Spirit Realm Chapter 1098: To show fangs

powerful‘s strong soul waves, what’s coming over?”

Drakonid Race‘s giant, named Diego, said at this time with a horrified expression and anxiously.

He frequently looks at the space secret gate here in link.

Lizard Race‘s Shatuo is also a secret fear. He knew from the expression of Diego that Diego had resigned.

He and Diego are both coming from Miao Yizi.

In fact, when Miao Yizi released the soul message, he also noticed a little movement.

He mistakenly thought that the raging soul was attracted by a ray of soul message from Miao Yizi, and came over to deal with him and Diego.

A Miao Yizi has made him and Diego feel a bit embarrassed, and then a stronger and more terrible guy, how do they respond?

certain is not ours.” Shatuo said guilty.

“It’s not ours, it’s the woman who greeted me.” Diego‘s face changed, and he hurriedly said, “Why … we should avoid the wind first?”

He looked back at the space secret gate.

“You go back first!” Shatuo looked serious and took the lead to order the remaining Lizard Race people to let them evacuate first.

The Lizard Race tribe, who are all scaly all over the body, sighed with relief, and quickly got into the space secret gate.

“Even if we are not opponent, we should be able to leave calmly without worrying too much,” said Shatuo to Diego.

Drakonid Race‘s Diego nodded.

When they spoke, they quietly moved to the space secret gate, and were preparing in advance.

If the situation is not good, they will flee immediately. Never stay in this meteor stone group.

Just as they waited. But I do not know Miao Yizi is also secretly shocked.

“No. This soul movement is not Ma Feng they can have, certain is not them.”

She murmured in her heart, but cold eyes appeared in her clear eyes.

She lifted her head slightly, her pride radiated on her face, and hummed coldly: “I will destroy your Lizard Race and Drakonid Race when my people come.”

She knows that the person is unknown. Want to take the opportunity to scare away Shatuo, Diego, and then focus on confronting the guy who came.

Sure enough, she said so, Shatuo and Diego were even more frightened.

The two are not only closer to the space secret gate, they are even ready to leave at any time.

“This is … it’s not like Human Race.” Diego suddenly came over.

Human Race and some other races also associate.” Shatuo said.

“Recent relations have not been very good.” Drakonid Race‘s giant thought for a moment and said, “According to the information I got from Giant Dragon Clan, Human Race has caused anger, and the major powers have distanced themselves from Human Race. . “

Drakonid Race. It is the offspring that Giant Dragon Clan messed up, they are the blood relatives of Giant Dragon Clan.

That’s why. They can get the latest news from Giant Dragon Clan and know the situation in the sky.

“It’s not Human Race, Human Race and the relationship between the various ethnic groups have deteriorated, that means … the guy who came over may not have any connection with this woman!” Shatuo eyes brightened.

“Don’t worry, look at the situation.” Diego said.

The two exchanged a few words briefly, and stopped at the secret gate port of the space, waiting for the advent of the horrible creature.

While looking at their skeptical eyes, Miao Yizi knew that the two aliens were not as stupid as she thought.

“You’d better blow up the space secret gate, otherwise I’ll come over and enter your plane through this space secret gate.” Miao Yizi couldn’t do anything at first sight, and when she frowned, she was ready to pull away.

already doesn’t want to know what powerful life race is coming.

She is proficient in various spaces secret technique, confident that she can leave easily in front of Shatuo and Diego.

The guy who can come quickly, the soul movement is too horrible, which makes her vigilant, worried that she won’t be able to get away easily for a while, and with Ma Feng they don’t reply, she doesn’t want to continue taking risks.

However, as she was about to leave, she heard a strange howling.


As soon as the howling sounded, the heads of her and Shatuo and Diego seemed to be covered by a sky formed by a soul.

next moment, the sound of piercing the eardrum, roared in their soul Sea of Consciousness.

She and the two aliens expert had to hold their heads for the first time to build the soul barrier in the First Level / one layer layer to prevent the impact of those voices.

She didn’t know that at this time, the tens of millions of soul tentacles of Qin Lie Soul Beast sub-body had already spread first.

Those tentacles of the soul that are invisible to the naked eye fall from the sky and form a huge fishing net that is only visible to the soul.

Soul fishing nets shroud all three’s space.

They can only be forced to defend with the power of the soul first.

In this process, Qin Lie Soul Beast sub-body, all of a sudden came all the way.


Along the way, huge chunks of meteorites are violently exploding.

Meteorite exploded and crushed stones flew, Soul Beast 狰狞 terrible huge body, finally like a beast raging Star Sea, with a horrible soul like mountains and rivers came shocking.

Soul Beast‘s body is ramming in the meteorite sea, and the sharp spikes on the beast’s body easily transform the hard meteorite into rubble.

When Miao Yizi worked hard to suppress anomaly in the soul, his Soul Beast sub-body has landed in the blank space between the three.

“What kind of life race is this !?” Shatuo screamed.

Diego is also a face change.

After the advent of Qin Lie, a pair of green faintly eyes and pupils, flashing a ghastly cold light.

He was the first to stare at the space secret gate beside Shatuo and Diego.

Two green beams flew from his pupils like meteors.

“Be careful with space secret gate!” Diego responded suddenly.

Shatuo also hurriedly turned back.

However, just as they screamed, the soul net covering the place came with several times stronger soul impact.

Diego and Shatuo eyeballs burst into blood instantly.

In the depths of their souls, countless weird caves bulge and emerge.

Those caves formed by Soul Beast‘s “devour soul” bloodline talent. Like a black hole in the sky. Creeping slowly. Has begun to withdraw from the soul.

The souls of Diego and Shatuo were separated by a tenth in an instant.

The two simply couldn’t care less about the space secret gate. They could only desperately gather the power of the soul to find a way to stop the dark caves that suddenly appeared in the soul.

This makes them unable to avoid the green light beams flying out of the Qin Lie eye pupils.

The two green stream of lights, such as the long soul chain, must fix that space secret gate.

Qin Lie must cut off the escape routes of Diego and Shatuo.


A bunch of white lightning glow, made of Miao Yizi figure to congeal, shot straight towards the space secret gate.

She actually wants to get into plane of the Lizardman!

The Qin Lie Soul Beast sub-body descends with a horror soul mask. When she persecuted so busy that he wants to clone himself with Diego and Shatuo, she knew that she wanted to leave this place with space secret technique, I’m afraid it was also a dream.

She knows that the Lizardman’s space secret gate may be the only shortcut that allows her to escape from under the eyelids of Qin Lie.

She believes that even if you plant plane, all of which are lizards, it is much safer than here.

So, while Qin Lie was playing against Diego and Shatuo, she tried her best to pass through the space secret gate at the fastest speed.

She gathers all the Spiritual Power boosted speeds. Faster than the two beams of green stream of light that flew from the eyes of Qin Lie, she did have the possibility of successfully escaping.

However. Just when she was about to rush into the space secret gate, a green strange light released by the Qin Lie‘s pupils suddenly changed into a clear figure.

That’s a young man with violent eyes, crazy look, and a cold and fierce face.

That’s what Qin Lie looked like three hundred years ago.

I had the opportunity to borrow the space secret gate, and rushed into the Miao Yizi of Lizard Race plane in an instant.

Qin Lie!”

Her body, like a cold, cold electricity, abruptly settled in a strange way.

The space she was in was frozen.

Void Confinement!


At this moment, another green stream of light released from Qin Lie‘s pupils flew into space secret gate.

When Miao Yizi braved the cold eyes of Cold Qi and fell to the suddenly condensed Qin Lie figure, the figure was stretched like noodles, and then turned into a bunch of green stream of light.

This bunch of green stream of light also flew into space secret gate.


Two bunches of green stream of light meet to congeal frantically.

A few seconds later, Shatuo, Diego, and Miao Yizi sent secret gate, and the door was blocked by First Level / one layer green light film.

Miao Yizi and the two alien races were blocked immediately.

“Who are you? Who are you?!”

Responded Miao Yizi, when looking at the space secret gate was blocked, suddenly looked back at Soul Beast sub-body of Qin Lie, and shouted harshly.

“Do you hate him so much?” Soul Beast‘s Qin Lie spoke in a weird, hoarse voice, “I just entered your soul Sea of Consciousness. In the depth of your memory, you are the most … memory The profound appearance of a person is only to congeal.

“The most memorable person …” Miao Yizi first shocked, and after stunned, she screamed abruptly: “It’s not him! The person I remember most will never be him!”

“You obviously gave up the only chance to escape because of his Imaginary Form.” Qin Lie‘s eyes were cold and his tone was full of ridicule, “Who is he? Should be your lover?”

“Love? How could he be my lover? He is the one I hate most for contempt!” Miao Yizi emotionally out of control.

“Let us go! Please let us go!” At this moment, Shatuo was covering his head, blood was constantly flowing in his eyes, and he pleaded with Qin Lie, “We Lizard Race and you have no injustice, please do not treat us like this!”

“I am a descendant of Giant Dragon Clan long Affleck. If I die, he can know through blood links!” Diego threatened angry.

Affleck, which is the current Patriarch of Giant Dragon Clan, is rumored to be extremely obscene in Old Dragon, and I don’t know how many hybrids are hybrids.

Diego, as Drakonid Race, is able to cultivation to such a powerful level, it may be because the blood of Affleck is flowing in the body.

Affleck‘s Dragon Clan bloodline?” Qin Lie‘s turquoise Soul Beast eye pupils showed a strong interest, “that’s right / pretty good, is indeed a bloodline of that’s right / pretty good, so I will kill you first!”

…… (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated and faster!

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