Skyfire Avenue Chapter 712: Trial

“Okay!” The answer from Lan Qing is simple, just one word. Then he closed his eyes and began to close his eyes.

Terminator has a faint smile on reveals‘s face, looking at Lan Jue, “Are you interested in participating?”

Lan Jue smiled, “Of course. There are many people and powerful people. But besides me, I have also companions and want to participate.”

Terminator said: “Okay, you guys can come together.”

Lan Jue laughed: “No, I think you misunderstood what I meant. Lan Qing is Lan Qing, I am me. My companion by no means is him. You come with him first, and we will ask you to consult later.”

He can’t let go of such a good opportunity. Discussing with a top level strongman is of great significance to him. It is about to impact the level of Paragon and to profoundly change comprehension principle. The effect is very good.

After all, he and Lan Qing are brother. Even in the process of discussion, everyone cannot go all out. At the same time, he understands the capabilities of Lan Qing, and the pressure on him is relatively small.

But Terminator is not the same. This long-known and powerful Paragon will bring him more pressure, and at the same time, it will allow him to go deeper into comprehension. Moreover, he also believed that since Terminator called them out in front of everyone today, it would never be against them.

Lan Jue always believed in Juner’s judgment on Terminator. Juner said that Terminator is a good person. In this regard, Lan Jue is convinced.

Perhaps, Jun Er is still does not have and Clairvoyant had such a powerful ability to predict. However, she was born with inability to look at things, relying on keen observation. Wine Master once said that before does not have practiced prophecy, Juner’s judgment would be more accurate. The heritage of Clairvoyant can make her look farther away.

Lan Jue also closed his eyes, closed his eyes, and adjusted his ability. He is about to discuss with a strong man at the level of Terminator, he dare not care about it.

Terminator looked at the similar brother duo, with a slight smile on reveals on his face, and even closed his eyes. No doubt, he attaches more importance to these brother than their own imagination.

high-altitude flying vehicle flew for half an hour before speed began to slow down and lowered the altitude.

A semi-circular building slowly opens a gap, and high-altitude flying vehicle slowly enters it.

Lan Qing and Lan Jue opened their eyes almost simultaneously. The eyes of Lan Qing are clear, and the bottom of the eyes exudes a peaceful atmosphere. The Lan Jue is the light blue sharp like electricity, the light blue electric glow lingers.

high-altitude flying vehicle landed slowly, Terminator didn’t open both eyes until then.

“Come.” He got out of the car first and walked ahead.

Through a metal door, into a metal tunnel. I don’t know why, after coming here, Lan Jue felt a little bit depressed. He didn’t know why he felt this depression. But his cultivation can make him feel depressed by no means easily.

Lan Qing apparently noticed something too, a faint gleam flashed under his eyes, and he glanced at the metal wall next to him.

Terminator said: “It belongs to Great Conclave, or, in a sense, it belongs to me only. Twenty years ago, I discovered a mysterious metal. The birth of this metal originated from The collision of two meteors. In the universe, meteorite collisions are common, but meteor collisions are very rare. Gravity fields in all aspects must just appear to affect their collision.

“The structure of the two meteors can no longer be verified, but after the collision, a metal appeared. This metal has a lot of impurities and its structure is also by no means. It was brought back by the Northern Alliance fleet at the time. Because it The energy fluctuations emitted above are very strange, so the scientific research aspect of Northern Alliance also invited me to participate in the research. I was surprised to discover at the time that this metal was filled with the fluctuations of principle. “

principle? Lan Jue looked at Terminator in surprise.

Terminator continued: “I was shocked at the time, I never thought that there could be principle on the metal. No doubt, the power of principle by no means was born from the metal itself, but originated from two The injection of a popular collision into it. How to form without a person can be said clearly, but I really feel it. So, I took this piece of metal down and researched it myself. “

“Later, I discovered that the internal principle of this piece of metal is constantly changing, and it is still getting stronger and stronger. At that time, I was already Paragon. At that time, I also entered Paragon with the limit of my body converts On the level, I thought that this life, that is, solidified at the Law of Nature level, but I didn’t expect that the discovery of this metal has changed my future. With my perception of it, my cultivation improved speed very quickly. This piece of metal has been mutating, which has prompted my strength to be mutated. Finally, after ten years, the ranks have reached the level of law, heaven and earth.

“I thought it would help me keep going, but its energy fluctuations have begun to weaken. The change of its principle, it turned out to just help itself to arrange and make itself stronger. And As its own energy started to stabilize, the changes in principle also stabilized and could no longer assist me in my cultivation. I have tried to find similar metals in the universe, but today, I have n’t found anything in does not have. “

“Later, the core of this metal became my principle weapon. The external impurities were merged into other metals and I finally built this place. This is a place suitable for Paragon practice. At the same time , Is also a place suitable for Paragon battles. “

Each Esper who can become Paragon has a own story. This point is very clear to Lan Qing and Lan Jue. without a person can casually success, at least in human history, does not have has always been an innate Paragon.

But they didn’t expect that Terminator would tell the story about him own. This really made them feel a little incredible. After all, the relationship between Northern Alliance and Hua Alliance has not been so harmonious. Great Conclave and Skyfire Avenue are themselves competing.

Speaking time, they have passed through the martyrdom, then through a thick metal door, and entered a wide space.

Coming here, the previous feeling of depression becomes more obvious. With the commentary of Terminator, then feel it carefully. Sure enough, Lan Jue found that this is indeed a place full of principle flavor, and this principle originates from the metal itself.

Some impurities can bring such a feeling, and this metal has made Terminator advanced from Law of Nature to the level of French heaven and earth. Its strength is beyond doubt.

“Welcome back, master.” The electronic sound started, and a projection fell from the sky.

Lan Jue keenly discovered that after coming here, Terminator‘s mood seemed to become somewhat relaxed, and the feeling was like returning to his own home. No doubt, this place is very important for Terminator, and it can even be said to be his secret base.

Um, Noah, open the strongest protective enchantment.” Terminator said.

The projection falling from the air looks like a tall man. If you look closely, you will find that it is similar to Terminator, but it looks much younger.

I do not have children can’t have offspring. So, Noah was created. I used the look of my youth to blend the look of a woman I used to love the most. It can also be talked about.” Terminator explained with a smile The origin of Noah.

Lan Jue said: “Eminence, shall we start?”

Terminator said: “That’s it. Call before you talk. Are you sure you won’t come together?”

Lan Jue nodded without hesitation: “As long as you don’t mind the wheel battle words.”

Terminator laughed, “You know, opponents are hard to find. In the past, when Huan Xue was there, we often consulted. But frankly, I like her fighting style, by no means, time‘s control, which makes me uncomfortable. In fact, I What I am most looking forward to is that if I can compete with Absolute Emperor one day, it will be my greatest honor.

Lan Jue shrugged, “I think it’s too difficult for by no means. As long as you Lan Qing is miserable enough, I believe Absolute Emperor will appear in front of you.”

Terminator eyes light up, “Really?”

Lan Qing said lightly: “It will take a lot of misery for both of us.”

Terminator smiled, “Try it out. Unparalleled Extremely Bright Divine Monarch Eminence, although I think your title is very long, let’s get started.”

Hearing the title of own Paragon, the facial muscles of Lan Qing obviously twitched, but soon returned to normal.

Lan Jue shook his body, and the person has been transformed into a electric glow. He went away, and at the same time, a layer of blue thunder glow covered his body, so that the outside sight could not see the inside, and a figure followed. He began to separate.

He and Zhou Qianlin have practiced for so long, and they have obviously improved their strength recently. In fact, they have always wanted to find someone to discuss and see how much their strength has reached. But because of too many things, does not have found the right opportunity. Today Terminator invites an appointment, and this discussion is naturally the best thing.

Terminator is smiling, looking at Lan Qing, “Please!”

does not have What is too much preparation and politeness, discuss and start! ——

also updates Oh at 12 o’clock tonight, three changes tomorrow! !!

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