So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 317: A rare comfort, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

Where is the least likely to go for a person with an innate fire spirit?

Of course, it is the water spirit ground vein.

The fairy can’t cultivate here at all, even the true essence can’t move, and the unlucky ones will even be sucked away from the spiritual energy of the whole body, the realm will fall, and years of hard work will be in vain.

Where will a person who wants to avoid the sight of others go?

If you don’t play in the dark under the lights, you have to go to places where no one is willing to approach.

There are a lot of water, spirit, and ground veins in the heavens, but the only ones that can be called dangerous are Ten Thousand Waterfall Valley and Qingyuan Mountain-the two are not a dangerous method, one is densely hidden and cannot be walked out, but the other is ordinary. It’s just hard to get out.

The valley of Qingyuan Mountain is also called Zheyunxia.

If a fairy flies over the sky stupidly, the auspicious clouds stepping on it will be unstable immediately. The closer to the ground, the greater the impact. If it is flying over the valley, Xuanxian can be pulled down instantly.

Unless it is a fairy in the form of a bird, you have to climb the cliff with your bare hands.

Then fell half-dead…

But this is difficult, and it is not a problem in the eyes of the three masters and apprentices.

There is no vegetation in the river valley, but a bamboo building was built. Where did this material come from?

Nan Hongzi chopped a few roots on the top of the mountain. No one looked around. Shi Shiran went down the cliff. After a while, he wiped his hands, stepped on the rocks, and climbed up easily.

If you don’t need True Yuan, you can’t take a leap, you can’t climb mountains?

How could it be possible that even Chen He had been standing on plum blossom piles since he was young, and he could not practice a whole set of boxing techniques on uneven and sometimes skewed wooden piles.

It’s just that Chen He has lost these memories.

I heard that this place is safe because of the fact that it is difficult for immortals to climb up the cliff from the bottom of the valley. Chen He showed an unbelievable or inexplicable expression on his face.

Because the instinct is still there, looking at this cliff is quite interesting.

To talk about the difficulty…

Chen He thought that as long as it was a fairy, it would do.

“Little apprentice, don’t be too high.” Nan Hongzi changed his clothes and was sitting leisurely by the water fishing at the moment, with a wide robe and big sleeves, a bun and a wooden hairpin, all over his body can be said to be worthless, anywhere. Not a magic weapon.

Xiao Xian would be embarrassed to go out if she wears this suit.

“Three thousand worlds, there are always immortals who can climb mountains and cliffs, but there is nothing at the bottom of the valley, and no one will be able to stroll around. We need a temporary shelter.”

Nan Hongzi yawned lazily, and Shi Feng waved his hand: “What are you supposed to do, what to do, or build a house. No matter how old you are, don’t bother to be a teacher.”

Looking at Nan Hongzi, who is free to go fishing, and the fat baby who is squatting next to him with a serious face, Chen He couldn’t help saying:

“…is there fish in this water?”

“What do you mean?” Nan Hongzi asked leisurely.

Of course not, anyone with long eyes can tell.

This water spirit vein is very pure, but it is buried too deep, and the only part that is exposed to the ground is this river valley. Only this way, it has nourished the Qingyuan Mountain for two hundred miles.

Unlike Liuyan mountain fire, water naturally nourishes everything.

But the extremely pure earth veins also absorb spiritual energy, and not only there are no spiritual things, but even ordinary things do not exist.

The Qingyuan Mountain and River Valley has become such a contradictory place.

Seeing that the little apprentice didn’t understand what he meant, Nan Hongzi couldn’t help but stared, “Can’t you see that I’m making fire in the stone?”


Chen He deliberately pulled back his fire spirit, but Shi Zhong Huo didn’t even turn his head, staring at the water with hope.

——Shi Zhonghuo is afraid of Shi Feng, and his owner always has to talk to Shi Feng, so he doesn’t bother to go.

Look at Chen He who is amnesia, it’s not like that!

I think of myself following Shi Feng involuntarily, full of trust, unable to explain at all, as if I was willing to be kidnapped by Shi Feng, and the fireball was kidnapped by Nan Hongzi.

Can’t bear to be deceived by the fire in the stone, Chen He bored and said with divine thought:

“Why is this the master?”

Is it fun to cheat on fire?

“Hey? Little apprentice, what do you think is the most important thing to walk around in this world?” Nan Hongzi tilted his side to the rock, and lazily clicked the fishing rod in his hand. “This is not a fishing rod, but It’s’hope’, it’s’what if’! People, don’t bet on this’what if’, but you must never let go of’hope’. As a teacher, you are not fishing, nor are you deceiving a fire in the stone, but giving it some hope , Let it have something to think about.”

These words…

Chen He’s view of Nan Hongzi changed again.

Anyway, the master will coax the child, just let him go.

Chen He left silently.

There is nothing but rocks in the valley.

The place was wide open. Chen He went around and found that besides being unable to use his true essence, it was actually a surprisingly good and clean place.


Standing three steps away, Chen He whispered to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng, who was calculating his residence, saw that his younger brother had returned from Nan Hongzi, he asked Chen He what kind of house he likes, and if he likes that bamboo building, Nan Hongzi is there, and he should go to study now. , Ensure that the one is stronger than the one that leaks from all sides.

Chen He entangled in his joyful mood.

——He asked himself how old he was, and he was very happy for a suggestion from his brother, is it fair?

He had a calm expression and appeared disapproving: “It’s nothing more than a house. If you want to build a bamboo tower, you have to climb up the cliff. Although it is not difficult to avoid others, it is not difficult. I see the mountains and rocks here. Many, just grab it and build a house.”

After that, before Shi Feng answered, he immediately searched for a flat rock.

He lifted it up with one hand and placed it on the clearing cleared by Shi Feng.

Seeing his practical and hard work, Shi Feng smiled slightly, and followed the instructions of his younger brother to find rocks that could be used to build houses.

You go back and forth again and again, and it doesn’t take long for the “code” to come out.

Even because Chen He deliberately separated from Shi Feng, the house was accidentally built…

Nan Hongzi leaned comfortably on the shore, watching the apprentices busy, and looking down to find that Shi Zhonghuo was puzzled, so he followed the fat baby’s thoughts and said: “Why not care , It’s better to catch fish.”

Shi Zhonghuo nodded vigorously.

“Yes…is there?” Fat Dun had serious distrust of the river.

“No, will you stop catching fish?”


Pang Dun said that he hasn’t seen a river in 300 years. There is a rare one, how can he let it go easily.

“Then let’s go fishing.”

Nan Hongzi took out the second fishing rod and stuffed it to Fat Dun: “Here, take it, don’t worry.”

Then comfortably made a pillow with one hand, leaning on the rocks by the river and closing his eyes to rest.

The wind was blowing slowly, and the current was rushing. When Chen He was looking for a more suitable stone, he was almost speechless by this picture—who is the child who is holding the fishing rod, serious and attentive ?

Teaching the innate fire spirit to go fishing, this master is also–

Chen He thought for a long time, but couldn’t find a proper word, it was really indescribable.

He went back to find his senior with a mixed feeling.

No matter how you look at it, Shi Feng is pleasing to the eye and normal. Well, maybe this is also the reason why he got close to the brother!

After the rough roof (borrowing the sloping cliffs) and the walls are tightly connected, the house is finally able to see people, and Chen He stepped in and was taken aback.

To be honest, this place is far worse than Liuyanshan Cave Mansion.

There is even more nothing in it, but Chen He has an indescribable throbbing, just like he has lived here for a long time.

After tentatively asking this doubt, Shi Feng smiled: “Well, a long time ago, when the brother picked you up, we also lived in a valley where there was also a pond, and the cave was under the cliff. I can hear the rushing water outside.”

“So, what is the place called?”

“Black Abyss Valley.”

Chen He thought about it seriously, but had no impression.

“How long do we… live there?”

This question silenced Shi Feng.


Chen He is a little uneasy.

When facing Shi Feng, he always has a kind of anxiety about gains and losses, which is not in line with his usual temperament. Chen He wanted to change, but every time he made up his mind, it quickly didn’t help.

Shi Feng came back to his senses, thinking that Junior Brother doesn’t remember anything now, and he didn’t want to say any more, which made Chen Hetuo annoyed. He only said indifferently: “From the habits of monks and immortals, we live in Black Abyss Valley. How long, more than ten years.”


That’s really short enough, Chen He can practice for ten years now.

If you are lucky, you will remember things when you wake up.

“But, this is the first time I spent with my younger brother.” Shi Feng touched Chen He’s forehead and said deliberately, “My younger brother was very obedient.”

Chen He finally woke up: That was more than ten years of growing up.

He was slightly embarrassed, and Chen He was a little worried: “When I was young, I must have made a lot of stupid things.”

Unless you are born with it, no matter how terrible you become, this dark history is always inevitable.

“No, the younger brother is very smart, and the exercises will be taught as soon as they are taught.”

I immediately forgot the next day, and I need to use aura to guide Chen He all the time to get Chen He used to the big week cycle.

At that time, Shi Feng was still stuck in the problem of training chakras. Nirvana’s true essence could not be used at all. He could only cultivate some unaffected auras by himself every day, not entering the dantian, but used for dredging. The meridians of the younger brother are rooted.

This is the case every day, until Chen He Zhuji is completed.

Ten years, very short and very long.

“Take a rest first.” Shi Feng looked at Chen He.

In any case, after several separations, the younger brother is in front of him again, without any disease and disaster, even if the road ahead is unpredictable, they will always go on together.

Chen He was a little strange by this gaze. Seeing Shi Feng sitting cross-legged, he seemed to be practicing, so he asked: “You can’t use true essence here, don’t move aura, how to practice?”

And it seems that I will stay here for a long time.

Regardless of the immortal realm or the mortal world, strength is always fundamental, and it must not be left behind.

“The exercises of my school are inherently special. You can perceive the earth veins here, just practice the heart.”

“But…” Chen He wasn’t sure if he remembered.

“You have been in Liuyan Mountain for three hundred years, and you have reached the realm of Luo Tianshang, how can you not?” Shi Feng smiled slightly, “You don’t need true essence, just look at the earth veins with the spirit.”

“Doesn’t need true essence to protect the soul? My soul has been hurt for many years…”

“I am here.” Shi Feng said relievedly.

Chen He paused, finally closing his eyes.

As soon as the soul came out, he suddenly felt a familiar coolness, and wrapped his soul in it. The feeling of relaxation and comfort made Chen He groan:

“It turned out to be brother——”

Thousands of miles apart, the faint fit, how can it be comparable to the close blend?

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