Skyfire Avenue Chapter 771: Three ways

“Every administrative star has a powerful female beast. These female beasts invade and devour the life force of the planet. At the same time, they are also the culprits infecting our fellow viruses. If they can be killed, then, At least it can be guaranteed that the alive will not be infected for the time being. At that time, our army will cooperate with the offensive and not give Reaver the opportunity to kill our fellow citizens. Maybe more people can survive.

“Although this plan may not really save many people, because our battle may not be able to win the final victory. However, this is already the last moment of our humanity, and we can only do our best to do this Everything is possible to really let them survive. That’s why I have this battle plan. “

All Paragon presents were quietly listening to his story. When they heard that Lan Jue said they had to find a way to rescue the humans on the seven executive stars, Satan and Pontiff had reveals on their faces. They all belong to Western Alliance, which is the most affectionate for Western Alliance. In their view, Hua Alliance and Western Alliance have always been by no means harmonious, Western Alliance has also repeatedly targeted Hua Alliance.

This time the Hua Alliance army came to launch an attack on Reaver. They originally thought that this was more a matter of self-rescue. If the war was successful, then Hua Alliance would naturally get huge benefits.

However, after listening to Lan Jue, their mood suddenly changed. At this time, people have to risk to rescue the ordinary people of Western Alliance! This is undoubtedly of practical significance in the overall military strategy of does not have. They want to do this, naturally there is no such thing as selling, Western Alliance is gone, to whom?

See what is true when you are in trouble. Satan and Pontiff looked at each other and saw the surprise and disbelief in each other’s eyes.

Lan Jue said: “But this operation must be dangerous. According to our last investigation, on each of these planets, there may be strong predators such as Samsung clone, Princess Zihong, and Purple Prince. They are at least All-Encompassing level, and some have even reached the Almighty level. At the same time, a large number of Reaver on the planet also assist them. The mother animal must also be a strong Paragon level. “

“So, I think we must focus our efforts on killing the mother beast, words if possible. Also kill these predatory Samsung clones. In order to save fellow citizens, weaken the power of Reaver. Create opportunities for our main force . “

“According to the overall battle plan, our army will first capture a larger administrative star as the basis. This administrative star is also our primary target of attack. After completing the female beast hunting of this administrative star We will turns to other females. According to our current manpower, I think we can split the females to hunt females. This will be safer. Any comments from Paragon?

The Paragon of the Skyfire Avenue series are all silent. Lan Jue has already passed with them for a long time and has been unanimously agreed by everyone.

Interstellar-level space wars, even the strongest in the Paragon level, can’t do much. This kind of raid operation is the most suitable fighting method for them.

“I support it,” Satan said suddenly.

Pontiff nodded. Take a deep look at Lan Jue, if it is possible to words, he really wants to smash this young man into a dead body. The decline of Pontiff Citadel is caused by this young man, but now, in this situation, everyone and his enemies have common enemies, and it is no longer a time for personal grievances.

Terminator nodded to Lan Jue, “I also support it.”

“It’s not good to split the two ways.” Just then. Absolute Emperor suddenly spoke. As the strongest human being today, his words is undoubtedly important.

Absolute Emperor looks at Lan Jue, said lightly: “Divide three ways. I will be responsible for three planets all the way. The rest is for you. Each planet is responsible for two planets.”

If these words are spoken from other populations, or spoke out in front of so many Paragon, it will definitely cause uproar and make people think it is too arrogant. However, these words came out of Absolute Emperor‘s mouth, but it seemed so logical. Quite a bit like it should be.

Lan Jue looked at Dad with some worry. Want to say something, but after all does not have say it.

“Okay. In this case, then I will make an assignment for this operation. Absolute Emperor Eminence own group. Responsible for three planets. Among the other Paragon, Terminator Eminence led a group, the other Eminence in this group has Pontiff Eminence, Satan Eminence, Time-Space Sceptre Eminence, Paragon Time-Space Eminence, Arcane Divine Monarch Eminence, Good Fortune Scholar Eminence, plus Wine God Eminence. A total of eight Paragon. The third group is led by Photographer Eminence, plus MMHHH25. Sword fairy Eminence. Nether Watch Eminence, me and Zhou Qianlin. “

Listening to Lan Jue‘s group, Terminator can’t help but hesitate. Although Photographer is also a strong All-Encompassing level, the grouping on the two sides is obviously unbalanced. There are as many as eight Paragon on his side. It also includes Time-Space Sceptre and Paragon Time-Space, two Paragons that have reached the level of French heaven and earth. Although Pontiff and Satan are advanced in does not have, they are also very senior in Paragon.

But in the group Lan Jue, they only have five Paragons, only Luo Xianni and one All-Encompassing, and the rest are 1st Step Paragon. Although Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin are the peak of Ninth Level , they are not Paragon levels. Suppose they count Absolute Emperor again, which is certainly strong enough, but without Absolute Emperor, it seems to be a little weaker.

Terminator frowned slightly, and said, “Let ’s add one more to your group, we can reduce one.”

Lan Jue smiled and shook his head, and said, “Thanks for the good intentions of Eminence. I and Qianlin may be able to advance to Paragon at any time, so our side can be counted as a seven-digit Paragon, and I and Qianlin are in progress. During the first stage, a special attack method can erupt, which should be able to play a certain role. Therefore, I think that our strength is also sufficient. At the same time, our group will be responsible for the main landing operations of the army An administrative star, with Skyfire Legion support behind, so I will assign it this way. However, the Paragon has to face Reaver alone, so naturally it must be stronger.

After listening to his explanation, Terminator will not say anything.

The choice of Lan Jue is of course meaningful. First of all, he cannot be in the same group as Terminator, Pontiff, and Satan. Not to worry about them, but do not want them to see themselves and Zhou Qianlin advanced. Although everyone is working together now, there are still some secrets to be protected.

And he has the sword killing fairy Pharmacist, Pharmacist‘s fighting power itself is not inferior to the law and the heavens, and the Driver‘s yin-yang fusion divine thunder is the same. In terms of fighting power, the strength of these two is undoubted. In addition, he and Zhou Qianlin can make advanced breakthroughs at any time, really triggering two handles of Divine Sword, and the combat effectiveness of by no means is weak.

Luo Xianni‘s All-Encompassing and Terminator are not the same. She has been advanced to All-Encompassing for many years. if not is the repression of the cosmic principle. Under the guidance of Absolute Emperor, even advanced Almighty level is not impossible. With her leading the team, she can also transmit distances at any time through long-distance space, which is naturally more suitable.

After the grouping, the next step is to arrange time.

Absolute Emperor chose three adjacent executive stars, which seemed very casual.

There are only a few of you who have really seen the strength of Absolute Emperor, but everyone is Paragon, and they can still clearly feel the horrifying atmosphere of the Jedi.

The other two groups also chose their goals. This raid was completely completed by Paragon.

After the meeting, the two sides will discuss the countermeasures according to the group. Absolute Emperor stayed in their group of Lan Jue.

“Daddy, your body …” It wasn’t until Terminator that they were gone, Lan Jue whispered to Absolute Emperor and asked.

Absolute Emperor waved his hand, “When is it all, does also time care about these? Also, the life crystal I got last time is a bit useful to me, at least I can borrow. If I can get a higher level of life crystal , The effect will be greater. Therefore, this action is not necessarily a bad thing for me. Therefore, you don’t need to think too much, everything will act as normal. The three planets on my side will not come out Question, unless it is plundered by Samsung himself. “

“Okay. Then you must pay attention to your body.” Lan Jue reiterated.

Looking at Lan Jue eyes‘s concerns, Absolute Emperor smiled, “Look at your mother, don’t let her be impulsive.”

Luo Xianni said, “Why am I impulsive? Chi Bupan, you can tell me clearly.”

Absolute Emperor rolled his eyes, “Okay, don’t you know what you are like? You too, protect my son and daughter-in-law, if they go wrong, hum!”

“Hum your face.” Luo Xianni was very disdainful, but her eyes kept does not have leaving Absolute Emperor‘s face all the time, with a touch of anxiety deep in her eyes. Even if it is her, by no means knows what status Absolute Emperor is now.

Absolute Emperor has been advanced to Almighty for so many years. Actually, it has already reached the edge of the next level. However, he by no means has plundered Samsung’s method to suppress itself, or blindly rule the universe. Therefore, I have never dared to advance, and once advanced, it is likely to be directly destroyed by the rules of the universe.

And if he encounters a sufficiently powerful opponent in this war, can his strength really continue to be suppressed? Luo Xianni didn’t know it, even he didn’t know it.

Everything can only be seen in war.

Three space fortress, twelve Cosmic Fleet, unfolding, slowly flying towards the seven administrative stars, with great momentum. (~ ^ ~)

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