Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 241: Your master is back

“Master, your loyal servant is waiting for your response…”

Lestrange’s call was vague and weak, but Sean could still feel the other party’s tension and expectation.

This connection requires a fairly high price, such as part of the caster’s sanity and a lot of magic. Even so, there were very few Death Eaters who knew the contact information, probably because Riddle didn’t want to be disturbed by the servants all the time.

Shawn rested one hand behind his head, and in the other hand was playing with a wand. This was not his elm dragon heartstring wand, but another one that Grindelwald threw to him casually.

Thirteen and a half inches, yew wood, and phoenix tail feathers, the brother of this powerful wand lies in the bedroom not far from Sean.

It is not surprising that Riddle’s wand is in the hands of Grindelwald, but when Sean asked whether Riddle was really dead, the other party did not give a clear answer.

However, this was also expected by Sean. He had always had a feeling that a genius black wizard like Riddle, who had studied the soul level for many years, could not die so easily.

Both Dumbledore and Grindelwald mentioned that Riddle’s magical talent is beyond the imagination of many people, but the former is a sigh, and the latter is a sneer.

But one thing that is certain is that Tom Riddle must be in some kind of predicament now, otherwise, he would not have contacted his most trusted Death Eater, Lestrange.

Either have no strength to contact, or are too weak to contact anyone.

And I have Grindelwald escorting me, it seems that I can indeed use the Death Eaters to do something…

However, some small changes need to be made first… Sean looked at the Dark Mark on his arm.

He can control which people his mark will only take effect on, but the current marks on those Death Eaters are all planted by Riddle himself. If the other party does not receive the servant’s contact, it does not mean that they cannot hear the servant’s call.

If Sean wants to ensure that his plan goes smoothly without being overheard by Riddle lurking in the dark, he needs to make some changes in the Death Eater’s Dark Mark.

Regardless of how powerful Riddle was, Sean, who had absorbed the opponent’s soul fragments, had completely mastered the Dark Mark. To give a popular example, the Dark Mark is like a receiver that can only receive signals from the host. When this receiver touches other signals, the host will receive a notification.

That is to say, the Dark Mark does not usually have a function similar to eavesdropping, but when it is triggered, such as when using the Dark Mark to summon Death Eaters, or when some kind of magic spell tries to erase the mark, the host—that is, the person who planted the mark will receive a message. When a Death Eater touched the Dark Mark branded on his arm, Riddle could feel it too.

If Sean wants to use the Death Eaters, he must change the frequency pointing to Riddle to his own, otherwise he will be known by the other party when he summons the Death Eaters or uses the Dark Mark to contact him.

He can change it, but he needs to cast the spell himself. This is the problem now.

Using the Dark Mark to contact the Death Eaters would be discovered by Riddle, but without contacting himself, there was no way to hack into Riddle’s original mark.

Sean ignored Lestrange’s call, thinking about how to solve this problem.

As for how to pretend to be Riddle, he already has a solution.

The relationship between Death Eaters and Riddle is not like Grindelwald and the saints. Except for a few fanatical believers, most Death Eaters surrender in fear of Riddle’s terror.

It’s easiest to get involved in a relationship that seems to be in harmony with the outside world.

The key now is how to gather the Death Eaters without using the Dark Mark…

A bold plan gradually appeared in Sean’s mind.

Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor.

Lestrange, with a pale face and bloodshot eyes, curled up on the velvet sofa. She looked haggard, but there was madness in her eyes.

At this time, Lestrange no longer looked like a cold and arrogant witch. Now she looked more and more like the crazy woman in Sean’s impression.

“Bella,” Lucius Malfoy gripped his cane tightly, “It turns out that the master is not willing to reply to you.”

This sentence seemed to have stimulated the other party, Lestrange suddenly stood up, and the weak witch had a terrifying power at this moment: “Lu Xiu Si, do you think I don’t know what you are thinking?”

“You, Avery, McNeill, and those cunning and stupid guys, you gathered with the gift of the master, and the master just disappeared for a short time, and you actually want to betray him?”

Lucius turned his head slightly, and said in a voice without any emotion: “I have never betrayed my master.”

“Lie!” Lestrange screamed, “Malfoy, you haven’t tried your best to find your master since the day his accident happened—yesterday, he didn’t answer my call, and you cut the Ministry of Magic’s staffing funds this morning—ha! Malfoy’s Gallon is really precious!”

Lucius’s face was red and white, and he snorted, as if justifying or persuading: “The master has not given the order for a long time, and I can’t continue until he comes back to give me further instructions.”

“Cunning traitor!”


Malfoy’s wife, Narcissa Malfoy, stood between them.

She was good-looking, graceful, tall and slender, and had surprisingly fair skin.

“Bella,” Narcissa looked at her sister, “Lucius always likes to be considerate, and the last time we received an order was two years ago – the master is extremely powerful, he is naturally still alive, but maybe there are some small obstacles, he can’t show up for the time being -“

“Sissy,” Bella screamed at her own sister, “he needs us! He needs a loyal servant!”

“I know, of course I know,” Narcissa’s eyes flashed with impatience, but she still comforted the other party in a good voice, “Bella, the Death Eaters have been established, and we are all fighting for a goal-but the time has not come, don’t you understand?”

Bella gasped violently, with an expression on her face as if she had swallowed a toad. She stared at her sister and brother-in-law, and then sat back heavily on the sofa.

“The master has been making arrangements,” Lucius said again, although the expression on his face was not very good-looking, “we have not been exposed to everyone’s sight, so after the master…disappeared, we were not sent to Azkaban! But Dumbledore has already become suspicious, and Avery was called to talk by the minister! What are we going to do now? Are we going to look for the master with great fanfare? No! We have to preserve our power and become a support behind him when the Dark Lord returns.”

“Ha – it’s you who are wise and safe…” Bella sneered, but didn’t continue to say anything bad.

Regulus, who had been watching all this, stood up: “It seems that we have reached a consensus and wait for the return of the master?”

“That’s you, I will always look for the owner.” Bella said.

The remaining three looked at each other and did not continue talking.

When the atmosphere in the mansion was silent, the doorbell rang.

Bella and Regulus didn’t evade, they were related to the Malfoy family, so they didn’t have to worry about their relationship being exposed here.

A young house elf appeared in the living room, he bowed his head and said, “Master, there is a strange wizard outside.”

“Unfamiliar wizard?” Lucius frowned. Although the Malfoy mansion is not covered by magic, the people who can come here must be people who know their address.

The house-elf bowed his head: “The man said that Mrs. Lestrange’s loyalty is admirable.”

Several people stood up from their seats at once, and Bella’s body trembled slightly.

“Please, ask him to come in.” Lucius swallowed.

Soon, they saw a person in the living room. The person was wearing a cloak, and under the hood was a masked face.

“Your Excellency…” Lucius tried to speak, but the other party quickly interrupted them.

“Shh, Lucius…” The man in black put his fingers to his lips, then turned his head slightly.

“Reculus Black, Lucius, Narcissa Malfoy, and Bellatrix Lestrange…” He read the names of everyone present, and then let out a hoarse laugh, “Ha, they are all from our own, good news…”

“Who are you?” Regulus frowned.

The man in black snorted coldly, then rolled up his sleeves, and on the forearm of his left hand, the Dark Mark was clearly visible.

Under the complicated gazes of the others, the man in black quickly put down his clothes again, and said sarcastically, “Obviously, the master doesn’t trust you guys very much—your own people.”

“No, no,” Bella walked forward quickly, begging and expecting in her eyes, “I am still the most loyal servant of the master, is he, is he okay now?”

The man in black looked at Bella, and his tone slowed down a lot: “Of course, the master is stronger than you imagined—Ms. Lestrange, the master specially praised you…”

Under Bella’s excited gaze, he glanced at the others again: “Compared to the cunning Malfoy, Bella’s loyalty to me is really touching—that’s what he said.”

“Master, master—” Bella almost burst into tears.

Lucius trembled uncontrollably, but he was not intimidated: “Sir, prove, how do you prove—”

“Because the master didn’t respond to you?” The man in black sneered, “If it weren’t for your usefulness, I would take your dead body to apologize to the master.”

He took out a wand, and the others stared wide-eyed, then all lowered their heads.

That’s the master’s wand!

Lucius’ Adam’s apple twitched vigorously: “Then, why doesn’t the master use the Dark Mark to contact his loyal servant…”

The man in black let out a dull laugh: “Don’t you understand yet? You guys.”

Lucius raised his head and tentatively asked in a low voice, “Who is the master?”

“Hmph, your loyalty is doubtful!”

“Absolutely not! We are willing to give everything to our master!”

“It needs you to prove it…” The man in black looked at everyone coldly.

Regulus looked at the other party from the corner of his eye, but he couldn’t find any impression about the other party at all. He thought for a moment and said respectfully: “I wonder what the master’s plan is?”

“I came here to convey the master’s will,” said the man in black, “From today on, don’t use the Dark Mark to contact everyone, don’t tell them that the master has returned, just say that there is news about the master and everyone needs to gather—how, can it be done?”

“Yes.” All four lowered their heads.

“Very well, you should be able to understand the master’s intentions,” the man in black nodded in satisfaction, “and I came to you first, one is that Lestrange’s loyalty has moved the master, and the other is that he also has certain expectations for the rest of you. Lestrange, prepare a list of how everyone will react.”

“Don’t let the master down…” After leaving the last words, the man in black with the yew wood wand left the Malfoy family’s mansion.

After that, the four of them raised their heads. Except for the excited and fanatical Bella, everyone else looked at each other deeply.

Master… it’s time to clean the interior!

Regulus talked with the Malfoys for a few words, and then returned to No. 12, Grimmauld Place, his face was grave, and his worry was lingering.

Going back to his room, he took out a mirror.

“…Yes, he is back.”

“The identity of the man in black is unclear, but the wand cannot be faked…”

“…I know, I’ll get in touch…”

The low voice of dialogue sounded in the room, and at this moment, the Death Eaters in the UK saw their former ‘comrades’ again.

Late at night in Nurmengard Castle, a man in black came out of a certain room. He took off his hood and sighed: “Why is it so natural when I pretend to be a villain… and it feels really good to pretend to be a tiger…”

This person is Sean.

Go back to England through the disappearing cabinet, and then go to Malfoy Manor – Dumbledore naturally knows the exact location.

Shaun, who was so pretentious, approached the Malfoy family. He originally thought that the Malfoy family would be very suspicious, but Riddle’s power was beyond imagination. It didn’t take much effort. He just showed Grindelwald’s spoils, and the other party obediently fell for it.

He has prepared other things…

The reason why Sean pretended to be Riddle’s new follower was very simple. Riddle would not do this kind of ‘little thing’ himself-if he pretended to appear as Riddle but couldn’t use the Dark Mark, would he just sit there and wait for someone to call all the Death Eaters over?

That lacks a sense of mystery and fear, and the longer it takes, the easier it is for him to be seen. Although most of the Death Eaters are idiots, there are also smart people like Barty Crouch Seeing the performance of those people tonight, Sean has more confidence in his future plans. The Death Eaters are much more afraid of Riddle than he imagined, which is enough to see how cruel and terrifying Riddle is usually.

However, this is naturally good news for Sean.

Now wait for the agreed date to arrive…

Three days later.

Outside Hogwarts Castle, Grindelwald glanced at the wand in Sean’s hand: “Used a lot of fluorescent spells?”

“A little preparation.” Sean shrugged.

He didn’t change into Riddle’s appearance, nor did he make any disguise, but used his real face instead.

“Ha – it’s really interesting.” Grindelwald laughed, and teleported away with Sean.


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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