Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 356: Realize Anthony

Lu Shu has not paid too much attention to the time limit for the manifestation of Anthony, because it took a month for Lu to work, so Lu Shu felt that the time was too long and almost forgotten.

However, the fact is that Anthony appeared as early as 8 days ago, a full ten days earlier, because Lu Xiaoyu also opened Third Nebula.

Because of anger, Lu Shu has not sent any messages to Lu Xiaoyu in the past few days, so Lu Shu doesn’t know…

At this time, in Lu Xiaoyu’s Celestial Chart, a second black hole has appeared above Second Nebula, that is to say, she is now fully capable of manifesting two souls, and now Second Nebula has a Lu Xiaoyu in the slaughterhouse. The pig that came, the one that was detained last time was not fun, so it was blown up by Lu Shu!

Lu Shu looked at the Anthony in front of Gu. It was still a black soul. The lines outline the appearance of Anthony. Just standing so quietly can make Lu Shu feel a huge sense of oppression.

This is the harmless B Rank Anthony

Lu Shu confirmed that if the opponent was not severely injured by Chen Baili at that time, he is indeed incomparable with the opponent. If there is no injury, maybe the opponent can detain his Canine Corpse and Concealed Arrow using ordinary sand only.

At this time, the Deep Sea white sand is condensed into a bracelet and attached to both wrists of the Anthony. Of course, Soul Anthony does not need to pay too much attention to whether it is injured or not. It is good to convert all the Deep Sea white sand into offensive mode.

Lu Shu studied seriously. Lu Xiaoyu took the bowl of noodles and went to the kitchen. Lu Shu secretly took a look at the kitchen. At that time, he decisively took out the remaining colorful soul bead plug from Celestial Chart. Into Anthony‘s mouth.

However, Anthony has no sense of autonomy, but when soul bead was about to reach his mouth, he opened his mouth and swallowed soul bead.

Lu Shu has been holding this soul bead in his hand. After killing the 8 soul-form spy who sacrificed to increase their strength, this colorful soul bead appeared. As a result, Lu Xiaoyu never let him feed the soul. The soul will smirk after eating…

Lu Shu is don’t believing it, which obviously must be very useful! Where is the waste produced in Celestial Chart?

Then he watched, Anthony suddenly giggled…

Lu Shu, I’m fighting with you!” Lu Xiaoyu came out of the kitchen and saw Anthony silly and happy like the landlord’s stupid son, and he was impatient!

“No, there is Concealed Arrow now, shouldn’t it be very angry…” Lu Shu struggled to explain, Lu Xiaoyu hung on him and wanted to beat him…

As a result, Lu Shu only thought of it at this time. By the way, I was the spy who killed Canine Corpse at the beginning. Canine Corpse is in charge of joy. Of course it was a smirk…

It’s just that, what happens if one soul eats seven souls of happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, hate, lust? Will it be a freshman?

Lu Shu thought about it, if he meets something like Soul next time, he must use Concealed Arrow to kill the opponent to get soul bead, and then let Anthony eat it to see what it will look like.

But…Will Lu Xiaoyu agree? This is a big question!

“That’s not right, is there any improvement in strength? Is there anything else added? Skills?” Lu Shu felt wrong. The last time I fed the next soul bead, didn’t it raise the soul of D Rank initial stage to middle stage.

Lu Xiaoyu said coldly: “It has improved a bit, but for its own strength, it is still too little.”

Oh, Lu Shu now understands. Although this is an soul bead of C Rank, the problem is that Anthony itself is too powerful, and the astral energy of C Rank is simply a drop in the bucket for B Rank.

At this moment, Lu Dao: “In its combat instinct, there are some weird’body art’ fragments, which are incomplete, and it feels useless.”

Lu Shu suddenly, it turned out to be able to seize some of the opponent’s abilities and experience, but Anthony usually relies on special ability for fights, and it is really useless for him to have physical skills.

But Lu Shu doesn’t feel regret, Anthony itself is the biggest gain. Regarding soul bead, it needs to be explored slowly.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the memo: “How far is the furthest you can control him now?”

“One hundred kilometers,” Lu Dao.

Lu Shu was stunned. He didn’t expect to be so far away. Wasn’t it only five kilometers before? Opening an extra layer of nebula has such a big change? He opened the map and looked at it. If Xiaoyu stays at Luo City and does not move, there really is a suitable one, Mianchi County.

Lu Shu pulled Xiaoyu and murmured for a long time: “You just let Anthony go over there. I sent you the location of the mobile phone location. You can just touch things, money, spirit stone, what they have in stock, if you can It’s found to be the best.”

Tudun is simply too powerful. It perfectly avoids all surveillance. Coupled with the lethality of Anthony itself, the B Rank boss came to grab a black market. Are you afraid?

Ordinary people don’t have to hurry walk unhindered when they get the soul of the B Rank boss, at least they should cross their waists for a while and smile long.

Lu Shu is different. He subconsciously thought of looting the black market. “It’s best to do it at night. Anyway, he’s covered in black so that he can hide. If people in the black market resist, it doesn’t matter if he kills it. , I took a look at their information, and everyone has life on their hands.”

As a result, after murmured for a long time, Lu Xiaoyu looked at Lu Shu expressionlessly: “You hide my TV box and turn my detained soul into a fool, and let me grab something for you?”

Lu Shu immediately said wittily: “How can you grab it for me? Isn’t mine yours?”

It wasn’t until then that Lu Xiaoyu frowned: “Really?”

“It’s true!”

“Then I will not forget that you hid my TV box.”

Lu Shu: “…”

Mianchi is 74 kilometers away from Luo City. That group of geniuses should have just arrived, and it should be too late.

Think about the wicked looks of the big owls in the black market. Lu Shu feels that it is necessary for Anthony to take all their weapons In this way, when the other party has no weapons, the geniuses Isn’t the safety factor greatly improved?

This is a good deed! It is the contemporary Lei Feng!

Lu Shu thinks that Heaven and Earth Net should send a pennant to itself. It doesn’t matter what is written on it. It’s fine to rejuvenate, don’t pay attention to it.

Lu Xiaoyu unpacked the new mobile phone, Lu Shu suddenly said: “Then you used that mobile phone for me?” When buying a second-hand domestic mobile phone, Lu Shu bought Lu Xiaoyu more expensive.

“Then you can use it, the password is my birthday.” When Lu Xiaoyu was sent, there was a note in the swaddle with her name and birthday written on it.

Lu Shu had already picked up the Lu Xiaoyu mobile phone, but after hearing this, he put it down casually: “Let’s talk about it later.”

Lu Xiaoyu raised his brows: “Did you forget my birthday?”

Hahaha, how is it possible?!” Lu Shu said with a polite but awkward smile…

“You are done!”

distress points from Lu Xiaoyu, +999!”

“I didn’t forget, I really didn’t forget,” Lu Shu tentatively picked up the phone and entered the password: “Haha, let’s open it.”

There was a false alarm in my heart. I didn’t think of it for the first time. He didn’t even remember his own birthday. Lu Shu always felt that it’s meaningless for their orphans to remember this kind of birthday, saying that everyone was born on the day of their mother’s. Good Friday, so remember.

But… the other party discarded them like a burden. In this case, what is the meaning of birthday, Lu Shu chose to forget everything.

Just as Lu Shu went out to Tongguan again, Anthony also entered underground directly from the house and hurried towards Mianchi.


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