Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 812: What did he say?

Quietly in the Long White Mountain hinterland, the camouflage team sneaked silently in the mountains and forests, even if they touched the branches and leaves around them, there was no sound.

This scene is very strange. From a distance, even if you listen carefully, you can hardly hear the sound of human marching in the forest, as if the world has been muted into a long silence.

The color of the pupils in the eyes of a member of the camouflage team is a bit strange, there is actually a hint of silver.

spirit power kept pouring out of him, and the active spirit power had a wonderful reaction after touching the air, and the surrounding air began to obey his orders.

Under normal circumstances, the sound human hears is transmitted by the air, but at this time the other party controls the air, which causes the most important transmission medium of the sound to change, and the vibration of the sound cannot be transmitted!

human’s special ability has been used more and more in the recovery process of spiritual energy, and wars often become a catalyst for “creativity”.

So the disguise squad moved forward as if silenced.

I have to say how ingenious the major organizations off the coast are when they are equipped with elite camouflage teams. There are investigators, earth element is suitable for rapid breakthroughs in the mountains and forests, and there are those that control air and sound.

They moved forward slowly. When the camouflage team came to a pool of water, the camouflage team was ready to replenish fresh water. Without space and equipment, they could only carry their own weight, but the water could not carry too much.

The weight is second. If you carry too much, you will be bloated. Moreover, Long White Mountain is not a battlefield with no water source. You can even find fresh water everywhere.

The disguise squad did not approach the water pool rashly, because they had been attacked twice by Lu Shu before, so they are now extra careful.

However, the water pool is clear to the bottom, and it is only 3 meters deep at most. The upstream is the branch river on the Long White Mountain, and everything looks normal.

After confirming that there are no Tibetans in the water, the team leader nodded to signal the team members to take water. One team member walked to the edge of the pool and took out a test strip and put it in the water and then took it out. Until 5 minutes later, the test strip showed no chemical reaction of some basic harmful substances. , This confirms that the water source is safe and reliable.

Actually, Long White Mountain was not a no-man’s land like Lop Nur before, so everyone knows what kind of hydrological environment there is. The main reason to use test paper is to fear that Lu Shu will be poisoned upstream in advance.

It has been 3 days since the disguise team entered the hinterland of Long White Mountain. Many people have not washed their faces once. The first day they entered during the period, they encountered Lu Shu and launched a high-intensity pursuit. Now they finally have a short rest time. At least everyone Rinse your mouth or wash your face, this can relieve fatigue a little.

In the past three days, Lu Shu has been tossing them very seriously. The escape route is to choose those difficult or particularly easy to ambush positions. Although Lu Shu killed two people and did not ambush them again, can they not Guard against it.

At this moment, two members of the disguise team knelt by the water pool and grabbed a handful of water to wash their faces. At this moment, the captain of the disguise team suddenly felt a great pressure out of thin air.

In an instant, Lu Shu, who had been hiding eyes closed in the water for four hours, suddenly opened his eyes, revealing his murderous intent.

The disguise team suddenly saw a translucent figure in the water pool move, and then the water in the pool began toss and capsized, dragging the two C Rank players into the water like a huge palm. .

When the captain saw this, he wanted to fill the entire pool with earth element special ability, but the water flow was so flexible that it actually imprisoned two members of the disguised team, encumbering the entire pool and retreating upstream!

The captain’s expression is getting colder, and he actually let the opponent kill again and again. It doesn’t matter who is killed. Anyway, he has no feelings for these teammates, but he also has the dignity of the strong.

Suddenly an earth dragon was lifted up on the ground and swept towards Lu Shu. The two elements of water and earth were strangling each other in the air, but the earth dragon was suppressed by water element‘s superior skills.

And the current has successfully escaped after the sneak attack succeeded.

It wasn’t until this time that Lu Shu was finally released from the state of assimilation of water sources. He looked at the captain of the disguised team, his two hands were tightly clasped behind the necks of the two members, and the faces of the two members were all purple. But they couldn’t break free from the palm of Lu Shu at all, and it was very difficult even to move.

When the palm is strong enough, normal people can’t experience the weakness of the neurons in the spine after being compressed. In fact, no one’s hand strength can do this before the recovery of spiritual energy.

Lu Shu stood above the tumbling water and calmly looked at the enemies in front of him. There was a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth and his hair was a little messy.

Seeing that his hands were gradually closed, and with two clicks, the cervical vertebrae of the two disguised team members shattered one after another.

No one expected that the carefully prepared pretender squad would reduce its staff by four without killing one person after entering the forest. You must know that overseas major organizations have great expectations for this pretender squad. , In the end, he suffered a heavy loss only when he encountered a teenager.

The captain of the disguise team almost suspects that the boy in front of him is the hidden trump card in Heaven and Earth Although the opponent’s familiarity with the forest is much worse, the opponent has too many methods!

The unarmed killing technique used by the opponent at the beginning, and the use of power is flawless, which is one of the most rewarding aspects of Lu Shu after practicing swords.

In fact, few people pay attention to their own physical exploration nowadays. After all, special ability is far more useful than close combat. Who will give up the situation?

However, Lu Shu never gave up. He practiced swords at 3 a.m. and ended at 5 a.m., and he couldn’t move. He just hoped that when one day he might really need to fight with his bare hands, he would also have no shortcomings!

If you want to live, you must have an attitude of hard work. Lu Shu is better than most cultivator.

Maybe the flying sword is very strong, maybe special ability is also very strong, maybe the mind is also very useful, but when the danger comes without warning, the body is human‘s first-order weapon based on this vast world.

However, the disguise team thought that this might be a melee physical exercise. As a result, Lu Shu used water element special ability to instantly violently kill, and even suppressed the disguise team leader earth element special ability!

Obviously they were chasing this young man, but I don’t know what happened, the captain of the disguised team almost thought that he was the one being chased down.

He has already retired, and the shadow of the unfavorable start and the continuous killing of his team members is too big.

Lu Shu retreated to the upper reaches of the mountains and rivers under the current of the water. At the moment when it was about to hide in the mountains and forests, he calmly said: “You also deserve to wear these clothes?”

The sound is like thunder on the ground, and Lu Shu feels that he is so handsome at this moment.

The captain of the disguise team was silent for a long time and asked in English: “What did he say?”


It’s still the same. The other two will be delayed. I am helpless but can’t help it. I can only make time to write slowly, and try to keep the progress of three changes every day.

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