Skyfire Avenue Chapter 589: Engulf the planet

Looting the main star, the center of that huge figure slowly cracked, like a huge mouth.

In this state, Lan Jue has seen it in the images after the Esper Competition final. At that time, because they only saw the image and the does not have reference object next to them, they by no means knew how big the plundering Samsung was. At this time, you can see clearly, and use Shattered Chaos Three Stars as a reference for comparison. The predatory main star is like a starry monster general with a huge mouth open.

The original slow-moving predatory main star, speed, seems to have accelerated suddenly, and then the sky of the entire Moondemon Star has become a black.

The terrible black color is covered with the amazing speed.

At the beginning of the planet defense shield on the surface of Moondemon Star, the strongest light was also released, but soon, shield collapsed after the release of a dazzling golden light, and the black color was already pressed down hard .

On the ground, all the buildings were broken in the darkness that was about to fall, and even the earth began to crack.

The next moment, everything becomes dark. Then a little light appeared in does not have.

Zeus-1 fell into absolute silence again, with only a few sounds from airship itself.

This time, it seems that it’s not just the breathing that stopped, even the heartbeat of everyone in also

“That’s, that’s …, was it eaten?” The voice of Accountant came through the communication system, which made everyone awake slightly.

indeed! Being eaten, this is the only way they can describe the scene just now.

That’s not a piece of meat or a dish, but a complete planet! But it was so eaten. Got swallowed intact.

Everyone knew Reaver before. but. But they by no means know that Reaver can be scary to such a degree.

Consume a planet! What’s happening here?

This is completely beyond the judgment of normal humans.

Looting Samsung has such a terrifying ability. Although the ending of the two Shattered Chaos Three Stars auxiliary stars of has not seen, it can be judged from the situation of Moondemon Star that the situation of the other two auxiliary stars should be similar.

Three planets, three planets! It was completely eaten. Predatory Samsung directly occupied the original Shattered Chaos Three Stars position.

This is not just a simple plunder, destruction, destruction, but a complete devour!

Recently a period of time. The cultivation of Lan Jue has been advancing by leaps and bounds, especially after the integration of Trapping Immortal Sword, he obviously felt that the actual combat ability of own is very close to the level of Paragon. Coupled with the Skyfire Legion in Shattered Chaos Star Territory‘s invincible, invincible. Make him a little proud of heart.

However, at this moment, after seeing the scene where Shattered Chaos Three Stars was plundered by Samsung, he only felt that he was so small. The horror of plundering Samsung, even if Dad is here, I am afraid it can’t compete directly!

A’Jue, come here.” The voice of Luo Xianni suddenly sounded in Lan Jue‘s ears, awakening him from sluggishness.

Lan Jue hastened towards the place where Luo Xianni rested.

Before she came back. Just sat there and went into a meditation state, recovering from previous consumption. His complexion has not always looked good. Only then woke up.

Lan Jue hastened to Luo Xianni nearby. Asked with concern: “Mom, are you no matter?”

Luo Xianni shook his head, “I’m no matter. That woman is very strong, but she seems to have full control of the own power. by no means can be controlled by me, so I can barely seal it, and get away. The energy fluctuations emitted from her body, and you are old Dad is one level. However, if your dad is there, you should be able to beat her. “

without a person knows Absolute Emperor better than Luo Xianni. She likes him for so many years and knows everything about him.

“Don’t be arrogant, after our human strength is strong enough to compete with any creature in the universe. We have the smartest mind and the deepest potential.” Luo Xianni said seriously to Lan Jue, “I am in The situation of the woman was carefully observed during the battle. Her human body should be deformed by herself. You said that not wrong, she is different from our human beings. The breath is very different, it should be Reaver, and it is extremely High Step Reaver .She can strengthen herself by devouring vitality, so she sees us as food. “

Esper has far more vitality than ordinary people, so devouring Esper is naturally a very good supplement for her. Just now, I thought about it carefully and thought about why she wants to become human. Her strength, in a place like Moondemon Star, is impossible to have an opponent. She wants to destroy it, enough to destroy everything there. After becoming human, her power seems to be constrained, so she It ’s often a dazed expression. “

“The natural selection of things, the evolution of any creature is inevitable, and it should be the same for that Princess Zihong. She chose to change the human form, not necessarily to sneak into the human world, purely plunder them. For the creatures of goal, it makes no sense to do does not have. Therefore, I judge her to become human because the human form will bring her benefits. When I seal her, I can feel that she is not a simple appearance Become human, even their own systems are the same as humans. It is a bit like our human Paragon, but it is not exactly the same. So, do n’t lose your confidence, we humans, at least among the currently known creatures Is the most powerful and most potential being. “

Lan Jue understands that Luo Xianni‘s persuasion is to keep him from losing confidence. For him, confidence is very important. Once lost, it will have immeasurable harm to his future growth.

“She’s right.” At this moment, a light and shadow was used from the forehead of Lan Jue, turned into a translucent red figure and appeared on Lan Jue nearby. Amazing indeed Jun Yongye.

When I saw Jun Yongye, Luo Xianni was just a little surprised, but it soon returned to normal, and smiled, “Is it smart?”

Jun Yongye pays her a tribute to her, with a calm expression: “In ancient times, after all the great monsters have cultivated to the extreme, they will transform into humans, just because the monster’s shape is not good for them to make a breakthrough. What you just faced That existence has already reached the level of the big demon. Although her race is different, her breath and ability are very similar to the big demon. Using the ancient ability system to measure words, she should be in a state of not yet crossing the robbery, but she is close to crossing. The stage of catastrophe has grown to a bottleneck, so she chose to become a human form. She should have felt the benefits of human potential in the process of devouring humans. “

“I ca n’t judge the specific situation of this world creature. What is certain is that the human form must be conducive to her continued growth. Her true strength should be more terrifying than the one shown. Once adapted to the human form, Will be a very powerful being. “

Listening to Jun Yongye, Lan Jue couldn’t help asking: “To what level can I compete with my opponents at this level?”

After Jun Yongye silent a while, she said, “If you show her strength, you need to be able to control at least 5% of the power of Trapping Immortal Sword to compete with it. If it is based on my prediction of her, when she completely masters humanity In the mystery of the body, you may need to control 10% of the power of Trapping Immortal Sword to have a chance. “

Listening to him, Lan Jue couldn’t help taking a breath, because he clearly remembered that Jun Yongye once said that when he became Paragon, with his potential and integration with Trapping Immortal Sword, he was able to control about Trapping Immortal Sword 1%. power.

5% What kind of strength is needed? How much is ten percent?

„However.” Jun Yongye said something suddenly again.

Um?” Lan Jue looked at him in confusion.

Jun Yongye said: “Only after you become Paragon can you really begin to mobilize the power of Trapping Immortal Sword. The swordmanship and understanding will greatly enhance your combat effectiveness. Therefore, you do not need to use the power of Trapping Immortal Sword to measure your opponents. If you can master Wanli Chaohai Yuanyuan swordsmanship, you can reduce the requirement by at least one percentage point. If your lover can wake up and merge with your double sword words, then even if you can only play Divine Sword 1% Strength, there is also a chance to meet with the other fight. The power of the two swords combined will be understood only if you really experience it. “

The two swords fit together?

After listening to this word, Lan Jue eyes shined brightly, but soon resumed dim, Zhou Qianlin was still asleep, I do n’t know when I can wake up, and when I can have a double sword with myself!

Jun Yongye took a deep look at him, “Work hard to improve yourself and practice the does not have shortcut. Although the demon is powerful, there are problems. Her power is too complicated, although she seems to have a special way to resolve it The own crisis, however, after all, after waits for you absorbed the power of thunder essence, and thoroughly grasped the power of thunder and fairy spirit in thunder essence, it could have a strong restraint on her kind of mixed energy. “

Um.” Lan Jue nodded.

It is imperative that you should upgrade to Paragon as soon as possible, otherwise, facing the existence of this level of Princess Zihong again, he even resisted does not have.

However, even with his talent, it is not easy to become a Paragon. Moreover, he also needs to wait for Zhou Qianlin to be promoted to Paragon.

The red light flashed, Jun Yongye returned to Lan Jue and disappeared.

Three changes are over. Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets. (To be continued …)

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