Skyfire Avenue Chapter 798: Almighty Luo Xianni

Lan Jue said: “Does this release the field consume you a lot?”

Zhou Qianlin has some said with doubt: “It was not small at the beginning. After all, it is a field of usage. In fact, it is not in this range. My field is also sufficient. However, the breath of those mutants It seems to have been absorbed by my field, and then my consumption seems to have recovered. I do n’t know what is going on, as if cultivation also has been improved, and the realm is more stable.

Lan Jue stared at her dumbfounded, “You principle is really extraordinary. What is it? I mean what is the true meaning?”

Zhou Qianlin said a little at a loss: “I don’t know! I didn’t understand before I advanced. simply then doesn’t know what the direction of own breakthrough is, and I am very lucky to be able to break into Paragon.”

Lan Jue is speechless, and he didn’t expect it to be such an answer, but there is no doubt that Zhou Qianlin‘s principle is much more powerful than imagined. Although it does not have any destructive power, it does exist. The meaning is unquestionable in all Paragon. The stronger the Paragon, the more she can help.

“Her principle is, Watari.” Photographer‘s voice suddenly sounded.

Lan Jue‘s eyes then fell on old lady. This old lady can even speak in the process of breakthrough.

“Crossing the world? Purdue sentient beings? This title of Goddess Guanyin really deserves its name.” Lan Jue said with a smile.

“When old lady breaks through, let’s save people.” Lan Jue told Zhou Qianlin with confidence, “With me to help you, you should be able to recover these mutants in a shorter time.”

After he and Zhou Qianlin both broke through, when they re-integrated, they were able to exert their All-Encompassing level strength. All-Encompassing, everywhere, was able to expand the scope of the field to an extremely terrifying level, which naturally helped save people. And integration is no longer unilateral, but can be integrated with each other, who can dominate.

Viewing from space, the fuchsia on the angel star is rapidly fading, the support of the didn’t have mother animal, and the self-regulation ability of the angel star is playing an excellent role. After all, the time occupied by this planet is still Not too long, its own function was completely destroyed by does not have, plus the burst of female beasts emitting a lot of life energy, finally brought the planet a chance to restore vitality.

With the disappearance of fuchsia, it was replaced by a touch of pink. At the beginning, these pinks were still very light, but gradually, the clouds floating on the surface of the planet began to be rendered by them, using a distance Observing from a distance telescope, you will find that the pink is actually composed of a personal shadow. At the beginning, their by no means was clear, but soon, as the time passed, they became more and more clear. This scene can be said to be spectacular.

Lan Qing watching these situations on the screen, he had already guessed that this is the breakthrough of old lady. Just didn’t expect that old lady would choose to break through at this time.

Almighty, is this the level of Almighty?

With the knowledge that Zhou Qianlin can treat mutants, and can help the mutants recover in a wide range, he is also relieved. This solves one of the biggest problems. If the situation of the mutants is not resolved, whether it is now Still in the future, it will be a huge burden, and an uncertain time bomb. That’s hundreds of millions of humans! The entire Western Alliance elite is here.

Western Alliance is completely over, but if these people can survive, it will undoubtedly have a great effect on human development. Moreover, from the perspective of politics governance, Zhou Qianlin rescued them will undoubtedly make them more emotionally biased towards Hua Alliance, which is also very beneficial for the future development of Hua Alliance.

Now waiting for the situation on the other planets, a large number of stealth reconnaissance airship has been dispatched to reconnaissance other administrative stars, and more importantly, the reconnaissance Planet Od side.

The last possible area for plundering Samsung is Planet Od. The previous battle was fierce, but plunder Samsung has always appeared in does not have, and the Reaver army is a full-fledged look. This time, the possibility of plunder Samsung ’s evolution is Great, just, without a person knows exactly how long time is needed for the evolution of these Reaver.

For humans, it is more a matter of prayer. Once the plunder of Samsung ’s evolution is complete, then humans will have a little chance of didn’t have. This is undoubted. It will be terrifying to reach Reaver at the fairy level. The presence? Then without a person can compete.

However, according to the judgment of my father and the judgment of Lan Qing own, I have combined everyone’s opinions and wanted to create a place similar to the ancient world of the fairyland. by no means is so easy, it must not be done in a short while. .

Reaver can choose to evolve at this time, obviously it is believed that human beings have enough power of does not have, or they dare not attack them with enough power.

At present, the first goal of the battle has been achieved, but everything else must be more careful. You cannot give yourself a chance to make a mistake. Once you are wrong, it is devastating.

Lan Qing seems to be very calm all the time, but deep down in his heart, why is there so much pressure on does not have? This is a battle that affects all humanity!

I was thinking. Suddenly, Lan Qing saw that the pink on the surface of Angel Star suddenly became thicker. The next moment, a strange scene appeared. Angel star disappeared in an instant.

not wrong is just disappearing. With the suddenly stronger pink, the entire planet disappears instantly without trace, and suddenly becomes hollow in space.

“This …” Lan Qing rubbed the eyes of own. Whoever encountered this situation would first disbelieve own vision. How could it be possible? How could a planet suddenly disappear?

At the time of his amazement, the pink light flashed, the angel star has reappeared in the original place, and, more strangely, the executive star restarted its rotation.

All of this can be seen clearly from space. The restoration of the planet ’s rotation means that it has restored its normal vitality, which is undoubtedly extremely important for a planet.

Is it made by old lady? Lan Qing heart is in doubt. Predatory Samsung relied on its powerful strength to make Angel Star lose its ability to rotate, and old lady relied on the strength of her alone to restore the planet’s rotation. What a great strength!

There was a slight smile of reveals on Lan Qing‘s face, and his hands were folded on his chest, and everything was moving in a good direction.

At this moment, the pink light on the surface of the angel star suddenly converges in one direction, just like Haina Baichuan general. The pink light gradually turns into a light band, converges in that direction, and disappears in between There is no trace of it, but the next moment, the strong pink suddenly burst out from that concentrated place, and then the angel star disappeared once …

Lan Qing stared at this scene stunned. If also might have been dazzled by himself just now, then this time he can definitely feel it, that is, the planet disappears, this …

What a terrible power a person can make a planet disappear out of thin air! Is this the power of space series principle after reaching the pole?

Angel Star reappears, then disappears again, so three times, the planet seems to be normal, and the pink light disappears silently.

Esper advanced Almighty can achieve such a terrifying effect. Being able to see this scene will definitely make them remember the life-long experience for the human army.

Lan Qing immediately issued an order to appease the entire army and told them that this was a vision of human Paragon when it advanced, and it is now controlled Angel Star.

After this battle, the influence of Lan Qing in the entire human coalition has reached its peak. This great victory has also spread the reputation of this God of Wisdom to the entire human world in an instant.

Hua Alliance, Northern Alliance, both got the video of this victory in first moment.

two alliances has widely broadcast videos on major channels in first moment, including the remaining Western Alliance does not have occupied planets.

Soothing the hearts of the people is more important than anything. If humans want to fight Reaver to the end, they first need the support of the people. The previous continuous rout has caused everyone to lose confidence in the government. This is the most terrible thing. When the heart is dispersed, everything is over.

The faint light flickered, a slight smile on reveals on Lan Jue‘s face, looking at the pink halo dazzling in front of him, as if dreaming, it seemed to exist, and it seemed to be old lady, he knew that old lady had already broken through.

Almighty, boundless and ubiquitous, this feeling can only be understood but not uttered, but Lan Jue really felt that old lady changed, and the temperament changed dramatically. At this time, she is no longer Like a Paragon, but like a being able to judge the existence of space.

The white light emitted from Zhou Qianlin covers the body of Photographer Luo Xianni in time and isolates everything from the outside world, especially the suppression of the rules of the universe.

The evolved Luo Xianni looks a little younger than the original, and it seems that by no means is much older than Zhou Qianlin, like a sister general ——


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