Skyfire Avenue Chapter 653: Large axis

“Please wait a moment first.” The sound of Wine Master suddenly sounded, so many buyers who just relaxed could not help but focus on him.

Wine Master said: “I just received a notification and I am very grateful for your support for this reproduction auction. After the final crystal of life, Hua Alliance decided to take out the most precious piece of the crystal of life obtained this time for auction. Please wait for a while while the delivery is in progress. Jeweller, please pick it up. “

“OK.” Lan Jue stood up and walked out.

also? also big axis lot?

The original Western Alliance stands for a sudden look, and the Northern Alliance stands for Wine Master. This is by no means in the original auction sequence! However, no one has stipulated that the auction will not temporarily increase the number of lots.

What will life crystal that is more precious than the previous one look like?

Lan Jue walked out of the field and actually returned after just one turn. What do I need to pick up? The piece of life crystal radically is is in his contract of Thor.

When Lan Jue returned to the auction, a rich and extreme breath of life bloomed outward from him. In his hands, holding the piece volume by no means is too large a life crystal.

This piece of life crystal is presented in red, about the size of a palm, flat and octagonal, with a ridgeline on it. If we say that the life energy contained in the previous life crystal is to describe the words with energy intensity. Then, when this piece of life crystal appeared, it instantly occupied an absolute height on the level.

The original Terminator where it was sitting suddenly opened the both eyes, and a strong light burst out in an both eyes. He clearly felt that this piece of red life crystal contained a liquid amount of life energy, and this life energy amount clearly contained principle level fluctuations. Life principle!

This is the life crystal with life principle! If judging from common sense, it should be that only Reaver at the level of Paragon can produce. Is Skyfire Avenue even such a crystal of life already alive?

This is indeed what he thought of playing does not have, but for him as Paragon, such a life crystal has real meaning.

In fact, it is not just Pontiff who needs life crystal to continue life. Compared with Pontiff, the urgency of Terminator is not small. Although he was as old as does not have, due to cultivation, he combined with machinery and left a lot of problems. Although with the later advanced Paragon, principle make up. But those hidden dangers cannot be completely eliminated after all. Whether you want to go further, or extend your life, solve these hidden dangers. This kind of life principle can undoubtedly play a very important role.

Lan Jue‘s by no means is fast, so that everyone can clearly see the shape of this piece of life crystal. Feeling the amount of life energy, everyone’s face has changed greatly.

The stronger the cultivation, the more obvious the feeling. For example, Milenda, who has been stuck at the peak of Ninth Level for many years, even feels that if he can obtain this piece of life crystal and use it to help practice words, maybe he can directly break through to the Paragon level!

Lucifer has a similar feeling. His cultivation is slightly inferior to Milenda, but also exists at that level.

Fiery eyes fell on Lan Jue, but Lan Jue seemed to feel nothing. He was not at all afraid of someone suddenly doing something to him. The lessons of Astral Phantom have left these people with too deep sound, Skyfire Avenue is enough to suppress the scene. This is the site of Skyfire Avenue, it is Skyfire Museum, the home of Clairvoyant.

A pair of hot, greedy eyes are constantly blinking, and everyone’s brain is running at a high speed. There is no doubt what this crystal of life means, they understand too much.

Lan Jue stepped onto the auction table and came to Wine Master nearby.

This time Wine Master was eager to start bidding for does not have, but said: “I have just been bidding for so long, and everyone must be tired. We have prepared drinks and food. Everyone can take a break. After half an hour, This last axis of life crystal began to bid. “After saying this, he and Lan Jue walked back together.

When silver light flashes, Lan Jue and Wine Master disappear at the same time.

As soon as they left, the scene suddenly got out of control. With suddenly, the voices of many buyers instantly became agitated. Many people even dialed interstellar communication to ask for instructions.

This situation has also appeared in previous auctions, but it is definitely so enthusiastic in front of does not have. It is because this life crystal that just appeared is too important.

“It’s a bit reluctant!” Wine Master handed Lan Jue a glass of brandy, and said suddenly. To him, this top level life crystal also has a considerable degree of significance.

Lan Jue said ill-humoredly: “I ca n’t bear the child to hang on to the wolf. You do n’t know what our goal is this time. And, do n’t you already have it?”

The last life crystal that they took out is indeed one of the highest level of life crystals they got this time. It comes from the benefits brought by the Absolute Emperor Qiankun throw, and that blow directly defeated a lot of powerful Reaver. However, at this level, there are even seven or eight pieces of life crystals at a level higher than also. Wine Master can naturally obtain the right to use it.

This auction was proposed by Skyfire Avenue. In fact, also has some additional conditions exist. The additional condition by no means is said by Wine Master, but Absolute Emperor directly proposed. Absolute Emperor‘s requirements are very simple. Lan Qing must have the right to select the proceeds from this auction, and at least 50% of them can be controlled by warship.

After experiencing the raid star, even the strength of Absolute Emperor has felt the crisis. On the raid star, there is a higher level of life, and how strong is its strength? Absolute Emperor is not sure. In this case, facing Reaver, the stronger your own strength, the higher the security. Moreover, Planet Anlun was originally lacking resources, especially warship.

Hua Alliance is relatively backward in this respect. There are only four Cosmic Fleet in total. Although Cosmic Fleet is allocated on the Planet Anlun side, the overall strength is not enough, and it is not even full. After all, the military will not allow one side to be dominant.

But the situation is obviously different now. Lan Qing is promoted to Paragon, which will undoubtedly become the best successor of the first military in the future. At the same time, he has a huge influence in Hua Alliance. For Hua Alliance, it has grown Anlun. The army will only be good. As for such a big thing, you always have to survive to consider it.

In the end, Hua Alliance agreed to the requirements of Skyfire Avenue. This is another reason why Lan Qing will also appear at this auction.

Wine Master said: “You, you, it’s really bad. Hua Li (splendor) should be in collusion with you, right? But I didn’t expect that he would even be promoted to Paragon.” If he hadn’t seen words at the beginning, when When Hua Li (splendor) revealed face, he naturally understood the secrets. The relationship between Hua Li (splendor) and Lan Jue is so tacit, and the does not have relationship is strange in this kind of thing.

Lan Jue said: “I didn’t expect him to be so fast, it should be from the family heritage. In fact, each generation of the Sea Emperor family has a Paragon, but this power needs to be passed down .Hua Li (splendor)‘s father should have sacrificed many things to be able to help him ascend to the present state. He still needs to be solid to formally become Paragon. Now my brother and A’Li have been promoted, A’Cheng is also closed, I am under great pressure. . What kind of abilities of our Skyfire Avenue has or doesn’t have inheritance have also improved me? “

Wine Master said ill-humoredly: “Come less of this set, even if we have, can we compare with Absolute Emperor? Since Absolute Emperor allows you to improve step by step, it is definitely the most correct choice.”

Lan Jue said: “This kind of auction will have such an effect only the first time. I am afraid it won’t work next time. It is estimated that they will be reluctant to take out another strategic material such as warship. I have arranged it over Zeus’ Jewelry Store Are you out of the wind? “

Wine Master nodded, “It’s ready, the news will naturally be released when the auction is over.”

So many people came to take photos this time, but Life Crystal could not do piece. The price was so high. Many families who came to take photos did not get Life Crystal. But because of this, their desire for the crystal of life became stronger at this time. The number of life crystals on the Skyfire Avenue side is huge, and this opportunity can be used to sell another batch on the black market. This is not limited to warship, Mecha, energy gem can be received. Anyway, it is resource replacement. In exchange for more resources they need through scarce life crystals.

This auction has a complete plan for a long time. It will first resolve Western Alliance‘s doubts, and then attract the forces of all parties. Through the strong appeal of Life Crystal, Hua Alliance will benefit, while maximizing the benefits, feeling the current parties Relationship. This plan is to lay the foundation for Hua Alliance‘s future at fight Reaver, and it is also a time to show strength to the outside world.

The overall weakness of Hua Alliance is not something that one or two days can change, but it is an indisputable fact that Hua Alliance now has so many powerful Espers. The protection of the Paragon from Hua Alliance made Northern Alliance and Simon dare not act lightly, and there was a crisis of Reaver coming at any time. Hua Alliance is becoming more and more powerful. Western Alliance and Northern Alliance, unless they can instantly destroy Planet Skyfire, otherwise, is also any way to take Hua Alliance does not have— —

Tomorrow Oh, please

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