Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 343: Broken contract

Lu Shu couldn’t find anyone other than Cheng Qiuqiao. After all, everyone had already dispersed to make money. After two days, the reserved greenhouse flowers knew that they had to survive.

He doesn’t know what Nie Ting wants to test everyone. Lu Shu thinks that no one will be so stupid. Knowing that Heaven and Earth Net will be tested, he will do things like sneaking or robbery.

This process is not so much a test, it is more like pouring a basin of cold water on everyone’s head in a hot day, so that everyone is sober.

In fact, Lu Shu feels that seeing the change of the group of geniuses from low expert to now lowering their bodies, this process is really interesting and necessary.

If a genius still can’t lose his ‘genius burden’ during the battle, that’s the real big deal.

When Lu Shu went back, Du Xuemei had already left. Chen Zu’an was sitting on the side of the road and counting the money. Lu Shu was stunned: “They are all sold out? So fast?”

“Haha, don’t see who is selling it?” Chen Zu’an said triumphantly: “That’s Du Xuemei!”

“After hearing the first half of your sentence, I thought you were already floating…” Lu Shu said with an emoji: “Go, follow me to make a lot of money!”

Chen Zu’an‘s eyes lit up: “Big money? What big money?”

Within five minutes, Chen Zu’an murmured while picking up the stone: “Lu Shu, you are not real… If you have primitive accumulation, don’t use your ability to make money.”

“I said at the beginning that I can do whatever it takes, and I didn’t hurt the truth?” Lu Shu was unhappy.

“I always feel that you have other purposes…” Chen Zu’an always had an ominous premonition in his heart. After Lu Shu came back, he decided to go to the subway to perform again. It was too abrupt.

The two of them picked up rocks all the way to the subway entrance before, but the middle-aged man named Wang Xianda was still singing there.

Wang Xianda is singing: “Today there is only a leftover body, welcome the glorious years, hold freedom in the wind and rain…”

As a result, I turned my head and saw Lu Shu and Chen Zu’an when I sang here. At that time, I almost stopped. Why is it free to hold tight in the wind and rain, hold yourself tight…

Actually, he was a little hesitant when he came over with a guitar on his back yesterday. This subway station has the largest traffic volume in the neighborhood. The daily income is very objective. However, thinking of the ability of Lu Shu to crush stones with bare hands is too terrible, he wants to see the other Will you come again.

After waiting for a day, Wang Xianda finally determined that the two goods would not come, so he was relieved to continue selling.

As a result, the other party came again today…Wang Xianda was scared looking at the sack he was holding.

However, Lu Shu did not grind with him either, so he quickly decided to shoot the rock and perform his talent…

“After a whole life of struggle…”


“Confidence can change the future…”


Wang Xianda’s whole person is not good: “Young man, you can’t do that. Let’s just keep a little distance between us…”

Lu Shu, who was leaning on Wang Xianda, slapped another stone on his forehead with a click: “What did you say? I didn’t hear clearly…”

“You won…” Wang Xianda walked away with his guitar on his back, and called the police: “Cook? You Yaoling? There are two crazy people at the subway entrance, the scene is out of control!”

Lu Shu also wants to make a quick battle and leave after earning two hundred dollars.

I have to say that there is really no technical content in the job of slapping the head with a real stone. When the audience confirmed that Lu Shu took real stones, they were in a wonderful mood…

Lu Shu and Chen Zu’an took the money and left. It would be difficult to explain when the police arrived…

Lu Shu, tell me the truth, what do you want to do…” Chen Zu’an frowned and asked. In fact, Chen Zu’an is a typical product with a big heart, but a little bit courageous but not able to keep up with the pace of ambition. I was talking about how strong I was to be a sister, but when I saw Du Xuemei, I stammered.

But you can’t say that he can only counsel. He is not the same as the completely scared players that Lu Shu encountered in the Beiman Ruins. This guy is still a bit courageous.

In general, he is a wretched little fat man…

Now looking at Lu Shu doing this, he always feels that the purpose of Lu Shu is not to make money at all. If the purpose is to make money, with the character of Lu Shu, he can make 200 and leave? !

Lu Shu didn’t tell him, he was worried that he would scare this little fat man to death…

In the evening, Chen Zu’an greeted Lu Shu: “Let’s go, the home city is about to close. They changed the roof door yesterday. We’d better go in early and hide.”

“No hurry, no hurry,” Lu Shu took Chen Zu’an and walked on the road, getting more and more remote, making Chen Zu’an‘s ominous premonition more and more serious.

As a result, Chen Zu’an really couldn’t stand it until the early hours of the morning: “My tree brother, can we go back to sleep, where are you going?”

“Wait for someone!” Lu Shu looked at the sky and laughed cheerfully. In fact, he was not sure if the other party would come, but would he not have a new income if he came? Just grab it and run away, hiding in secret. Can Nie Ting still come and ask for money every day?

At this moment, the car engine roar suddenly came from the empty street behind them, Lu Shu‘s eyes lit up, and it came!

However, the more you listen to Lu Shu, the more it feels wrong. How can this be like a team?

He waited for a fleet of 10 black commercial vehicles appeared in the field of vision, and with a squeak, the fleet stopped in front of them.

An old acquaintance jumped out of a car first, Hao Zhichao.

Then in all the cars, an average of five or six people jumped from each car, plus the driver’s words… Is this a person number six or seven? !

Lu Shu took a breath…

Chen Zu’an almost passed out…

Hao Zhichao looked at Lu Shu and smiled: “Beat him!”

A group of expert from Heaven and Earth Net are wearing black clothes and black masks.

The sturdy aura of the opponent’s number six or seventy is unobstructed. They are really a group of heroes, all of the elite of Heaven and Earth Net!

A gust of wind blows, and Lu Shu suddenly feels that a bunch of wind is wrapped around the players to help them speed up. Lu Shu even feels that the surrounding sight starts to twist. It is not the change in space, but the refraction of light. There was a problem…

In this group of expert, how many cultivation and awakening double cultivation bosses are mixed…

Lu Shu…I am a little flustered…” Chen Zu’an shivered and said…

“Um…I am also a little flustered…” Lu Shu was already pain in the ass at the time. If you say yes, if you come back next time, you will only call more than twenty? What about where is the trust between people?

Nie Ting, fuck you!


There were a lot of typos yesterday and I said sorry to everyone, because it was coded in an Internet cafe, and the environment was a bit bad. The typos have been corrected. I was in a bad state today and I had a headache for a day, so the update was a bit late. I will continue to the next two chapters later.

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