Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 947: Can you run?

[Title of the book: The King is forgiving 947, can’t you run? (Third more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to the newest chapter of King Spade Ming 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of “2k fiction”, easy to remember! Nice novel

Highly recommended: Choosing the Destiny of the Gate of the Enchanted Red Mansion, the Emperor of the Eternal Night, Nilin, the Lord of the Holy Market, the Snow Eagle Lord, Yi Nian, the Eternal Dragon King, the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King, Godking, the peak of martial arts, Lu Shu, looking sadly at the Valiant Guardian Army soldiers on the school field below the hillside and their literate appearance, Some melancholy asked Zhang Weiyu: “These great nobles are too able to swallow their voices, and they are so disgusting that they will not attack King Lu Mountain?”

Although I think that if the aristocratic army does come, tens of thousands or even 100,000 people may enter the mountain, and the pressure is quite high, but now suddenly there is no income, making Lu Shu quite lonely…

From the Little Lu tree, I understand a truth, you must not sit and eat in the sky…

Zhang Weiyu is actually quite puzzled: “It stands to reason that it shouldn’t be. Liu Yizhao came back these two days and said that the aristocratic army stayed at Weibei Pass honestly and didn’t even rush to recover the three lost cities. , Could it be that Heavenly Emperor exited?”

Lu Shu suddenly said: “Should Heavenly Emperor leave the customs to quickly regain lost ground, I think this possibility is relatively small, so I think… are they afraid of me?”

The Lu Xiaoyu next to him nodded suddenly: “Fighting with Valiant Guardian Army is such a thing. If you are lucky, you will be replaced by a soldier. If you are not lucky, you will be a nobleman.”

Lu Shu looks at Lu Xiaoyu with appreciation: “Lu Xiaoyu, you have summarized it very well!”

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said: “It must be!”

Zhang Weiyu watched the two business talk with each other blankly, and did not continue to analyze it…

distress points from Zhang Weiyu, +199!”

In fact, the nobles are afraid of the identity of Lu Shu. At first, they thought that Lu Shu was just a young genius with no foundation. However, isn’t the genius of Lu Universe not enough?

As a result, news came from King City that they even admitted that Lu Shu is the old Lu Family from Liuli Lane. At this time, the old Lu Family‘s statement was very vague. It didn’t say whether it was a side branch or whether it was a direct line. This made everyone feel very inexplicable. .

The old Lu Family in Liulixiang will produce a brilliant genius every few decades, but this is not the point.

Everyone knows that the old Lu Family in Liuli Lane is very low-key, and there are not many businesses outside of King City, but those businesses are very important, but this is not the point.

The specific reasons are rarely mentioned by the older generation. Although the younger generation does not know why this old Lu Family is strong, they also have a sense of measure, knowing that this is a wealthy family that cannot be provoke casually.

At this time, many youngsters of King City are not convinced: “Could he let him pit us so and still not be able to move him? Then the aristocratic army in Nanzhou should be so confused?”

The geniuses of King City can not bear this kind of grievance!

However, the elders in the family said blankly: “The Four States Army dare not provoke Lu Family, but King City doesn’t care. You can handle it by yourself.”

The geniuses are happy to see that the elders in the family have such an attitude. This means that although the old Lu Family in Liuli Lane is powerful, they are not afraid of their status in King City!

So when the old Lu Family in Liulixiang spoke, everyone seemed to have found an explanation for the rise of Valiant Guardian Army. However, the teenagers of King City are still gearing up, and some people have even begun to secretly go to Nanzhou for organization.

The secret organization players who went to Nanzhou all lost a lot of money in the gambling shop. They were idle and had nothing to do, and their strength realm was high. In King City on weekdays, I’m a big dude, so I can’t swallow it after being tricked.

A group of 12 King City geniuses have already discussed it, and when they learn too much about the vacation, they have to tell their parents to leave King City.

Someone suddenly said: “Tai Xue itself has the subject of’Traveling a Thousand Miles Road’ this holiday. It was just right for us to go to Nanzhou!”

“That’s it!” A genius stepped on the stool with a sneer: “Let the kid know how serious the consequences of teaming up! I promised the Lingyi of Cuihongju. Yue went to take care of her business, but now she has no money…”

So they really made a plan to go to Southern State in two months.

Lu Shu doesn’t know about this. If you know it, you will welcome them to come quickly. He will help these geniuses to swallow their breath… Isn’t it worrying about not making money right now?

When Lu Shu was melancholy, Li Heitan and the others were also melancholy. They had to learn to read and write homework when they came back to the mountains.

To tell the truth, for Li Heitan, it is better to fight with their own leaders…

Li Heitan turned out to be a bandit, and the Valiant Guardian Army group of goods have also been reduced to peanut planting, which is not much better. Although Qing Sai Army is a strong army, it has been defeated several times.

So their past life experiences are not as happy as the past few months.

Valiant Guardian Army has never been defeated since encountering Black Feather Army, and has always been able to beat the enemy out of his head, especially when in the mountains, walking through the caves took the initiative, and all the soldiers of Valiant Guardian Army sometimes feel emotional , This is the pleasure of fighting!

Nowadays, everyone eats and lives together like a family. They are all comrades-in-arms. They were born and died together, suffered hardship together, and enjoyed honor together.

Now even if anyone is allowed to leave, they will not leave.

Lu Shu is the true spiritual leader of Valiant Guardian Army.

But this spiritual leader has to torture them with homework. Li Heitan is very painful. He wants to suggest to the king that everyone should go to the Weibei Pass. Anyway, there is nothing to do in idle.

As long as you don’t have to do your homework, you can do anything…

However, at this moment, the noble army in Weibei Pass suddenly rushed out, but they did not come to King Lu Mountain, but rushed all the way to Yun’an City, Guangliao City, Nangeng City, they seemed to be racing against time without When scout Liu Yizhao delivered the message back, Zhang Weiyu said confidently: “Heavenly Emperor is out!”

Lu Shu frowned: “What kind of person is this Wen Zaifou? If he really intends to control the crime of Valiant Guardian Army, I’m afraid we have to run ahead, or let’s go to Xizhou?”

Zhang Weiyu stared at Lu Shu in a daze: “What do you think of disgusting people’s Black Feather Army in Xizhou, and you still want to go to Xizhou? And don’t even think about this kind of thing, once the army of this state In a betrayal, the guests under Heavenly Emperor will definitely rush out to clean Valiant Guardian Army. This is not a question of winning or losing, but a question of face!”

“I just talked casually,” Lu Shu was thinking in his heart, that was close didn’t do that by itself…

Heavenly Emperor Wen Zaifou doesn’t seem to be particularly worried,” Zhang Weiyu said suddenly: “My impression of him is quite good. Among the four major Heavenly Emperors, he is the only one dedicated to cultivation. He doesn’t particularly care about rights and interests. If he really is For those who must compare political affairs, then Ye Xiaoming can’t be in charge of Valiant Guardian Army for so long. Couldn’t Heavenly Emperor still fail to see his trick of raising waste and self-respect? I don’t bother to pay attention to this ant.”

“Then let’s stop running?” Lu Shu curiously asked.

At this moment, a slightly smiling voice sounded behind Lu Shu: “Where are you going to go? Didn’t you make a great contribution? Why are you running.”

Lu Shu complexion was shocked, and his backhand was a branch cut behind him, but before his branch appeared sword essence, the person behind him had already pointed a finger on the branch, and the branch fell apart and turned into齑粉.

I saw the handsome and handsome youngster behind him, dressed in a black dung suit, and his clothes were like dragons, sun, moon, stars, mountains, Chinese insects, zongyi, algae, fire, rice noodles, rice, and twelve chapters. Pattern for decoration!

Lu Shu‘s mood was cold at that time, he already guessed who the arrival is! 2k Novel Reading Network

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