So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 29: Road encounter, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

Three months passed in a flash.

The refugees gathered outside the city of Yuzhou have long since dispersed. The imperial court called on them to build the river embankment. Although they worked hard, they could eat a bite of rice. In the coming spring, they would be able to return to their hometowns with food from the imperial court.

Snowflakes are coming from the north wind.

The snow is as small as cotton wool blown by a gust of wind, and it melts before it reaches the ground.

Chen He simply didn’t even bring the oil-paper umbrella, learning from the pedestrians on the street, raising his sleeves and raising his fur collar, even covering half of his face.

The crowds in the market buying New Year’s goods are crowded, rubbing shoulders, and many people have taken off their felt hats. They are sweating profusely and competing with the vendors for prices. All kinds of turbidity are coming. , I am afraid that I will frown and leave on the spot.

Chen He followed the crowd indifferently, and when he was hit by the uncle carrying a live chicken, he would look at the chicken with interest. The big **** is full of air, if it is not for its mouth tied, it can be pecked out with a fierce.

Vitality is exuberant, and it fades away.

It seems that this chicken was not bought to be crowed, but to be slaughtered and eaten.

Chen He shrugged, and was squeezed to a fish stall again. He squatted aside with interest to look at this one, and then looked at the other one.

Squatting with him are two children in old cotton clothes, both with big excited eyes.

The man who sells fish has been busy for a long time and took a look, heh, where’s the young man from here, and he doesn’t dress like he hasn’t eaten fish before, dare you to have never seen live fish? His fresh goods were all taken away by the servants of the big family. Fudge, maybe the youngsters who don’t work hard and have no distinction of grains will be foolish to buy the remaining fish together with the bucket!

“Look, the best Yellow River carp! If you don’t eat it every year, it’s a good sign to buy it home!”

Nonsense, this fish was not caught by the Yellow River, and it will not survive the afternoon at all.

Chen He patted his sleeves, and left without incident.

When I turn to another street, the turbidity fades. Various new year painting gold foil papers are stacked with fireworks and firecrackers. There are also people who paint sugar and sell rice cakes. There are children running all over the street. There are two or three. He didn’t care when he hit Chen He’s foot.

Many states in the world, to observe the aura of all souls, are all good ways to advance to the realm of the Northern Xuan School.

Chen He has no interest in pretending to be a beggar to beg for life. It’s good to go shopping, and he came out today with important things.

Brother went out this morning, saying that he would hide his identity and go to the Heluo School’s cultivation market to buy things.

There is a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are many masters, so I won’t take him with him. It may take three days to come back. Before Shi Feng left, he asked Chen He to play in the street, and secretly asked the puppets to protect him secretly.

Chen He grabbed the brother and gave fifty taels of silver in a daze.

He has been in Yuzhou for so long, and he has only picked up a dozen copper plates when he went out for shopping.

In the first half of the year, two taels of silver were enough for a family of three. In the first half of the year, Chen He suddenly got such a huge sum of money, a little stunned, and then rushed out to buy something for his senior as a New Year gift.

Wait until I actually go shopping on the street——

Looking at the door of the tea house, shaking his head. New tea will be available after the spring of next year, and Yuzhou will not produce tea either. Naturally, ordinary people can buy ordinary goods.

Calligraphy and painting couplets? Forget it, I can’t even look at the writing.

Antique shop? This can be done without even entering the door!

Chen He was worried while walking.

The streets were bustling with hustle and bustle, and a Taoist priest holding a tortoise shell buried his head and rushed forward, just colliding with the distracted Chen He!

For many years of practicing qi and martial arts, Chen He had enough time to avoid deviance, but he immediately felt the vigorous vitality in this little Taoist, completely different from ordinary people.

Comprehensive! !

Chen He immediately stopped his movements, bowed his head and wailed, and pretended to be a weak son who was hit by the side.

I thought that this cultivator was in such a hurry, he was either being chased or rushed, and would not care about mortals at all. Unexpectedly, the Taoist priest stopped his steps, came to help, and apologized in waves:

“I really can’t help but, Pang Dao rushed to collect demons, life is at stake!”

Chen He’s eyelids twitched. This kind of explanation is better than no explanation. Don’t mortals treat this guy as a lunatic?

Thinking of this, Chen He pretended to be surprised, pushed away the Taoist priest and jumped to the side: “You, you should go to see the doctor! This day is clear and clear, where are the monsters, you are crazy!” /

“It’s a liar!” A child who was biting a candied haws shouted crisply, “Big brother, my dad said that the monks and Taoists who come to the house and say that there is an evil spirit in the house, and that other monks and Taoists are liars on the walk are all liars!”


Hehe, the prosperity is peaceful, the folk customs are really good!

Chen He was ashamed and secretly prepared to get out of the chaos. Although he was a little sorry for the little doll who “spoken righteously”, the Taoist priest who was about the same age as him had a righteous atmosphere, not a magic cultivator, and no danger.

“Misunderstanding! Pindao just accidentally bumped into this young man…”

The Taoist priest turned around and saw Chen He who had not had time to run, his eyes fell on Chen He’s side face, his eyes suddenly widened.

“It’s you—”

With this loud shout, half of the street is quiet!

People follow the prestige at a loss. What’s wrong? Have you met a creditor in another country?

“How could it be you?” The Taoist pointed at Chen He in horror, his eyes seemed to fall off.

Chen He’s scalp numb, in order to avoid being watched, he immediately stepped on the bamboo poles of the tent, turned over and went up to the high roof of a few feet, and yelled: “The grievances of the rivers and lakes are the followers of heroes. I am coming.”

The Taoist priest didn’t even think about it, but he went on the roof to chase him.

Two times the rabbit went up and down, and disappeared in the wind and snow in the blink of an eye.

There was an uproar on the street, and there were people applauding—in today’s heyday, there are so many high-profile guests, literati sabers, samurai warriors in and out of wine shops, and various stories of the Rogue Swordsman are the most popular in teahouses and bars.

Similarly, pretending to be a master of martial arts is the first choice for a sudden fight in the realm of comprehension: first run to a place where no one is!

Chen He has been in Yuzhou for three months. Every time he goes out to go shopping after practicing, he doesn’t just watch the excitement. The streets, alleys, alleys, and the city gate market Yamen Zero Zero are all drawn by him. .

He ran his aura, stepped on the tiles and ran silently for a while, and suddenly realized that the other party was not chasing after him stupidly, and was as familiar with the road as him, Chen He frowned.

If it was a person in the restaurant in Yunzhou City, I saw him at first, but after many days, he could be recognized even after he changed his clothes and covered half of his face with a thick collar in winter. This is a bit weird. .

——Maybe the wrong person!

Chen He turned his eyes and ran to a dead end, then turned down the eaves, holding his arms and waiting for the opponent to appear.

The result was unexpected. The Taoist priest did not take the opportunity to sneak in, and walked in slowly, with a sarcasm: “How do you feel like going back to the original point by working hard for a lifetime?”


Chen He glanced at the puppet hidden in the shadow of the eaves without a trace. He raised his head and said sincerely to the Taoist priest: “This Taoist master, have you admitted the wrong person?”

“Chen He, you thought I didn’t know if I hid the puppet next to him?”

Chen He was really shocked this time.

His name is nothing. There must be people who have escaped after the Chen family in Yunzhou burned down. But the worst of these puppets left to him by the brother is also the strength of the Jin Dan stage. The Taoist priest in front of him is as complete as himself. Dan is not successful, is it hidden cultivation base? !

What’s the purpose?

The Taoist sneered: “I thought you were in Yunzhou, and I was so happy that I was out of sight and out of mind, but I didn’t expect you to come to the door, okay! It seems that you have subdued the fire in the stone and came to show off?”

Chen He was stunned and couldn’t help saying: “Brother Dao, we have no grievances in the past, and we have no grudges in the past, why are you so aggressive?”

“What are you pretending to be stupid? We will have more hatreds in the future! Don’t you look at the poor and unpleasant for the rest of your life?” The Taoist priest flicked the dust and said disdainfully, “If you have the ability, you don’t need a puppet. Field.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark wind hit behind him.

Four puppets of Jin Dan stage strength directly put him down, waiting for Chen He’s instructions to deal with.

“Shameless!” The Taoist priest was indignant, he was not bad, just a round face that couldn’t fade away from his childishness, which made people very urge to hold back.

Chen He turned around twice and coughed pretentiously: “Brother Dao said just now to catch the demon, and it’s a matter of life, otherwise you go to work?”

Suddenly the Taoist blushed and said embarrassingly: “There is no life to save the sky. Pandao is just an unknown disciple of the Heluo Sect. If you don’t catch monsters and sell money, don’t you want to die?”

“Heluo faction?” Chen He repeated, disciples and grandchildren with long eyebrows!

The Taoist stared at Chen He, his eyes became more confused, and suddenly he seemed to think of something.

“No, you don’t have the ability to grab the mirage at this time…you are not, you–” The Taoist suddenly realized, he walked straight to the ground, “The Immeasurable God, the poor Dao has indeed admitted the wrong person.” It turned out that the only person who was reborn was born again. For himself, Chen He didn’t burn Yunzhou City not to be reborn, but another coincidence.

Chen He said helplessly: “…Daoist, I’m not stupid.” Who can he deceive?

The Taoist has complicated eyes.

The problem is-you are not stupid, you are not stupid, this is not normal! !

Who doesn’t know that Venerable Demon Road Liyan was delirious before he snatched the mirage, and he couldn’t remember what year he was in trouble. Before cultivating, this Demon Venerable was a fool, okay, fool!

Shi Zhonghuo can’t cure brain disease!

“There are many places where I and Dao brother will have animosity in the future? I will not please my eyes for a lifetime?”

“The Immeasurable Tianzun, the hexagram says so!” The Taoist priest changed his body and answered calmly, “I met in the busy city today, and the poor Dao caught up with me without holding back! I thought you were the same as me. I was so sensible, I wanted to fight, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t know that you were acting recklessly!”


I have only heard of love at first sight, fate is destined, and never heard of vengeance at first sight!

Chen He shuddered: “Dao Master, you should hurry up to see the doctor!”

The puppet pressed his elbow and stunned the Taoist without mercy.


Shi Feng, who told his younger brother to go to the Xiuzhen bazaar to buy things, drove away from where the Heluo School was located. Before evening, he was already outside a large mansion on the outskirts of the capital.

In the wind and snow, the Phantom of the Red Clothes is both real and illusion.

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