Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 1146: Celestial Chart Mystery

Lu Shu frowned: “Anyone?”

This scene is too weird. He also specifically asked Nie Ting how it feels to step into the void. Both Nie Ting and Shi Xuejin said it was just opening a door to another coordinate.

Is it because your coordinates are wrong? Impossible, as long as you think about the destination in your heart, what Lu Shu just thought about is the small courtyard in Dragon Gate Fortress!

There is weirdness here, but Lu Shu is not particularly nervous, because…this is in his Celestial Chart.

When Lu Shu saw the regular arrangement of the huge nebula composed of stars, he had already realized this.

Lu Shu has enlightenment in his heart. This is not an accident, but a place where he must come after stepping into the void. There must be something hidden here waiting for him to find, but Celestial Chart has always been in his body, and he hasn’t seen anything hidden.

At this time, Lu Shu is more curious whether his soul came in, or his body also came in?

Lu Shu wanted to take a look to see if the Celestial Chart in his body was still there, but he found that he couldn’t see it, and even star force was gone.

At this moment, Lu Shu heard a sound from the starry sky: “I made the rice. You washed the dishes.”

“You go.”

“Why don’t you go?”

“Or else…”

Lu Shu can’t laugh or cry. Isn’t this the sound of Chen Zu’an and Cheng Qiuqiao, so I actually entered Celestial Chart from spiritual consciousness, I’m sure it’s correct…

Now Lu Shu is relieved. At least there will be no such thing as being unable to go back. Lu Shu settled down and began to search for the secrets in Celestial Chart. What was it that gave him spiritual consciousness to suddenly enter Celestial Chart?

However, Lu Shu hasn’t looked for long before suddenly heard a voice from the stars: “Hey, why is the tree brother standing at the door?”

“Yes, Brother Tree, what are you doing?”

Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, come and see what happened to the tree brother?”

The next moment Cheng Qiuqiao cried out: “Brother Tree what happened to you, don’t have anything to do with you!”

Chen Zu’an also cried: “Yes, tree brother, if something is wrong, why are we going to North America…”

“We have to find a way to wake up Brother Tree!”

“Brother tree, there are one hundred dollars on the ground…Two hundred…Fifty thousand!” Chen Zu’an was dumbfounded: “This is not awake, the tree brother really fainted!”

Lu Shu: “…hehe.”

If he is not looking for secrets in Celestial Chart, he will now slap Chen Zu’an on the back of the head…

Lu Shu no longer thinks about things outside, and Lu Xiaoyu guarding the side will not let him happen.

At this moment, Lu Shu suddenly saw Concealed Arrow, Canine Corpse, Yin Sparrow, Seizing Thief, Non-Toxic gourd leaving the main star and flying towards him.

Lu Shu looked at them and felt very kind, but at this time, these swords and gourds also looked very big.

It doesn’t seem that the sword has become bigger, but he has become smaller.

Concealed Arrow got under his feet and seemed to want Lu Shu controlling sword to fly. As a result, the gourd rushed over and knocked Concealed Arrow away, leaving Lu Shu sitting on the gourd…The Concealed Arrow and Canine Corpse beside him were aggrieved, but they didn’t seem to be wronged. Looks too dare to provoke the gourd.

Lu Shu sat on the gourd crying and patted the gourd: “Why are you so overbearing.”

But think about it, it was normal for the gourd not to buy him at the beginning…He used to be an “outsider” with the gourd, so he can do things easily when he uses the gourd to top the thunder. After all, this gourd is not very obedient.

But now, he looks at the gourd and looks at Concealed Arrow or Canine Corpse, which is a son, and the palms and backs of the hands are all fleshy…

The gourd carried Lu Shu towards the dim edge of Celestial Chart, and Lu Shu was taken aback. It should be the position of the sixth and seventh nebula, and it hasn’t been lit yet.

But the next moment the gourd was already above the nine heavens, Lu Shu stood up on the gourd and looked down at all the stars below. I don’t know why, an inexplicable heroism in his heart began to stir.

Lu Shu said calmly: “You brought me here, what do you want me to see?”

bottle gourd mouth spit out a piece of star radiance, and Lu Shu suddenly saw a sword standing quietly in the starry sky, with a drop of blood on the tip of the sword.

Lu Shu took the long sword into his hand with a thought. The long sword was delicate and sharp, and the body and hilt were both silver.

He put the long sword horizontally in front of him, and saw a small line of words engraved on the sword: “I only need three points for the scenery in this world.”

Lu Shu was stunned, but he understood in an instant that this is the sword of the master of Sword Cottage!

How did this sword get into Celestial Chart? Lu Shu found that the internal qi of this sword seems to be symbiotic with Celestial Chart, obviously it is foreign object, how did he achieve it?

He looked at the drop of blood on the tip of the sword carefully, and Lu Shu suddenly looked at the gourd: “I ask you a question. If yes, you will nod your head. If you are not, you will shake your head. Did someone use the hard work of the sword and Celestial Chart? Signed an agreement?”

Gourd nodded, and Lu Shu was silent.

He probably knows what’s going on. Celestial Chart is bright and dark, and it sounds like equal, but the dark picture shows that it is the servant and Celestial Chart is the master.

Lu Shu doesn’t know how Celestial Chart chose the dark map But this time, Celestial Chart reached an agreement with someone, and the other party willingly carried the dark map.

Lu Shu turned the sword body unintentionally and was stunned. There was a line of small characters on the back of the sword body that seemed to be engraved later: “I don’t want any of the scenery in this world, just people.”

At Lu Universe, Lu Shu once expressed emotion at how bold the strange woman was, and even asked for a three-point view of the world.

At this time, I don’t know why Lu Shu has only a slight pain in his heart. The woman who is strong enough to go to the Godking palace to fight with Old God King does not need anything now.

The other party abandoned everything and only asked for a heart.

Lu Shu originally thought that coming to Celestial Chart this time would be a precious magical item, but it turned out to be a more precious gift.

Compared with this, what is magical item?

At this moment, a voice came from the starry sky: “Lu Xiaoshu, I will give you three seconds to open my eyes quickly, do you hear me!”

Lu Shu opened his eyes with a smile, and spiritual consciousness in Celestial Chart returned to his place in an instant: “Lu Xiaoyu, you really need to change your temper, should I just make a joke?”

Lu Xiaoyu curled his lips and turned back to the room: “Insane!”

“Brother tree, are you really okay?” Chen Zu’an and Cheng Qiuqiao look at each other in dismay: “I don’t think you were pretending just now.”

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds and looked at Chen Zu’an: “Have the dishes washed?”

“Not yet…” Chen Zu’an said cautiously.

Slap Lu Shu on the back of the head with a slap on the back of Chen Zu’an: “Let you not wash the dishes!”


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