Skyfire Avenue Chapter 662: Skyfire reinforcements!

Xiao Han looked up and found out that he did n’t know when there was an extra dazzling warship with a volume of battleship in the sky, and one Mecha kept flying off it and thrown into the battlefield. Their appearance made those Reaver no longer be able to approach Hailing Academy for half a minute, just like general, and opened up an empty area on the periphery of academy.

The same faint also Su He, when he looked desperately at the seagull Reaver, there was a sudden roar in the sky. Then, a strong light swept through the sky, and the sky’s magenta disappeared. The clear sky was revealed.

Then, light and shadow blasted from the huge warship, and quickly entered the battle. Instantly resolved the urgency of Hailing Academy.

Su He itself is God Rank Mecha Pilot, and its eyesight is naturally much stronger than Xiao Han. When these Mecha Pilot entered the battle, he could not help but take a breath. Where is this Mecha legion? It turned out to be so powerful. ability flashes on everyone, and the equipment is extremely sophisticated. Looking at his long-range heavy sniper gun, all the Reaver within a radius of 100 meters turned into blood fog. Look at the cooperation of others, and complement each other. Those Reaver rushed over, they could only die!

When did Hua Alliance have such a powerful Mecha legion? All are composed of Esper. could it be, are they from Planet Anlun? Su He vaguely remembers that the Anlun army seems to have formed the Esper army.

“Yes, Teacher Su?” At this moment, a Mecha in the form of a double-headed dragon flew from the air and came to the front of Su He.

“Are you? Ice and Fire Dragon?” The characteristics of this Mecha are so clear that it is difficult to recognize them.

“It’s me. I’m also the Skyfire Legion Third Brigade Captain. Our army has arrived. Please rest assured that Teacher Su is not a problem here.” Bartender said with a smile.

The Great Emperor came to the rescue by flying over the sky with the shortest time inside by virtue of overloading. Upon arriving at Hailing City, I immediately found that Hailing Academy was critical. This came to rescue immediately. With the fighting power of Skyfire Legion, these ordinary infections Reaver simply then does not have have no effect. When the long-range Mecha Pilots of the second group fell down, they quickly completed and cleared to a certain extent. Those Reaver simply then could not pass the fire blockade. In the sky of do not say, the horrible big guy also Emperor has been defeated.

Su He heart moves slightly, “Skyfire Legion? Are you from Skyfire Avenue?”

Bartender said: “Yes. Our legion leader is your old acquaintance, we call him Jeweller. You should know who it is.”

Su He is stunned, suddenly heart is mixed, and Lan Jue has become the leader of such a powerful army? Such a legion is simply the invincible existence of human world!

Hailing Academy has now become a sea of ​​jubilation, the arrival of reinforcements, the strength of reinforcements, finally pulled them back from the death line.

A light projected from the front of the Ice and Fire Dragon into a three-dimensional projection.

Familiar figure, familiar face, indeed Lan Jue.

“Hello Senior.” Lan Jue nodded to Su He.

Lan Jue, thank you, and thank you for your reinforcements. We will not be able to stand up later.” Su He said sincerely.

Lan Jue said: “This side is temporarily stable, we will be there soon, and we will go directly to look for the female beast. The order of Hailing Academy will be troublesome for Senior maintenance.”

“Okay, leave it to me.” Su He nodded.

Lan Jue smiled at him slightly and hung up the communication.

The Great Emperor arrived one step early with its super flying ability, and Lan Jue is not far behind on their side. Zeus-1 is also flying at full speed, and it is not far from Hailing Star.

The Emperor arrived, and more information came. Hailing Star has been occupied by Reaver for more than a quarter of the area, these Reaver come very fierce. Because Hailing Star has a large number of marine organisms, and these organisms themselves can greatly transform the nutrients of Reaver. This is naturally an important reason for the large number of Reaver.

Moreover, this time Reaver obviously has plans to come, and Reaver in outer space is responsible for blocking the reinforcements. However, in the presence of the Emperor, their strength is not enough. A total of six cosmic-grade Reavers were killed by the Accountant controls Emperor. Then it landed on the surface of the planet to aid Hailing Star. The original Hua Alliance military reinforcements have also fallen, and the Mecha Pilot is dispatched to protect several other cities.

With the arrival of Skyfire Legion, the situation of Hailing Star has been temporarily stopped by control.

“Brother, I’m going to trouble you to find the position of the mother animal later.” Lan Jue said to Lan Qing on capital ship via communication.

Lan Qing nodded slightly, but eyes flickered with anxiety, “Reaver is out of nowhere, our reconnaissance system cannot block them from sneaking into the planet. This is too dangerous. A mother animal can cause huge damage to a planet .How many planets do we human world have in total? If Reaver‘s aggression is in full swing, I am afraid that even our resistance is does not have. A’Jue, do you have any ideas? “

Lan Jue said: “Because of this, I originally proposed that a large number of people be gathered on a small number of administrative stars for protection. Especially to give up those resource-based resource stars. Only machinery is left for mining .Mainly mobilize the people to the living planet. At the same time, we also need to increase the prevention of Reaver. also is to expand and increase troops. Against Reaver, fixing defense is far less effective than Mecha. Adding Mecha troops in each Increased presence on the administration star. Once encountered, quickly launch an attack.

Lan Qing nodded. “The inland planet is far less secure than before, and I will propose to the military ministry to increase all the administrative stars. Our military enterprises are now operating at high loads and producing various weapons. Armed on various planets. These inland administrative stars also need to be equipped with planet orbit guns. If Hailing Star has a planet orbit gun, the Reaver in the universe will not be able to prevent reinforcements from coming. “

Lan Jue heart sighed, but now they are actually does not have good methods, these methods are more passive. The battle with Reaver has just begun, and experience accumulation requires time.

Lan Jue eyes narrowed, “Actually, the best way to deal with Reaver is to take the initiative. Only by taking the initiative to destroy the living power of Reaver as much as possible can they reduce the pace of their aggression. This time, Hailing Star did not know How many creatures will fall because of this. Moreover, Reaver is likely to come for Poseidon’s Tear. I have let the Great Seal seal the airspace through radar. Do not let any Reaver escape. “

Lan Qing: “After this time, I will propose to the above. See how to take the initiative.”

Lan Jue said: “I take the initiative to attack, but I do n’t have much to do. I have a lot of people and it is very difficult to retreat from the whole body. Dad said that among Reaver, there is a stronger person than him. However, I After asking Yongye, he said that the higher level than Dad must be the true immortal in ancient times. The principle change produced by the immortal has surpassed the human level. If he wants to exist in the universe, he will be rejected by the power of Heaven and Earth. It ’s like the immortals of the past had the fairy realm because the universe principle did not allow such powerful creatures to appear, they could only live in specific areas. Once they left, they might be destroyed by the universe principle. Therefore, Cheng Xiancong In a sense, it is equivalent to imprisoning themselves. Then the fairyland disappears, and then the does not have appears again. Just because at that level, the place protected by does not have may be directly destroyed. The more powerful the fairy , The stronger the restriction by principle. “

“Then you asked Dad does not have in detail? How is Dad’s level now? Will he break through to that fairy’s realm?” Lan Qing asked.

Lan Jue smiled bitterly: “I tentatively asked, but Dad didn’t say.”

Lan Qing said: “Daddy’s body seems to have certain problems. Daddy doesn’t agree said, if you have the opportunity, ask your mother. She should also know.”

Lan Jue nodded.

Hailing Star is already on the lookout. From a bird’s eye view of space, Hailing Star has already appeared in blockbusters, blockbusters of fuchsia, shocking. It was as if a person had been traumatized, and a piece of bruise was added to his body.

Zeus-1 accelerates instantly, flies in the direction of Hailing Star, crosses the atmosphere, and heads for the sea.

Fuchsia has not only contaminated the land, but also the sea. There is no doubt that the females should be in these areas that have become fuchsia.

“Let’s go out and find it. You control Zeus-1 cope.” Lan Jue said to Su Xiaosu.

“Yes!” Su Xiaosu immediately agreed.

Lan Jue and Driver both ejected, each releasing Mecha and integrating into Mecha.

Sitting in the cockpit of Thor, Lan Jue suddenly felt a blood connection, as if at this time Thor radically is a larger part of his body. This feeling has been around since he started to fuse thunder essence. When driving Thor, his ability will naturally connect with the Thor system. To Lan Jue‘s surprise, the intellectual brain and ontology of Thor seem to be affected by Dutian divine thunder. indeed From then on, the feeling of flesh and blood appeared.

Thor is accelerating in the air, and the body surface is rippling with a layer of light blue halo. by no means releases too strong energy fluctuations, but it has already appeared on the sea surface.

The purple-red sponge is shocking, the sea is strangely calm, and even the waves are does not have.-

Strongly seeking

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