Skyfire Avenue Chapter 809: Off clone

However, its power is truly inspired. A layer of purple-black halo suddenly burst out from it, this purple-black was like the ink general spouted by the octopus, wherever the ink went, everything around it was infected, thunder bombed in it, attack power was Great restraint, the ink seems to be able to contaminate everything, and the purple red emperor clone disappeared directly.

The rich purple and black energy rapidly expands outwards, devouring everything around, Wanxing Promise’s attacks continue to fall, and Thunder bombardment continues to stir the energy of this dense fog general, but it cannot break it.

Lan Jue heart It sounds like he can feel that the energy like ink general is a very wonderful energy existence. It contains crazy idea of ​​destruction, but it is composed of life energy with strong concentration.

It seems to be repeating the process of creation and destruction.

This should be the power to plunder Samsung’s origin. Lan Jue heart suddenly realized that life and destruction seem to be incompatible, but in fact, the end of life is destruction and the end of destruction is life. The two are entangled with each other and are closely related. They have never left each other.

To plunder the evolution of Samsung is to rely on constantly destroying others and devouring the amount of life energy to strengthen ourselves, which has never changed.

They have been repeating this process for so many years.

That’s why they are as powerful as they are today. As for life and creation, and death and destruction, they have the most profound comprehension in countless engulfing processes. Therefore, they regard this as own principle, which is also the most original force of their fight universe principle.

The own principle is ever-changing through the immediacy of creation and destruction, and the perception of life and death, devouring everything, tolerating everything, and giving birth to everything.

So, plundering Samsung can create Reaver, but more, they can also deprive others of their lives.

Creation and destruction are also one of the origins of the universe. The destruction of a universe must accompany the creation of another universe.

I have to admit that for humans, plundering Samsung is undoubtedly a huge disaster, but in the comprehension for the universe, plundering Samsung is a very high level existence, otherwise, they would not be so in the universe principle Under severe circumstances, it is still possible to cultivate to this level, and seek to build a own fairyland. If they can continue on this road, maybe in the future, they can really become a threat to the existence of this universe.

Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin look at each other, the two of them have the same mind, and the next moment, two rays of light rise behind them at the same time.

Behind Lan Jue, it is naturally the Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety phase, and Zhou Qianlin is her Goddess phase. When the two laws are the same, their own breath is also changed.

The whiteness of Goddess Domain becomes more transparent and translucent, and the breath of Zhou Qianlin is more compassionate and kind.

The breath of Lan Jue is a geometric multiplier increase, with a taste of judgment and killing in the majesty.

Using principle to principle is the best way to solve your opponent.

Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety was the creator and destroyer in charge of the stars in the immortal realm. For life and destruction, comprehension is also extremely deep. Although the Lan Jue is only a little furry, it is completely at the same level as plundering Samsung.

Goddess principle is the purest crossing principle, Purdue sentient beings, does not have. Any selfishness, and some, are just the origin of kindness.

The two are combined, and life and destruction seem to be less important at this instant. More important is their connection to each other.

They love each other. After so many things, they finally come together. For them, creation and destruction are as important as does not have. More important is the love between each other.

Zhou Qianlin can destroy herself to save Lan Jue, and Lan Jue can also give her life for her.

At this moment, the only one they feel in heart is the power of love to take root against the background of destruction and creation.

The two handles Divine Sword suddenly zoomed in, and Zhou Qianlin and Lan Jue merged into their own Fa phase at the same time.

Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety and Goddess work together. The two laws stand side by side. At this time, Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety is the same as the French phase by no means that appeared when Lan Jue just broke through. At that time, the French phase was really inspired by a trace of Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety nascent divinity. Therefore, this world-like spirit can make the purple emperor emperor at that level clone also has to retreat.

At this time, the Fa phase showed more of Lan Jue himself, although his Fa phase was not solid enough, but at this moment, in his pupils, it was not the light of Wanxing that reflected, but the one in front of him. Touching woman.

The red and blue lights shine instantly, and they work hand in hand. Lan Jue holds Trapping Immortal Sword in the left hand, Zhou Qianlin holds Severing Immortal Sword in the right hand.

The two handles Divine Sword are lifted at the same time, and the two rays of light instantly melt into one.

At this moment, they have no part of each other, they embrace each other, their swords are combined, and colorful sword glow is present.

Lan Jue‘s Wanxing Promise Field and Zhou Qianlin‘s Goddess Domain have even merged into same time. Unprecedented feelings came to their hearts. At this moment, all the gaps and pains are gone, and only they have the most sincere love for each other.

Lan Jue has a faint smile on his face, why isn’t Zhou Qianlin the same?

The two did n’t even feel the presence of the enemy. The colorful light suddenly burst outward with their bodies as the center. It was no longer a sword glow, but a thousand sword glow.

The purple-black halo contains an unparalleled breath of life and death, the power of destruction and creation. However, under the colorful light, dark clouds is swept away by general by the sun, and it disappears like general disappears quickly.

Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin release the energy levels of geometric multiples climbing, colorful sword glow Peng Yan’s diffusion to the surroundings, Goddess Domain, Wanxing Promise Field, all these things are integrated into their swordsmanship at this instant. .

The surroundings collapsed. The Purple Red Emperor clone only felt that he was completely isolated in another world at this moment. The colorful sword glow spreading out thousands of ways. The next instant appeared in front of himself. The goal was only Yourself.

Random sword glow strangling inward, everything around became illusory and unreal. Its proud force of plundering Samsung’s origins is so fragile in front of the sword glow that is a combination of swords.

Fragile gives a feeling of irresistibility. Its body began to grow larger and began to look like itself, but in the process of body expansion, the colorful sword glow pierced its body, and the colorful light continued to radiate outward from every corner of it, as if It becomes a light body by itself.

The irresistible sense of decadence made it subconsciously close own eyes, and its body began to disintegrate little by little.

It started panic, frantically trying to escape from the colorful light, but at this moment, it can do nothing at all.

In its view, these humans should not be able to threaten it at all. However, as soon as entering the field, it was actually cut off from the other Reaver, and when the colorful sword glow appeared, even the connection with plundering Samsung disappeared.

A strong magenta light illuminates its chest, and the magenta is bright but panic. He slammed out of his chest and tried to escape.

That’s a spherical crystal, it looks like the Emperor Star has shrunk countless times.

The laver is covered with light, and the two swords with the essence Divine Sword fall silently. The fuchsia spherical crystal stagnates instantly in the air. Immediately afterwards, a marvelous energy envelops it, which is a force that completely plunders Samsung, and then all the spiritual imprints on that crystal are washed away, it just becomes A pure, pure crystal full of life energy volume, energy crystal.

The colorful light lasted for more than a minute before gradually resting. When Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin reopened their eyes, the legal aspect of their body had disappeared, that is, they were hugging each other and hugging with one hand Holding the other side, holding own Divine Sword in the other hand.

What makes them a little embarrassing is that the other Paragonss are now at their nearby, and they are staring at them dullly.

Lan Jue blinked, then cough coughed, “This, what happened?”

Luo Xianni has a weird voice, “You don’t know what happened?”

Lan Jue shook his head blankly, “I just remember that I just combined with the Qianlin sword and attacked the purple red emperor clone. Then we seemed to enter a wonderful state, and what happened afterwards Not quite sure. It seems that that guy was killed by us? “Lan Jue said with some uncertainty.

Luo Xianni nodded, “You seem to really have that kind of power. The Purple Emperor clone didn’t even run. At that time, the eye-catching light was on your side, and the other two clones seemed to feel something and turned around. Just ran away. Directly teleport away with the help of Samsung’s projection from the air. “

Lan Jue looked around, only to find that the female animal on this planet had also been killed by the Paragon, and the carpet of bacteria on the earth was rapidly receding.

Driver said fiercely: “Come on, what just happened, when did you become so powerful?”

Lan Jue smiled bitterly: “I want to say I don’t know what’s going on, do you believe it?”

Driver froze for a moment. In fact, Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin did not completely clear the situation at the time.

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