Skyfire Avenue Chapter 795: My heart can only hold you seven times

Later, the immortal world was too powerful, and the individual immortals inside it were so powerful and so powerful that the immortal world couldn’t hold back their breath. This made the entire universe feel the crisis, and then the most powerful rules of the universe came. Undoubtedly, the immortal world finally collapsed, all the immortals were wiped out, no matter the immortal world, or the divine world, or even the western bliss world, which was Buddhist, all completely disappeared in that great disaster.

Since then, does not have fairyland, didn’t have fairyland, human cultivation to the level of Almighty is already extreme, and it can no longer enter.

In this short time, Lan Jue comes up in endlessly in the mind, but there is a feeling of utterly continuous, if everything is as you guessed, then it is the most reasonable thing .

If old lady breaks through to the Almighty level, it will undoubtedly reach that level of change.

Reaver has been struggling to fight. Isn’t it the rules of the universe? They just want to build a fairyland created by humans to protect themselves and make themselves stronger.

Continuous evolution seems to be the target of all cosmic lifeform, Reaver is like this, humans are also like this, but from the origin point of view, Reaver goes further that’s all.

If they really build success belongs to the own fairyland, maybe the future results will be exactly the same as the human fairyland, to a certain extent, when they can no longer control their own Tanabata, they will be ruled by the strong universe. Annihilation.

Thinking of this, Lan Jue felt a little dizzy. It turned out that the true goal of mankind in ancient times. Turned out to be the universe. Replace the current universe. It is such a great pleasure to make all the rules that can be made. When life becomes infinite, this seems to be their pursuit.

Lan Jue is longing for himself, but he doesn’t want to do it at all. For him, does not have is now with Zhou Qianlin, and it is more happier to be with relatives and partners.

He knows. Maybe after reaching a certain level, he may have such a pursuit, but at least not now, never.

He just wants to kill Reaver and live a comfortable life that’s all.

However, with these feelings, his future cultivation and breakthrough will be greatly beneficial. Because, he has already glimpsed some of the true meaning of the origin of the universe. This understanding of principle will have unimaginable benefits.

Although the fairyland was gone, it was. Does the breath of the gods in the fairy world really disappear forever? In Lan Jue‘s view, this is not the case. If the breath of the gods of the fairyland had completely disappeared. So, when he broke into Paragon, the Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety projection directly appeared. This means that the former superpower must have any energy or principle integrated into the entire universe, and he was breaking through. At that time, it was the principle that was mobilized to bring together what had been left over.

The future world is almost endless, and there are too many, too many things to pursue. However, only this life is full of novelty and excitement, and full of endless imagination.

Lan Jue has a smile on subconsciously reveals.

Zhou Qianlin kept staring at him, watching his eyes flutter, and suddenly smiled without warning, thinking he was laughing at himself, and couldn’t help whispering in disgust: “What are you laughing at?”

Lan Jue laughed: “Smile is of course happy, I am thinking about our beautiful future, how can I not be happy?”

Zhou Qianlin has a pretty face, “Who and your bright future”

Lan Jue said: “Of course it’s you. Besides V, can there be anyone else in could it be? I’m not a fancy person. I’ve already begged you for a long time last time, and you even got my mom. I have already acknowledged that you are responsible for Oh to me “

Zhou Qianlin stayed a while and just wanted to say: I didn’t recognize it. But Photographer is right next to her, she ca n’t say it directly.

“You will bully me.” Zhou Qianlin does not turn the head.

Lan Jue‘s eyes are full of tenderness, “How can I be willing to bully you, I love you, and take care of you too late.”

Zhou Qianlin looked at him again, his eyes could not help softening.

Lan Jue said: “this period of time you have lost your mind, do you know how worried I am? Can you remember what happened to this period of time?

Zhou Qianlin gently nodded, “Actually, I can feel it, but the feeling is like in a dream, I feel it in a dream, I know exactly what you are doing, but I ca n’t wake up. I keep trying Struggling, but I ca n’t wake up. Knowing that the breakthrough becomes Paragon, the dream finally becomes a reality, and the dream is over, I can open my eyes.

Lan Jue suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Zhou Qianlin was surprised by all the by no means here after waking up, and accepted her so easily. It turned out that she could always feel what happened outside. Just couldn’t wake up that’s all.

Lan Jue pulled her over and drew it into own bosom. Anyway, they were right next to Photographer, and the breath of Zhou Qianlin could always help her.

Zhou Qianlin was earning, and his face flushed slightly: “Mom is still nearby.” This mom screamed very lightly, but Lan Jue could still hear clearly, and her face suddenly felt a satisfying smile of reveals.

At this most difficult time of fight Reaver, own lover finally woke up, which also seems to indicate that everything is moving in a good direction.

no matter, you are intimate with you, don’t worry about me.” The sound of Photographer sounded in their heads at the same time.

All-Encompassing, everywhere.

Zhou Qianlin is even more blushing, and wants to break free of the embrace of Lan Jue, but Lan Jue says nothing and let go of her. In the end, she could only surrender and was held by him.

“When this war is over, we will get married,” Lan Jue whispered to Zhou Qianlin.

Um.” Zhou Qianlin nodded, and she whispered: “Then what can you do with the girls of nearby, they actually like you.”

Lan Jue silent a while, “I have also considered this for a long time. Except for Xiuxiu, they were rescued by Mika. No matter how they feel about me, I ca n’t promise them. And now, I It is even more impossible to drive them away because my existence has caused them to ignore the entire world. After we get married, we will leave. Only if I am not in nearby, they will have the possibility of recognizing this world. “

Zhou Qianlin whisper: “Are you going to escape?”

Lan Jue shook his head. “It’s not to escape, I don’t need to escape, but I think very clearly. They don’t always have love for me, and my love can’t be for them. Everyone stays together, Will let them continue to dig into the horns. And after we get married, if we stay with them, it ’s actually not good for everyone. It ’s better for us to leave and go back and see them occasionally. I will follow them through Skyfire Avenue. Look at their changes. As long as they can live normally, I believe that everything will be fine for them. I thought of many ways, but this seems to be the most likely success. “

Zhou Qianlin has not spoken, after a while, she said: “Actually, I do not have cares so much after going through so many things. Even if you like others, I am not totally unacceptable. I”

“But I can’t accept it, I just want to be with you completely and completely, my heart is not big, my eyes are smaller, I can only pretend to be you, what to do”

Zhou Qianlin smiled and smiled happily. She was has not spoken, but her arms holding Lan Jue were a little harder.

Lan Jue said: “Just take a break, here is me. I’m afraid that does not have will rest after time. The war has just begun. Many things of also need us to do.”

Advanced Paragon not only means that they become stronger, but also mean that they have to bear more responsibility. Lan Jue understands this very well. At this moment, they are a rare quiet time.

Zhou Qianlin closed her eyes, she didn’t want to cultivate at all. Now, she just wants to lean on the arms of her beloved man, feel the warmth of him, and feel her heart full of happiness and joy.

The pink light on Luo Xianni is looming. It feels how powerful the by no means is, but Lan Jue can feel that her body seems to have been integrated into this space. It seems to have become emptiness, but it is everywhere.

What Lan Jue can’t see is that the sky outside the stadium has quietly turned into pink, and this pink is still spreading silently, and in this pink light, one by one The figure of Luo Xianni is appearing silently. At the beginning, there was a figure of Luo Xianni every 10,000 meters. With the time passing, there is one within kilometers, and then more Luo Xianni began to appear in the air. In one place, a faint pink light hovered around her body, giving a very strange feeling.

As the Emperor drilled through the clouds, he saw this strange scene.

Other troops do not know what the situation is, but the emperor Skyfire Legion can be said to be the line of Skyfire Avenue. As the leaders of the army, they naturally know Luo Xianni. So they can first determine that this by no means is the enemy, but their own. Although their by no means knows what Luo Xianni is doing, they can definitely be in their own favor. They hurriedly informed the friendly forces and told everyone that this does not have problem.

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