Skyfire Avenue Chapter 708: Goodwill of Terminator

Lan Jue heart was shocked. What kind of identity does Terminator even say this? He must have known that Skyfire Avenue could not let Juner come to see him, so he said so. However, with his status in Northern Alliance, head to Skyfire Avenue to see Juner? Isn’t he afraid that his side is against him? This kind of style is worthy of being second only to Dad’s fame.

At this moment, Terminator‘s eyes turned behind Lan Jue.

Lan Qing has long stood up and nodded at him with a smile.

Terminator smiled a little, “It’s a higher wave again. Seeing your appearance, the realm has been stabilized. It’s really a hero.”

Lan Qing said: “Eminence also seems to have touched the threshold of the next realm, congratulations to Eminence.”

Terminator eyes flashed light, you know, his cultivation is higher than Lan Qing, and it is the level of the law and the world for many years, but was seen by Lan Qing at a glance, how can he not be surprised?

“If possible, we can learn from each other.” Terminator returned to normal and said with a smile.

Lan Qing said indifferently: “As long as you wish.”

Under rostrum, the General from Western Alliance is sitting in the second row, Qiu Xiaochen is at his nearby, and is whisperingly reporting everything he just saw.

The expression of this Western Alliance General has become weird, especially when seeing Terminator saying hello to Lan Jue brother on the stage, heart can’t help sighing secretly, this world is really about to change! This generation of young people is really amazing.

He is Hua Alliance Military God, and the young man who looks very similar to him and just shot, can even sit in the first row on behalf of Skyfire Avenue.

Unconsciously, the status of Hua Alliance is quietly rising in human world. From the emergence of Reaver to now, at least so far, every decision of Hua Alliance is quite correct.

From the first to obtain the life crystal, the research of metamorphosis began, and later, Hua Alliance reconnaissance got the latest news about Reaver. Multiplication auctions, as well as reconnaissance missions performed in the Northern Alliance war and so on. Of course, the strength of the more important also Skyfire Avenue continues to increase.

At the level of Esper, there is no doubt that Hua Alliance has taken the absolute advantage. It is said that even Absolute Emperor, which ranked first in Ten Paragons, has already come out of the mountain. Absolute Emperor alone will never be inferior to the deterrent ability of a space fortress. Even before.

Look at yourself again? Western Alliance has fallen too far behind in Esper. Pontiff Citadel also broke a scandal not long ago. Although it was suppressed by public rumors and forcible suppression, as a high-level military officer, he knew more or less.

The original two citadels of Western Alliance has always considered itself to be comparable to Skyfire Avenue, and the high-end strength by no means is too inferior. But now it seems that this is just a crazy talk about dream that’s all. Not to mention that Pontiff Citadel and Dark Citadel will never be united. Calculate that they can unite as one, which is just two Paragon that’s all.

The number of Paragon in Skyfire Avenue is more than the number of Ninth Level peak Esper they add up. In such a comparison situation, Esper has no comparability at does not have.

Recent research has just said that ability will have greater lethality against Reaver. Although this statement is still in the process of being verified, if it is true words, then there is no doubt that Hua Alliance will rise again . Skyfire Avenue will also be promoted to a more important level.

Lan Jue, as the vice chairperson of Skyfire Avenue, and not itself Paragon, was actually arranged to sit in the first row at this conference, and it has been proven that the guess is likely to be true.

“General.” Qiu Xiaochen’s call awakened the Western Alliance General.

Um.” General sighed.

Qiu Xiaochen eyes with doubt and curiosity, “General, you said, why are they so young, but they can become so powerful? could it be is because of talent?”

Western Alliance General smiled a little, “in this world, without a person has always been able to casually success, will not have it now, and it will not be in the future. You only see the valuable side of them before, but has not seen what they paid behind Effort. “

Qiu Xiaochen said a little unconvincedly: “But I have always worked hard! Why is she so much worse than them?” She is also a Ninth Level Esper, which is already very rare in the military Level, but she only has Ninth Level 1st Step cultivation, compared with Lan Jue, Lan Qing, the gap is much larger.

Western Alliance General said: “I can’t answer your question. If you have the ability to words, you can try to approach them and ask them. Only they can speak clearly.”

At this time, more and more people are in the venue. rostrum also filled up quickly.

The eight seats in the first row, in addition to the one seated by Lan Jue, the other seven seats have the speaker of Three Alliances and military President. Then also seated a person in a seat, to a great extent unexpected by Lan Jue.

“Your strength has increased again. When will you break through?” A handsome, near-perfect smile revealed on his face.

Even though Lan Jue and him are already extremely familiar, but every time I see him, I still can’t help but feel a little lost, even in the heart secretly defamated. If this guy is a woman, it must be a level of disaster to the country and people.

This acquaintance who is also sitting in the first row is no one else, indeed Sea Emperor Hua Li (splendor).

Hua Li (splendor), like Lan Jue, sits in the first row, he is later. Although he only sat in the outermost position in the first row, he has fully proved his position.

Lan Jue is the speaker of Northern Alliance on the left-hand side and Northern Alliance military President on the right-hand side. This arrangement made him somewhat flattered.

Speaker Hua Alliance and military President both sit on the edge of the other side. This is determined by strength, and has always been the case at meetings of this level.

Terminator are just sitting in the second row, which is far from Lan Qing. Lan Qing stands for the military, while Terminator stands for Great Conclave.

The conference room is brightly lit, and the bottom is gradually filled. suddenly, the stars will shine, almost all of them who can come here are Three Alliances high-level military personnel, especially Northern Alliance.

The atmosphere of the venue became more dignified as more and more people came. Everyone’s emotions can remain relaxed. The existence of Reaver is a huge threat to the entire human world. It is like a big rock, which weighs heavily on everyone’s heart.

!” Speaker Northern Alliance is a very old man with aura. He is a black suit, which sets off his calm temperament. The hammer in his hand smashed twice in front of him, and the voice spread throughout the venue. Suddenly, the large conference room quieted down.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on rostrum.

The rostrum at this time is really a bit dazzling. This dazzling is not others, indeed Hua Li (splendor) and Lan Jue. Compared with the other six of nearby, they are really young and excessive, and they are so outstanding in appearance. Although Lan Jue is as handsome as does not have Hua Li (splendor), after absorbing the immortal spirit of thunder essence, his temperament has also changed a lot. In addition to elegance, there is a bit of ethereal feeling, even if you watch carefully, by no means can completely see her look.

What big scene Lan Jue has never seen. Although he was paid attention by many people, he still sat there calmly. At this time he heart was thinking about Hua Li (splendor).

Hua Li (splendor) can sit here, in the first row, then, first of all, it means one thing, the Vast Ocean group is stronger than he thought.

Lan Jue has heard that the Vast Ocean Group has taken back the control rights of its space fortress and renamed it Sovereign of the Seas, which is responsible for protecting the Sea Emperor star. All members of the Haihan Group, the members of the also Hua Li (splendor) family and private soldiers are all on the Sea Emperor star. There is a great deal of courage to deal with Reaver by one’s own power. There doesn’t seem to be any fear of plundering Samsung suddenly.

There is no doubt that the current Vast Ocean group must have fully demonstrated the strength of own, so Hua Li (splendor) can sit in such an important position. After this meeting is over, I really want to talk to him. This guy seems to be hiding a lot!

“First of all, on behalf of Northern Alliance, I welcome everyone to come to today’s meeting.” Speaker Northern Alliance‘s voice was very low, but it was extremely magnificent, which could make everyone present especially clear.

“Everyone knows what we mean by hosting this conference today. Humanity survives! This is the name of the conference. At least in my memory, all conferences of all humanity have never had such a serious title does not have. But we used it. .Yes, it’s time for our human existence. “

“I believe you have all seen us Northern Alliance Three space fortress And five Cosmic Fleet And the video of the war of looting Samsung. We have passed on various analysis materials to you. Looting the stars is even more terrifying than we thought. We lost this battle, but we lost by no means Injustice. Frankly, being able to do this without knowing the opponent at all, I by no means feel suprised. “

this period of time, our Northern Alliance military is under tremendous pressure. The pressure comes from all sides, there are internal military forces, there are parliaments, and of course, more from the people. But today I am here, To represent the parliament and correct your name. You have done a good job, your by no means failed, and by no means are the losers.

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