So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 212: Fishing in troubled waters, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

The rain continued into the night.

Everyone is covered in mud, and it won’t be cold in May, but it’s not time for the heavy rain to come.

The sea bandits couldn’t agree with the private salt dealers at the joint. One insisted on taking the money for the delivery, and the other suspected that the goods were getting wet and damaged. The two parties invariably ordered his subordinates to push the wheelbarrow to a ruined temple in the desert, and then continued to wrestle. .

The rain continued unabated, and there were more and more rain leaks in the temple. The water on the ground had already covered the ankles, and the thunder light outside shone brightly inside the temple.

“Take the pole and clean things up!” Qu Ye, who was free, glanced at the stagnant water and frowned and ordered.

Others were taken aback, but they didn’t understand, they saw three or five big men stand up, smash the altar table to pieces with a “bang”, then picked up the wooden plank, inserted/into the stagnant water, and moved forward against the ground Push.

Following the sour wheezing, scattered stones and messy foreign objects were shoveled out of wooden boards and piled on the wall.

People looked at the shoes on their feet that were soaked in water, and looked at the muddy water, and they reacted.

On weekdays, these debris is nothing, but seeing that it is still early in the morning, the stagnant water will rise again, and it will be dark again, I am afraid that my bare ankles and knees will be bumped and scratched.

“Master Qu, you are thoughtful.” The private salt dealer leaned forward to strike up a conversation.

Seeing the chaos in this world and wanting to run business all over the country, what should I do if I don’t know these people who are walking darts?

“Hurry up, raise the car!”

The leader of the sea bandit yelled at his subordinates. The exhausted men had to wipe the water all over their heads and faces. They fumbled for bricks from the collapsed temple wall in the apse, and raised the wheelbarrow.

There are only a few places in the ruined temple where there is no rain. They are all piled up, even if they are squatting still, they are getting wet. Bo Jiucheng was extremely dissatisfied, and secretly used spells to prevent rain from falling on him.

“Young Master, what are you doing?” Brother Kui said coldly.

“I can’t see the meaning of acting like this.” Bo Jiucheng said angrily, “At this time, let’s not take advantage of the chaos to leave, and what are we doing here? If we are afraid of leaking the whereabouts, kill these mortals, pretending to be one What is the difficulty of killing each other if they don’t agree?”

Freat Brother Kui heard the words and stretched out his hand to press him back into the stagnant water: “Young Master, you still don’t know how much trouble you have done? You dare to use the rune paper made by Liang Yan’s poisonous spider?! Lord Shang bought it in Mirage to determine the original shape of Liang Yan. The young master is better, so he can use it casually. The paper is made of spider silk. The poisonous spider hunting is based on those silks. It hasn’t been more than ten years. , The imprint left by the spider silk on the young master’s body cannot disappear!”

Bo Jiucheng opened his mouth in astonishment.

At first, he only heard people say that he had exposed Ziyun Island, the master rudder of Yuanlou, with a talisman, but he didn’t expect that he was also positioned?

“This…how could this happen, my father never said about it.”

Brother Kui gritted his teeth and said, “Even if you know, who has time to tell the young master, is there still less that the young master took without telling you? The talisman paper is, how did the demon spirit dragon die?” /

Bo Jiucheng was speechless.

He immediately thought of the imprint, and his anger occupied his chest again, and said angrily: “For ten years? What does this mean? Is it that I can’t use True Yuan to prevent Liang Yange from chasing it?”

Brother Kui’s breath stagnated, and he slowly said, “It’s not that serious. Liang Yan can only find the direction of the imprint at best. We just need to be cautious and follow into the crowd. They are helpless.” /

“A group of sea bandits, a group of private salt dealers?” Bo Jiucheng smiled back with anger, “They hide their heads and show their tails, is this what they can do?”

Seeing that there was a killing intent in his eyes, Brother Kui hurriedly stopped: “Young Master, don’t mess with cause and effect anymore. We are going to the Venerable Xiaofeng of the Western Regions, the ghost of the blood demon. It’s not too late for ten years if you want revenge. Liang Yan was seriously injured in the South China Sea. As long as she didn’t chase after her personally, we were far away from the East China Sea before she recovered, and we were mixed with mortals all the way. It is difficult to trace, even if the mark is still there, it is useless to be affected by the distance!”

Speaking of Shi Feng, Bo Jiucheng thought of Chen He.

He took a deep breath, barely calmed down, the hatred of the previous life has not disappeared, and new hatred in this life.

“Chen He, you wait.” Bo Jiucheng muttered to himself.

Brother Kui was full of worries. He didn’t understand why Bo Jiucheng had to struggle with the brother of the blood demon.

In the dark, Qu Ye’s cigarette rod was faintly lit on fire.

The thunder outside gradually disappeared.

“As soon as the rain stops, we are ready to go on the road.” The leader of the sea bandit said.

“Man, you patted your **** and left. We still have goods here. The mountain roads are muddy and difficult. How can we get it out?” the private salt dealer shouted.

“This time the work has been agreed in advance! The goods are handed over to you, we will go to the county to collect some good things, and then transport them back by sea to sell them, and the ship will not go empty!” The leader of the sea band laughed angrily. “Now you are trapped, it’s just a day or two late, how about us? There are still people waiting for the return journey, but I can’t spend it here with you.”

Seeing that he was about to turn his face, Qu Ye slammed his cigarette and slowly said: “The rain hasn’t stopped, why are you fighting? Why not worry about this temple.”


Everyone raised their heads in unison, the dark beams, cold rain fell from the cracks in the tiles and poured on their faces.

“I’m afraid this temple won’t be able to hold it.” Qu Ye downplayed and threw out what shocked everyone, “It’s going to collapse!”

“Nonsense!” The private salt dealer jumped high.

“You spend money to ask me to bring someone here. There is a risk, so I have to tell you.” Qu Ye said calmly without raising his eyes, “If it rains for two more hours, by daybreak, Half of the wall is soaked in water. The temple has been abandoned for many years, and the foundation is unstable. No one knows…”

“Enough! Quye, what do you say?”

Qu Hong paused and opened his mouth: “I think the apse is higher and stronger than here, but the place is small enough to put those wheelbarrows, find some solid masonry and wood, and build a shelf to support it, even if the beams are down. It’s impossible to hit the goods. Finally, it is better for us to go out and suffer the rain than to die in the temple.”

Everyone is silent.

Bo Jiucheng’s eyes flashed, and the voice transmission asked: “This temple is really going to collapse?”

“Nothing like that, two days of heavy rain will be similar, but mortals are timid.” Brother Yuanlou said contemptuously.


Bo Jiucheng said impatiently, “If this person talks nonsense, kill him.”

“Young Master!”

“Otherwise, he was called to work in vain?” Bo Jiucheng was full of anger.

When the monks in Yuanlou heard this, they stopped talking, because they were also the people who were called to reinforce the apse. They were quite impatient, so they drew on, deliberately slow and lazy, just waiting for the rain to stop. .

“There is not enough wood, we have to go out to cut down!” Qu Hong said in a deep voice.

“You, you, and you, go find some in the woods outside!”

The circle of people who don’t work hard have been targeted.

The leader of the sea bandit saw that many of his subordinates were in there. He wanted to talk, but was worried that the goods would really have an accident. The other party refused to pay, and it was a small matter to turn his face and fight. In the future, he would find a next home for business. The goods have no way out, so I patiently acquiesce.

The private salt dealer was too anxious, and convinced Qu Hong, who was “very capable on the road,” he clamored in agreement, and shouted at those who hesitated: “The thunder outside has stopped, and I am afraid that you will be killed. No, go! Well done, give me a reward!”

Everyone has come to the spirit.

The people in Yuanlou mixed in, bored and crooked, all holding back their anger.

“I’ll take the people out. Be careful. The rain made the rock unstable. It fell into the ravine but couldn’t be found for a while. His head was broken and he couldn’t be saved.” Qu Hong said deeply.

Bo Jiucheng’s eyes lit up in the dark.

This is not a good way to get out, pretending to be missing, reasonable, and not afraid of being tracked down.

“Young Master, there are so many of us!”

“You suffer, I will go to the county seat and wait for you to get out.” Bo Jiucheng said arrogantly.

Brother Kui instinctively felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

A group of people went out mightily, got into the woods, picked a few trees and cut them down.

The people led by Qu Hong pointed around and occasionally helped.

It’s a very coincidental thing. There is a ravine next to it, which is wide and deep enough.

Bo Jiucheng stretched out his foot and kicked a sea bandit off, and he jumped down with the scream. The few monks in Yuanlou who had been impatient for a long time did a good job, and Brother Kui couldn’t stop him.

“What’s the matter?” Angrily asked from the mountain.

Bo Jiucheng sneered in his heart, walked up the ravine, and impatiently patted the mud on his body.

In this majestic rainstorm, at the foot of deep mountains and dense forests, who can Liang Yange follow the mark so quickly? Dr. Kui’s mouth is full of bluffing words. If you hide your whereabouts, you have to suffer this sin? “

“Young Master, in my opinion, it is not difficult to wait for a caravan to enter the city.”

“This is the truth. Dr. Kui is relentless, thinking that someone will come after him, and he will be found if he walks alone—”

Bo Jiucheng’s voice stopped abruptly, and he turned around in horror.

This is–

The ground vibrated violently, accompanied by a howling of terror.

“It’s not good, torrents!”


The people by the woods crawled in horror and ran to the higher ruined temple.

Fr. Kui was surprised at first, and then he felt that it was just a flash flood. How could he have injured Bo Jiucheng in the Yuan Ying stage, and fled in embarrassment at best, just to teach the young master a lesson.

He was still thinking, and suddenly he heard one after another screaming in his ear.

Then the wind sounded in the back of his head, a sense of crisis rushed to the spine, Brother Kui instinctively rolled and avoided the blow

“Hey, the response is not bad.”

Brother Kui hadn’t gotten up from the ground yet, and what struck his head and face was another mysterious attack that was difficult to dissolve. The tricks were inseparable from the vital points of his neck and chest. Although there was no terrible true essence, his momentum was unstoppable.

Finally, his shoulder suffered severely, and Brother Kui fell back, still full of amazement.

——Where are the Mahayana monks in this place?

“Young Master!” Brother Kui was truly frightened.

However, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and the man passed over him, straight down.

The mountain torrents were coming so fiercely, even the monks had only time to jump up and fled in a panic. The corner of Bo Jiucheng’s eyes swept to the people behind him suddenly fell into the mud, his heart was shaken, the front of him suddenly went black, and his chest was hit hard. A palm is also planted in the mud.


Bo Jiucheng was unlucky enough to be hit by a log in the mountain torrent, and blood sprayed.

What horrified him even more was that a man lightly fell on the wood, bent over and stretched out his hand to strangle his neck, his eyes sharp as a knife: “Yuanlou? Go to the Venerable Owl of the Western Regions? There is with Shi Feng. Chou?”

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