Skyfire Avenue Chapter 59: Empress Moondemon

“Okay, okay, Elder Sister Mika, don’t do this. Elder Sister Anliu has to wait, let her wait.” In the sweet voice, a soft figure hugged Mika, indeed Lin Guoguo from behind.

Lin Guoguo exudes a faint pink halo, giving a strange beauty, she is already sweet, like a cute apple in this pink halo. The pink also blocked the flames released from Mika.

“Hum!” Mika hummed coldly, this is the flame received, “Let’s go, let’s go back, if someone wants to be a watchdog, let her be good.”

The helplessness of Lin Guoguo looks apologetically to the silver hair young girl Anliu, saying: “Elder Sister Anliu, I’m sorry Oh, Elder Sister Mika has a bad temper. Don’t be surprised.”

Anliu is still grim, but just to Lin Guoguo nodded, silently walk to the entrance of Zeus’ Jewelry Store and stand still.

Lin Guoguo This is back to the store with Mika.

Elder Sister Mika, why do you lose your temper every time you see Elder Sister Anliu! Isn’t Boss talking, can’t you use own power as much as possible?” Lin Guoguo whispered in Mika nearby.

Mika snorted, said: “It’s nothing, just to see that cold guy is not pleasing to that’s all. You don’t care about her too, it’s not a good thing.”

White world. The sky is white and the ground is white. The entire world even gives people a feeling that they cannot distinguish between two and three dimensions.

The eyes of golden hooded man and the six silver hooded man are full of astonishment. This is …

They don’t even know where they are.

As members of Moondemon Pirates, in the world belonging to them, they have always been judges of life and death, so they have developed an arrogant character.

Especially that golden hooded man, he has always believed that, as a Ninth Level genetic talent owner, he has stood on top of the human world. in this world can threaten his existence very little. This is why he still dared to bring his subordinates to be important people, even though he knew Skyfire Avenue‘s impressive name.

Lan Jue with his hands in his trouser pockets is still the same as before, but his eyes are somewhat dissatisfied.

Raise your hand, press own interstellar communicator, and enter a long list of numbers quickly. Soon, communicator was switched on.

“Drip——, Drip ——”

Um? Why did you contact me? I thought you were dead.” A soft voice sounded in communicator.

Hearing this voice, whether it is golden hooded man or silver hooded men, they are shocked all over the body, and the eyes of reveals are shocked.

Lan Jue said: “Your subordinates have to dismantle my shop, can you contact me?”

“Well? Have you opened a shop? Where? You dead man, old lady found you for three years, but you ca n’t find a shop. Why did you run to open a shop?” It seemed to be sober, the soft voice changed. It sounded pleasantly, with a little surprise.

Lan Jue said: “I don’t want to live a long time. I just want to be alone, so I opened a shop at Skyfire Avenue. As for other things, ask your subordinates.” As he said, he put his own hands The interstellar communicator on the top was taken off and thrown directly to golden hooded man.

Empress.” The voice of golden hooded man was a little depressed.

“Which one?” The pleasant female voice actually changed again. The simple three words gave a strong feeling of ice biting general.

“I’m Gao Yong.” golden hooded man just felt a bit bitter in his mouth.

“What happened?” the female voice called Empress asked coldly.

Gao Yong didn’t dare to neglect, and said things briefly.

“Okay, you’re fine.” Empress Moondemon‘s voice seemed to be harder.

Empress, that ore is very important, and we suspect that it contains a huge amount of energy, which is an energy gem that has not been developed.” Gao Yong quickly argued.

“That’s why you brought someone into Skyfire Avenue?” Empress asked coldly.

Gao Yong seems to feel something.

“Give communicator to that guy.” Empress said.

Gao Yong looked up to Lan Jue, Lan Jue stood calmly, as if everything had happened to does not have. Taking a deep breath, Gao Yong eyes flickered fiercely, striding in front of Lan Jue, and passing interstellar communicator to his hands.

“You handle it yourself, or should I help you?” Lan Jue said indifferently.

Empress‘s voice has become sweet again, “I didn’t expect to see you in three years. You went to Skyfire Avenue. However, there is really a good place. Thank you.”

Lan Jue has an arc at the corner of his mouth, “Finally your also conscience.”

Empress smiled and said, “I know that you are distressed, and you are not willing to be weakened.”

Gao Yong.” Empress‘s voice suddenly became cold.

Gao Yong looked up and looked at communicator in the hands of Lan Jue.

“As he said, each of you, cut off one finger, and paid me roll back. The ore happened as does not have.” Empress coldly ordered.

As soon as Gao Yong stayed, even though he had a hunch of heart, this remark was made from Empress, but it still made him unbelievable. This is Empress Moondemon that swept Shattered Chaos Star Territory! Life and death are ruthless and ruthless. No matter what kind of opponent they are facing, they will be destroyed by thunder. But for the man in front of her, she was going to mutilate herself as a subordinate general. This is really incredible.

Gao Yong!” The voice of Empress Moondemon suddenly became stronger.

“I don’t agree!” Gao Yong almost blurted out, full of indignation in her voice! Yes, he didn’t agree, he couldn’t be convinced anyway.

Empress, I’m without error. I’m all for the benefit of Moondemon Pirates sets off. Why, you want to do this to me? Are you not afraid to make brothers chill because of this?” Gao Yong said angrily.

Empress Moondemon was silent.

Lan Jue sighed, “Some people are stupid enough to have no cure. A’Yue, let me help you teach your subordinates.”

Empress Moondemon sighed and said, “What is your status now in Skyfire Avenue?”

“Committee,” Lan Jue said with a smile.

Empress Moondemon said: “I’m giving you trouble. Leave him a life, others, whatever you want. If the trouble is too big, just considers as finished.”

Lan Jue smiled, and said, “Okay, come back.” While talking, he hung up own interstellar communication.

Look up, Lan Jue looks at Gao Yong, “Are you not convinced?”

Gao Yong coldly looked at him, “Should I be convinced?”

Lan Jue said: “Okay, then I will give you a chance. Defeat me, and I guarantee that you will all leave Skyfire Avenue safely.”


For the new week, I would like to recommend a vote of support. Three changes today, 7 am and 17 pm each updated.

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