So What If You’ve Been Reborn? Chapter 142: Shentang, the fastest update, what is the latest chapter of Rebirth!

The cold wind blew a shower of rain, and the bitter cold, and the person in the cart shivered.

“This horrible weather.” He murmured, leaning forward from the wheelbarrow, and the cage covered with black cloth replanted the ground.

Those cage trucks with chickens and ducks used to cover up casually called one person to look at them, while others patted their clothes, took out their cigarettes and smoked them, smoking and cursing.

“I don’t know where it came from! Hook up a married woman!”

“I heard that he is a sour scholar, he seems to be a classmate of Zheng Juren.”

“Oh, this man of fame, we—” Someone was scared and looked at the cage fearfully.

“Wait later, Zheng Juren and the village elders will come! What are you afraid of? They caught the **** in the bed, and the two of them took off their clothes and there was nothing left. The neighbours and neighbors looked really real! Even if the county master passed the court trial, he would choose Nothing went wrong! It is still Shentang!”

After hearing this, the man nodded in relief, and then said indignantly: “She’s usually behaved, but she didn’t expect it to be such a woman!”

“Who said no! Zheng Juren came back from the academy and was upset. The thief was still shamelessly begging for mercy. He said it was a misunderstanding. He said that for the sake of his classmates, please find out Master Juren.” The old man with the smoking gun glanced at the cage in disgust, “This is still not clear, I’m afraid She’s already hooked up with this thief.”

“This, this is really!”

Several people shook their heads, and some of them spit out unlucky.

With just one cup of tea, many people came to the river one after another.

There are villagers, relatives of Zheng Juren, and She’s family.

She Yunniang is said to have been caught by her husband personally. The thief was naked and untidy. She Yunniang was not even dressed in neat clothes, and her belly was exposed. Not only Zheng Juren but the neighbors who came to see the noise. A positive.

In this era, only middle clothes are worn, or white blouses that can be covered by hands and feet. They are also called “no clothes”. The so-called “clothes” and “clothes” are all outer clothes. Even though the original dynasty is more enlightened than the previous dynasty, the Liangjia women also showed their faces. They dressed lightly in the summer, but rolled on the bed with a man and got untidy. This is a fait accompli.

In this small county of Yuzhou, people would never report to the officials. In a rage, they invited the elders of the clan to paint and detain Shentang directly. The neighbourhoods were all witnesses. Afterwards, they went to the government to prepare the case without any accusation.

It was just dragged out in broad daylight. After all, it didn’t look good, and it also caused trouble to the county magistrate. So I mixed up in a cage containing chickens and ducks and pulled it to the river outside the city, waiting for the village elders to prove it.

This is a bad business, and the husband’s family has to pay a lot of money to the coachman. If Zheng Juren doesn’t have a reputation, who is willing to do this for him.

The female family members of the She family were crying uncomfortably, and the men were all blue-faced, and a group of people around them accused the She family’s tutor.

Some cried and fought with others, and were dragged away by relatives who yelled and said embarrassment, and some cried and scolded.

The man and woman waiting for Shentang in the cage are Zhong Hu and She Yunniang.

Zhong Hu was cold all over, and he didn’t know what was going on. After being knocked out, she woke up on She Yunniang’s bed without a single piece of clothing. She Yunniang was confused and unconscious.

Zhong Hu was frightened and quickly broke free, but didn’t know what was wrong, the She’s strength of a weak woman was amazing, and Zhong Hu’s arms were blue and purple.

Fortunately, although She Yunniang is like Chinese medicine, she still has a trace of clarity.

I controlled myself several times, didn’t really entangle Zhonghu to do anything, but the two of them rolled around while struggling, Zhonghu was anxious to escape, but the thing in the lower body didn’t obey. At this moment, Zheng Juren returned home, but he was caught right now!

Zheng Juren couldn’t hold She Yunniang, the neighbors who heard the noise came over and suppressed the two.

She Yunniang’s eyes were straight, dumb, and she didn’t answer anyone’s questions. Every time Zhong Hu tried to distinguish, she could only open her mouth and make no sound. Knowing that the monk was doing the trick, Zhong Hu finally had to beg for mercy. .

Zheng Juren stared at him for a long time, suddenly jumped up to make people gag Zhong Hu’s mouth, punched and kicked him, and acted heartbroken, saying that he would ask the villager to make a decision.

The rain was getting heavier, and Zheng Juren came staggeringly.

Under his pale face, there is an unspeakable thought hidden: Yesterday She Yunniang rescued a girl and placed it in his kitchen, where it was warmer. When Zheng Juren saw it, this girl was born much better than She’s. She was wearing silver jewelry, and she looked at a foreign woman like Yunzhou.

He was furious, and then he had a bad idea.

Even if he can’t marry this girl, he will be named on the gold list in the future, and he is still worried about not having an official lady to marry. Then She Yunniang will be superfluous, and she happened to have done such a scandal!

Zheng Juren feels that even if he wears a green hat and endures the shame, he must get rid of the adulterous husband and adulteress.

Zheng Juren was really frightened when he saw that the man on the bed was Zhonghu. Zhong Hu and he were not from the same hometown. They only spent a while with a classmate of the student supervisor in Yuzhou County. The clock lake was a remarkable figure. Even Chen Junshou appreciated him and specially married his concubine. Later, he won the ranking and entered directly. The imperial court is a noble official.

The news of Zhonghu’s disappearance was heard by Zheng Juren from other classmates a while ago. It is said that Zhong’s family has already gone to the capital. They all said it was Mrs. Zhong who killed her husband. She Yunniang is an adulterer?

Zheng Juren’s mind was dizzy, angry and anxious, and he was not completely confused.

Zhonghu puts a good Hanlin to do nothing, and what to do when he runs out of the capital is not a small picture! He and Yun Niang also met a few times back then. Could it be that he was sentimental?

Zheng Juren immediately blocked Zhonghu’s mouth. The Zhong family’s relatives in the neighboring city were more powerful than him, and his status was quarrelsome. His tyrannical loss was for nothing, and the life and death of the imperial court officials would not cause trouble. Go to Dali Temple.

Simply wrong and wrong, directly Shentang! After the incident, it was justified and well-founded!

Zheng Juren gritted his teeth and thought.

When he came, everyone in the She family dared not speak, they were all flat-headed people. There was an old man who was a relative, who was too late to confess. He dared to offend no matter how much money he posted in the past. It was good now, but the family did not succeed, but instead had an enemy.

Someone can’t help but scold She Yunniang at the moment,

She Yunniang left the Zheng family and became sober as soon as she left the city. Her mouth was blocked and she couldn’t speak. She was completely dead and she kept crying. Especially when she heard the swearing of relatives and neighbors, she trembled, and occasionally The eyes staring at Zhonghu were sharp like knives.

Zhong Hu knows that Yun Niang treats him as a disciple of the drug, and she cannot tell.

The cage was lifted up and tied with a stone. Several strong men carried it and walked towards the river.

Zhong Hu struggled desperately. He knew that the monk wanted to avenge Chen He, and he married Chen Xingniang. If the other party didn’t value his identity and abilities, what did he do with him, could it be to put him in She Yunniang’s bed?

The cage was carried onto a boat and rowed towards the heart of the river.

Zhong Hu looked left and right and never found the monk. He was completely desperate. He suddenly thought of the monk’s weird reaction when he heard the story in the Yangzhou teahouse that day, and immediately changed his way to Yuzhou.

——The original plan of revenge can no longer be used.

——The monk repented, he was useless to him.


The cage fell heavily into the lake, splashing a lot of water.

Autumn flood and the river is so fast that it disappeared for a while.

The village elder rode his cane, and everyone scolded a few words, and then dispersed.

Only Yun Niang’s mother was left, crying to find She’s corpse, but she was scolded by others in the She family, and she forcibly dragged her away.

In the vortex of the river, there is a faint black air.


At night, a dazzling lightning flashed across the sky.

In a house in the city, the snow-colored giant dog crouched down the corridor, looked up at the sky, his ears moved.

“What’s the matter?” Teng Bo walked into the yard and followed Venerable Moon Swallowing and looked at the sky.

Although there are few thunderstorms at this time, it is not uncommon.

“It’s okay.” The big dog swept his tail and walked into the flower hall. The monster’s intuition made Tun Yue a little uneasy, but the feeling was so small that he couldn’t say it for a while.

“King Teng Gu is back?”

Chen He was playing chess with Shi Feng, wrapped the chess pieces with his own true essence and landed steadily, Shi Feng pointed out a few words from time to time.

Neither of them stood up, and Teng Bo didn’t care. He casually found a grand master’s chair and sat down, rubbing his forehead, and said, “I’ve asked Bai Fu’s brother, only one kidnapped her. The amount is higher than that of Chen He, and the technique contains flames and is very domineering.”

“Western Chixia Sect?”

Chen He thought of the mysterious doctor who kidnapped Zhonghu.

Shi Feng thought for a while, shook his head and said: “The Chixia Sect does not leave the Western Regions. If one of the disciples of the disciples went to the Central Plains, wouldn’t it be easy to find out? Since Venerable Huanjian hasn’t traveled from the Western Regions until now. Finding clues, it is very clear that this person who used to be the Chixia Sect may have died fraudulently, or he did not join the Chixia Sect in his life and found another way out.”

“Take a mortal, and then go to Yunzhou to abduct Bai Centipede. The north and south are too far away!” Chen He wondered.

“Maybe this is not a person.”

There are Jihong and Bo Jiucheng, so naturally there are others.

“Chen He, do you remember that when we first came out of the Black Abyss Valley in Yunzhou last year, we met a stranger.” Shi Feng knocked Chen He’s chess piece to the side and said calmly.

Chen He thought about it carefully, then gave Shi Feng an angry look: “Brother!!”

Shi Feng later realized that Chen He did not have a mirage at that time, and everything that day was recorded in a blue jade ball. If you want to know, you must take it out of the storage bag and put it on the center of your eyebrow. It can only be obtained by reading the soul.

Teng Bo and Venerable Moon Swallowing are still there. Doing so is equivalent to exposing Chen He’s weakness.

Shi Feng coughed slightly and changed his words: “I forgot that you were looking at other things at the time. This is interesting to say, a rich man who kept saying that he had seen you at Qiuye Temple and that I was kidnapping I’m the little son of the Chen family.”

Chen He was frightened but horrified.

He didn’t think about the previous things, which means that this person is also the same as Jihong? But in the previous life, I was brought up by Chen’s family, and I have never met a senior brother?

When Chen He thought of this, his chest was unspeakably choked.

Then he thought of another thing. His cousin Chen Mi was crazy before his death. Chen He didn’t think about it later. He was also in the blue jade ball, but Chen Mi mentioned another thing, Chen He. Also remembered.

——It was my cousin who pushed himself off the skyscraper…

Chen He always thought that this was inevitable, because without this push, he would not have met the senior.

It turns out that there was no such thing? So later on Yunzhou Street, the rich man whom Shi Feng said knew the little man of the Chen family…

Chen He was disturbed, and the two chess pieces made a crisp sound and turned into dust.

“Brother.” Chen He was startled and said in a low voice, “I lost.”

Shi Feng flicked his sleeves and put away the chess pieces. As if he saw something, he stroked Chen He’s hair silently: “Nothing.”

Chen He reluctantly asked: “What is the whereabouts of the person whom the brother said?”

“It has been checked. The long eyebrow fellow replied that he was the son of the Yao family from the Chen family. He suddenly changed his temperament after falling from a horse a year ago. He pushed the marriage and made trouble to come to Yunzhou. There was a lot of trouble about the middle fire, and this person somehow disappeared.”

Shi Feng didn’t take Yao Gongzi to heart. He was just a mortal and couldn’t make a moth.

Chen He nodded, just about to say something, suddenly saw Teng Bo look strange.

“What happened to King Gu?”

“I suddenly felt refreshed.” After Teng Bo finished speaking, he immediately added, “When I was about to die, I was refined by the corpse sect as a corpse. For a long time, I was unconscious and practiced corpse skills. I really like anger and resentment. Now I am inexplicably feeling too comfortable, is there something wrong?”


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