Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 2: “The Supreme Emperor”

? The wheat ears in the field were blown by a gust of wind, and the full grains were suppressed a lot. The golden sea looked like a wave rolling, and then there was a dense rustling sound.

One by one wheat seedlings were suddenly cut off from the root by something, and then the voice of chewing came.

This is not accidental, the large tracts of wheat fields are beginning to disappear, exposing a huge group of rats inside.

A youngster wearing a black dragon robe stepped out of the void. He placed his palms on his eyes to block the light from the sky: “Little Fierce Xu, did you find the right place? You said the king is living in the ancestral land. Okay? How about we go back to him after finishing this ticket? Do you miss him? Do you think he misses me…”

In the field, Little Fierce Xu was riding majesticly on a black mouse. The black mouse the size of a hunting dog was specially equipped with a saddle and armor. The corners of the armor were engraved with the name Ouyang Lishang.

It turned back and said to Wen Zaifou: “Have up, he won’t miss you, didn’t he let you go to the ancestral land to find him?”

“Why not let me go back to my ancestors to see him? Now that the two worlds are connected, I will go back if I want!” Wen Zaifou‘s eyes widened: “And I have used facts to prove who is the most reliable Didn’t you see that he gave me the Godking position, let me help him manage the entire Lu Universe!”

dude, he made you the king here, he just hopes you stay here honestly…Lu Shu and Lu Shen are still different,” Little Fierce Xu said slowly, its small body darkened under the seat The mouse moved and bumped up and down: “You used to be able to take out God Lu’s things for pawns. That is because God Lu is not greedy for money. Now you have pawned Lu Shu things, he can **** you…”

distress points from Wen Zaifou, +666!”

“I still prefer the way you look when you can’t speak,” Wen Zaifou thought for a while and said: “I don’t care, I must go back to the ancestral land. By the way, are you sure you found Sun Xiuwen?”

Little Fierce Xu said triumphantly: “Now I want to find someone in Lu Universe in Little Fierce Xu, but it is not easy? Although he hides deeply, he still underestimates my rat tide.”

Wen Zaifou looked at a lonely thatched hut in the distance and sighed: “A great master, even willing to hide here for farming.”

“Otherwise?” Little Fierce Xu disagrees: “He is afraid of death.”

Wen Zaifou shrugged his shoulders: “The king didn’t say let him die. It is impossible to be controlled by others. Not everyone is loyal to the king like me, and even the slave mark is fearless…”

“Your physique is born to never be a slave, it has nothing to do with your loyalty or unfaithfulness,” Little Fierce Xu said cheerfully.

At this time, Sun Xiuwen in the thatched house pushed out the door with a hoe. When he saw the Wen Zaifou wearing a dragon robe, he was stunned. After standing for a long time, he smiled: “You are still here. “

Speaking, Sun Xiuwen put the **** aside against the fence, patted the dust on his body and smiled: “If you want to kill or slash, it’s up to you, didn’t that one come?”

Wen Zaifou looked at Sun Xiuwen carefully: “You don’t resist?”

Sun Xiuwen remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs‘s rhetorical question: “Resistance is useful? That one can get here with one step. As long as he is found, he is just waiting to die. He put you in Lu Universe as the new king, but he went back to his ancestral land. It’s really surprising to be the emperor.”

“My prince now disdains this fame benefit,” Wen Zaifou said proudly: “That’s just what ordinary people desire, even I don’t want to be this Godking.”

“This is not right,” Sun Xiuwen shook his head: “I really don’t care at all. Why don’t you let it go? Don’t you let you take care of it?”

“That is to prevent disputes between the two circles,” Little Fierce Xu interjected: “The Little Fierce Xu is not a talent, and I just took the post of the director of the immigration management committee of the two circles. How about this title.”

Sun Xiuwen froze for a while: “…what?”

“Forget it, I don’t understand you,” Little Fierce Xu waved its small claws.

“Why do you think my king will kill you?” Wen Zaifou was happy.

As a result, these words stunned Sun Xiuwen to ask: “Why not kill?”

Wen Zaifou happily turned around and left: “Unexpectedly, I didn’t intend to kill. The king has a purpose. He ordered you to serve as the Heavenly Emperor in the West after 23 years of farming. He promised you and it has not changed.”

Sun Xiuwen stood behind the fenced courtyard wall watching Wen Zaifou swaggering away, the rat tide also receded, not knowing where it went.

He was a little sad suddenly, but he didn’t know where the sadness came from.

At this time, Little Fierce Xu, who left with Wen Zaifou, looked up and asked: “Why didn’t our king kill Sun Xiuwen?”

“He said is the sadness of the times,” Wen Zaifou spreads out: “Sun Xiuwen is just a victim of this chaotic era, and he doesn’t want it.”

“But he did betray in the last battle. Our prince is still kind,” Little Fierce Xu said.

“I thought the same way at the time. If I changed it, I would definitely kill Sun Xiuwen, as well as those who were wronged. But the king said, don’t let the sorrow of the times become your own sorrow,” Wen Zaifou thought for a while and said, “This The sentence is a bit esoteric, I have to think about it again.”


Three months later, an uninvited guest suddenly came outside the small courtyard on Xingshu Road. He was wearing a black dragon robe and stood outside the door and patted the door hard: “My lord, I have come to see you! Do you miss me! “

“My lord, you open the door!”

“My lord, why don’t you speak, I know you are at home!” (https:)

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