Skyfire Avenue Chapter 650: Mysterious Number Three

“Quiet!” Wine Master groaned. With the majesty of his Time-Space Sceptre, most people immediately became quiet.

King of Angels Milenda suddenly stood up and said: “Time-Space Sceptre Eminence, since this auction is based on fairness and impartiality. Everyone has does not have‘s identity hidden, so can you please ask the third bidder to show people the true face?”

Wine Master said indifferently: “Whether to hide the identity of own, this is everyone’s freedom.”

Anliu has already pushed the third life crystal at this time. Compared with the previous two, this one will be significantly larger, with a diameter of fifteen centimeters. life energy is at least as much as the previous two. .

“The third life crystal, the reserve price of two battleship, auction starts. Please bid.”

“Five battleship!” The mysterious buyer No. 3 of does not have was affected by the previous King of Angels questioning and bid directly.

Five more? This time, someone couldn’t sit still. Price is one thing, but whether you can buy it is another. The life energy contained in this No. 3 life crystal is very large, and according to various studies, the more life crystals containing life energy, the higher the energy purity. In other words, after filtering by Poseidon’s Tear, there are more pure life energys that can be left.

“Five battleship and one patrol ship!” King of Angels Milenda raised the number five on his hand.

“Ten battleship!” The cold voice of the mysterious buyer No. 3 sounded again and doubled. The audience was quiet again. Milenda looked like a knife behind the third bidder. sharp‘s eyes seem to pierce the opponent’s body.

From piece to the third block, the other party has already bid for up to twenty battleship, which is not a small number. If it is pirate group words, a large pirate group can already be organized. Those who can come up with resources of this scale are by no means ordinary people. It ’s okay to say that it ’s just a buyer who participates in the auction, but what if it is a trust? What should I do?

“Is the third life crystal, ten battleship, also higher?” Wine Master‘s offer speed is very fast, it is clear that the countdown is about to start again.

There is obviously some commotion in the auction floor. This price is exactly what meaning? Although there are many life crystals, but at such a price, it has exceeded the prediction of many people. That is warship, a warship that requires various resource combinations and also requires high-tech technology to build. Before the auction began, Hua Alliance had long stipulated the level and specifications of bids warship when participating in the auction. It was impossible to get confused. You can’t get the crystal of life until you pay.

“Ten battleship once, twice, three times. Deal!” Wine Master can complete the auction quickly and step by step regardless of their turmoil.

Send the fourth piece of life crystal. This piece is about the same size as the piece life crystal.

“Fourth Life Crystal, the reserve price is battleship, please bid.”

“Five battleship!” The bidder No. 3 bid again without hesitation.

“Beware of life, auctions are useless.” A dark voice suddenly sounded, but the voice came from all directions, obviously using some special means.

Wine Master turned a blind eye to this, but only saved his job as an auctioneer, “Life Crystal No. 4 and five battleships, and has or doesn’t have higher?”

“Five battleship and one patrol ship.” Finally someone couldn’t hold their bids.

“Six battleship!” Buyer No. 3 bids again.

“Six battleship and one patrol ship!” The bid price this time is still King of Angels.

Buyer No. 3 seemed to hesitate, and then does not have raised its card again.

“Six battleship and patrol ship, and does not have are higher?” Wine Master dropped the hammer after two consecutive questions. Finally, a piece of life crystal fell into the hands of buyers who were not number three bidders.

The fifth crystal of life was pushed up. As soon as this crystal of life came on stage, many people sat subconsciously and straightened their bodies. The volume by no means of this life crystal is larger than the previous one, but its color is dark purple, which contains the almost sticky amount of life energy. Obviously on the same level as the previous four life crystals by no means. When it appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

“Five Crystals of Life, the reserve price of five battleship. Auction starts. Please bid!” What is the difference between the attitude of the Wine Master auction and the previous by no means, it is still calm.

“Five battleship!” This time, no one was waiting for the No. 3 buyer’s shot.

“Six battleship!” Someone immediately asked the price.

This high-level life crystal has also appeared in human world before does not have, at least on the surface does not have. This kind of thing is not something that can be measured recently. The life energy contained in it is so huge that its research value can be imagined.

Metamorphosis is based on the amount of life energy, but the level of life energy will undoubtedly affect the effect of metamorphosis. The stronger Esper itself, the larger the life energy is needed to complete the improvement of its own life level. Many of the bidders present were powerful Esper, this high-level life crystal naturally has a stronger appeal to them.

A slight smile on reveals on Lan Jue‘s face is about to be staged.

“A capital ship.” Buyer No. 3 shot again. This is also the first time this auction has bid to capital ship. Although he had previously called ten battleships equivalent to capital ship, the momentum displayed at this time was obviously different, and there was a certain stance.

You know, on the appraisal day yesterday, everyone found that there are five high-level life crystals. These five life crystals are among them piece. Although they are not the best, they are undoubtedly very attractive.

“One capital ship and one battleship!” This time, the bid was does not have, and the bid was paused, and the bid was Terminator, which represented Great Conclave.

Terminator immediately quieted the audience. The Ten Paragons‘s second-place presence today has a strong deterrent effect.

“One capital ship and three battleships.” Unfortunately, the third bidder by no means was scared.

Terminator eyes narrowed, “One capital ship and five battleship!” It seems that he is determined to obtain this piece of life crystal.

But soon, the mysterious buyer No. 3 reported an amazing price. “Two capital ship!” Turns out to be two capital ship! This is equivalent to the existence of twenty battleships, just to purchase a piece of life crystal.

King of Angels Milenda and Fallen Angel Lucifer have remained silent. Because they are very clear, Hua Alliance will not just place a person in the front row. What is the position in the front row? Officially equivalent to Northern Alliance and Western Alliance. This is not something everyone can sit on.

From the beginning of the auction to the present, both Northern Alliance and Western Alliance officials have overpriced does not have and are in a wait-and-see situation.

Terminator is silent, does not have continues to bid again, this price has exceeded his heart price. Although Great Conclave has money, after all, it is not as strong as Skyfire Avenue, and this time it is not money but warship that is used for auction.

While everyone thought that this piece of life crystal was going to be taken down by the third bidder, suddenly, the official representative of Northern Alliance sitting in the first row, an old man in his sixties, said in a serious voice: “Two capital ship and battleship. “He was holding the number one.

“Two capital ship and two battleship!” Buyer No. 3 responded immediately.

“Two capital ship and three battleship!”

Buyer No. 3 seemed hesitant this time. After a moment of silence, he leaned on the back of his chair, has not spoken.

“The fifth life crystal, two capital ship and three battleship, also has or doesn’t have higher bid? First, second, third time, deal!”

As the representative of Northern Alliance, the old man greeted Wine Master slightly, his face reveals with a touch of satisfaction. This is also a senior Esper, Ninth Level peak strength, this time was specially invited by Northern Alliance.

The atmosphere of the next auction has gradually become eager, and the buyer No. 3 still shots frequently and won a few more ordinary life crystals. It turns out that the price of the five battleship he originally quoted to buy piece has gradually become less exaggerated. Because with the increase of competitors, the price is rising.

There are more than 80 participants, and there are only more than 100 points of life crystal. Originally, each person could turn one. But after the third buyer had won more than ten pieces in a row, some people started to worry.

I do n’t know when this kind of auction will happen again. If you do n’t take words again, you will probably return empty-handed.

Crystal of Life is an absolute tight supply now. Those big families are also does not have. Who doesn’t want to own piece? Just like when the auction was first proposed, the appeal of prolonged life is unparalleled.

Western Alliance has always been on the sidelines, but Northern Alliance has frequently shot, and has also won several pieces of life crystal. In terms of financial resources, Northern Alliance is undoubtedly the strongest. They have the largest warship group of human world today.

“The forty-eightth life crystal, the reserve price is one capital ship, each bid must be no less than one battleship. The auction is started!” Finally, a high-level piece life crystal appeared. Judging from the strength of the energy wolf, it is similar to the previous No. 5 life crystal, but it is 50% larger.

“Two capital ship!” Western Alliance, the first shot. The ordinary life crystal Western Alliance has got a little official, but this high-level life crystal is by no means. No. piece was won by Northern Alliance, the second piece, they are bound to win. Western Alliance has also seen it. Continue to continue this way, the price will only get higher and higher, and first win the strategic life crystal of piece, this is very important for them-

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