Skyfire Avenue Chapter 727: Bracket, Terminator number

Since the appearance of Reaver, he has vowed not to drink alcohol until he destroys these abominable guys. Keep yourself awake at all times. Only a sober mind can better direct the war.

He received news a few days ago, saying that Terminator Eminence entered the retreat state. Once it is out, it will be more powerful and will come to sit in town Terminator.

He looked at the detailed records of the last three space fortresss of the Dinosaur, Goshawk, and Spider and the plunder of Samsung. I have a deeper understanding of the strength of Reaver. These Reavers are not just strong overall, also are very scary individuals. The Marshal Kang Hui of the Dinosaur space fortress almost fell under their attack.

Fortunately, there were Paragon from Skyfire Avenue at that time, otherwise, I am afraid that Dinosaur had already been destroyed.

War may come at any time. Now the Northern Alliance economic system has been greatly affected by this incident, and the whole society is very turbulent. if not can end this war words in short time, I am afraid that human civilization will go backwards with it.

Brown shook his head with a sigh. Terminator is stationed in the outer area of ​​Northern Alliance. There are two Northern Alliance executive stars that need to be guarded. On the other side of Capital Star Planet Luo, there are the dinosaur space fortress and two other space fortress.

With the power of Terminator, there is no doubt that it will definitely become the real main force on the battlefield in the near future. How strong is Raven Star? Only know if you really face it.

Just then, the harsh alarm sounded suddenly, and an urgent sound came from the emergency line.

“Marshal, we found that weird cosmic energy suddenly appeared.”

Brown heart tightened, quickly returned to the own desk, said in a serious voice: “Detailed report. Where does the cosmic energy appear?”

“Appears around us like a sudden encirclement. The energy fluctuations are very strong. It has started to interfere and affect us. Request to turn on anti-shield.”

Brown did not hesitate said in a serious voice: “Anti-shield opens, the maximum strength is 50%, ready to increase the strength.”

The volume of Terminator is the largest of space fortress in the entire human world. The energy required to turn on shield once is astronomical. But this is a special time, and Brown doesn’t care about energy consumption.

He issued a command, each channel of the entire surface of Terminator was closed, and a layer of white halo bloomed outward with Terminator as the center, completely protecting its body.

As he ordered, Marshal Brown looked out of the porthole. His pupils narrowed suddenly because he saw a huge mauve swirl just opposite his porthole.

A picture flashed in his mind for a moment, and he still remembered clearly that the picture was brought back by the reconnaissance team of Eastern Skyfire Avenue. At that time, not indeed

“Anti-shield is turned on 100%, the main gun is charged, and the battle is advanced. All units are ready for battle. Terminator is flying upwards, at full speed. At any cost!” A series of eager orders were continuously issued from his mouth .

He is aware of the danger.

The anti-shield on the Terminator surface is strengthened quickly, like a huge white eggshell, which protects the body inside.

Similar to the dinosaur space fortress, the Terminator space fortress itself is also an extremely large existence. It is also spherical, imitating the appearance of a planet, and the main gun is at the bottom. This is why Brown ordered that the Terminator fly up quickly.

The time is required for the main battery to temporarily recharge, and it takes at least fifteen minutes to complete it at any cost. Behind the mighty power must be the storage capacity of long time.

But also at this time, all three lights suddenly appeared around the Terminator.

That’s three huge planets. When they appeared at the same time, the entire space produced a feeling of collapse. At the center of these three planets, there is a huge vortex each. These three vortices are turning violently, creating a huge suction.

Terminator is the most powerful human space fortress, but its energy is also extreme. In the case that the three planets, which are much larger than it, generate huge suction, the original upward movement was suddenly affected.

“Loot Samsung!” Brown’s heart froze for a moment. He never expected that this war would start in this way, and plundering Samsung would first appear in front of himself, or in this form.

“All attack weapons, attack all!” Brown almost commanded in a roaring manner.

Looting Samsung, space jump surrounded the most powerful human space fortress Terminator as soon as it appeared. Under the suction of Terminator, they could not even turn the own gun to face them.

However, the attack power of the Terminator is indeed powerful. All the planetary orbital guns are fully opened in an instant. Numerous rays of light suddenly burst and bloom outward from the center, like a huge hedgehog, showing its powerful power. attack power.

The three plundered Samsung surfaces all surfaced with a layer of fuchsia halo, and the planet orbital cannon landed on it, and the fuchsia halo will dent, as if the ball was squeezed inward by general, but they The body was injured by no means.

At this time, huge tentacles suddenly emerged from the plundering Samsung. These tentacles opened up and grabbed Terminator.

Some of the tentacles were repelled by the planetary orbital guns, but some also slammed on the shield of the Terminator. suddenly, shining.

If there were some tactics words in the battle of plundering the three major space fortresss headed by Samsung and Dinosaur, then what they have adopted at this time is tough crushing.

“Marshal, anti-shield energy reduced to 60%.”

“Forty-five percent …”

“Thirty-five percent …”

Looting the horrible energy of Samsung’s tentacles, the suction cups above are constantly peeling off the energy on Terminator space fortress.

Terminator No. space fortress is like a flying bug that has fallen into a spider’s web, constantly struggling, but this large web has become tighter and tighter.

It’s over …

Brown has issued a series of orders for mechanization, but he knows that the Terminator has been completed, and does not have is reinforcements, unable to break free of restraints. In this siege situation, even the power of the main gun could not be exerted.

A flash of sharpness flashed through the eyes of this veteran …

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