Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts Chapter 158: guess

Professor McGonagall’s brows were also locked together, and she didn’t even notice that her pointed hat was on one side.

“Felius, is this black magic or ancient magic? Can you tell?”

The type of magic is very important. Although ancient magic is rare, there are still ways to break it, and black magic often means one thing – there is no counterspell.

Professor Flitwick stood on his feet on the edge of the hospital bed. The wand in his hand was shaking back and forth on the stiff Filch, but no matter how many probing spells he used, he still couldn’t judge the real situation.

Shawn leaned against the cold stone wall of the infirmary alone, frowning as he thought about all this.

This is unreasonable… The Chamber of Secrets needs to be opened by the heir of Salazar Slytherin, and Tom Riddle is at most in a remnant state…

The most important thing is that Riddle was slaughtered by Dumbledore and Grindelwald in the last school year. Even if he is not so smart because of the Horcrux, he is not stupid enough to send his diary to Hogwarts.

Just consider Tom Riddle’s notebook as a low-probability possibility… Sean muttered to himself.

So who opened the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets again?

Aside from Riddle, is there another unknown successor?

At the scene where Filch and Edmund were killed, the writing on the wall was full of hostility.

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, and those untrustworthy people of dirty blood, those Mudbloods who are not qualified to sit in Hogwarts, will all be eliminated!

You can see how radical and violent that person is just from the handwriting, which is the main reason why Sean prevented the students from leaving the auditorium.

“Professor McGonagall, what should Edmund do?” Hagrid walked into the infirmary.

Hagrid held a huge fan in his hand, and he fanned Edmund, who was covered in black, all the way to the infirmary.

“Thanks, Hagrid, please get Edmund to the hospital bed.” Professor McGonagall said.

The expressions of the professors became more serious. After all, even ghosts without entities have become like this.

Shawn walked over and asked softly, “Professor, what do you think about the attacker?”

Professor McGonagall and his colleagues looked at each other. Normally, these things are not something that a second-year wizard needs to get involved in, but with Sean, it seems that we can talk about it…

“There is no clue, Mr. Wallop, what did you think of?”

Shawn nodded, and he said directly: “I think the attacker is a Parseltongue, and he/she manipulated the basilisk in the secret room.”

“We saw that line of writing too, but the Chamber of Secrets is just a legend…” Professor Flitwick said sharply, but he didn’t sound very confident.

“There is a saying in the ancient East, it is better to believe what is there than to believe what is not, and at present, the basilisk is the most reasonable explanation.” Sean said.

“Oh **** ho ho, Sean, that’s a good idea, but the Chamber of Secrets is just a legend,” Lockhart interjected, “I’m sure this is the effect of a transfiguration torture spell. I’ve seen it many times when I was traveling abroad. It’s a pity I wasn’t there at the time, otherwise, I could have saved poor Mr. Filch.”

“He’s not dead, he’s just petrified,” Newt, who had been silent all this time, said (“Ah, I thought so too!” Lockhart said), Newt ignored him, and turned his head to look at Sean, “Sean, how do you explain the state of Mr. Filch and Edmund? According to legend, there is indeed a terrifying monster in the Chamber of Secrets, but no one knows what it is. How can you be sure that it is a basilisk? And, if the basilisk really exists, then according to the records, the people who looked at it looked at it. People will die directly.”

“I happened to see a book in the library a few days ago,” Sean lied casually, “it talked about basilisks, this horrible creature was first hatched by the despicable Helbo, who has a Parseltongue, and so does Slytherin.

“Obviously, because of the terrifying characteristics of the basilisk, those who look directly at it will die immediately, so only the Parseltongue can become its master, all of which are in line with the characteristics of Slytherin.”

Sean looked at Hagrid again: “Hagrid, you moved out of the hut because of the Forbidden Forest, right?”

Hagrid touched his head: “Oh, yes, yes, I moved out from there.”

“Then I can find a few people to visit near the Forbidden Forest tomorrow. I think the rooster raised in the school probably has only feathers left, because the rooster’s crowing is fatal to the basilisk. In fact, you can find other places to look at now, such as the long-abandoned broom. The basilisk is the natural enemy of spiders. The spiders in the castle should be busy moving now.”

“Sounds reasonable, but you still haven’t explained why Mr. Filch didn’t die directly.” Newt asked, but it seemed that he had already believed it, and now it was just to let Sean explain it more clearly so that others could believe it too.

Shawn glanced at the stiff person and the ghost on the bed: “What if it wasn’t a direct look? For example, Filch saw the eyes of the basilisk through Edmund’s translucent body. This was not a completely direct eye contact, so he didn’t die, but was petrified. Edmund did look at the basilisk, but obviously, he is a ghost, and he can’t die again.”

“Of course, this is just a conjecture, but judging from the handwriting that the secret chamber was opened and the legend of the secret chamber, this conjecture is possible.”

“But how does the basilisk move in the castle? It’s not a bird or snake, and it can’t shrink its body freely.” Professor McGonagall asked unconsciously. She felt that Sean’s statement was a bit whimsical, but it sounded reasonable.

“Water pipe Sean said, “The chamber of secrets is obviously built in an unknown corner of the castle. Although the basilisk has an extremely long lifespan, it still needs to eat. No one has found signs of the basilisk for so many years, which proves that it has always been able to move in hidden places, and the drainage pipes of Hogwarts lead to the Black Lake, which is a good place for predation. “

The professors looked at each other, and Sean’s reasoning seemed very reasonable, and everything made sense.

“A reasonable guess, this reminds me…” Lockhart wanted to brag about his experience in Ouagadougou again, but Professor McGonagall interrupted him mercilessly: “We are talking about business, Mr. Lockhart.”

There was an embarrassing silence, and Lockhart took a step back awkwardly.

Professor McGonagall pushed her glasses and said seriously: “Everything is just speculation, Mr. Wallop, but I will tell Dumbledore what you think.”

Dumbledore has not shown up until now, and he seems to have been absent from school recently.


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