Skyfire Avenue Chapter 624: Dutian divine thunder

Lan Jue helplessly said: “Come, don’t brag about yourself. If you can use the real Zixiao divine thunder, plunder Samsung what it is, and suppress them directly.”

Zixiao divine thunder: created by heaven, seventy 2nd Layer Zixiao divine thunder, known as the **** of destruction. Divided into eight systems, eight systems are divided into Ogi positive thunder, Cingyangyang thunder, guishuiyin thunder, Gengjin robbery thunder, pentorite mine thunder, evil evil divine thunder, killing gods thunder, and death purple thunder. Each system is divided into 9th Layer. Any kind of lightning can arrogant to the Three Realms. If Zixiao divine thunder eight series great accomplishment, then it can be said that Thunder is not subject to all things, but also against the Three Realms.

So, how can Driver have the real Zixiao divine thunder? In the ancient times, thunderstorms, in fact, generally speaking, is one of the Zixiao divine thunder, 9th Layer divine thunder turned into thunderstorms.

Lan Jue guesses, own thunder essence, should be one of the divine thunder after slashing the demon. It seems that the possibility of birth and death of purple thunder is greater.

However, the shameless guy Driver directly occupied the name of Zixiao divine thunder, Lan Jue was not far behind, and gave own the fusion divine thunder a more arrogant name.

That’s the Five Thunder Orthodoxy, which ranks more above Zixiao divine thunder, Dutian divine thunder.

Dutian divine thunder: Created by Pangu, used to open up the world. It is second only to the Five Thunder Orthodoxy and can destroy all chaos divine thunder.

Absolute Emperor is very encouraged for their shameful behavior. The development in this direction is definitely not wrong.

Thousands of sources are of the same origin. If the Thunder really cultivates enough, he may really reach that level. Especially Lan Jue owns thunder essence, after absorbing the spirit of the fairy. His Thunder will inevitably evolve towards the real divine thunder. divine thunder, which evolved on the basis of Sun divine thunder, may really be moving in the direction of Dutian divine thunder. Of course, unless Lan Jue can really break through to the realm of Xuanxian, it is impossible to really control this divine thunder power.

Zeus-1 This time does not have chose to evade. Instead, it continued to fly at high speed in the direction of plundering Samsung.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as they had encountered Reaver before, and after a while, on radar of Zeus-1, various Reavers began to appear.

“A total of 157 Reavers are encircling us from three directions,” said Su Xiaosu Shen Sheng.

“A variety of long and short wave spiritual energy has been scanned to us. Would you like to simulate avoidance?” Lin Guoguo.

Lan Jue said: “No. They are here to give us gifts. Everyone Paragon is big, is it time to move?”

Wine Master is naturally unable to go out against the enemy, and his space transmission ability should be reserved for distance.

Time Paragon Watchmaker stood up, Beggar stood up, “Let’s go. Add Driver. Just one person is responsible for one direction.”

Lan Jue held out his thumb, “It’s hard.”

Zeus-1 slows down slowly, hovering in the night sky. Two lights lit up, and two more figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

Time Paragon Watchmaker floated in midair, she nodded to Beggar and Driver, and flew out.

A strange white brilliance blooms outward from her body like a ribbon general, supporting her figure like a fairy general flying in the air.

These white brilliance gradually condense behind her. Watchmaker disappeared. A hundred-meter-tall, sacred Faxiang stood proudly in the stars.

The French phase is about 100 meters high. Wearing a long white dress, there is a circle of ribbons wrapped around the back. Between the ribbons, there are countless lights flashing, like a long river of time.

The appearance of Fa Xiang is exactly the same as Paragon Time-Space Watchmaker, she just appeared there. It seems that there are countless principles that make the starry sky tremble.

Personality! Lan Jue can see at a glance, the time phase of Paragon. After indeed normal Paragon practice, it will choose the condensed essence method.

Compared with the inheritance method, the identity method is weaker. Because all the divine ability of the law phase need to be created, and there is no trace, and you need to constantly understand.

However, generally speaking has a higher degree of conformity with the Paragon itself. The ability to create oneself can be used as an arm without any practice or fusion. However, the inheritance of the Fa phase requires the adaptation and integration of time to truly gain its essence, so that it can be above the Fa phase.

In the distance, only one Reaver begins to appear in the field of vision, and the one flying ahead is a dozen swordfish Reaver. Their speed is the fastest. Through mental waves, they have locked Zeus-1. But soon they were attracted to the white law in the air.

principle energy fluctuation by no means is powerful, but any creature has instinct. Reaver is no exception, in the perception of these Reaver. In front of him, this Dharma image is full of endless profundity.

Swordfish Reaver‘s speed pauses for a moment. In the distance, more Reaver have flew over.

At this moment, Watchmaker raised her right hand and passed in front of her. A huge clock appeared before her.

The clock is shimmering with a pale golden luster, and the surrounding is surrounded by colorful. The colorful light contains countless images and is strange.

Watchmaker raised his hand and stretched out **** to clamp the hour hand. A strange scene appeared, the hour hand stopped and the second hand stopped. The pendulum paused. Everything seemed to stop for a moment.

All Reaver felt like they had entered a space with only black and white. Everything stopped for a moment, no matter how strong they were or what talent they had. At this moment, it seemed to disappear. No trace, they can’t even think or feel.

From the direction of Zeus-1, Watchmaker seems to just hold down the hour hand that’s all, and then all the Reaver flying in the distance are stagnant in midair and motionless …

Beggar and Driver move at the same time, the two are unfolded, one in each direction.

Beggar‘s body exploded in an instant, and the whole body shone in gold, turning into a 100-meter-tall Dragon Lohan with a bare upper body, and his hands were several times larger.

Slap it with one hand, with a bright dragon groan.

The giant palm fell, and Reaver kept turning into flying ash in the air without being able to resist.

Hi simply then does not have uses the power of the field, using pure attacks. The destructive power of the dragon palm is undoubted.

On the other side, the situation of Driver is similar. The whole body of the electric **** magic shrouded the dim purple color of Zixiao divine thunder, battle lance waved sideways, and where Zixiao divine thunder passed, Reaver continued to die.

More than a hundred Reavers, but only a few minutes of time, were strangled by them.

However, it can also be seen that the Driver is a bit weaker after the battle is behind. His Zixiao divine thunder is a principle level, but he is not Paragon, and it is used continuously and consumes a lot.

“It’s a real fortune now,” Lan Jue said with a smile.

More than one hundred Reaver, that’s more than one hundred life crystals. These Reavers that can fly and fight in space are bound to produce life crystals.

Boss, there are thousands of Reavers coming here, roughly divided into three batches, and there is a Big Mac with a length of more than three kilometers.” Su Xiaosu exclaimed.

Lan Jue‘s face changed slightly. Obviously, a large number of Reaver were killed here, which caused Reaver‘s attention.

“Call them back, we’re going.” Even if it’s a hard charge, there is no need to confront the enemy’s main force. After all, their more important task is reconnaissance.

“No.” At this moment, Absolute Emperor‘s faint voice sounded.

“Buzz!” A deep humming sounded suddenly in the universe. The Driver, Beggar and Watchmaker bodies suspended in the starry sky were slightly shaken.

In the distance, a huge Reaver slowly appears in shape.

Among Reaver that Lan Jue has seen, in addition to plundering Samsung itself, this only has to be the largest. The last time Northern Alliance‘s Seventh Fleet encountered plunder Samsung, he had seen a similar Reaver appear.

This Reaver looks a bit like a chameleon, but it has to be magnified countless times. The back of the head is high and the back is layered with purple-black scales. It has sixteen eyes, each of which is flashing a different degree of fuchsia.

There are seven wings behind, six of which seem to be responsible for flight, and only one is above the tail, which seems to be used in the direction of control.

Each wing has a dense number of tubes, spraying a faint mauve halo, like the spray port of airship.

There are many Reavers around this behemoth, but compared to it, the other Reaver is like a child general.

The buzz just now seems to come from the roar of this huge Reaver.

“Magic Dragon Reaver!” Lan Jue said in a deep voice.

This kind of Reaver is relatively rare, but it is extremely powerful. They once encountered a person about a kilometer long, but that time they were far away and by no means fought. Just according to the shape of the other party, the title of Devil Dragon Reaver was named.

Driver, Watchmaker and Beggar have all returned to the vicinity of Zeus-1 at this time. The voice of Driver came through the communicator, “A lot came, what should we do? We can’t withdraw. The big guy doesn’t look good at dealing with it. Watchmaker said, at least it is also at the Paragon level. It seems that we killed some, It ’s like a horse-riding honeycomb! “

“For the time being, don’t retreat for the time being, protect yourself. Dad has to take his own shot.” Lan Jue words, like giving Driver a booster, he didn’t say a word immediately.

Driver transmitted Lan Jue words to two Paragon through Mecha loudspeaker.

Watchmaker and Beggar looked at each other and saw the shock of each other’s eyes. Absolute Emperor is going to shoot in person?

The legend of the human generation, Absolute Emperor, which has been hidden for many years, has to be shot. What would it be like?

The Reaver in the distance is getting closer and closer, ten times more than before.


Support for monthly tickets and recommended tickets. (To be continued)

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