Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 641: Biochemical weapons

It’s not that Lu Shu didn’t listen to it. It’s actually that they came to South Africa for different purposes. Xia Rensheng came to talk with EOorganization about mineral transactions. In fact, Lu Shu looked at the data and found that the reserves are still available. The big organization call is not to only sell to which one, it is estimated that they still want to talk about the price, let the various organization delegations compete for the price.

The purpose of Lu Shu coming overseas is actually only one, that is, earning distress points to improve its strength…

Where did distress points come from? At this moment, peace is not the price anymore. If peace is the price, where does distress points come from? !

The accommodation is arranged by EO. They are all newly built independent villas. However, Lu Shu thinks that EO intends to make each organization live closer to each other so that each organization will have a little friction, so that EO can profit from chaos.

Lu Shu didn’t care so much. After choosing which house to live in, I went out for a stroll. Now loose cultivator knows that his strength is a little bit higher, so they all choose not to be positive. As for whether there are any small actions in private, Lu Shu doesn’t care. .

While walking on the dilapidated streets of Anguo, he found that this place is so different from abroad. Now in China, if you want to see a dirt road, you have to go to the countryside, but here is different, it is almost a dirt road and cement The roads are divided into half, and the dust raised by a vehicle driving past can cover the sky.

Lu Shu saw a line of motorcades with the EO logo passing by on the road. There are all races in the car, and the complexion is sturdy and indifferent. This EO is obviously a worldwide employment cultivator organization.

To be honest, South Africa is a magical land. The most popular Chinese goods are motorcycles, and the second is Fengyoujing. Small bottles of Fengyoujing for a few dollars can be sold here. To 8 dollars. The entire South African motorcycle company with a market value of tens of billions is Chinese.

So some people don’t understand why the motherland wants to help build Africa. Lu Shu understands after knowing something…

There have been many people who wanted to smuggle fengyoujing. As a result, the customs here is very strict on the inspection of fengyoujing. If each person exceeds the limit, they will be confiscated.

Some merchants recycle second-hand clothing from domestic sources. A second-hand clothing sold here costs a few dollars, which is extremely profitable.

Some very distinctive merchants have also formed here. They are waiting at the port. When domestic second-hand clothing arrives at the port, they will purchase whole containers. As for whether the source of these second-hand clothing is legitimate, no one cares.

The indigenous blacks here are indeed as poor as imagined, but their consumption concepts are different from those in China. They can’t afford a piece of clothing for 8 yuan, but it’s okay. You have to borrow money to buy…

Some people from China came to South Africa to open factories. At the beginning, they habitually paid one month’s wages at a time. However, the indigenous blacks went on strike on the third day after the wages were paid: the wages were paid.

At this time, everyone understands that their thinking is limited. It turns out that the little blacks here can’t survive if they have money. They give them one month’s salary in one breath, and they don’t know for 27 days. How to keep on living……

Then the domestic factories changed the way of paying wages, with a three-day settlement, and it turned out that they spent half a day with three-day wages…

In the end, there was no way to change it to a daily payment. As a result, the day’s wages were paid, and the little blacks went out after receiving their wages and never came back…

What’s so special…

It was actually not peaceful here. It is normal for domestic compatriots to come here to be robbed and stolen. Basically, they will be fined if they encounter the police when driving a car. The result is different now. They are all cultivator. The thieves and robbers turn into quails every minute. The force value is too high to provoke…

So now stealing and robbing things in this land has become a technical task, and I don’t even dare to do it without any vision.

Lu Shu walked back when the sky was going to darken. He was a little regretful that everyone came to grab him or something, so that he could earn some distress points.

And those indigenous little blacks who are experienced in stealing and waiting for opportunities, don’t know that a player who specifically seeks them for scam has come here.

Lu Shu returned to the villa area and found that something was wrong. The entire villa area was built as luxurious as a garden, but the problem with the garden was that there were too many green vegetation suitable for hiding, and he felt the difference not only in a green belt. The ordinary energy fluctuates.

There are now 7 large organization houses that have arrived in Anguo, and around the villa where they live, Lu Shu perceives 5 unusual energy fluctuations.

Lu Shu is not happy, all of them are big organization, can’t the monitoring be more technical? !

He began to patrol the surroundings, and when he encountered energy fluctuations, he raised his hand and threw a box of stinky tofu over. No matter whether the stinky tofu soup will be sprinkled or not, it is purely a biochemical weapon.

distress points from Ian Clinton, +399…”


After throwing away, Lu Shu whispered in English: “I don’t know if there is anyone in there?”

The players inside originally smelled the smell of stinky tofu and wanted to flash the results. This sentence gave them a sentence. I have to say that the stinky tofu produced by the system is really powerful. Lu Shu has never smelled such a smell in reality. stinky tofu, then distress points is soaring…

Lu Shu is happy, he didn’t leave, he just stood there and waited to see when this group of players couldn’t help it, this group of goods is simply a fixed-point divine item, they don’t run…

The stinky tofu box itself is semi-open, and it was thrown out on the ground. Just over ten minutes later, someone retched and ran away…

Someone took the lead to run, and others followed. The organization began to rumors that the competition was very discordant that night, and that organization had entered the arena with biological weapons!

Lu Shu happily returned to the villa and heard Xia Rensheng explain to others: “We must be cautious and cautiously waiting for the arrival of the support team this time, pay attention when speaking, and take turns when we sleep at night and the curtains are required. Pull well, the surrounding geographical environment is very suitable for monitoring and observation.”

Lu Shu didn’t say a word either. He changed his clothes and sneaked out of the window. His face changed to that of a white man the moment he jumped out of the villa. He found the villas where the major organization was located and smashed them with stones. The glass then threw stinky tofu in.

Someone in the villa said a moment ago: “This should not be a real biochemical weapon. After all, it seems that cultivator does not cause real damage.”

Now the personnel in charge of surveillance have all If it is really a biochemical weapon, there should be at least some symptoms on the skin, but there is nothing.

“It is very likely that it is just a means to drive off the monitors. I suspect Heaven and Earth Net did it. After all, the outbreak point is next to the villa area of ​​Heaven and Earth Net.”

“Since there is no harm just to drive the watcher, then we can observe and observe, and also, we must confirm the identity of the other party,” Howard inside the villa said slowly.

But in the next moment, just as they were discussing countermeasures, they heard the sound of glass shattering, a white man flashed past the window, and then an unbearable smell filled the whole villa…

distress points from Ian Clinton, +666…”


Why do you still pursue active attacks? What about it is just to drive the watcher? !


To accompany my wife for a maternity checkup, there are only two changes, right

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