possess…” Xiao En whispered to himself.

If one of the returnees can be caught for interrogation, many of his current doubts can be solved, Xiao En thought so.

It’s just that among the ghosts Sean has come into contact with so far, the most abnormal one is the ghostly horned water snake, but Professor Dumbledore solved that problem, and the ghostly horned water snake never appeared again.

Another person who may know the relevant information is the ghost of Gormley Gaunt, but that guy has been completely petrified by the basilisk, and Sean is not going to rescue this crazy and paranoid soul.

Then the only option left is the man Gormlaith Gaunt mentioned.

“The great Salazar Slytherin is awakening…”

At that time, Sean didn’t know the specific situation, but now he can guess a lot.

Perhaps like The Returner, the ghost of Slytherin who controls the magic power has awakened…

If it is said that it is the real Salazar Slytherin, then Sean is not worried that his life will be threatened.

It can also be found in the notes of Slytherin that I got. Although one of the founders of Hogwarts is a radical pure-blood, he will not harm the lives of students.

In his opinion, this is a very shameful and shameless thing.

What Sean worries about is that maybe Salazar Slytherin is not in a very sane state.

Of course, the greater possibility is that Salazar Slytherin may not have woken up at all after Dumbledore dealt with it.

“It’s a bit tangled…” Sean looked out. It was the location of the girls’ bathroom on the second floor, which was also the entrance to the secret room.

It’s a pity that the Room of Requirement can’t open the door there, otherwise Sean can take a sneak peek.

“Ah… so many things to worry about…” Sean sighed.

The main reason is that the strength is not enough…

If he could have the level of Dumbledore or Grindelwald now, he wouldn’t have so many worries.

Sean, who sighed alone for a while, walked out of the Room of Requirement, but happened to meet Stephanie at the corner.

Although the girl still had that expressionless face, the preoccupation in her eyes was clearly visible.

“Hi, Stephanie,” Sean greeted.

Stephanie looked up and saw Sean, and she naturally brushed her hair together, neatly pulling the messy bits together.

“Good day, Sean.” She greeted softly.

“What are you going to do? Professor Flitwick told me before that there will be, uh, lunch later? It’s better to eat before going to bed.” Sean said.

Yes, the time is wrong again, today is October 30th, and a full twenty hours have passed, but it is still daytime.

Professor Flitwick said that today may last more than forty hours, or even longer.

Today happened to be Sunday again, but now the Ministry of Magic has strict regulations, dementors wander outside every day, and none of the outdoor activities that students love can be held.

In addition to October 27th, which was only four hours before, most people’s biological clocks were a little confused. It often happened that some people were eating lunch, but others had already started to sleep.

Stephanie didn’t seem to want to meet Sean’s eyes. She rubbed her shoes on the ground uncomfortably, and said softly, “I still have some things to do.”

“That’s it, then I won’t bother you anymore, I’m going to eat, see you later.” Sean said hello, passed the girl, and walked towards the auditorium on the first floor.

Without taking two steps, Stephanie stopped him, and the girl’s voice sounded hesitant.

“Sean, how is your mastery of ancient runes now?” She suddenly asked Runes…” Sean shrugged. In general, it looks a bit tired, but at least there is progress. “

After listening to Sean’s words, Stephanie raised her head slightly: “Then, if it is the basic runes for beginners, would it be better if it is accompanied by Ravenclaw’s explanation?”

“That should be much better… But, does Ravenclaw have such information?”

Sean was a little puzzled. He checked carefully, and Ravenclaw didn’t seem to keep such less advanced rune manuscripts.

“Yes.” Stephanie nodded seriously to him, said goodbye and left quickly.

Only the strange Sean was left in place.


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