Skyfire Avenue Chapter 592: House

“Predatory! Seize! One!” Beautician almost squeezed these three words out of her teeth, and then she turned abruptly and strode away.

“I’ll go and see.” Tailor whispered to Gourmet, and then quickly followed Beautician. At this time, Beautician needs comfort most.

Lan Jue‘s expressionless look towards the Skyfire Legion people still gathered around, “Barber sacrificed, he is the first one of our Skyfire Legion sacrifices, and I hope it is the last. Everyone go back to rest.”

“Head, I don’t need to rest, I want to continue training.” A Esper came out. This was followed by second and third place.

They have does not have too much speech, but their eyes are full of firmness.

The death of Barber touched them a lot. They can be part of Skyfire Legion. Not only is everyone strong, but they also have smart minds.

They know very well that the emergence of Reaver cannot be avoided. Shattered Chaos Three Stars can be swallowed in an instant, which can plunder Samsung that space jump can appear anywhere. It is possible to devour any planet. Inevitably, only by increasing the strength of own as much as possible will it be possible to survive the upcoming war.

does not have Any other trickery possibility, only the strength of own is the most reliable.

Looking at everyone’s resolute eyes, Lan Jue nodded silently, “Well, I still give you two days to rest time, two Goddess, training! Below, dismiss!”

Skyfire Legion finally dispersed, but the original ease has become dignified. Accountant conveys the message confidentiality instructions to everyone’s interstellar communicator.

Lan Jue, Gourmet, Su Xiaosu followed Wine Master and went to the Hua Alliance House for a meeting. Others returned to Skyfire Avenue for rest.

The Hua Alliance House, located in the center of Skyfire City, is a very classic Chinese building. Five spines and six beasts are very eye-catching.

When they arrived, a soldier with the rank of Lieutenant General was already waiting outside. After paying a military salute to Wine Master, he took everyone into the house.

The large circular hall of the House is full of people. There is a circular platform in the middle. The one who can sit in it is the highest parliament, the present speaker of Hua Alliance.

Lan Jue followed Wine Master to the bottom floor of the Grand Conference Hall, which is the place closest to the central circular platform. Sit down in the first row.

Lan Jue can see at a glance, Hua Alliance government affairs President Zhou Xueguan sitting not far from him.

Zhou Xueguan also saw him. Slightly nodded, then nodded to him.

Lan Jue nodded in the same way. He didn’t fully understand the relationship between Zhou Xueguan, Zhou Qianlin and Hera so far, it seems that it is the relationship between adoptive parents and daughter. It was Clairvoyant‘s family for their sisters.

The arrival of Lan Jue and his party also attracted the attention of everyone present, and many people whispered in a low voice.

Lan Jue is sitting there. Looking at the nose, nose, mouth, and heart, the whole person seemed calm. At this time, heart also kept flashing Beautician‘s sad desperate appearance.

When he looked at Beautician before, he was like seeing himself when Hera just left. Wasn’t indeed like that at the time? Treasure often appears after parting, but everything is too late, and some things, does not have came again.

I was originally Beautician. Isn’t it painful indeed?

If in this world can have something like regret medicine, how good?

“Silent!” A deep, thick voice sounded, accompanied by a crisp knock. Quiet the parliament hall quickly.

Lan Jue Then he looked up.

The speaker sitting inside the round table looks pale, at least seven or eighty years old, but his eyes are particularly bright, with white hair on his back and neatly combing behind the head. A tall black sun suit, majestic and solemn.

The attention of everyone was attracted by the speaker. Speaker said in a serious voice: “Two days ago, we received the latest news. There was an emergency meeting. Due to the importance of the matter, today we invited Skyfire Avenue to personally participate in several leaders. Please tell them the situation at the time. Our detection airship has entered the Shattered Chaos Star Territory range. If all goes well, up to three days later will bring updated news. Now, we invite the members of the Skyfire Avenue Council to explain for us. “

He pressed a button, and three-dimensional light and shadow emerged directly above the parliament hall. indeed Moondemon Star was at the time.

Lan Jue looks at Wine Master, and Wine Master nods at him.

Lan Jue stood up and nodded to the speaker.

The speaker gestures to him, asking him to enter the round table.

This is the first time Lan Jue came to the power agency of Hua Alliance, but he was nervous about by no means. He was used to life and death and big battles. Most of these politicians are just ordinary people that’s all. What about his stress?

“Hello, Your Excellency the Speaker.” Lan Jue nodded politely to the Speaker again.

The speaker is very kind. “Hello, how should I call you?” Skyfire Avenue‘s Esper cannot judge its age by appearance. Lan Jue looks young on the surface, but it can stand up on behalf of Skyfire Avenue, showing how powerful he is . In the eyes of these ordinary people, maybe he already has a very old inner mind.

Lan Jue said: “I am Jeweller of Skyfire Avenue, and I am also the person in charge of leading Skyfire Legion to Shattered Chaos Star Territory this time.”

The speaker handed the remote control of the control holographic image to Lan Jue, “Thank you for explaining for us.”

Lan Jue nodded his head and took over the remote control. turns to was full of members in the circle.

“Hello everyone, my name is Jeweller of Skyfire Avenue. You can also call me like this. Our airship has just landed at Skyfire City Public Airship Base, first moment, I am here. I am willing to answer questions for everyone.”

While talking, he pointed to the holographic projection above his head, “I believe everyone has seen this video of holographic projection. Yes, these are what we bring back. If I describe this encounter, I am willing to use the words shock and luck. Until I really see the power of Reaver, I will never believe that a planet can jump out of thin air. words is calculated from the technology known to us. Energy, this kind of situation is extremely incredible. I believe that this is also one of the incredible fundamental issues for you. “

“But, I have to tell you that everything in this image is true. We Skyfire Avenue paid the price of a member’s life for this. Therefore, what I want to say first is that Reaver is better than us Imagine being more powerful. “

“On the way back, I have been thinking carefully about how these Reavers do space jump. Jumping with a planet is really terrible. This means that they may appear to us Any corner of human world. that’s all plunders the mighty power of Samsung, and their mighty power is enough to destroy any of our human planets. “

Skyfire Avenue‘s late Clairvoyant, which is Eye of the Future in Ten Paragons. He once said to me that mankind will face an unprecedented calamity. For him words, I always believed. But at the time, It is also somewhat disapproving. Because in my opinion, with the development of science and technology, human beings are now extremely powerful. Even destroying a star is not an impossible task. Such a powerful we will dominate in the near future The universe is not necessarily impossible. And I believe that there are no few people who have the same ideas as me. “

“But this time, after I saw the planet jump that plundered Samsung, I no longer think so. Clairvoyant is right. If plunder Samsung can fight with us in this way, even if we have a large number of space fortress It’s impossible to defeat them twice. “

While talking, he pressed the remote control to make the aerial picture start to move.

The first thing that appears on the screen is their battle with Princess Zihong.

“This woman who looks perfect, she calls herself Princess Zihong. Until she really knew her identity, or guessed her identity, we always thought that she was a human. And because of this, indeed, we Skyfire Avenue Council Member Barber tried to approach her and bring her back. Because at that time, Moondemon Pirates of Moondemon Star had been defeated by us as a hone opponent, and there were scattered pirates on Moondemon Star. Such a girl is likely to be in danger. But … “

He said that, just when Barber rushed up. Then Barber turned into a mist of blood.

Lan Jue paused the picture, eyes flashed pain.

“Presumably everyone has seen this picture. In your opinion, Barber is basically does not have in front of the opponent, and the opponent just beat him with a single blow. Then, he should be very weak. But, If you investigate the previous record of Barber, you will find. Not long ago, he once participated in Esper Competition held in Northern Alliance on behalf of Skyfire Avenue. I can also tell you that he has the strength of Ninth Level 3rd Step. It is a real Ninth Level Esper.

The noisy voices appeared again. Although Esper was very few of them, what Ninth Level Esper represents is still very clear.

Moreover, after hearing the Lan Jue‘s mention of Esper Competition, all the members present gradually recognized the God King Zeus who finally won the highest honor for Hua Alliance on Esper Competition. Although he only represented himself, he still won the championship.

Even the speaker couldn’t help but say, “Sorry, I want to interrupt. You are the God King Zeus, right?” (To be continued)

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