Skyfire Avenue Chapter 630: Safe return

Um, we have just released Shattered Chaos Star Territory, I will first transfer the obtained information to you, and you will pass it to Hua Alliance as soon as possible. This time we have achieved a lot.” Lan Jue told Lan Qing with a smile.

“OK!” Lan Qing promised, and immediately chose to receive.

The data sorted and analyzed by Accountant started to be transmitted remotely. Watching the progress bar go to 100%, Lan Jue finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their this trip was finally lucky to complete their reconnaissance. On the whole, it can be regarded as shocking. However, considering that they had fully used the power of five Paragons, it was not surprising that this reconnaissance was completed. If none of them can detect words, then the war between humans and Reaver will not have to continue, and humans will undoubtedly be defeated!

Zeus-1 continued to accelerate, headed straight for Planet Anlun, and Skyfire Legion was still waiting for them. With the information returned by the reconnaissance, it was enough for Hua Alliance to make some judgments. However, the reconnaissance obviously needs to continue, but the next time it will need a certain time. It is imperative now to return these life crystals. And reflect their value.

These life crystals are given to some reliable people in Hua Alliance, so as to truly maximize their benefits. Life crystal is of course targeted, but when it reaches a certain level, the value will decrease. Before that, exchange with Northern Alliance, Western Alliance for something, obviously a better choice. For example, some high-tech warship and the like. Whether the force is strong is the most important place to decide this battle between humans and Reaver.

After completing the file transfer, Lan Jue finally relaxed and continued to practice with Driver. He has decided, this time after going back. Be sure to complete the fusion of yin and yang double thunder with Driver to change its thunder and lightning ability. After fully laying down the foundation, sprint to the Paragon level, and strive to reach the elder brother level at an early date.

Originally Lan Jue thought that after melding with Zhou Qianlin. The strength is very close to elder brother, especially after getting Trapping Immortal Sword among Executing Immortal Four Swords, he is even more confident than ever. But who knows, Lan Qing completed the Paragon breakthrough at this time, and directly broke into the level of France and heaven. While being happy for elder brother, Lan Jue itself also felt a sense of urgency. Especially after facing Reaver this time, this sense of urgency is even stronger.

Among human beings, he is a strong top level, but when he was with High Step Reaver fight. He felt a little helpless. This is a lack of strength, and Lan Jue understands this very well. Therefore, he must improve his strength at all costs and reach the level of being able to match High Step Reaver fight as soon as possible.

If it is only himself, of course he knows that this will be a very long process, because at least it must reach the level of the mother to be able to compete with the Reaver level of Princess Zihong. But he by no means is a person, he is nearby also Zhou Qianlin. If he can both become Paragon with Zhou Qianlin, plus the double swords of Trapping Immortal Sword and Severing Immortal Sword, then. It should be a battle with High Step Reaver.

Upgrading to the Paragon level is still expected, after all, he has been rebuilt, and the foundation is much stronger than general Esper, no less than the thick Lan Qing.

Zeus-1 returned smoothly and entered the Planet Anlun base. Lan Qing personally led a group of Planet Anlun military high-level greets. After becoming Paragon, Lan Qing‘s status in the military is completely different. Hua Alliance The youngest general, youngest general, youngest marshal in history. These records belong to him. It also means. He officially became one of the Hua Alliance military leaders. And there is Anlun Iron Army as his own line, the strength he controls. No less than any current military gangster.

During the Lan Jue their Shattered Chaos Star Territory reconnaissance, the Hua Alliance military decided. The Hua Alliance fourth Cosmic Fleet was transferred to Planet Anlun and became part of the Anlun army, which was directly managed, trained and commanded by Lan Qing.

With a Cosmic Fleet, plus the details of Planet Anlun, the current Lan Qing is already a well-known marshal.

In the face of a real crisis, how many people will play tricks on does not have. Hua Alliance fourth Cosmic Fleet, well-equipped, are the crystallization of the most advanced technology. The strength of the fleet itself is extremely powerful, which are all trained veterans. Lan Qing has now transferred these veterans to Planet Anlun, training with the Anlun army, and began more Cosmic Fleet combat drills. There is no doubt that in the future, the Fourth Fleet and the Anlun Army will become the most important and most combat force of Hua Alliance. Lan Qing himself is the first military force.

Although Hua Alliance itself is relatively weak, it also has internal political turmoil. But compared to Western Alliance and Northern Alliance, it is much more united. In the face of these enemies of Reaver, they are no longer constraining each other, everything is to strengthen Hua Alliance, fight foreign enemy is goal. Among the Three Alliances, Hua Alliance is the first to run, and the adjustments in all aspects are also the fastest. Especially after Hua Alliance first announced the research results of metamorphosis, it has now begun to attract a large number of foreign talents. Of course, these are done in private.

“Brother.” When seeing Lan Qing, Lan Jue felt that own was more than willing to go out. After advancing to Paragon, these days Lan Qing obviously has been improving himself. Compared with the sharp exposure when he just upgraded, he now looks much flatter. The feeling of does not have energy spillover and principle changes, it looks like An ordinary person who can’t be more ordinary. Anything surprising about by no means. But the more so, the more powerful he became. What kind of talent is it to be able to control live in principle change and control energy change in just time?

Not only Lan Jue, but also Beggar, Wine Master, and Watchmaker. Wine Master heart sighed, as the old-fashioned Paragon, he already felt that he seemed to have a gap with Lan Qing. Perhaps in terms of using the power of Paragon, Lan Qing‘s experience also is insufficient, but when it comes to the realm, he is far inferior.

“Just come back. The information you brought back is too important.” Lan Qing nodded to Lan Jue, and then went up to pay tribute to several Paragon.

Absolute Emperor looks calm, with his hands behind his back, eye always reveals the light of thinking.

“Daddy!” Lan Qing came to him.

Absolute Emperor nodded, and said satisfactorily, “Yes, it seems that you have already controlled the power of own, and you must continue to work hard. Although I suggest you have some fun and fun in this method, Great Sun Tathāgata is indeed the strongest One of the French aspects, if you can really comprehension to his level, and communicate Heaven and Earth in the future, enter the realm of All-Encompassing, the benefits will be huge. Perhaps, it is really possible to feel where the Western Bliss world disappeared.

Lan Jue said: “Dad, don’t you want to hug your grandson? could it be Do you want my brother to be a monk?”

Absolute Emperor said ill-humoredly: “The law phase is not Belief. When is a monk? Your nearby beauty is like a cloud, and you do n’t want to introduce it to your brother. I haven’t settled with you yet, so why don’t you say that?”

Lan Jue shrugged, “My brother is asking too much, what can I do.”

Lan Qing glanced at him, “Everyone is working hard, take a break first. I have arranged it.”

After a few days of returning from the physical exhaustion, everyone on the road is almost rested, but the mental exhaustion does not begin to decrease until after Planet Anlun. Even Wine Master and Watchmaker who are Paragon feel great pressure, and they are even more commanding of do not say Lan Jue.

The crowd settled in Planet Anlun, but Lan Jue was not allowed to rest. He invited Bartender and Coffee Master to inquire about the training of this period of time Skyfire Legion in Planet Anlun.

To his surprise, Skyfire Legion adapts very fast here, and sparks with Planet Anlun‘s Hemophilia Legion.

The two sides have conducted two military exercises on the surface of Planet Anlun. Moreover, it all ended with Skyfire Legion winning. If it is a frontal battle, the Yellow Army of Cholesteritis relies on its excellent cooperation, good military quality and discipline, and it is difficult for Skyfire Legion to take advantage. However, the advantages of Skyfire Legion itself are also very obvious. The first is individual combat effectiveness. Among the Skyfire Legion, the Esper that reached Ninth Level exceeded 80 people. Each of these individuals has an individual combat power of fight and more than ten meningitis corps Mecha Pilot. Although their without a person home cooperates tacitly. But don’t forget, their battle experience is run in Shattered Chaos Star Territory.

From the beginning, Lan Jue training Skyfire Legion is in the direction of pirate warfare. Every ten people make up a squad, exerting their own fighting power as much as possible.

Maybe Skyfire Legion is by no means in terms of the overall coordination of the large army, but they also have the advantage of own, that is, the cooperation in the team is extremely tacit. The Esper of Skyfire Legion is the most top-of-the-line existence of Hua Alliance. Each team is not fragmented. The capabilities of the ten Espers in the team complement each other. The military achievements are calculated by the team. Therefore, any contradiction in the does not have within the team, but rather a very harmonious and united small group. When they are usually together, what they discuss the most is how to make their squad’s combat power stronger and how to better surpass other squads. (To be continued)

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