Skyfire Avenue Chapter 633: brother study

Although it is not Paragon yet, Lan Jue‘s use of principle is not as simple and difficult as it used to be, but it has more flexible changes. In addition to being unable to exert the power of the field, he can already say that he has mastered a part of principle profundity.

In terms of Zhou Qianlin, the speed by no means upgraded by cultivation is too fast, but it is very stable, and has been improved with the increase of Lan Jue. At the same time, when the two were practicing swordsmanship together, Zhou Qianlin‘s swordsmanship improved quite fast, and does not have was affected by their own consciousness. When they performed the swordsmanship, they even surpassed Lan Jue in some aspects. According to Xuanyuan Shishi, this is because Zhou Qianlin‘s Goddess Transformation ability is the purest ability and the closest to the ancient immortal constitution, so it is also the fastest to understand the ancient swordsmanship. After all, she wants to learn directly in this state, although unfortunately However, Xuanyuan Shishi directly imprinted this memory in her mind, and then after practicing, she naturally became more and more proficient. For the current Zhou Qianlin, understanding is just a gradual natural perception.

Lan Qing hovered until it was far away from Planet Anlun. The holographic projections seen by the Yellow Army and Skyfire Legion were completely photographed by satellites in distant space. At this time, in the remote monitoring of Western Alliance and Northern Alliance, the airspace around Planet Anlun suddenly turned into a white, and nothing could be seen. Strong jamming signals made their remote exploration useless.

In this regard, Northern Alliance and Western Alliance have long been used to it. Planet Anlun regularly has this kind of interference. In their judgment, when this happens to generally speaking, Planet Anlun must be conducting some military experiments and the like. That would be the case. But this interference general will not last long, because it requires a very large amount of energy.

Lan Qing sighed at Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin with a sigh, “Is she better?” He knows the character of Lan Jue too well, Lan Jue is smart and talented. However, there is a very obvious shortcoming, which is that it is easy to use emotions. Once it is emotional, it is often easy to get a fever. This is why the Lan Jue was silent for three years.

Lan Jue by no means knows that Lan Qing is in order to maintain its strength advantage. He paid much more in private than he did to achieve what he has today. It is because of his talent that he considers himself inferior to Lan Jue.

Looking at younger brother finally having a lover again, and being side by side with her. At this moment, the war intent of Lan Qing heart suddenly decreased a lot. Is strength really so important? Maybe being with the person you love is the perfect thing.

Lan Jue has been paying close attention to elder brother, Lan Qing‘s emotional changes, he naturally felt in first moment. Seeing the share in elder brother‘s eyes, he couldn’t help but hesitated a little, “It’s better, at least in a good direction. Qianlin‘s ability is Goddess Transformation. With the self-repair ability of extremely powerful, she will definitely recover. Certain “He strongly affirmed this.

Lan Qing smiled slightly, “I wish her a speedy recovery. You should not put too much pressure on yourself. One of us, two, is enough to bear more pressure.”

When Lan Jue heart moved, it was the first time he heard elder brother say such words, “Boss, what happened to you? could it be, do you have does not have confidence to beat us?”

Lan Qing glanced down at his mouth. This kind of humane emotion appeared very well on his face. Occasionally, even Lan Jue looks a little sluggish. It seems that after becoming Paragon, everything has changed in Lan Qing. If it was said that he had always been a tight string, then now he seems to have loosened that string a lot. This is definitely one of the things Lan Jue would love to see.

“Come on, let me see. You have n’t been able to enter this period of time recently. Even your dad highly respects your abilities.” Lan Qing said indifferently, the expression on his face disappeared, and it seemed to be restored The former God of Wisdom, Prometheus.

Lan Jue smiled slightly, he is still more accustomed to Lan Qing in this state. A hand held Zhou Qianlin, and the soft blue halo burst out from him, but both eyes turned golden instantly. Under the co-rendering of gold and blue, his whole man looked brilliant.

Zhou Qianlin also has a layer of white halo, with a little silver light in the white halo. At this time, although she could only rely on her instinct to fight, but because of the Lan Jue heart, she was also able to play a certain combat power, driven by Lan Jue.

Lan Qing‘s eye also lights up, but any color of does not have flashes. He looks like a layer of radiant light, and seems to have been integrated into the universe, into this void, and with the surroundings. Everything fits perfectly.

Lan Jue suddenly felt that he and Zhou Qianlin seemed to be opposing the entire universe. This feeling was absolutely unfavorable. The pressure came from all directions. Although by no means was strong, it gave him a feeling of being incapable of fight. It seems that everything of own must be controlled under this starry sky.

In the face of Paragon level elder brother, he didn’t dare to stay a bit. eyes golden light was released. He suddenly took a step forward in the air. Suddenly, a terrible breath burst out from him, and dazzling golden light bloomed from behind him. That golden light seems to be going to open up this sky, Paragon this life, that unparalleled domineering spirit is a little bit heavenly and underground, the only style I have.

But Lan Jue by no means exhibited his former God King words and spirits. Among the golden light, suddenly, the gold disintegrated and turned into a little bit of starlight dissipating in every piece of space around his body, but that is also dissipating here. In the process, the pressure that Lan Qing brought to him also seemed to disappear. A crisp dragon murmur sounded, and then, a red mang rose from his back instantly, and the moment when the red mang appeared, all the surrounding space felt a kind of momentary distortion.

Lan Qing‘s eyes moved slightly. As long as the soldiers who watched the holographic projection would focus, they would find that the hair of Lan Qing fluttered slightly, as if pulled by something. The red light heavenshaking instantly turned into a 100-meter giant sword. The touch of red fell from the sky and turned positively to Lan Qing.

The entire space is twisted violently, and the pieces gradually collapse into pieces, devouring everything around them. All space seems to be suppressed, devoured and destroyed at this moment by the energy of terror! All this turned into a huge abyss, devouring the body towards Lan Qing. It seems that it is no longer a sword, but a horrible Hell, which will completely destroy and embezzle him.

Lan Qing slightly bowed his head, seemingly recognizing the sword of Lan Jue. He floated in place, but his eyes suddenly sharpened, and his hands were gently patted in the void. A strange scene suddenly appeared, Lan Qing The whole person seems to be immersed in the twisted void general. No matter what the force of devouring, he seems to be a part of the twisted air, but he stays still.

The red light flashed, Lan Qing became illusory, and then re-solidified, as if anything happened to does not have.

At this moment, a ray of blue light immediately followed the red light, and the blue light flew like a glorious eye-catching comet to Lan Qing, and then suddenly bloomed like a huge blue flower Turned into countless blue light, enveloping Lan Qing. A little bit of sword glow shoots and covers, giving a stunning beauty.

If the red light is a visitor of Hell, then this blue light is like an immortal pointing the way.

The interweaving of red and blue finally makes Lan Qing not so calm. He draws a half arc on both sides of his body with his hands, and then fits his chest. Suddenly, a circle of golden light bloomed from his behind the head. He seemed to be towering as a whole, with an indescribably hot feeling burning everything around him, even his soul.

Whether it is blue or red, in the splendid golden light and devotional Sanskrit sound, all disappear without trace.

Do not move like a mountain! At this time, Lan Qing, it seems that it is no longer the God of Wisdom, but has become a Buddha, and everything can only be worshipped before him.

The soft golden halo is constantly refracted and reflected in the universe. In the void, lights and shadows flickered. Everything in the range seemed to be golden, and the low Brahman singing became magnificent. Lan Jue only felt that heart was peaceful, and it felt like it was impossible to do it.

Realm, is this the realm of Lan Qing? does not have Absolute Emperor is so powerful, but his field is full of past, present, and future. Great Sun Tathāgata sits in the middle of the town, and all the sky, earth, and starry sky surround him nearby and worship him. It makes people feel unable to struggle.

“Principles are so dense!” The deep Brahma sounded, and the loud voice initially sounded louder than by no means, but soon resounded in the soul of Lan Jue. Trapping Immortal Sword shivered a little in his hand, and he even felt like he was going to bow down.

Prajna Prajna Mitra is one of the most powerful mantras of Buddhism. Although Lan Qing by no means is accompanied by other attack methods, this cover alone is quickly disintegrating the Lan Jue‘s mental defense line.

If it is before absorbing thunder essence, just this one, Lan Jue will lose the battle. But at this time, a spirit of clear spirits rose in his body, allowing him to quickly wake up. Trapping Immortal Sword turns into an arc in his hand. The huge arc encloses him and Zhou Qianlin at the same time, and then turns into a blue light, darting away.

Where the blue light passes, the gold quietly disintegrates, and the strong sense of annihilation makes the realm of Lan Qing a kind of passive shake.


Second more, ask for a recommendation. Today, three more Oh. also at night. (To be continued)

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