Skyfire Avenue Chapter 580: Is this still human?

Accountant sat on the seat of Emperor control and was stunned, watching everything soaring outside the porthole. n∈,

Is this still human?

It’s not just him. Everyone else in the Great Emperor has opened their mouths wide. At this time, it should be no problem to stuff their mouths into a volleyball.

do not say. Even if they are the Accountant responsible for the driving of the Great Emperor and the whole army information control, this is the first time that they know that the ancestor is so powerful.

When the Great Emperor flew over, it was just when Luo Xianni became larger. They watched her become more than three thousand meters high. This height is already far beyond the Great Emperor. The length of the Great Emperor is just a few. Hundred meters that’s all! In front of Luo Xianni, it is like a child.

Luo Xianni waved in the direction of the Great Emperor. For her, invisible gems and the like were basically useless.

The Great Emperor flies obediently, and at the same time, the stealth effect is cancelled.

Luo Xianni touched the Great Emperor who looked very small in front of her. He grinned, “Little accountant, this photo will be given to you. Take your time, don’t worry. I won’t kill Oh.” While she was waving, the photo floated into the universe out of thin air, quietly The suspension is there.

Accountant asked silly: “Master Photographer, what should we do?”

Luo Xianni smiled and said, “Attack! As long as you destroy the photo, everything in there will be destroyed. It’s not my Oh.”

After saying this, she shook her body, her body quickly became smaller, and when she changed back into a human figure, she was already sitting on top of the Great Emperor.

“Boss …” Until now, the members of the Accountant subordinate electronic team barely held up. Swallowed a saliva, and the person in charge of fire control called Accountant hard.

“Don’t hear Lord Photographer words? Attack! Full fire!” Under the requirements of Lan Jue. The Emperor is equipped with such super luxury accessories as Purple Accumulation Divine Stone. When on the road no matter. Lan Jue‘s order to Skyfire Legion was to continuously charge Purple Accumulation Divine Stone, and then everyone continued to practice.

More than 800 Espers need to infuse Purple Accumulation Divine Stone at least twice a day, and the amount of energy accumulated is conceivable.

The main gun has been recharged during the flight. A dazzling beam of light fell on the photo instantly.

Halo ripples and ripples in the photo. But by no means was broken.

If the photo taken by Luo Xianni is damaged, the space taken inside will also be destroyed, and the internal seal will be destroyed naturally.

However, the time maintained in this photo is limited, and the defense power is directly proportional to the presence of being photographed.

In other words, if you want to destroy this photo, then the attack of the Emperor must be enough to destroy those warship.

In short, Luo Xianni‘s ability to take pictures. It’s like blocking the opponent directly, making it impossible for the opponent to fight back. You can export as much as you want. As long as attack power is enough, the other party will naturally die.

In the control category ability, this is definitely the top existence.

When the main gun of the Great Emperor shone for the third time, the photo was finally broken. The broken photo instantly became a black hole general, and then everything disappeared. Even the Emperor was attracted to glide forward for a distance, scaring Accountant to quickly start the full-speed flight mode and flashed from the side.

Moondemon Star.

Moondemon Palace has been blocked at this time. Moondemon Pirates is Shattered Chaos Star Territory‘s largest pirate group after all. Especially after collecting many pirates, Moon City has become a paradise for the fallen.

Everyone who can enter Moondemon Palace is the core of the pirates, including the leaders of the major pirate group. Allowing them to live in Moondemon Palace is a status symbol, but also a disguised control.

Each pirate group received a notification from its boss, Moondemon Palace was attacked, naturally it was quickly organized and rushed to Moondemon Palace.

Then they are facing the Moondemon Palace indestructible shield.

At this time, the pirates’ actions were still very uniform, and they launched an offensive to shield by accident. There are more than five thousand Mecha densely packed in the streets and in the air, and Moondemon Palace surrounds the center.

A beam of energy is constantly falling on the surface of Moondemon Palace, blowing out a circle of halo ripples. However, when Moondemon Palace shield was designed, it was targeted at warship attacks. Even the battleship main gun-level attack requires a period of time to break it.

Under the attack of many pirates Mecha, the light of shield gradually faded. However, the pirates outside gradually lost contact with the pirates inside.

At this moment, suddenly, a strong light burst out from the top of Moondemon Palace, and then, with Moondemon Palace citadel as the center, gun barrels came out one after another. Light beams continued to be emitted, covering the pirate Mecha in all directions.

One Mecha quickly exploded into a light ball, and Moondemon Palace‘s counterattack began.

The pirates naturally realized that this was a symbol of Moondemon Palace‘s complete fall into the adversary.

The light burst from the top of the Moondemon Palace was swept towards the Mecha in the air. Suddenly, hundreds of Mecha vaporized in the sky, leaving a trace of does not have.

This is the power of the Star Rail Gun, and it is a smaller version of the Star Rail Gun.

When 5,000 pirates Mecha were caught off guard, almost one-tenth was killed by various Moondemon Palace attacks. They hurriedly opened own shield and sought shelter.

Moondemon Palace control center.

Su Xiaosu was sitting in the previous Lan Jue position, and her eyes were pressed coldly, she pressed her red lips, her face covered with frost.

Lan Jue sits at Gabriel nearby.

Gabriel is now completely silent, like an old monk entering general.

Things have progressed to this extent. Looking at the unorganized pirates on the screen like headless flies, he knows that Moondemon Pirates is over. Pontiff Citadel has spent so much human, material and financial resources on Moondemon Pirates has been completely finished.

“You don’t have to hurry to clean up the pirates in other cities of Moondemon Star, defense on Moondemon Palace side.” Lan Jue issued orders to the third and fourth brigades, including Zeus-1.

Moondemon Palace‘s internal occupation has been completely completed. During the occupation, stubborn resistance from the pirates was encountered. At this time, the combat effectiveness of the pirates was really revealed. In the case of death, their individual combat effectiveness was actually very strong. Only in the group battle, their fighting will greatly affect their combat power.

Before Moondemon Palace, I could not run out. Failure to defeat your opponent is death. They certainly have to resist.

Unfortunately, they encountered Skyfire Legion, the powerful Skyfire Legion first and second teams.

Two teams, more than 500 Esper, with powerful Mecha, one team for every ten people. Wherever I go, I am invincible!

does not have Any force can stop them from moving forward. The battle ended in the shortest time.

Of course, the control orbital gun is Driver. The commanding height of controlled Moondemon Palace, he completed the connection with Lan Jue. That shot was just let Su Xiaosu let him put it.

The star orbital gun is too powerful. After each shot, it needs to be charged for 30 seconds before it can continue to launch again. However, just that one shot weakened the attack by pirates by more than two-thirds. No one wants to be the next object to be vaporized!

Angel of Death, what do you think of Pontiff Citadel? It’s a good light, why not go to darkness?” Lan Jue said to Gabriel with regret.

Gabriel glanced at him, but has not spoken. The artificial sword stabbed me as fish, and now it’s useless to say anything.

Lan Jue patted his shoulder, stood up, and came to the back of Su Xiaosu.

“Don’t be sad. The past is over. When we leave here, you will be reborn.”

Su Xiaosu gently nodded, there was a bit of pain in the eyes. “After all, everything is my brainchild. I really can’t bear it.” She said, her hands could slow down does not have, and the attack on the Moondemon Palace defense facility was strengthened again.

The Espers of the two teams do not need to directly participate in external counterattacks at all. Not yet, at least.

Moondemon Palace stores a large number of energy crystals. They only need to continuously install the energy crystals inside the defense system.

Lan Jue does not have persuaded Su Xiaosu again. There are certain things that she always has to come out herself.

“The two auxiliary stars are done. One turtle is shrunk into a turtle shell. The other airship has been killed by us.” The report from Accountant came.

Lan Jue turns interstellar communicator into hands-free mode, everyone can hear the sound.

Angel of Death Gabriel closed his eyes directly, Su Xiaosu looked back at Lan Jue and turned to he gently nodded.

At this point, the battle has basically been announced.

Zeus-1 and battleship of the third and fourth teams control are in charge of cleaning the rest of the planet. The power of warship can face up to some pirates with only defense facilities and Mecha. The results can be imagined.

Moon City, if you want to break Moondemon Palace, the attack power of these pirates is obviously not enough. And the planetary orbital guns with two auxiliary stars in the distance are not enough to reach the main star directly. Even if they can, they dare not attack at will.

This is different from the previous situation on Spider Star. Spider Star’s companion stars are like its satellites, small in size, and very close to Spider Star. (To be continued …)

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