Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 1247: Unlucky Bandit

The first battle of Imperial Dragon Class‘s return created a purgatory on earth. Zhang Weiyu and others looked back, full of other people’s blood. They walked forward, stepped on them, and sank into the blood of their ankles.

Li Liang came to Lu Shu and said, “My lord, it’s over.”

Lu Shu looked at the devastation and suddenly sighed: “Too many killed.”

The corpses of those slave owners lay twisted on the ground. Imperial Dragon Class‘s killing methods were too fierce, and this group of slaughter bodies were so fierce that there was an imaginary sense of blood in the battlefield. Chen Zu’an and Cheng Qiuqiao are in the inner hall straight line, they suddenly feel

Those who live for desire must die for desire. This is probably the fate of slave owners.

“My lord, you came back to kill people. Imperial Dragon Class should have accompanied you on this corpse mountain and blood sea to let the world understand who is the real king,” Li Liang said calmly: “This time you don’t even need to Do it yourself, we will kill these shrimp soldiers and crabs for you.”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Lu Shu smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I am not as indecisive as you think. I will fight alongside you. I have not killed anyone without killing.”

Li Liang doesn’t say more. In fact, he himself understands very well that Lu Shu must know better than him what to do or not to do, and he does not need to say more.

What they didn’t know was that the space channel hadn’t even been closed at this time, so the Heaven and Earth Net warrior on the wall of Dragon Gate Fortress hadn’t dispersed yet, and they saw a river of blood flowing into the earth along the space channel.

The bright red and sticky blood river flows all the way, as if it will never end, this river flows straight down the Dragon Gate Fortress city wall!

The soldiers of Heaven and Earth Net were all stunned: “How many people did they kill on the ninth Heavenly Net? What a fierce war would have to happen?”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

“Judging from the strength of Valiant Guardian Army, ninety-nine percent of this blood is probably the enemy. In just a few minutes, I am afraid that it has killed tens of thousands of people,” someone said uncertainly.

Everyone knows that Lu Shu went to war, and everyone has killed people, but the blood still came a little too soon. You know, Lu Shu, they just entered Lu Universe.

It is this scene of the blood river that caused many Heaven and Earth Net soldiers to misunderstand Lu Universe. Lu Universe is like a purgatory in their eyes.

“Do you remember,” someone said suddenly: “One time we had a meal with Valiant Guardian Army in the cafeteria, some of them said that the ninth Heavenly Net is the king of the purgatory world.”

“It seems like this…”

To this day, Lu Universe is still confusing in the eyes of people on earth. No one has actually been there, so I don’t know the truth. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

At this time, the Lu Shu screamed, and Imperial Dragon Class walked in the direction of Nangeng City like a giant dragon. The heavy armor was crushed on the mountain road, like a huge chariot moving violently. , Even the mountain road has to be flattened.

It didn’t take long for the people in Nangeng City to have a neat look of panic on their faces. They heard the rumbling of footsteps in the distance, step by step like stepping on a heartbeat, almost suffocating.

The garrison at the head of the city panicked, and then he saw the banner in the torrent of armor: Get rid of poverty and become rich!

Someone yelled: “Valiant Guardian Army is back!”

All the caring people in the city suddenly looked back to the west, which was the direction when Lu Shu and others came. They have been lurking here for a long time and they didn’t expect the other party to come back one day!

In fact, the various forces are waiting for them to be inserted here, but no one thinks that they can wait. Everyone felt boring when they couldn’t wait. Everyone hoped that Valiant Guardian Army would come back soon, but when the other party did come back, they were a little scared. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Only contrary to their expressions, the people of Nangeng City really welcome Valiant Guardian Army.

Before, when Valiant Guardian Army was here, it was a peaceful place. The city became cleaner and more prosperous. No one dared to rob, not to mention that no one in the city was robbed. Even the bandits and horse bandits in Nanzhou were all robbed. Forced to move to other states, after all, there is only one army that dare to go to King City to suppress bandits…

It’s just that after Valiant Guardian Army left, the bandit and horse bandit came back. The soap factory of Nangeng City also stopped, because no one knew how the caustic soda process came about. Lu Xiaoyu and Lu Shu concealed this key process.

So the merchants don’t like to come very much, and there are robbers and robbers, and it is too uncomfortable to live this day.

Now Valiant Guardian Army is back, no matter what others say, the people of Nangeng City think this is a good thing anyway!


Everyone ran towards the Nangeng City city wall in unison to see if Valiant Guardian Army really came back.

It’s just that when Lu Shu they appeared in the field of vision, everyone saw the blood that had just dried on them, the hideous purple was like the lines on the devil, murderous aura soaring to the sky!

At this time, the people of Nangeng City suddenly realized that in addition to being the owner of Nangeng City and leading everyone to make money, Valiant Guardian Army is also an army that can enter King City to kill!

“Where did they come from?” Someone asked suspiciously: “How many people did they kill?”

“I heard that a lot of slave owners gathered in the space channel to the west of Tiangeng will not all be killed by Valiant Guardian Army!”

“Are you sure it is Valiant Guardian Army?”

“You can’t go wrong with the flag of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich. Besides them, who else would raise this flag…”


The information about the return of Valiant Guardian Army has been rushed out of the city by interested people, and some news has even been delivered directly to King City!

This news is like a huge boulder falling into the sea that was about to be calm, causing an uproar!

The King City giants began to worry about the family members to discuss countermeasures. In fact, they are the ones who least want to see turmoil. As the top giants, every turmoil may represent a wealthy fallen.

Now that the Song Family gambling shop owner Xiao Mingze has soared in the family’s value, it’s not that Song Family wants to take refuge in Lu Shu. They treat Xiao Mingze and Dazhu Zhao Shuai kindly. It’s all because these two have a good relationship with Lu Shu. One day Song Family wants to stand in a team, then Xiao Mingze and Zhao Shuai are their best links to Lu Shu.

But the most uncomfortable thing is not the King City giants, but the bandits who have just moved back to Nanzhou because of the disappearance of Valiant Guardian Army.

Originally, everyone got news that Valiant Guardian Army had left. They went to other places to occupy the mountains and have to grab food from the local snakes. How can they be happy in their homes? So Valiant Guardian Army disappeared, and they immediately returned.

But what is going on now? We just came back, so are you? !

In just one night, the bandits in Nanzhou started dragging their families and embarking on the road of escape…Why does this make sense? !


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