Solo Leveling Chapter 31:

I Alone Level-up: Chapter 31


“Yes, all of the prisoners are C-rank, but the HSD Hunter is a B-rank, so there’s nothing to worry about . ”


Kim Sangshik relented and nodded .  It was a basic theory that you needed at least 10 C-rank Hunters to defeat a single B-ranker .  If such a B-ranker was offering to not only watch the prisoners but also help with the Raid, there was nothing to complain about .


‘A single B-ranker and three C-rankers…’


Jinwoo stared at the HSD Hunter and the prisoners with confusion .


‘Something’s weird . ’


There was a strange killing intent spilling forth from one of them .  Was this an effect of the sense stat, or was he just imagining things out of worry? Whatever it was, Jinwoo could not help but feel uneasy .


He whispered to Juhee,


“Juhee-ssi, please don’t go on this Raid . ”


She looked around then responded,


“What about you?”


He answered her question with a question,


“If I go?”


“Then I’m also going . ”


Her face was determined to follow him .


‘I understand you’re worried about me, but…’


Having experienced her stubbornness in the past, Jinwoo relented .


‘I suppose everything should be alright if I’m there . ’


After all, he had single handedly defeated Hwang Dongseok’s party, which included 5 C-rankers .


Jinwoo nodded,


“Alright . Alright . ”


The HSD Hunter finished with the documents then appeared before all the Hunters .


“I’m Kang Taeshik of the Hunter Surveillance Department . I’m sure you’ve already heard the situation . I’ll be keeping a close eye on them, so don’t worry about those **** . ”


He gestured towards the prisoners, and they came to him and held out their cuffed hands .  One by one, Kang Taeshik uncuffed them .


“Aw man, that was really uncomfortable . ”

“You can’t drag us around like this . We’re not slaves, ya know?”


The freed prisoners rubbed their wrists and complained .  Ignoring them, Kang Taeshik turned toward the Hunters .


“Who’ll be leading the Raid today?”


Having taken the responsibility normally, Song Chiyeol half-heartedly raised his hand .


Kang Taeshik nodded,




With Song Chiyeol in front, the Hunters started entering the Gate .


“Let’s go . ”


Jinwoo and Juhee also stood before the Gate .  Remember her last trip into a Dungeon, Juhee lightly held on to Jinwoo’s sleeves as they entered .





The Dungeon this time was filled with goblins .  Faced against the weakest humanoid type magic beasts, the Raid was a lot easier than expected .






Even before he had powered up, Jinwoo could take on these bizarre looking things .  He carefully defeated of them one by one . His combat prowess surprised Juhee and Song Chiyeol, who had not remembered him like this .




Jinwoo was using the bare minimum power required, as to not get noticed, but the difference between his old self was still noticeable .


Juhee approached him and asked,


“Have-have you been learning somewhere?”


“That’s er… I’ve been running every day . ”




Juhee was confused, but it wasn’t exactly a lie .


‘But… I’m not getting any experience points…’




The enemy’s level was too low . You’ve gained no experience points .




The enemy’s level was too low . You’ve gained no experience points .


Jinwoo was disappointed .  All he kept getting was the message that the goblins’ levels were too low .


‘At this rate…’


Even worse, the magic cores from the goblins were the lowest tier possible .  Jinwoo looked around . Excited at the freedom of movement after a long time, the prisoners were going all out on the goblins .






It was hard to tell who was the human and who was the beast .


‘Looks like I don’t have to do that much . ’


Still, he wasn’t getting experience or good income .  This concerned Jinwoo,


‘If it’s going to be like this all the time, should I just leave the Association?’


The Raids under the Association were mostly D-rank or E-rank Gates, and if he was not getting any experience points in those low-level Dungeons, there was no point to staying with the Association .


‘And at this point, I can easily take care of mother’s hospital bills…’


He could leave the Association whenever he wanted .  This was why having money was good . It allowed Jinwoo more freedom in the paths that he could take .


While he was lost in thought, the party had ventured deep into the Dungeon .





They came across three different paths .  Kang Taeshik suggested to Song Chiyeol,


“The Dungeon’s difficulty is rather low . Shall we split up here?”


“Sounds good . ”


Song Chiyeol agreed .  Jinwoo closed his eyes and focused his senses .


‘Now which path leads to the boss?’


He had hoped at least the boss would give him some small amount of experience .  Soon, the energy of the various lifeform in the Dungeon entered his senses . Opening his eyes, Jinwoo told Song Chiyeol,


“Ahjussi, let’s go to the left path . ”


“Alright . ”


Jinwoo, Juhee and Song Chiyeol chose the left path .  Kang Taeshik and the prisoners chose the right path . The remaining two went down the middle path .


Jinwoo’s heartbeat increased slightly .


‘The boss is at the end of this path . ’


It couldn’t be called strong, but it definitely gave off a tougher presence than the goblins .  Jinwoo wanted to get to the boss quickly . But just after taking few steps into the left path, a group of goblins appeared and blocked their way .


“Kikik . ”

“Kiriririk . ”

“Kiiik . ”


There was about ten of them .  Holding wooden clubs, wooden swords and wooden staves, the goblins gave absolutely no sense of danger to Jinwoo .


‘Aren’t they tired of this?’


Jinwoo scrunched his face in annoyance .  These worthless things that ran at him with no experience points or money were just a thorn at his sides .


“There are ten of them…”

“What should we do? Should we group with the others and come back?”


However, the other two with him were taking it much more seriously .


“Well, since they’re just goblins, we should just give it a go . ”

“Hmm… Okay . ”


A fireball appeared in Song Chiyeol’s hand and Juhee began preparing her healing magic .  Jinwoo scratched the back of his head .


‘Now that I think about it, I’ve never been this relaxed in a Dungeon before…’


Was it because he had become incomparably stronger? Applied to a familiar situation from his old life, Jinwoo finally began to feel the changes that he was undergoing .


Song Chiyeol interrupted his thoughts,


“Sung-ssi, are you ready?”

“Yes . ”


Jinwoo matched the pace of his teammates and slowly stepped up towards the goblins .  Suddenly, a scream rang forth from somewhere .





It wasn’t goblin .  It was a human scream .  Jinwoo and co . looked at each other .  Just as they thought the screams had died out, another one rang forth .




Song Chiyeol’s face hardened,


“Let’s go check it out . ”


The three Hunters quickly ran towards the direction of the scream .  Jinwoo could’ve easily went ahead of the two but decided to match their speed for their safety .  After running for some time, they came across the source .


Juhee discovered someone and shouted,


“Over there! Someone is…”


The HSD Hunter Kang Taeshik was kneeling on the ground, covered in blood .  He shouted at the approaching party,


“B-be careful! Those **** are still around somewhere!”


Appearing to have shouted with the last bit of his strength, Kang Taeshik collapsed face-down onto the ground .  Unable to ignore him, Juhee quickly ran toward his body .


“I’ll heal him!”


Even after everything she had gone through, Juhee still held pride as a B-rank Healer .  Even if there were enemies around, her healing would be quick . She concluded that it would be best to heal Kang Taeshik before they could attack .


“Please just wait . ”


She held out her hands in front of Kang Taeshik, and a light gathered in her hands .


It was in that moment, Kang Taeshik shot up from the ground and stretched a hand filled with magic power toward Juhee’s throat .




Before his hand could reach Juhee’s throat, someone grabbed his wrist in the nick of time .






Taking few steps backwards in surprise, Juhee fell onto the ground .


Kang Taeshik was surprised .


‘Someone stopped my attack at this distance?’


It was easy for a higher-ranking Hunter to dispose of a lower-ranking one .  That’s why his first target was the female Hunter, who was a B-ranker like him .  Fortunately for him, she was a noncombat-class Hunter, so he had expected to take care of her easily through a surprise attack .


But his attack… was stopped .


The efforts he put toward acting disappeared in a puff of smoke .


Kang Taeshik’s eyes followed the hand holding his wrist to Jinwoo’s face .  Jinwoo’s eyes were filled with murderous intent . Kang Taeshik frowned,


“Just a **** Association-affiliated Hunter?!”




Kang Taeshik’s other fist flew towards Jinwoo’s face, but the man easily turned his head and dodged the attack .




Kang Taeshik threw aside Jinwoo’s grip with strength .




Jinwoo was also surprised .  It was a strength worthy of a high-ranking Hunter .


Having freed himself from Jinwoo’s hands, Kang Taeshik rained his fists upon him mercilessly .  Not losing to his speed, Jinwoo dodged and counterattacked .


Hit! Strike! Woosh! Bam! Pow!


The two men ceaselessly traded and evaded each other’s blows .  Neither of them backed off .


While they were fighting, Song Chiyeol grabbed Juhee and pulled her away from the danger .




Juhee could not speak, stunned .  Song Chiyeol was even more surprised than her .


‘How is this possible…?’


Their offense and defense were happening at an unbelievable speed .  It was too fast even to track with his own eyes . The high-ranking Hunter’s movements made sense, but Sung Jinwoo was not the man he had remembered .  The young man was keeping up with the B-ranker .


‘His speed is too fast even for this C-ranker’s eyes!’


He was correct on his feelings earlier .  The Jinwoo that was fighting before him was not the same weak E-ranker from before .


Having traded dozens of exchanges in a blink of an eye, the two fighters backed away from each other to catch their breath .


Jinwoo looked at Kang Taeshik with narrowed eyes,


“The blood on your clothes… It’s not yours, is it?”


Kang Taeshik rubbed his wrists replied,


“That’s right . It’s those fuckers’ blood . Putting that aside, to think that I’d meet a Hunter like you here . ”


He was truly awed .  He had no idea that there was an Association-affiliated Hunter that was a high-ranker .


‘This is not good . ’


He had thought that today was the best opportunity to act, but Jinwoo’s appearance had thrown a wrench in his plans .


Kang Taeshik asked out of curiosity,


“Who are you? What’s your ranking?”


Jinwoo summoned Casaka’s Poisoned Fang in his hand and answered .


“Sung Jinwoo . E-rank . ”



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