Skyfire Avenue Chapter 714: Combat under pressure

This is the real strength of Terminator, the real power of terror.

At this moment, Lan Jue has only one kind of feeling, this one can be called Ten Paragons second, deservedly. Among the Esper he knows, Watchmaker is also at this level, but cultivation is significantly worse than Terminator. More important is the understanding of principle. Terminator understands his annihilation idea of ​​the star of annihilation. And the level of principle itself is more advanced.

Even if it is Luo Xianni, cultivation has reached the All-Encompassing level, but because her space principle is relatively weaker than Terminator‘s destruction of principle, everyone really goes all out to fight death, Luo Xianni may not necessarily win Terminator.

What a terrifying power! Lan Jue heart couldn’t help secretly admiring.

“It’s no more than a curse!” A faint voice sounded, this time it is no longer a Brahma, but a Lan Qing own voice, full of Buddha nature, full of compassion, also belongs to own proud.

Buddha light general convergence suddenly converged, Great Sun Tathāgata was hidden, only Lan Qing reappeared.

At this time, he seems to be himself. Facing the infinite suction, open his arms, a white lotus slowly blooms around his body, wandering forward, and flying towards the full The star of destruction that destroys the taste is disappearing in the infinite extinction.

But a strange scene appeared, and with each lotus’s disappearance, the infinite gravitation would resolve a little bit.

It seems that the end of the planet is being pulled back constantly. Let it end own collapse, end own destruction.

It’s no longer collision, it’s rescue. Lan Qing‘s ability is saving the self-destruction of the annihilating star. It’s like Doctor, healing its destruction.

“I didn’t expect that also would resolve my infinite silence.” Terminator‘s voice was clearly surprised. The darkness around him returned to normal, and his and Lan Qing‘s figures became clear again.

Buddha light and Zhaoxing Star disappeared at the same time, only Terminator and Baoxiang solemn Lan Qing with a look of surprise.

Eminence should be also in the third form.” Lan Qing stared at him with a burning look.

Terminator sighed, “The third form is different from the first two forms. I will not use it until I have to. I can resist the first two forms. Although we both does not have release cultivation and the field, it is enough to prove that You are indeed at the same level as me now. I really did not expect that your growth would be so rapid in the short time, it really makes me jealous. “

Lan Qing shook his head, “I can feel shows lenience of Eminence. I am honored to discuss with you. If I feel not wrong, you should have reached the edge of breakthrough.”

Terminator nodded slightly, “I don’t hide you, I have one step left to enter the All-Encompassing level. However, this step is like a condemnation to me. I need external incentives to stimulate my potential that no longer exists Reappear to take that step. Your strength also alone is not enough. I will try your younger brother strength first, if he can help you words, maybe it will be possible. “

“You can rest assured that I will not bother you in vain. When I was casting my Paragon weapon, principle metal still has a part, regardless of whether the breakthrough is success, I will give it to you. Although it is only enough Creating a Paragon weapon, but it must have some effect on you. Especially your younger brother has not yet broken through, and you should be able to learn something from it.

Lan Qing‘s eyes lightened slightly. Terminator didn’t know. Of course, he knew that Lan Jue had Trapping Immortal Sword. With thunder essence as the reference, Trapping Immortal Sword entered the body and already had own Paragon weapons. Now that he has become Paragon, he really needs a Paragon weapon to improve himself.

“It’s time for us?” Lan Jue smiled slightly, took Zhou Qianlin‘s hand and stepped out, came, came to Lan Qing and Terminator.

Terminator said: “You should have heard of our words just now. I don’t force you. If you feel unwilling, I can send you away at any time.”

Lan Jue smiled indifferently, “I can see what does not have is. Humanity can have one more copy. This is a great thing for all humanity. I wish Eminence break through success.”

Terminator‘s eyes lightened slightly, “Although you said so, but I will not discuss shows lenience after a while. I am still waiting for you, I can have the opportunity to discuss with adults Absolute Emperor. He old man, can always All my idols. “

The expression of Lan Jue suddenly became weird, because he was very clear. The last thing Absolute Emperor likes to hear is that others say he is old!

Terminator Of course I don’t know what he’s thinking. Lan Qing has stepped aside and sits cross-legged. Meditate silently. One is to restore the previous consumption, and the other is to fully change the principle when comprehension has just collided with Terminator. Although cultivation, realm, and strength have reached the level of law and earth, his knowledge and comprehension are not enough. time.

Looking at the pair of puppets in front of him, Terminator smiled, “You are ready, you can start.”

Lan Jue took a look at Zhou Qianlin, and then released her hand. Although Zhou Qianlin is still does not have to restore memory and most of her mind, by no means affects her and Lan Jue.

They are guided by the arrow of goodness, and their blood is fused. Zhou Qianlin This situation of losing her mind now makes her easier to enter the ethereal state.

Looking at them, Terminator was suddenly surprised, because he was surprised to feel that the two people in front of them suddenly felt incompatible with everything around them. It seems that they should not exist here. Everything should be surrendered to them.

But if you look closely, you can’t tell the difference.


Terminator heart is a bit surprised. Based on his experience, he only vaguely guessed that these two people should have practiced some special exercises so that their breath can produce this special state.

The Lan Jue has a gentle smile on its face, but it still feels extremely noble.

What’s going on? Terminator heart was startled.

Lan Jue‘s eyes suddenly became somber, he also played against Paragon, even also Princess Zihong, such as the purple prince. But at that time, there were various situations to assist. The real one against one is a friend or partner’s Paragon in the face of by no means, and it is still the first time that France is about to break through to the All-Encompassing level.

does not have eager to start, Lan Jue closed his eyes slowly, Zhou Qianlin sensed his changes, and closed his eyes as well. A more bizarre scene appeared. In the perception of Terminator, a wonderful linkage relationship began to appear between Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin.

Their first is their breathing, and their breathing begins to become consistent.

Then their rhythm of heartbeat turned out to be exactly the same.

It looks like two people, but it feels like a whole.

“Oh!” A crisp sound awakened Terminator, and immediately, a feeling of cold hair erupted immediately, alertness that he did not exist suddenly.

It was a creepy feeling, as if the trial from heaven was about to fall on him general.

Since he became Paragon, this is the first time he has felt this way. Although it was only a moment, he was startled.

Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin raised their hands at the same time. In the next instant, the two behind the heads flashed, one blue and one red, and two rays of heavenshaking rose up. sword glow complemented each other, like living things. They are entangled in each other’s breath, complement each other, and are interdependent. The powerful sword qi makes Terminator‘s face change.

What is this sword? Why is power so powerful?

Terminator is an experienced senior Paragon. He feels Trapping Immortal Sword and Severing Immortal Sword differently from others. He can clearly feel that the breath on the two Divine Sword handles is extremely horrible, to the extent that simply then dare not delve into it. It was like two active volcanoes, which could erupt at any time.

“Please advise, Eminence.” Lan Jue‘s clear voice sounded. Then, he stepped out one step, and the red long sword had fallen into his palm. Slowly, a sword stabs at Terminator.

His sword is dignified like a mountain, and like a mighty wave, magnificent and turbulent!

Terminator seems to hear the sea roaring and roaring. As if to be swallowed by him.

During the operation of Lan Jue, Zhou Qianlin also moved, the blue Severing Immortal Sword fell into the hands, Severing Immortal Sword transformed into infinite sword meaning, ever-changing, suddenly like flowers blooming, suddenly like a rain hitting a banana, covering the Terminator.

“Good sword, good swordsmanship!” Terminator yelled, his hands drawing an arc in front of him. Suddenly, a cloud of darkness rose over his chest, and around it, a golden light shone.

indeed The domain of his Doom Star has shrunk. In the face of two by no means opponents of Paragon, of course he cannot go all out as soon as he comes up.

However, Terminator quickly realized the mistake of its own judgment.

The first thing that fell on him was the sword meaning brought by Severing Immortal Sword. Sword means Ling Tian, ​​crosswise. It seemed that every sword was very light. But the sword qi is like a pointed needle general.

He obviously felt that the star of own‘s extinction actually felt like it was going to be punctured. That sword qi of sharp, even his Paragon principle can not resist. principle collided with the blue long sword sword qi, and naturally there was a tendency to collapse-

Second, please ask again

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