Skyfire Avenue Chapter 746: I have a way

Absolute Emperor snorted, and gently waved his right hand, a touch of golden light covered this life gem, completely blocking its breath.

Wine Master walks to Absolute Emperor nearby and presents a gorgeous blue gem, “Eminence, here you are.”

Poseidon’s Tear, just S-Rank energy gem produced in Hailing Star. This stuff has now become extremely scarce, and most of it has been stowed away by Hua Alliance. The problem of limitation. “

Absolute Emperor smiled slightly, “With it, I can always make a few more shots.”

While talking, the Poseidon’s Tear in his hand began to emit a faint blue light, and the blue halo quietly spread out, falling on the piece of life crystal.

Wine Master Although you can also use your own cultivation to motivate this energy gem, but it is absolutely impossible to make Poseidon’s Tear energy appear so uniformly.

Affected, the piece of life crystal began to tremble slightly, and it can be clearly seen that a black air stream emerged from it, and then was quickly neutralized by the blue light emitted by Poseidon’s Tear.

This is the biggest effect of Poseidon’s Tear, filtering some impurities in energy gem. The huge vitality of the life crystal can only be used by humans after such filtering.

Zeus-1 has now moved away from Monte and quickly orbits behind Monte. As Lan Qing said, although radar shows that there are a lot of Reaver near the Monte Star, but compared to the number seen before, it is still much less. Moreover, Reaver with too much by no means and top level exists.

And in the large airspace behind the planet, at least within the current field of vision level, empty, the Reaver army imagined by by no means may plunder Samsung.

Where did these guys go! Lan Jue clenched his fists, and the anxiety of heart began to grow stronger.

The difficulty of Reaver makes all human beings anxious. Do they really leave could it be? Still, also other conspiracy.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that there was a huge energy fluctuation in nearby. He turned his head to look at Absolute Emperor. He was surprised to see that Absolute Emperor‘s eyes did not know when it turned golden. The intense golden color swept away, and warship could not isolate his eyes at all.

Absolute Emperor The whole person also emits golden light. The life crystal in his hand is also radiant. Rich vitality is constantly being injected into him. Of course, those are filtered vitality Correct.


Lan Jue suddenly thought of this title. Dad really deserves to be close to the level of the gods!

After a while, Absolute Emperor‘s face changed slightly, “does not have. I can be sure that there is any Reaver in does not have. With my SkyEye ability, I can find Samsung even if it has the ability to steal stealth. But now everything is does not have. Even the Reaver army is does not have. They should have retreated long ago. “

Lan Jue took a breath and immediately contacted Lan Qing, and told his father words again.

Lan Qing has also changed his face, this situation is completely unexpected.

“The Marshal Kang Hui side has also let the fleet begin a comprehensive fire reconnaissance across the planet. At present, does not have also found nothing.”

Lan Jue is also a little dazed at this moment, “What shall we do?”

Lan Qing frowned. Absolute Emperor suddenly said: “Go back, return to Zhongji space fortress, I have a way.”

Lan Jue froze.

Absolute Emperor suddenly said: “considers as finished, it’s too late to fly back, I’ll go back by myself.” While talking, he stepped out one step and disappeared into the void.

Although his by no means is space attribute Esper, at this level, he must be aware of space and time.

The light flashed several times, and Absolute Emperor returned to intermediate number space fortress with the fastest speed.

Lan Qing was notified by Lan Jue and is already waiting there.

The light flashed, and Absolute Emperor appeared in front of him.

“Daddy, what can you do?” The enemy’s ignorance made the God of Wisdom Lan Qing a little helpless.

Absolute Emperor said flatly: “At present, there can be a solution to this situation, and if you find a problem, only the original Old Zealot can do it. Others are gone, but the apprentice is still there. You brought Juner’s girl to see me , I’ll help her and see if I can feel something. “

“OK.” Lan Qing immediately agreed.

For a while, Jun Er was accompanied by Lan Qing personally to Absolute Emperor.

Seeing this beautiful little girl, Absolute Emperor smiled suddenly, squatting down, “June, I’m a fat grandpa.”

“Grandpa is not fat.” Jun Er smiled sweetly, but there was a faint layer of anxiety between her eyebrows.

“Juner, do you feel anything?” Absolute Emperor acutely observed this and asked immediately.

Jun Er shook her head and said, “I don’t seem to feel anything, but I have a special feeling of uncomfortable. It seems like something is going to happen.”

As soon as this statement comes out, even with such a calm mentality as Lan Qing, you can’t help but be nervous. No wonder he would be like this, Jun Er, but a disciple of Clairvoyant, controlled the existence of Eye of the Future.

Absolute Emperor smiled and said, “June, don’t worry, let Grandpa come to help you see more clearly. You take out your master’s Eye of the Future.”

“Okay!” Jun Er agreed, and muttered a few words, a starlight suddenly shone on her without warning, and then Eye of the Future appeared in front of her. Jun Er held Eye of the Future in both hands. Under the soft halo of Eye of the Future, she looked like a little fairy general.

Absolute Emperor pressed one palm on Jun’s back, “Don’t worry, feel slowly, say what you see, okay?”


Jun’er just felt that the gentle warm current was injected into his body from the vest, making own‘s body warm and unspeakable. The warm current flows in her body, and then slowly enters Eye of the Future. Suddenly, the light of Eye of the Future becomes stronger. Jun Er closed her eyes, and the fog seemed to gradually spread out of the things that could not be seen, and some could be seen.

“Fuchsia planet. So terrible feeling,” she murmured.

“What are they doing?” Absolute Emperor asked softly.

“A lot, a lot of tentacles, wrapped around a planet.”

“A lot of people are dead, so terrible, a lot of people are dead, not fat grandpa.”

Absolute Emperor hurriedly said: “Jun’er is not afraid, if there is a fat grandpa to protect you, nothing will happen.” ——

Today, we are going to make three changes. I was thinking, should we make four changes? Everyone put our Skyfire on the recommendation list, give me some motivation. Seek

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