Skyroad Chapter 885: Top 8 guilds


The sky in the battlefield swept across a ripple, covering the entire sky, and then the countdown began to count down——




The war is on!


This time, neither side launched a charge. The people of the Zhantian League moved forward step by step. The world is backed by Zhang Liao’s famous general skills, standing far behind the crowd, and the team he controls and Zhantian The Cao Cao squad under his control acted as the forward, and the Cao Hong and Xu Huang squads swept forward on the two wings, slowly advancing.

“Stay in formation and move slowly.”

Holding the Shenliu Sword in his right hand and the rein in his left hand, he instigated the Thunder of Breaking Wind to move at a very low speed. Alongside, the main forces of the Beichen riding and fighting system such as Huangxi marched forward, while the Hermit of Jianmo was at 100 meters Outside with the second echelon, it moved slowly, turning on Ma Chao’s riding god, not slowly or slowly, keeping pace with the remote team behind, and not separating.

When the front lines of both sides were close to within 40 yards, the long-range teams of both sides fired separately.

Wang Jinhai was holding a musket in his hand, looking into the distance with clear eyes, and said: “Turn on the range, throw a wave to consume their blood first, everyone holds the gun, let it go!”

Suddenly, the “bang-bang-bang” musket firing sounded continuously, and various monomers and aoe skills soared into the sky, falling parabolic to the position of the Zhantian League, and the Zhantian League also launched an attack, which was densely packed. Arrows and spells were thrown.

“Shield Wall!”

With a loud shout, I stepped directly out of the Longgang shield wall skills, and a whole piece of the bright shield wall on the front line was also supported, which greatly improved my damage reduction effect and blocked the teammates behind me. Part of the damage of ballistic skills, in the next second, Beichen’s archer and wizard team launched an attack. With the power of the clear and clear Cai Wenji and Huang Zhong’s famous generals, the attack strength of the Zhan Tianmeng will be completely followed. It’s not the same. I saw that during the crackling blizzard, the players in the front row of the Zhantian League lost their energy and blood. Even if the skill of the famous general Cao Cao blessed by Zhantian is +50%, it still can’t hold it. A terrifying damage stacking effect.

“Treat, keep up!”

Zhan Tian is standing behind the crowd, at least 100 meters away from the front line, surrounded by a group of heavy equipment and Fulushi protection, and the same is true for the three players who are blessed with powerful celebrity skills, Tianxiaguixin, Canghai Wumeng, and Xiao Cangtian. Stay away from the battlefield, just bless your skills, let your teammates charge, and you are in a safe area.

Strongs of healing waves criss-cross the front lines of both sides. As the overall formation moves, the reloaded front line players on both sides finally enter the attack distance. In the next second, I and a few knights of the Zhan Tian League The player is almost close to his face, there is nothing to say, Thor Storm + Breaking the barrier five consecutive, two seconds in an instant.

The sword and ink hermit’s long sword smashed the golden six-pointed star brilliance, strengthened combo + armor-breaking frenzy + sword dance storm, the three skills are very coherent, and two seconds in an instant, but in the next second, the opponent seems to be conscious The continuous charge and impact of “Peng Peng Peng” locked the Sword Ink Hermit, and the Lunar Bow, Frost Dragon Teng and other skills at the back were also gathering fire. Obviously, I wanted to lose the sword and ink in seconds.

“Be careful!”

I frowned, and raised my hand to give the Sword Mo Hermit a sacred rejuvenation to help him pull the blood to more than 45%, and then Su Xiran and Changan Yuexialiang’s skills also arrived, under the effect of the foot trainer. , The treatment output more than doubled, and the treatment numbers exceeding 5w jumped wildly, forcibly making the Jianmo hermit who had been set on fire to stop.

“Jianmo, go back after being caught fire.” I said loudly.


He turned around and backed back at the moment he escaped from the vertigo, while the rest of the mist cavalry filled their seats, continued to rush forward, and collided with the players of the Zhan Tian League.

“Congcheng, to be clear, your two teams lean forward, enter within 40 yards of each other, maintain continuous output, critically, protect both of them, and all the master skill owners should try not to enter the range and let their teammates Fight it, it’s most important for you to keep yourself alive!”


Lin Che, Su Xiran, Qingyan, Xu Jiacheng, and others have moved closer to the core of the Beichen position and are in an absolutely safe position. Obviously, Zhantian’s tactics today are very simple. It is equivalent to protecting the four famous generals. Important people withdrew from the battle, and there was someone else on the front line. They focused on the second-hand tactics, and wanted to clear out the famous players of Beichen one by one, so that the balance of strength would fall to the side of the Zhantian League.

Jiang is still hot, and Zhantian, the next-day king-level player who has come from the Lu Chen era, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps!


However, when I changed my strategy, they could no longer be a famous player of Beichen, and even I myself retreated to the second line, only maintaining the long-range skill output of Thor Storm, Yujian Jue, and Sword Qi Flash. , Playing the reload as a mage, but letting the players of the Zhan Tian League gritted their teeth, there is no way at all.

“Boom boom boom~~~”

The front line has become a scene of purgatory on earth. The two sides concentrated on fire to fight for a part of the territory. Arrows, spells, bullets, talisman, etc. interlaced, plus the collision of the two melee players. The one-hundred-meter-long and ten-meter-wide area became a meat grinder, and players on both sides quickly reduced their staff. What the elite players can do is to constantly add new players to their teams.

Soon after, my Thousand-member team had at least one-third of the men and horses replaced, and the Jianmo team almost all changed their players, from the Mist Iron Cavaliers to the mid-range elite Cavalry players, and the rest The team also lost a lot, and even the remote players entered the opponent’s range to increase their own lethality. Each lost a lot. The price of the Zhan Tian League’s heavy damage to Beichen was the blessing of the souls of the Wei Kingdom. The team has all changed blood. The 50% full attribute plus cost of Cao Cao’s famous general skills is already close to invincible in Tianfeng City. However, when encountering Beichen’s Zhao Yunhun, Ma Chaohun, Guan Yuhun, and Huang Zhonghun, they all become The paper was smashed, the blood stick fell straight away, and it was only a matter of time before it died.

In this guild battle, there is no cleverness. The grand strategy is a collision of absolute strength. Both sides turn their guild positions into a circular defensive circle, and then squeeze their guild positions against each other with the intention of taking their opponents. It can be said, If this guild battle is dead, level down and equipment exploded, it will be the bloodiest battle between guilds after starting the service!

In half an hour.

Beichen reduced its staff by 9000+, leaving less than 9000 troops, and the loss of the Zhantian League was even more serious. The reduction in staff was at least 13000+, and there are already less than 7000 left. The advantage in number has been reversed by Beichen. , And this battle also tells us a cruel reality. The veteran King’s Guild is too strong. The teamwork and player quality of the Zhantian League are not comparable to Chibai God’s Domain. Many frontline players can use the charge in the state of residual blood. Quit the battle, recover by yourself, and then join the battle again. These experiences need to be studied and learned by Beichen players. Of course, Beichen’s famous generals’ hierarchical attack mode makes Zhan Tianmeng a mouthful of blood.

Originally, Zhantian might have planned to get this precious point in Beichen’s hands, but now it seems unlikely. Was seckilled, but still couldn’t fight Beichen in the war of attrition.

In one hour.

There are 4,000+ people left in Beichen, while the Zhan Tianmeng has less than one thousand. Even the people such as Thunder and Critical have been killed from the two wings, forming a siege to the Zhan Tianmeng.


“Rely on…”

Zhan Tian carried the sword, rushing from left to right, and said: “How can I lose so fast? I originally thought it could last for two hours. Damn, how could it be like this…”

Tianxia Guixin said indifferently: “Beichen has the Soul of Shu Kingdom, and the bonus is too strong. The Five Tigers only lacks one Zhang Fei. We also have Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, and Cao Hong. You don’t need to mention the tofu with the hemp rope. If you can beat Beichen, you will be hell. Besides, even in terms of per capita combat power, we don’t have the upper hand.”

October Yu stood behind the crowd, constantly shooting sharp arrows to kill the Beichen reloading players in the front row. There was a hint of helplessness in her beautiful eyes: “It can’t be beaten, we collapsed half an hour ago, to be honest, It can last until now that it is possible to add eggs to a box lunch.”

Zhan Tian gritted his teeth: “Rely… These new guilds in Bailu City are too fierce? How come Beichen, Silver Fox, Tang Sect and others suddenly become like this? Is this going to change the dynasty?”

“Didn’t the dynasties change long ago?”

October Rain joked.

Beichen crushed again and formed the effect of culling. Four thousand people surrounded the opponent’s thousand people and attacked fiercely. Jianmo, Critical and others joined the battle again, which also accelerated the defeat of the Zhantian League. In the end, At 1 hour and 27 minutes, the players of Zhantianmeng were wiped out, making the final number of players fixed at 3567:0, and Zhantianmeng stopped in the top 16.



I teleported out and stood on the East Square of Bailu City, smug, Beichen has entered the top eight, and it is getting closer and closer to the throne of the first royal guild in “Skywalk”.

Shortly afterwards, the top eight guilds were released one by one. In addition to Beichen, there were also Silver Fox, Ancient Sword, Xueyinshan, Scarlet Moon Knights, Candle Dragon, Tangmen, and Hall of Heroes. Among the top eight guilds, Bai Lucheng occupies five seats, which shows how strong the new generation guilds are, but…with the strength of the Tianmeng, if you don’t meet Beichen, you should be able to go further. Many guilds in the quarterfinals may not be fighting. The opponent of the Sky Alliance.

Looking at the quarter-finals, it has also been released. The final Kings Guild will be decided in the next three days——

Beichen vs Scarlet Moon Knights

Xueyinshan vs. Hall of Heroes

Gujian vs Tangmen

Candle Dragon vs Silver Fox


In the East people looked up at the sky, passing the quarterfinals in front of them.

Not far away, a beautiful figure stood alone, holding a staff, it was Feiyue. She also saw me, and sighed: “I will meet Beichen in the next round? Fate… …”

Obviously, although the Scarlet Moon Knights are united and extremely planned, the Samsung General Soul has only one Diaochan, which is by no means Beichen’s opponent, and even Tang Sect can’t beat it. Only Feiyue knows this helplessness. She is a woman with a heart higher than the sky. She has brought the Scarlet Moon Knights to this point alone, and she can imagine how much pressure she has endured.

“It’s okay, maybe I won’t meet Beichen next month.” I comforted.

“Well, prepare for the first battle tomorrow. The Scarlet Moon Knights will have to fight, don’t underestimate the enemy, Head Xi!”

“Don’t worry, I will do my best!”



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