Skyfire Avenue Chapter 535: Skyfire Legion , sets off !

A variety of intelligence analysis is also ongoing. The main source of analysis is the seventh Cosmic Fleet of Northern Alliance and the battle of plundering Samsung. From the current comprehensive analysis, in the face of plundering Samsung, human by no means has the disadvantage. After all, space fortress is extremely powerful regardless of offense and defense, much stronger than Cosmic Fleet. Although the way of plundering Samsung is weird, in the case of the law of conservation of energy, they only have three planets. Even if it comes at the same time, with the powerful firepower of many humans space fortress, as long as they entangle them, the chance of winning in the end is still quite large.

“The parliament has approved your request, and sets off is ready at any time.” Wine Master looked at the Lan Jue sitting in front of himself, Shen Sheng said.

Lan Jue gave a slight nod, “Okay, then we will be sets off in three days.”

Wine Master said: “To minimize injuries and deaths.”

Lan Jue said: “I know that everyone in Skyfire Legion is a legion’s wealth. However, only actual combat can make an army grow rapidly. My goal, by no means is to hone them through this battle, but To build confidence for them, and also to experiment with our plans. “

Wine Master said: “You must move fast. Once there is news, there will be a response. And no matter what happened to you there, Hua Alliance will not acknowledge the existence of your army. From beginning to end, you are a secret army. With Three Alliances now joining fight foreign enemies, this harmony cannot be destroyed.

Lan Jue smiled indifferently, “Relax. I will take Skyfire Legion intact, and I will bring it back intact. This time I will take the Emperor and Zeus-1. Zeus-2 and converts on the third will also speed up.”

Wine Master rubbed his own forehead. “Did you know that since you started Skyfire Legion. How much did it cost?”

Lan Jue chuckled, “What does that have to do with me? I’m only responsible for building it into a sufficiently powerful legion, and this operation may bring some resources back.”

Wine Master smiled bitterly: “Okay, then you go to prepare. All sides will cover you. Make quick decisions, go back quickly.”

Um.” Lan Jue nodded and got up.

Four months. From the beginning of training to now, Skyfire Legion has been composed for four months. The first three months of training were mainly focused on DreamNet, and after getting a customized Mecha, their training was a combination of DreamNet and actual combat. Now that training has begun to bear fruit. They also need to use actual combat to test the real combat effectiveness of this luxurious legion. At the same time, as Lan Jue said, such a legion lacks discipline. It’s confidence and cohesion. Confidence requires victory, cohesion requires benefits.

Two Goddess, the two airship quietly took off from Skyfire City Public Airship Base, penetrated into the atmosphere, and disappeared instantly.

Lan Jue stands in the main control area in front of the Great Emperor, facing the Skyfire Legion crowd sitting in the Great Emperor.

After the converts, the Emperor can carry a thousand soldiers at the same time. The size of the Emperor is similar to general battleship. But the appearance is much more beautiful. Of course, its powerful part is not just the shape, if the military leaders know what the Emperor is equipped with. Will be surprised to shut up.

Lan Jue is not unconditional to use the Emperor and Zeus-1 to provide Skyfire Legion. The Great Emperor itself is a powerful warship built by Absolute Emperor, but Absolute Emperor is no problem in terms of technology, and resources can be different. At present, all kinds of energy gem in the main control core of the Emperor have been replaced with new ones. Even Lan Jue, who is Jeweller, cannot help but swallow a few saliva when seeing these energy gem.

“Four months of training. I believe everyone is horrified. Then, it is time to check our training results. So. I will lead you to a real battle. Note, this is not an exercise. It is Real war. “Lan Jue said lightly in front of the Skyfire Legion crowd.

Hearing what he said, the members of the Skyfire Legion four brigades not only feared does not have, but they glowed with their eyes, all excited.

Although they had already judged when they boarded the Great. But I really heard that Lan Jue said that they would take them to fight, and this was finally confirmed.

For the sake of confidentiality, before sets off, only a few people knew this operation that’s all.

Lan Jue is very satisfied with the state of everyone. In fact, it is very unlikely that Skyfire Legion and these Mecha Pilots will be timid. They are all from Esper, cultivation is not low, and they are very confident in themselves. Coupled with the practice over the past few months, they have made great progress on Mecha control, and everyone’s improvement is very large. With powerful equipment and powerful strength, also led so many strong people. They simply then are not afraid of war, but rather look forward to it.

It’s not just Lan Jue who wants to see how much Skyfire Legion‘s combat power is, so are these members.

Lan Jue said in a serious voice: “Our goal is very weak this time, mainly to let you run into each other’s cooperation. Therefore, the battle will not be too difficult. However, I would like to emphasize that all the gains in the war are all caused by The army is uniformly deployed, and everyone must make orders. If anyone violates military regulations, don’t blame our military law. Do you understand? “

“Listen!” The crowd responded suddenly.

Lan Jue nodded with satisfaction and smiled slightly. “Then, from now on, we will no longer be Skyfire Legion, but Skyfire pirate group. The target of this battle is Shattered Chaos Star Territory. Within a month of time, we want Become the largest pirate group of the entire Shattered Chaos Star Territory. Our battle target is to eat black! “

After listening to his words, everyone in Skyfire Legion couldn’t help but look at each other. Shattered Chaos Star Territory? Attacking pirates?

In the battle of Shattered Chaos Star Territory, shouldn’t it rely more on warship? They are the Mecha legion, are they really suitable for such a fight?

A lot of people have doubts about heart, but the four-month training is not wasted. The Captain of each team has strong control over the team, and Captain that even their own team can’t control has been replaced. So, without a person issues any questions below.

The Great Emperor maintained a smooth speed cruise, followed by Zeus-1.

Responsible for driving the Emperor, indeed Accountant and members of his electronic team. They are responsible for electronic information related tasks. Everyone is Esper in this area.

On the Zeus-1 side, the driver is indeed Zeus’ Four Maidservants. On Zeus-1, also Su Xiaosu and her former members of Moondemon Pirates are also Instructor of Skyfire Legion.

Since you’re heading to Shattered Chaos Star Territory, of course you should bring someone who is most familiar with it.

Going to Shattered Chaos Star Territory training was proposed by Su Xiaosu. Although Lan Jue knew that she had some selfishness in it, Su Xiaosu convinced him.

Shattered Chaos Star Territory is complicated, with many pirate group, but not uniform. It can be said that it is the most suitable place to hone this legion that was originally a pirate-type education corps.

The three largest planets Shattered Chaos Star Territory Shattered Chaos Three Stars are now under the control of Pontiff Citadel. Although Empress Moondemon was quietly approached by virtue of Zeus-1‘s stealth characteristics, she was weak and able to rescue own people. Already.

Shattered Chaos Star Territory Among these pirate groups, almost the larger pirate group represents some forces. If the pirates have does not have background, it is impossible to grow bigger, and resources alone are a big problem.

Pharmacist came to Lan Jue nearby, smiled, and said, “I want to tell you good news.”

“What good news?” Lan Jue asked with a smile.

In the beginning, he hoped that Pharmacist could take on more important positions, at least it was the first team Vice Captain, or directly Captain. But Pharmacist refused. She only wanted to be the leader of the king group, and she didn’t care about other things.

Pharmacist said: “The two of them are here.”

“The two of them?” Lan Jue was a bit stunned for a while, but soon realized who Pharmacist was talking about. Hastily lowered his voice and said, “Where are they?”

Pharmacist smiled slightly, “You come with me.” Then she walked back.

After all, the Emperor has the size of battleship, and there are also special warehouses for soldiers to rest. It’s not as aggressive as Zeus-1.

Pharmacist brought Lan Jue to a warehouse and closed the door. With a wave of his right hand, all three lights suddenly light up.

They flash white, blue and red. Halo flow, indeed three long swords.

At this moment, in addition to the light, the powerful breath of by no means is released outward, floating in front of Lan Jue.

White, Lan Jue has seen it. That’s Slaying Immortal Sword for Pharmacist.

The other two-handed swords are also very simple in style. If you pay close attention, you will find that the red long sword exudes a strange energy change, as if it can eat people’s eyes and attention, making him want to fall Out feeling. And the blue sword is halo flickering, illusions with thousands of changes.

“Come out.” Pharmacist said with a smile.

The red and blue swords flashed suddenly, and two people changed. Can it not be indeed White Clothes Sword Sect Jun Yongye and Myriad Swords Return to One Xuanyuan Shishi?

“Ah, two, long time no see.” Lan Jue said in surprise.

Jun Yongye and Xuanyuan Shishi nodded at him at the same time.

Pharmacist said: “You talk, I’ll go out first.” While talking, she opened her mouth and Slaying Immortal Sword turned into a white light and was sucked away by her.

“Two please sit down.” The by no means in the cabin was large, and all three seemed a little crowded here.


In August, the weather is hot. Can our monthly tickets be hotter? I ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets for support. (To be continued)

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