So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 244: Old place, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

What is most surprising about the ancient monk carrying a giant fish?

The fish?

No, it’s the gourd that holds the fish.

Nan Hongzi looked at the blue gourd in surprise. He heard Shi Feng Chen He talk about the South China Sea. This big gourd that looks like it can only be poured into a pot of soup, contains a sea swallowing beast?

Each monk has a storage bag, but even if it is a magic weapon, you cannot put living things.

You can put living creatures, and it’s such a huge monster beast, even if the monster beast will become bigger and smaller, the storage magic weapon is not recognized, as long as you enter, you have to restore the original shape, otherwise anyone can make things smaller Put it in the storage bag, and there will be no shortage of space in the storage bag for the next product-this magic weapon, no, it must be a fairy!

Yang Xinyue slowly re-wrapped the gourd into the felt gown. When she was leaning on her back, the whole person was fatter. If you don’t use the felt gown, this is comparable to a seven-year-old child’s gourd hanging on her body. No matter where you go, you will be looked at.

If this is an immortal tool, the monk can use it to hold things, it’s barely enough.

Nan Hongzi couldn’t help feeling sympathy: fish is not easy to raise!

“Eat a lot every time.” Nan Hong looked at the still struggling gourd.

Yang Xinyue disagrees: “You don’t need to eat, just give it to sleep.”


The world is difficult, and being a fish is not easy.

Nan Hongzi changed his position to that fish, and a new emotion emerged.

About the meaning of his eyes was too obvious, Yang Xinyue had to cough lightly: “The food it loves has been extinct as the ancient wilderness shattered, and it is nowhere to be found. Even its blood relatives are left. One is the cloud-swallowing whale that was not mutated in the ancient wilderness. The cloud-swallowing whale only eats dried shrimps.”

This is all starving to death!

Only the guys who lay down their dignity and swallow the shrimps survive.

Nan Hongzi smacked his lips, awe at this world cycle.

Yang Xinyue squeezed the gourd and said casually: “You don’t need to mind, Xiaotun is making a fuss all the way, it’s not that I heard your mutton soup.”

Nan Hongzi looked down at the crock pot where only the soup was left, and fished out the leg bones with chopsticks.

“This is Luoyang mutton soup. Pang Dao used to study for many years in a mutton shop in Luoyang. Since becoming a monk, he has not cared about food. The taste of this place has never been tasted in other places. Thinking of—”

Once the body was dissected, when I returned to Qu Hong, a mortal, I just felt that there was nothing more delicious than the Luoyang mutton soup in the deepest memory.

Yang Xinyue casually glanced at Nan Hongzi and found out the clue: “Are you stealing the house?”

Nan Hongzi bluntly said: “I should have been looking for a baby who was born or lost his soul before being born, but time was delayed. When he found this child, he lost his way and died of starvation. I Without innate aura, it is difficult to ascend.”


Yang Xinyue asked subconsciously, and immediately realized that Nan Hongzi was just talking, he didn’t worry about this kind of thing at all, and immediately replied: “Are you from Luoyang?”

As the lord of Nanhe Sect 8000 years ago, Luoyang Xiangyang is no different to him.

But he reincarnated into this world, and he happened to be from Luoyang.

It’s just that I am too young when I left my hometown. I have forgotten what Luoyang has to eat. I only remember that Luo’s family is a flower farmer. The peonies sold every year are enough for the family to chew. I lost the dice, owed too much debt, and finally sold a few children.

Most of the East China Sea monks were bought by Liang Yange from various places and sold to the East China Sea and Nanhai.

The person who reincarnated Yang Xinyue’s soul is no exception.

Hundreds of years have passed and nothing is found, but it is free from the worldly involvement.

“Pan Dao was born in Luoyang. Before becoming a monk…cough, I used to run in a mutton soup shop when I was young.” Nan Hongzi didn’t even tell Shi Feng.

The world only knows about Nan Hongzi’s self-enlightenment, and only knows that he is a general of the previous dynasty.

But no one was born a general. The Shi family had a prominent surname in Guanzhong. That was a later thing. They were in Luoyang, Guandong. No matter how big the family is, there are more than a dozen poor relatives. Those who can’t eat, don’t have to pull down and go out to find work, they can’t rely on the female family to do needlework.

When the army was in turmoil, the imperial court recruited soldiers, checked household registration from house to house, and left when they were involved.

How many years after fighting in the frontier, the generals on the frontier died faster than the court sent, and the noble children with identities and family backgrounds did not dare to go here, and slowly managed to survive such a permanent victory. The name of the general.

“Really? You have a murderous aura, which can’t hide from my eyes.” Yang Xinyue sharply exposed Nan Hongzi’s unfinished words, “As far as I know, it has not happened in the cultivation world for hundreds of years. What a big deal.”

“Sect Master Yang’s words are not correct. Three hundred years ago, there was a scourge of a change of dynasty. Recently, chaos in the realm of comprehension has risen again. Seeing it is a catastrophe that has swept China, how can it be said that there is nothing wrong.

Yang Xinyue said coldly: “Thousands of people you have killed…no, you have seen the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. This kind of killing has penetrated your soul. The ancient wilderness has been broken for many years. Now, how can there be so many monks in the cultivation world?”

Nan Hongzi had a meal: “So is the lord?”

“Ancient demon beasts are suffering, endless life, endless extinction, my generation cultivator, do not kill and add to the body?” Yang Xinyue does because Nan Hongzi seems to have something in common with the ancient cultivator, Only then is willing to stop and say more.

“Besides monsters, there are gods.”

The words of Nan Hongzi made Yang Xinyue suddenly change color: “You–“

“The ancient wilderness is not torn by monsters.”

Nan Hongzi leisurely picked up the earthen jar, and started drinking mutton soup without anyone else.

The soup is delicious, and it took him a long time to sigh with satisfaction: “Look at the poor road, I forgot, when the lord was alive, the ancient wilderness was fine!”

Slaps people don’t slap them, and expose people don’t reveal shortcomings.

Nan Hongzi embarrassed Yang Xinyue in this way. The latter was pale, but very calm, neither reprimanding nor rebutting. This disappointed a certain Taoist priest who was trying to find out why a Nanhe Sect master fell here.

“I seem to remember the saying in the world today that Taoists are monks and do not eat meat and fish?” Yang Xinyue said gloomily.


Nan Hongzi waved his hand casually in a tone of anger to the dead: “I made this Taoist priest casually. There is nothing to prove the identity of the monk. Sovereign Yang probably doesn’t know. This world, the monk Taoist wants to save his life. , Is considered a true monk and true Taoist priest, and the others are fake and cheated money.”


As soon as Nan Hongzi took away the chopsticks of the earthen jar, he leaned against the back of his head with his hands as pillows, and lay down against the root of the wall, still saying something in his mouth: “The poor way will not disturb the important affairs of the lord, the wind and sand will not change. , There is no mutton, there will be a period later.”

The South China Sea is so far outside the Guan, Yang Xinyue came all the way, obviously something is going on.

No matter what, Nan Hongzi is not interested.

——The former suzerain of Nanhe Sect, a symbol of great trouble.

Before death, after death, pile after pile.

As a result, Yang Xinyue refused to leave, sitting still: “This is where I want to come?”

Nan Hongzi opened his eyes in surprise, and repeated in disbelief: “Here?”

A deserted city outside Guan, what can attract Yang Xinyue? Can there be treasures?

Until the sunset fell and the ruins fell into darkness, Yang Xinyue slowly said: “Eight thousand years ago, this was the residence of Nanhezong.”


Nan Hongzi intuitively felt that the other party was telling lies, and then he thought of something, could it be—

“This city, as well as under the wasteland dozens of miles away, has intricate secret passages. It is very long. I don’t know who made it. It is very strong. This is the legacy of Nanhezong?”

Yang Xinyue frowned: “So, you are not passing by here?”

The remnants of thousands of years ago have sunk into the ground. The place is deserted, how can ordinary people find it.

Nan Hongzi laughed awkwardly, lest Yang Xinyue said that there was a treasure here, a secret treasure from the North, and the toss made him regain his home, failing to ascend, and having another one would be really fatal.

Fortunately, Yang Xinyue just looked at the extinguished fire in a daze, and did not delve into this issue.

“It’s called Nanhezong, I’m afraid it’s in the south. This is the north–” Nan Hongzi said in silence. The ancient wilderness was broken, and what remained was only a small part of the land that year. The ground, the dilapidated stone road buried below, turned out to be the site of the ancient cultivation sect, which is really something that no one can think of.

Nanhezong lost, the ruins of the martial art, nothing left.

Only stone roads are left…

“At least it’s still there. If there are ancestors of the Northern Xuan Sect, you won’t even be able to find the old place!” Nan Hongzi said disapprovingly.

Three thousand years ago, it was completely destroyed. Some people want to dig three feet to find the treasure, and the mountain can be leveled.

“Huh.” Yang Xinyue had obviously heard about this. Regarding the fate of the old opponent, he just hummed coldly and didn’t say anything harsh.

As the setting sun fell, the sound of horseshoes and human voices came from the end of the wasteland in the dark night.

A caravan passing by is facing the ruins that can cover the wind and sand. It used to be a tall city, and the remaining wall is still a resting place for many people.

“Sovereign, please, poor Dao still has money, can live, do not need to meet people.”

Nan Hongzi laughed for a long time, and walked away in no time.

Yang Xinyue didn’t say a word, and randomly imposing a blindfold on herself, looking for a high place to sit alone.

At this time, he saw the caravan carrying horses filed into the city, and the torch was illuminating the remaining doorway of the city wall, with three mottled and vague words: Yuling Pass.


Holo School.

The smoke disappeared, and the sleepy Taoists suddenly woke up in another round.

“Head, can you get something?”

“What did the secret of heaven say?” They eagerly leaned to the altar table, very curious about the infamous Mahayana monk.

Shenzhen Chixuan’s eyes straightened, so that several elders thought that something was wrong with him, and they almost called back the soul to the head.

“I saw it, but it’s incomprehensible this day.” True Man Chi Xuan looked tangled.

The Taoists asked in unison: “How to say?”

“…saw a pot of hot lamb soup.”

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