Skyfire Avenue Chapter 613: Condensation phase

When Beggar breaks through, it directly shows the appearance of the dragon and the arhat, which is the internal phase of the principle rule contained in the bloodline heritage.

This is not the case with Lan Qing. His principle condensate appears directly behind him, as a separate illusion.

Breakthrough to this extent, he is already Paragon, and has taken the step of countless Esper dreams, just like nature.

This step is so easy, and everything seems to have just begun.

The Yellow Army of Hemophilia and Skyfire Legion‘s Esper sitting cross-legged, each of them felt something in the principle released by Lan Qing. It was like the golden halo of sunlight general shining on them, they only felt as if they had opened a door in their souls, and some things that were unclear originally became clear.

It’s like God of Wisdom is unlocking wisdom for them. No matter what ability, under the golden light, there is a bright understanding belonging to own.

Only this, the breakthrough of Lan Qing has surpassed all recently promoted Paragon.

Inclusive! Lan Jue is willing to use these two words to describe the breakthrough of Lan Qing at this time. And he can fully feel that the principle breakthrough of Lan Qing, by no means is his original wind, or rather not a simple wind. Not even the so-called God of Wisdom.

It’s Prajna! Lan Jue is absolutely certain that the breakthrough of Lan Qing is dominated by Prajna, and wind element has become a vassal instead. Prajna is the magical power of Buddha’s door, it is no wonder that there will be such a meditation on him. That soft meditation gives a wonderful sense of peace.

Brother, what step can you take? refuel!

The golden light on Lan Qing gradually converges, and the whole person begins to become transparent. It is transparent like a crystal carved. in his behind, the illusion and light are becoming clearer and clearer.

Light and shadow are also sitting cross-legged in the void. behind the head also has a light wheel, and there seems to be a lotus seat underneath. Buddha! Although it is still unclear, it is faint to guess that Lan Qing is being condensed with principle, which is a Buddha.

Absolute Emperor originally put his hands behind his back. He looked at Lan Qing nervously. The promotion has reached the most critical step. Whether it can be achieved depends on the accumulation of Lan Qing‘s also on principle.

The faint Sanskrit vocals began to become clear, and Lan Qing‘s lips buzzed, as if something was being read.

He sat cross-legged in the air, still motionless, while his body was transparent. Every way principle is still very orderly condensing towards the shadows behind.

Watchmaker takes a deep breath. Wine Master standing next to her was the color of face reveals wry smile.

“I have done something does not have for so many years, should he finish it directly?” he said to Watchmaker.

Watchmaker said: “This Anlun Military God has strong control over principle. At this level, it is the only one I have seen in his life. Moreover, the grammatical aspect he woven is incredible! It is also the most complicated anaphase aspect I have ever seen. Adding to Davis’s method, it’s all does not have so complicated. It turned out that our previous methods were all wrong. The principle born at the time of promotion was so pure and huge. At the beginning, we were all because of insufficient control And he missed the most important thing. But he seized the opportunity. Directly guided these strength of principle to weave the method for himself. If this step is taken out, I am afraid that it is really possible to have another Absolute Emperor in the future. It is indeed Absolute Emperor Son! “

Wine Master sighed, “I didn’t expect that this accidental hit was really the right one. Here, it is not those Esper who benefited the most, but me and Beggar. He was demonstrating to us, How can I take that step. “

Yes, Lan Qing is condensing the true phase. If they felt incredible at the beginning, then, at this moment, their minds are all paying attention to the process of his condensation.

As a person who has been in Paragon 1st Layer for many years, Wine Master is most eager to see these. From this step, he is actually by no means far behind. He has straightened out his principle, but because does not have fully confirmed his future direction when he initially broke, he only used the breakthrough as goal. At that time Photographer was not in his nearby. Therefore, Wine Master has been unable to take that step for many years.

Now that he has witnessed the breakthrough of Lan Qing with his own eyes, the benefits to him are absolutely huge. In the process of cohesion between law and law, the legal principles and principle change endlessly. But there must be rules to follow. Although each Paragon is different, there are similarities.

Personally, it ’s much better and better than others. It can be said that seeing the Lan Qing coagulation method phase, let Wine Master greatly save the time coagulated by itself in the future.

At present, Paragon, which has the French version, is known to only Absolute Emperor, Photographer, Terminator, and Paragon Time-Space. If he can condense the French phase success, then he will surpass the Pontiff and Satan ranked before him, and enter the French phase level, the strength of Paragon will be greatly improved.

For Beggar, this opportunity is even more rare. He just broke through and the most sensitive period for indeed‘s own principle. And it seems that the legal aspect of Lan Qing and he are the same source of Buddhism, which is even more obvious to his guidance. Beggar is grateful for Lan Jue first, if not is Lan Jue to persuade him to come together, how can I come across such a good thing? Not to mention has or doesn’t have Absolute Emperor‘s instructions, just seeing the cohesion of the law with one’s own eyes is already a great opportunity never seen in a century.

Lan Qing‘s body becomes more and more illusory, and the light and shadow of the whole person are even slightly shaking. Entering the Paragon level, the human body itself has become the source of principle. Everywhere in the body contains principle. The agglomeration method phase is to weave own principle into a law phase and then nurture itself.

At this time, Lan Qing‘s own principle is released too much, causing its own body to be unstable. This is also the reason why Absolute Emperor is nervous. If he can’t coagulate words with success coagulation method, he will cause very great damage to himself. But if success, it is a step in the sky.

At this moment, a faint blue light was shining from the forehead of Lan Qing, and indeed had previously merged into the light of Bixiao. The pale green light flickered like a vortex general, and principle around the body of Lan Qing suddenly became slow, much slower than the speed of the previous weaving method.

Lan Qing‘s already illusory body suddenly became a little clearer, and her figure became stable again. Behind the light and shadow became clearer.

Taking this opportunity, Lan Qing made a low chanting voice, “Om, Nam Mopagarvad, Salva, Durgad, Baguidada, dregs, Tatar Kathaya , Al-Had, Three-crow, Three-boutaya, Da-ya-ta, Om, Spoon-dat, Spoon-dat, Salva, Babang, Pip-dat, Xu-daddy, Bish-daddy, Salva, Ga Yeah, Awajana, Bishada, Yesouha. “

A strange tone, a wonderful voice. It’s hard to understand the spell, but it is full of peace. All negative emotions, such as fear, sadness, pain, disappeared in an instant. Everyone can clearly feel the purification and sublimation of their own soul, and they can’t help feeling the worship of air Lan Qing.

“This is …” Beggar widened his eyes and exclaimed silently.

Wine Master glanced at him in blame, lest he disturb the breakthrough of Lan Qing.

But Beggar seems to be unaffected by control general, and suddenly fell to the ground, muttered: “Jingshi mantra, it is actually a joshi mandarin! The law phase he wants to condense is actually, actually … oh my god! It’s over. “

Jingshi mantra? what is that?

Although Photographer, Watchmaker, and Wine Master are all Paragon, they don’t know about the spell that obviously belongs to the Buddhist monk. However, it can be seen from the abnormal state of Beggar that this should be an extraordinary spell, and it is related to the method of coagulation of Lan Qing.

Photographer eyes is also reveals look of doubts, because after Lan Qing chanted this spell, with her All-Encompassing level of cultivation, she even felt a kind of principle being suppressed. by no means is a real crackdown, but a gap between levels.

Lan Qing The principle around the body has all become clearer. The intertwined doctrines are bright and bright. It by no means repels other principle, but makes other principle appear purified.

Absolute Emperor in the air laughed. Although does not have laughed loudly, his eyes were full of pride.

Lan Qing‘s body began to become firm, and the light and shadow behind him also began to become firm.

That’s a big Buddha, sitting on a seat, a statue of a bodhisattva, with head down, wearing a crown of five wisdom, wearing bracelets, armbands, badger and other decorations on the upper body, with the fist print of the hand, that is, the left index finger straight, with the right Hold it in the palm of your hand, the color of the whole body is innocent.

A circle of soft golden light appears on the Buddha behind the head, the halo flickers, and it illuminates the earth.

In a flash, the golden light began to spread outwards. At first, it just shrouded the underground base, but soon, the golden light began to spread toward the entire Planet Anlun.

On Planet Anlun, all the soldiers look in the same direction. The golden halo shines on them. Everyone can clearly feel that they are being purified and washed. All physical discomfort disappeared in an instant.

The soldiers responsible for reconnaissance and discovery were shocked to find that from the satellite, the entire Planet Anlun was covered with a touch of golden light.

You know, it’s not just them who can see Planet Anlun satellite image. Northern Alliance‘s ultra-long range telescope has also been paying attention to all trends of Planet Anlun. At this time, the abnormal changes of Planet Anlun will undoubtedly attract their attention.

However, now without a person is concerned about these. All Anlun soldiers’ eyes are involuntarily looking in one direction, sincere hands folded.

Lan Jue opened his eyes and looked at Lan Qing, also behind him in the air. ——

Hey, did you guess? Enough is suggested in this chapter. (To be continued.)

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