Skyfire Avenue Chapter 601: The seven Paragon of the Skyfire Avenue!

Skyfire Avenue doesn’t sing, it’s amazing. Coupled with the existence of the upcoming promotion of Paragon, how many Paragon are there?

Photographer, Watchmaker, Gourmet, Wine Master, Keeper, Bookworm. Plus this one, seven! A full seven Paragon!

Photographer is the existence of Paragon 3rd Step All-Encompassing level, Watchmaker is 2nd Step Law Planetarium. Although the other five are all 1st Step, it is also a real Paragon.

two citadels and Great Conclave are also eligible to compare does not have and Skyfire Avenue. Not to mention, Skyfire Avenue is full of talents, Pharmacist and Jeweller are definitely able to promote the existence of Paragon. After they are promoted in the future, the Paragon here is close to ten. In world of Espers, is also who comparable to Skyfire Avenue?

Especially now, there are new Paragon constantly appearing, and selflessly let Esper of Skyfire Avenue feel principle. Will certainly attract more powerful Esper to come.

Take a step back, even if the powerful Esper is not for the principle, but for the safety of own, I am afraid that it will choose Planet Skyfire. Reaver may come at any time. Who doesn’t want to shelter from the strong?

I can imagine that in the near future, Skyfire Avenue will surely stand out in world of Espers.

Just when Watchmaker was dead, a gray light appeared silently on the other side, and Nether Watch Gourmet temporarily ended his cultivation.

In addition to Photographer, the top five Paragons protect the new Paragon law. Naturally, the security issue is of no consequence.

Even if the Phantom of the Starry Sky is nearby, he will never dare to shoot at this time. No matter how fast his speed is, he will not be able to escape from so many powerful Paragons.

The Sanskrit singing is getting louder and louder, and the thick principle fluctuations are constantly washing everyone in Skyfire Legion.

Each Paragon has own principle, and it ’s not too important for others to understand principle. For Esper, being able to realize the purest principle when Paragon is promoted helps them to find their ability Where principle is, lay the foundation for future promotion. If they can understand words in the process, they will directly improve their strength.

The students who came out of Hua Alliance National Academy Special Training Class are naturally very lucky, because they have realized the change of principle brought by Bookworm once, and they have improved to some extent with the guidance of Lan Jue. And this time there is a new Paragon evolution. Of course, they will not let go of such a good opportunity, and they have the previous experience, and it will be much easier to feel this time.

Watchmaker turned to look at Wine Master, Chuan Yin asked: “This is it?”

Wine Master smiled, “It’s Beggar. You may not have noticed him before.”

Watchmaker said suddenly: “It turned out to be him. His principle is very strange. Although he just entered the realm of Paragon, he feels very strong. The masculine atmosphere is enough to compare with Terminator.”

Wine Master said: “Beggar has a special cultivation method, and his ability is also very special. It is not a blood line inheritance, but a strange mantle inheritance. I once talked to him, and he inherited the mantra of the dragon and Luohan. The first of the Luohan in the middle. It is the living Buddha of Ji Gong in the myth and legend. He has been at the peak of Ninth Level for many years, but he does not show up in the mountains. This time, he finally managed to see the moon and break through. Paragon level. This also means that his descendant Luohan principle has been in control. The strength is indeed very strong, and it is stronger than ours who are simply promoted by ability. The descendant Luohan itself is a legal existence, so he is very It may be possible to enter the 2nd Step law heaven and earth within the short time. “

Watchmaker took a deep breath, “These should all be in the calculation of Clairvoyant, he is really terrible.”

Wine Master shook his head with a bitter smile, “I don’t know. Maybe indeed is because of his control, so we will attribute everything to him.”

The Brahman chanting gradually stopped, and the golden halo spread out from the dragon and Luohan. The halo passed and rendered everything around it golden, including the following Skyfire Legion Members.

Everyone can clearly feel a strange energy flowing into their own body. This energy by no means penetrates deeply, mainly on the surface of the skin, making their bodies look like a golden color. Like Long Luohan himself, he was shaped into a golden body general.

Receiving the baptism of principle recently, everyone who enters meditation will soon be fully immersed in it and realize it silently.

Lan Jue has been watching everyone in Skyfire Legion. His own principle already has a very direct understanding. Therefore, from the Dragon and Lohan principle, it can only prove something. It is almost impossible to really get what you want. . He needs to know who can learn more in this principle.

What surprised Lan Jue was that he was the first person to feel something wrong, even indeed his fat apprentice Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao was shone by the light of the dragon, Luo Hanjin, and his body turned golden the next moment. He suddenly grinned, held his fat stomach, and laughed as Hehe was sitting there, but the whole person seemed to be frozen. general Without moving, a special wave of energy emanates from him, echoing the principle fluctuations of Luo Luohan in the air, apparently entering a state of enlightenment.

The sooner the awakening of principle induction occurs, the better the effect of generally speaking.

Tang Xiao was able to enter this state at first moment, which obviously shows that he is very destined for this dragon and rohan. This is a rare good thing!

In addition to Tang Xiao, some people are gradually becoming enlightened.

This by no means is determined by perception, but by each individual’s ability. The ability of Tang Xiao is metal, but the metal itself is does not have soul, the gold body falls, and feels the majesty of the Dharma. Tang Xiao itself ability is like being endowed with soul, and there seems to be something deep in his own soul Was excited general.

The golden halo erupted for a full fifteen minutes, and Dragon Lohan suddenly burst into laughter with Haha, his hands raised, and one point into the air. Suddenly, the dark clouds in the air seemed to be torn apart by him and separated to the sides, exposing the clear sky and the shining sun.

A strong golden light burst out from Luolong Han, and the whole sky turned golden in the next instant.

On Planet Skyfire, the Brahma chant sounded again, but this time, it passed into the ear of every Planet Skyfire person. In that Brahma singing, they subconsciously folded their palms together, bathed in golden light, unspeakable comfort.

This is a Buddha light general photo, which also means that the Dragon and the Lohan completely consolidate principle.

The light flashed. Beggar appeared on the ground. He greeted everyone Paragon. “Thanks, thank you.”

“Congratulations to Dragon and Lohan.” After landing, Watchmaker smiled and nodded at him.

Undoubtedly, the title of Paragon of Beggar is the best.

Beggar chuckled, a flash of light flashed on his hand, a broken fan appeared in his grasp, and he fanned it twice, saying, “It’s not easy! I’ve waited too long for this day. Thanks for speaking. Jeweller, if not, he took me to meet the two Wine God, I don’t know when I can complete this last step. “

Lan Jue smiled slightly and rose to the front of Beggar. “I guessed you just now. Congratulations. Should I call you Beggar Eminence in the future?”

Beggar laughed: “It’s up to you, one called that’s all. I’ve been retreating since I came back last time, and I just finished the breakthrough recently. Hey, unfortunately, when Clairvoyant left, he couldn’t send him the last trip.”

This sentence suddenly made everyone’s expressions a little darkened. The death of Clairvoyant is a huge blow to the entire Skyfire Avenue.

Lan Jue smiled: “Clairvoyant bowed for Skyfire Avenue, we can only complete his legacy as much as possible. It ’s better to call you Luolonghan Eminence. You have been in retreat for so long, and a lot of things happened. Don’t want to listen? “

Beggar froze for a moment, but soon said: “Okay! Of course it would be better if you would tell me.”

Lan Jue said: “Of course, come and sit in my shop.”

Wine Master looked helplessly at Lan Jue. He certainly understood what goal was for Lan Jue, but he would not stop him.

Gourmet said: “Dear everyone, I will go back and continue to cultivate.”

Bookworm and Keeper just say hello and they have already gone one step ahead. The law protection task is completed. What are their also research projects? To be busy, I’m afraid without a person can surpass them on Skyfire Avenue.

At this time, except for a few people from Lan Jue and does not have, the others in Skyfire Legion are still sitting on the ground and continue to appreciate everything brought by the previous principle. Many people need more time.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even if only a glimpse of it, is likely to greatly enhance their strength. Naturally without a person will leave easily.

Lan Jue returned to Zeus’ Jewelry Store with Beggar, and then began to tell him about all the things that happened in this period of time, especially about Reaver.

The Zeus five waiters are also aware of the previous principle changes in Skyfire Legion, so there are only two of them in the store.

Beggar listening to Lan Jue, eyes from time to time reveals shocked. Especially when Lan Jue said that he had experienced Shattered Chaos Star Territory not long ago, he frowned even more.

“These Reavers are so powerful. Fortunately, you have responded quickly, and finally you have retired.” Beggar said.

Lan Jue sighed, “But it’s difficult for me to convince them over the council. They have their consideration, and our biggest problem now is that there is no way to predict the location of the next plunder of Samsung.” ——

Mikari Oh tomorrow!

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