Skyfire Avenue Chapter 569: Perfect young girl

Lan Jue followed her gaze and saw a woman passing by in front of her. As Su Xiaosu said, this woman has an excellent figure. Height is about one meter eight or so, and the slender waist can be grasped again. Every curve of the body is so flawless and touching.

From the perspective of Lan Jue and Su Xiaosu, she can only see her side face. His face was fair, his eyelashes were particularly long, and he curled up. A purple long red hair was scattered behind him, hanging down to the hips. Cover the gluteal peak.

She looks very light when she walks, her body is covered with black battle suit, and she has a perfect figure at a glance.

Lan Jue smiled and said, “I didn’t expect you to be a beauty like also except you in pirate group. Do you know her?”

Su Xiaosu shook his head, “I don’t know why, I think she is a bit strange. Such women are very rare in pirate group.”

Oh? Why?” Lan Jue asked in confusion.

Su Xiaosu said: “Here is pirate group, not human Three Alliances. Even when I was managing Moondemon Pirates, there was no way to guarantee that the pirates of subordinate would not do anything to rob the civilian women. The vast majority of beauty are in pirate group. China is the existence of sorrow, which can only be reduced to plaything or attached to the strong. “

When she said the last sentence, she also deliberately looked at Lan Jue.

Lan Jue pretended she didn’t understand her meaning, “You mean, she might be a powerful pirate woman?”

Su Xiaosu shook his head, “No, is not. If she were a powerful pirate woman, how could she be a virgin.”

Lan Jue said in surprise: “Virgin? How do you know she is a virgin?”

Su Xiaosu glared at him. “This is the problem of eyesight. Do you people like nearby beauty like clouds not understand?”

Lan Jue touched his nose and smiled bitterly: “I really don’t understand it! I just felt a little bit earlier, although the woman has energy fluctuations, but by no means is strong. It should be about two, Third Level Esper level. It is. Very ordinary Esper. If she is still a virgin words, it is actually very easy to explain. It is either a powerful pirate woman or a daughter-in-law. Anyway, someone is protecting it, so naturally there will be no problems. “

Su Xiaosu frowned, “Maybe. Boss, see beauty like this. Don’t you mind? Her figure is really good! I think it is fuller than Mika, and the waist is so thin and legs It’s so long. I can’t help but look at it. “

Lan Jue said ill-humoredly: “We are here to perform the task, not for you to be a matchmaker. Let’s go, it’s almost time to go back.”

At this time. The woman had passed the street in front and walked to a building.

Due to Su Xiaosu‘s joking, Lan Jue couldn’t help but look at her a few more times, the woman was about to enter the building, stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked at them, which coincided with the Lan Jue eyes.

Seeing her appearance, Lan Jue couldn’t help but pause for a moment. It really is beautiful.

The beauty of this woman is suffocating. She looks like she is about twenty years old, and her looks are as perfect as her figure. Yes, except for perfection. Lan Jue couldn’t find another adjective to describe her look.

Any emotional fluctuations in does not have appear in the woman’s eyes, but she turned around after looking at Lan Jue and walked into the building.

Lan Jue eyes flashed a puzzled light, “I also seem to think she is a bit wrong.”

Su Xiaosu smiled, “Would you like to follow me?”

Lan Jue raised her hand and knocked on her head. “I mean serious. It’s such a long distance. She seems to be able to feel my eyes. With my current cultivation, I have hidden my breath very well. She It can also be found that it is only two, Third Level Esper is unlikely. Unless her innate perception is particularly obvious. And. It seems that looks is a little too perfect, in this world, should not have the existence of has or doesn’t have flaws! Her kind of perfection seems to be in harmony with The whole world has a feeling of incompatibility. “

Su Xiaosu laughed and said, “Okay, Boss. I didn’t even bother about it. You almost describe people as Tianxian. Hurry up and go back. We’re almost there, so we should Everyone turned to zero, bought some clothes in the city and changed them. The appearance of the miner is not easy to enter Moon City. “

Um.” Lan Jue also wanted to make a living out of by no means. Although the woman made him feel a little weird, but at most it was a pirate that’s all, but it was still important.

The two returned to the slum. At this point, the sky was gradually darkening. Some of the reconnaissance teams of the Fourth Brigade have returned, one after another.

Because of the information of Su Xiaosu, the reconnaissance is very targeted. Until the night came completely, news from all aspects had been summarized.

Lan Jue convened a high-level meeting of the Legion.

“The situation is not bad. From the current summary of the news, there are more than 30,000 pirates stationed in Moondemon Star. Among them, Mecha has more than one army, that is, more than 10,000 units. Twelve battleship ships , patrol ship more than 50 ships. This has concentrated more than 50% of the power of Moondemon Pirates. The remaining warship should be on the other two planets. “

“The tricky part is that because each pirate group has some independence, they are stationed separately and in several places. Their bases are all built around the airship base. Three of the original Moondemon Star There are now five airship bases, each with a different number of warship. The largest one, the original warship base of Moondemon Pirates, has as many as seven battleships. We have limited manpower. If we want to let them All the warships are paralyzed at the same time, and the third and fourth teams are understaffed.

“But their fragmentation makes the defense in Moon City relatively less stringent, and Moon City can also cope with the city inspection. It is not difficult to dive in. Now we will focus on discussing how to solve those warship problems.”

Su Xiaosu said: “The increase in warship bases will put us under much greater pressure. But they must be addressed first. Because warship and attack power are too strong, once the pirates launch warship to target us, it is difficult to avoid casualties. . Especially the battleship. The power of the battleship main gun, even Ninth Level Esper plus Mecha, can’t carry it. “

Coffee Master frowned slightly, saying: “Our third team is a bit understaffed, and it is no problem to be responsible for a larger base. But it is more difficult to take care of the five bases.”

Bartender also nodded in the same way: “This is indeed a problem. It is very difficult for us to complete their control in short time. In this way, words requires trade-offs. Can Zeus-1 actively attack smaller bases to Zeus-1? Unexpected stealth ability, should be able to cause great losses to the other party. “

Su Xiaosu said: “Zeus-1 is indeed possible to deal with a airship base. However, the largest base of Moondemon Pirates has shield protection. A forcible attack is definitely not possible, and penetration requires a lot of manpower. So many airship, even if each airship The last team to go to control will require most of our staff. “

According to the original plan of Su Xiaosu, if Moondemon Pirates is still three airship bases words, and the third and fourth brigades are responsible for one each, they are just purely sabotage, which is relatively difficult. Then Zeus-1 deal with one, the whole is still sufficient. The first and second brigades quickly occupied Moondemon Palace and defended. The third and fourth brigade responded in foreign countries.

The Emperor and Photographer each have a planet of control. As long as they allow the loss of the pirates to a certain extent, the war will be victorious. After all, pirates belong to different groups, making them unclear how many enemies exist.

But now the problem has come. There are two more airship bases, and the manpower aspect is immediately stretched. It is also much more difficult to handle.

Gourmet said in a serious voice: “Let me have one.”

Pharmacist said lightly: “I’m also responsible for one.”

Driver Hehe laughed: “Although I don’t think there should be personal heroism in the army, now I think that personal heroism is really fun sometimes!”

Lan Jue looks at Gourmet and Pharmacist, “The danger is not small, you have to face warship.”

Gourmet smiled slightly, “Nothing is dangerous. Is could it be not running? And, we are going to destroy. You does not have reaches Paragon level, I do n’t know how big an Paragon is determined to do destruction. Power. “

Pharmacist said: “The key point is speed. I can do this. It is enough to destroy the main control system, right. I need detailed information to determine the location of these warship main control systems. My speed should be sufficient.”

This is the advantage of being strong like a cloud. In a sense, Pharmacist is matched with her Slaying Immortal Sword, and the overall strength is not inferior to an ordinary Law of Nature level Paragon. Not to mention Gourmet, that is the real Paragon level exists.

Lan Jue immediately decided and nodded: “Okay, that’s it. Bartender, you and the Fourth Brigade are responsible for the largest warship base of Moondemon Pirates. I will give you the King of the First Brigade, except Pharmacist to perform the task In addition, other members of the king group can be scattered among the various teams on your side.

Coffee Master, your third group is responsible for this base. Use the fastest speed to destroy. It is relatively easy on your side. If it is possible to words, occupy a battleship while destroying. Then drive battleship to support Bartender. Side. As long as you destroy the two airship bases and let them does not have airship take off, the mission is complete. After completing the mission, wait for our news and then move closer to Moon City. “(To be continued)

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