Skyfire Avenue Chapter 732: You are still young

Lan Qing took a deep breath, took a deep look at Dad on the screen, and nodded hard, “I see.”

“If you understand, do it.” Absolute Emperor waved his hand. Lan Qing has hung up the communication actively.

“Daddy.” Lan Jue called him for the third time.

Absolute Emperor looked at him with a slight smile, “Daddy is old, you are still young.” After saying this, he patted his shoulder, Absolute Emperor left.

Lan Jue seems to be vaguely aware that Dad’s back is already a little embarrassed, although his breath is still so strong. However, Lan Jue knows, dad, really old.

His lips were tight, Lan Jue clenched his fists. If he was given another chance, words, he would definitely try his best to cultivate from an early age. If he can be stronger, he can help his father share more!

In just a few days, in time, Northern Alliance has become a mess.

Chu Cheng sits on a chair and looks at him like a mountain general man. Today’s Chu Cheng wore a military uniform, and three Gold Star were hung on his shoulders.

No doubt, with his qualifications in the army, he is not eligible for promotion to General. However, he became the second Paragon of Northern Alliance, which is really important for the entire Northern Alliance.

If it is in peacetime, with the tight rank of the Northern Alliance military rank, it is OK for him to directly obtain the rank of Major General, but Lieutenant General will be difficult. But now is an extraordinary time, Northern Alliance needs heroes too to boost people’s confidence.

The facts also prove that the promotion of Chu Cheng is very success. Northern Alliance has always advocated heroism.

However, a sudden disaster has made the publicity effect disappear. Inside Northern Alliance, all planets have fallen into an unprecedented panic. if not is Northern Alliance with a sufficiently large army, and it has not hesitated to suppress some riots. I am afraid there will be even more chaos now.

Nevertheless, there is a crisis in Northern Alliance. The government is not trusted by the people, and the military is on the cusp.

Northern Alliance was indeed the most powerful alliance in human world, with the most powerful military power. With up to seven space fortresss, they are arrogant to all humanity.

But in just a few months of time, all this is changing. The Spider space fortress self-exploded, and the Goshawk space fortress can only be used as a mothership. This time, Terminator No. space fortress, known as the ultimate weapon of humanity, even exploded under the siege of Samsung. This is really too big for the whole Northern Alliance.

Under such a blow, Northern Alliance has a chance of slowing down does not have. Their main battle space fortress dropped directly from seven to four. And Terminator, the most powerful space fortress, has fallen. The two space fortress short time built cannot be put into war. suddenly, Northern Alliance fell into an unprecedented state of panic.

“The military has made up its mind,” Chu Cheng said in a deep voice.

Um. does not have Anything that is not determined. If this battle is not big, the government will step down. Now everyone is too panicked. Panic needs to be vented. Only war can let them Seeing hope. “Terminator‘s face was stunned.

He has finally made a breakthrough, and the realm of dreams he has achieved over the years has finally reached, which also means that his life can be extended by several decades. After all, unlike Clairvoyant, he often suffers condemnation for prophecy.

Breakthrough to the All-Encompassing level, he can still be in Northern Alliance for more than 50 years.

But that’s normal, and now everything is abnormal.

“I will take the Dinosaur space fortress. You go to the Kitty Hawk.” Terminator said to Chu Cheng.

“OK!” Chu Cheng agreed without hesitation. Although he valued the rank by no means, he knew that he could directly hold the rank of General, and Terminator was talking. What’s more, in this case, only with the concerted efforts of all people can it be possible to truly defeat the invaders such as Reaver. does not have any chance.

Terminator smiled slightly and nodded to him, “A miracle will come. Maybe you will think I am joking, but in fact, the person I am most convinced of has always been Clairvoyant. Since he said, That person will be able to lead humanity out of this disaster. “

Chu Cheng certainly knows who he is talking about, and a smile appears on his face, “indeed! That guy has always been good at creating miracles. However, he also broke through Paragon with does not have. I don’t know if I can break through this time.”

Terminator eyes flashes coldly, “Trust me, the sooner he breaks through, the better, once it breaks through, it will inevitably rock the sky. The longer the Tibetan front is, the sharper it will be. Go, the army has already assembled. Our symbolic significance is even more for the soldiers. Important. “

Chu Cheng Hey smile, “Let you say that, how do I feel like a mascot.”

Terminator said: “It was originally a mascot. could it be Do you think that by virtue of you and me, you can fight Reaver? This battle, in my opinion, the real top priority should come from Skyfire Legion.”


When Zeus-1 entered Planet Luo star territory and gradually approached the agreed place. Lan Jue was sluggish as a whole. Looking out of the porthole, he couldn’t believe the eyes of own.

He has seen the huge space fortress, and he has seen the endless Cosmic Fleet. However, when he saw the huge existence outside the porthole, he was speechless in shock.

That is a planet, independent of the planets other than Planet Luo. The surface is covered with thick rock formations. It looks very different from the previous by no means. But how incredible he could be here!

Planet Anlun, yes, it turned out to be Planet Anlun. It should have been Planet Anlun on the Hua Alliance border. It’s a planet, how could it have moved here?

suddenly, Lan Jue felt that the brain of own was short-circuited.

“Are you there?” The screen flickered, and the appearance of Lan Qing jumped out.

Um.” Lan Jue responded, “This Planet Anlun …”

Lan Qing looked at the shock on younger brother‘s face, a rare smile on his face, reveals, “its name is now Zhongji space fortress.”

“Zhongji space fortress?” Lan Jue was stunned for a while, but it soon became clear. He knew what it was.

Zhongji space fortress, Unparalleled Extremely Bright Divine Monarch. space fortress with Lan Qing Paragon. Planet Anlun had been conducting converts long ago, and the Hua Alliance military unexpectedly turned a planet converts from inside to outside into a space fortress.

No wonder, Hua Alliance has built does not have new space fortress in the past ten years. The original is by no means without capability, but it is quietly doing this.

Among Three Alliances, Hua Alliance has been in a weak position, with only two space fortress. if not is the deterrent power of Absolute Emperor and Skyfire Avenue, Northern Alliance is probably already fully operating on Hua Alliance.

Even so, in peacetime, Northern Alliance has been trying to suppress Hua Alliance.

The situation of Western Alliance is much better than Hua Alliance, because they themselves are less likely to threaten Northern Alliance, so by no means is too concerned by Northern Alliance. But Hua Alliance is different. Hua Alliance is based on the mysterious and powerful Former Era Ancient China. That mysterious and ancient country has endless heritage, which is the most jealous of Northern Alliance. Therefore, although Northern Alliance does not dare to destroy Hua Alliance, it has been working hard to suppress Hua Alliance and prevent Hua Alliance from developing.

Sanctions have never been reduced in all areas, especially in terms of resources. Military materials and technology. That’s all.

Hua Alliance In this case, if you want to develop, you need more powerful force, space fortress is undoubtedly the top priority.

Since the emergence of Reaver, among the Three Alliances, Hua Alliance was the first to be affected, but now, in fact, the least affected is Hua Alliance.

Crystal Life added a huge Cosmic Fleet and Reaver threat to Hua Alliance. It also forced Northern Alliance to give up the suppression of Hua Alliance. In this case, what’s more important for does not have than Three Alliances‘s concerted effort to go to the fight foreign enemy.

So, at this time, Hua Alliance doesn’t need to conceal anything either. Brand new and also the most powerful space fortress of Hua Alliance at last.

Take the title of Unparalleled Extremely Bright Divine Monarch Lan Qing as the name of this space fortress, which shows the status of Lan Qing in the military. He is also the first marshal of this space fortress.

Take Zhongji space fortress as the center, surrounded by a large block of Cosmic Fleet. This is all Hua Alliance belongs to, five full Cosmic Fleet! Although Hua Alliance only came with one space fortress this time, Cosmic Fleet came with most of it, and only one Cosmic Fleet remained near Planet Skyfire. This shows the support for this war.

The guided ship came to the front of Zeus-1 and guided him to fly to Zhongji space fortress.

The closer the distance, the more clearly Lan Jue can be seen. This Planet Anlun has changed its appearance compared to before.

The surface still seems to be covered by rock formations, but on the surface of the rock formations, there are many channels and black pits with indented muzzles. It looks like by no means is beautiful, at least not less than Northern Alliance‘s space fortress. But Planet Anlun was a real planet after all! Its volume is huge, according to the memory of Lan Jue, it is even larger than the Terminator number space fortress of Northern Alliance. Its quality naturally exceeds that.

The resources required to procure such a huge space fortress must be astronomical, and Hua Alliance is really a fight.

Led by the guided ship, through the Cosmic Fleet defense area, finally came to this intermediate fortress.

Into the interior of Planet Anlun, Lan Jue can’t help but admire secretly, I really did not expect that the technology of Hua Alliance can reach such a degree. Such a short time can let Zhongji space fortress fly over, its speed must not be slow, such a large volume to maintain speed, energy, propellers, must have its uniqueness.

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