Skyfire Avenue Chapter 631: The power of Skyfire Legion!

In this case, the combat effectiveness of the Skyfire Legion individual team is much stronger than originally expected by Lan Jue. They cooperate with each other and are powerful. In the face of the Yellow Army of Hemitis, the Skyfire Legion has been reduced to zero, and the body of the Yellow Army of Hemitis has been eroded by various methods such as harassment, segmentation, strong strikes, and sneak attacks. And once the Jeremiah Yellow Army attempts to divide, then the Skyfire Legion team will concentrate their forces and launch an assault under the leadership of the Ace Team.

After feeling the changes of principle of Lan Qing, Skyfire Legion has another overall leap in strength. Many people have broken through the bottleneck because of this. Now Sixth Level ‘s Esper is not much. Most of the strength is above Seventh Level . In addition, Skyfire Legion also has great advantages in terms of equipment, and the results of fight can be imagined.

The strict discipline of the Iron Corps Huang Corps couldn’t help but protest after the exercise, demanding a better Mecha. But even Lan Qing can’t help this. Where did the equipment for Skyfire Legion come from? That was done by Skyfire Avenue at their own expense. The wealth accumulated by Skyfire Avenue is not a rich country, but it is definitely the richest group in Hua Alliance. In this case, how do you compare with others? Everyone’s Mecha is tailor-made according to their own ability, and they are assisted by various advanced energy gem to give full play to their own strength. This advantage is too great.

The fighters of do not say subordinate are depressed, even Lan Qing is a little depressed, because the second exercise was directed by him. But still lost. No way, the gap between equipment and individual combat effectiveness is too large.

Now every team of Skyfire Avenue can guarantee a Ninth Level Esper team. A Ninth Level Esper plus Mecha increased combat effectiveness, although it cannot be said that it must be God Rank Mecha Pilot, but regardless of offense and defense. None of them can compete with ordinary Mecha. Therefore, in the end, the command of Lan Qing still ended in a fiasco. It was nothing more than defeating some Skyfire Legion squads that’s all.

Lan Qing is very clear. If the individual strength of his subordinate soldiers can be compared with Skyfire Legion, and the equipment is on the same level, he will definitely have a chance to win. but now. The chance is too slim. He also thought that if he joined the battle directly, he would be able to turn the war with the strength of Paragon, but does this make sense? Is it Skyfire Legion does not have Paragon? It’s just not in that’s all now.

The evaluation of Lan Qing to Skyfire Legion is that the Esper legion cannot be copied. And he could not help secretly admiring the somewhat risky and gambling decision of Skyfire Avenue. Form such a legion. It takes not only huge financial resources, but also great determination to complete it! This is not possible in the case of general.

It turns out that Skyfire Avenue has a vision. The existence of such a legion has changed the way Mecha fights. Their fighting power. Never use the Mecha legion to describe it. What’s more, these Esper together, the Russian competition between the squad and the squad, coupled with the Skyfire Avenue‘s support at all costs, their ability to improve speed is definitely the fastest among all human-made world legions.

Not to mention anything else, I have realized the change of Paragon promotion principle twice. Is this something that ordinary people can come across? Ordinary soldiers faced Paragon promotion. Neither will help. Esper wants to encounter this kind of situation is rare. But Skyfire Avenue has been completed twice, and many of them have Mingwu. These High Step Esper also benefit the most.

So, when Lan Jue saw Lan Qing, there was a lot of excitement. But he didn’t know that his elder brother‘s competitive spirit was also raised. Lan Qing‘s favorite is to make the impossible possible. If does not have is competitive enough, how can he achieve such achievements in a young and light situation? This is not just a matter of talent, but its own efforts also play a considerable role.

After listening to Bartender and Coffee Master‘s eyebrows, the expression of Lan Jue can’t help but become weird, and heart is also very pleasantly surprised. Continue according to the situation at hand. The strength of Skyfire Legion will continue to increase. Especially with so many life crystals brought back this time, I just need to give you some news. The morale of the legion can be imagined.

After confirming that the combat effectiveness of Esper has enhanced killing effect on Reaver, the role of Skyfire Legion‘s combat capability in future wars has also been confirmed.

“What happened to brothers that was left with Planet Skyfire?” Lan Jue asked.

Coffee Master said: “They have all come to comprehend and come together. Your fat apprentice seems to get the most benefits. I can even feel that there is a trace of principle fluctuations in his body. It is really enviable and jealous! You also accepted me as an apprentice. I have so far realized the edge of principle with does not have.

Lan Jue said ill-humoredly: “Come less of this, you are comfortable and unwilling to work hard. Otherwise, your talent could it be is worse than others? You are the first cramper under the stars.”

Bartender sighed a little: “This is really wrong, now it’s not just an era with talent. If you don’t work hard, you will be eliminated. You don’t see it. Now the teams below are all more competitive. do not say is out, and there are frequent discussions among various teams within the country. We also listen to your suggestions to encourage such behavior. By the way, we are going to host an internal competition of Skyfire Legion. The champion team can get a use of metamorphosis Chance, what do you think? “

Lan Jue said with a little surprise: “What are you going to do?”

Coffee Master smiled, “The brothers of the Legion is now too energetic and has nowhere to be used. We will find something for them to do. We are going to break up the four brigades, just like you participated in the Esper Competition. A game within our Skyfire Legion. All played in DreamNet, ten-to-ten teamfight through Simulation Cabin. Ace teams also participated, but each team of the Ace team was divided into two teams to participate in. This is relatively fair. The winner of the championship Team, give a qualification to use transmutation. “

Lan Jue laughed: “This is a good thing! However, the ace team’s personal combat power is too strong, even if it is only five people, I am afraid that the ordinary team is difficult to fight. It is better to dismantle the ace team and conduct a separate test. Members of the squad will engage in individual battles instead of team battles. At the same time, each squadron can choose one person to participate in individual battles. It is equivalent to dividing the game into two parts. One is a team battle between teams, and the other is the trump team. Individual battles between us. Our Captain teams can also participate in individual battles. But Paragon will not participate, neither will I and Pharmacist. “

Bartender held out his thumb and said, “You think better, just do it. This is also a disguised training. These games, at least for half a month. Let them do something.”

Lan Jue said: “And I think we can also make internal competitions the norm. Let everyone have more sense of competition to promote their hard training. Our prizes can be different every time. Anyway, now Skyfire Avenue has money and Resources. “

After the three of them discussed, it was settled. It is entirely conceivable that under this stimulus, each team will have a strong sense of competition.

Of course, it can’t be safe to fight individually, and the legion warfare against the Jelly Yellow Army will continue. You don’t need to do actual combat, just simulation battle in DreamNet is enough. The functions that Simulation Cabin can achieve now are very close to the actual situation.

Thinking of this, Lan Jue decided to find Lan Qing, and suggested that both parties continue to fight. Skyfire Legion stay here a period of time more to say. Anyway, the information brought back this time is enough for Hua Alliance to digest a period of time. The communication with Northern Alliance Western Alliance alone is a lot of trouble.

Lan Qing is undoubtedly very busy, but with the arrival of Lan Jue, he still freed up time to see himself younger brother.

“What’s the matter? I’ll wait for the also meeting.” Lan Qing said very directly to Lan Jue.

Lan Jue said: “I plan to let Skyfire Legion stay in a period of time in Planet Anlun and continue training with the Jelly Yellow Army. I think this is good for everyone. It is enough to conduct army combat training through DreamNet. Through different terrain, The environment and conditions of the Army fight will be very beneficial to the improvement of both sides. “

Lan Qing looked at him with a weird look. “Are you enjoying the win? The unequal personal strength and equipment make this training of little significance. Moreover, it will hurt the confidence of our army.”

Lan Jue laughed: “When have you been confident in does not have? It ’s better. We can reduce the number of combatants. The equipment is not easy to change. Because I need to adapt them to their equipment through actual combat. If you train with ordinary equipment, instead The effect will be reduced. “

Lan Qing‘s eyes moved slightly. “Can I understand that this is a contempt for our army?” Since he entered the Anlun army, his subordinate army has never seen a situation where his opponents need to reduce the number of players on the battlefield.

Lan Jue shrugged and said: “The facts are in front of you. Moreover, you don’t need to be unconfident! You know, you are facing the most powerful ability group of human world today, Skyfire Legion is the epitome of the entire Skyfire Avenue, whether it is The personal combat power or the wealth support behind it is indeed a great deal of advantage. In this case, reducing the number is not shameful. After all, our goal is to enhance the strength of the soldiers, fortunately, it will survive better in the future fight Reaver , And bring even greater blows to your opponents. Are you still focused on face, is it interesting? “


Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket. (To be continued)

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