Skyfire Avenue Chapter 505: I’m leaving!

Absolute Emperor‘s expression also calmed down.

The cabin trembled and goal arrived.

Absolute Emperor gets up first and walks out.

Lan Jue looks at Luo Xianni, and cries with some concern: “old lady, you …”

Luo Xianni suddenly gave a smile, “Rest assured, I’m not so easily defeated. The more he wants me to leave, I won’t leave. One day, he will get used to me in his nearby. Let’s go, let’s Go out anyway. “

Lan Jue and Luo Xianni successively stepped out of the magazine. Regarding the entanglement of the feelings of the old two, Lan Jue naturally has no say and dare not say more. But heart has already begun to lean slightly towards Luo Xianni.

Dad is right. He is indeed an idle person. Even when he and Lan Qing were young, Daddy often disappeared. It is normal for him to disappear for a year and a half.

Chi Bupan.” Luo Xianni suddenly cried.

Absolute Emperor stopped and turned to look at her, “You figured it out?”

Luo Xianni smiled indifferently, “I figured it out. You don’t want me, do you?”

Absolute Emperor‘s expression softened a bit, and smiled bitterly: “No, I don’t dare. I know myself very well, I can’t settle down simply then. I know I actually like you, but …”

“Okay, don’t say more. That’s enough. I’ll go!” After that, Luo Xianni strode outward.

It’s changing too fast, hasn’t she just said she won’t go? Why is this going again?

Lan Jue has been completely confused, so is Absolute Emperor himself. He knows Luo Xianni too much. This ice and snow is clever and has been tangled with him for nearly a century. The two have split up more often. Can she let herself go so easily? Right? It’s not like her character!

While thinking, Absolute Emperor heart can’t help but wonder. How could it be so easy?

But Luo Xianni is indeed gone. Without looking back, without a person knew exactly what this was thinking. But whether it is Absolute Emperor or Lan Jue, I think something is wrong.

“Follow me!” Absolute Emperor beckoned to Lan Jue. Lan Jue hastened to keep up.

Soon, they came to an empty metal room, which is the most typical Mecha manufacturing room. All kinds of machinery are readily available.

“Take out your design and show it to me.” Absolute Emperor has always been able to hold it down, Luo Xianni is gone, he is also relieved, in his perception, the woman has indeed left.

Lan Jue rushed to the computer on the side to copy the own design drawings.

Ziluo Star Public Airship Base.

Changing airship in a refreshingly dressed Luo Xianni and sitting down in first-class cabin. There was a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth reveals.

Chi Bupan, you old bastard, you will soon come to me. In the future, old lady does not need to go to you in person. Hehehehehe.”

At this moment, a pleasant electronic voice female voice sounded. “Passengers are welcome to take this flight. Our goal locations are Planet Skyfire, Skyfire City.”

Planet Anlun.

Lan Qing stood in front of the huge porthole and looked at the busy scene outside, and there was a touch of sharp in his eyes.

The distance from the time agreed with Clairvoyant is getting closer. It seems that it is time to prepare for departure.

Planet Anlun is now like a huge machine that keeps running. As one of the most important military planets of Hua Alliance, a lot of resources are constantly being sent. With the expansion of Planet Anlun, the training has become more and more stringent.

dī dī!”

A’Cheng!” Lan Qing is connected to interstellar communication.

“Boss, when do you go to Planet Skyfire?” Chu Cheng lazy voice came.

“The day after tomorrow sets off.” Lan Qing‘s answer was very concise.

Oh. Then I also prepare sets off. By the way, I haven’t seen brat like A’Jue recently. Why is he missing? Give him interstellar communication and don’t answer it. It’s been more than half a month time And I do n’t know where I went. “

Lan Qing said: “He is fine, and should return on time.”

Chu Cheng said: “Now the atmosphere on our Northern Alliance is very tense. The planets on the edge of several galaxies have begun to be militarized and Cosmic Fleet is frequently moved. Boss. Any news from you?”

Lan Qing: “Military secret.”

Chu Cheng laughed, “You are still so boring! Say. Now the A’Jue is getting worse, I do n’t know if you can beat him!”

Lan Qing said: “A’Jue said, you’ve gotten better too.”

Uh …, boss, you didn’t say anything.”

Hang up the communication, a faint smile appeared on Lan Qing‘s face.


“Come in.”

“Report to the Marshal, the Hemorrhagic Yellow Corps is ready, please review.” An officer with the rank of Major was saluting.

Um.” Lan Qing nodded, “Go.”

Ironitis Yellow Army, Mecha after reorganization of Planet Anlun, all equipped with the latest Yanhuang Mecha, the Yellow Army has a total of 3,000 battle Mecha, each Mecha Pilot is Esper. cultivation is not lower than 4th Step.

This army was applied by Lan Qing and the military approved the formation. And inspiration, indeed comes from Special Training Class of Lan Jue.

A Mecha legion is not a huge organization in space combat, but in this legion, all the excellent Esper Mecha Pilot of the entire Hua Alliance are concentrated. Chief of the Legion, indeed Prometheus, Anlun Military God, Lan Qing!

Undoubtedly, once Reaver appears and the war with them really begins, this legion will definitely appear on the front line of the war.

God King1 is soaring in the endless universe, flying speed seems slow and fast. Double the speed of light, making it much happier than general airship. But this speed is far from its limit.

There is only one person in the entire God King. This warship, which is large enough to accommodate an Mecha combat group, seems a bit empty.

Lan Jue sits on the main control with a faint smile on his face.

This God King No. 1 is really awesome. Except for the invisible ability of does not have‘s latest converts Zeus-1 through the invisible gem, all performance is far above the airship of its Zeus series. It’s bigger and more capable. speed has a unique advantage.

This is a gift from Dad before he left. Then Dad also left and drove away with his Zeus-2. Because Absolute Emperor always feels, then Luo Xianni who left happily should be bad intentions. As for what she is going to do, Absolute Emperor doesn’t want to guess, but it’s the best policy.

In front of Lan Jue, there is a large fuchsia crystal. After the firmness of Absolute Emperor, this crystal is indeed full of huge life energy, just like energy core of Esper. This crystal is also the core of those Reaver monsters.

The energy contained in this crystal is enough to be comparable to s-class energy gem.

At first, indeed extended the life of Keeper and Bookworm with the crystal he got from Taihua Star. It can be said that Bookworm can advance to Paragon, which has a very important relationship with that crystal.

This is one of the reasons why these two people appeared at the same time during the rescue operation to Planet Luo. They both felt that they were missing Lan Jue.

The energy of this life energy crystal is too complicated. You need to filter it with Poseidon’s Tear before you can further mobilize life energy.

According to news from Dad, this crystal has appeared in the battle between humans and Reaver. They are left by the magenta creatures after death. Sight-seeking people have already begun to go to Hailing Star to acquire Poseidon’s Tear, a very rare s-class energy gem with high original value of by no means. Among them, the first to get started is naturally the first Skyfire Avenue to realize the benefits.

Su He is the person who made the acquisition on behalf of Skyfire Avenue. As for how much Poseidon’s Tear Lan Jue was acquired by Skyfire Avenue, it is an important secret.

Lan Jue has promised Dad, and he will get him a Poseidon’s Tear. Dad’s slightly old-fashioned attitude has always disturbed him. Perhaps, with this gem full of life energy, my father’s life can be continued. I don’t know if Clairvoyant can be used.

The three months time agreed at the beginning are coming, which is also an important reason for Lan Jue to rush back to Planet Skyfire.

Because speed speeded up, God King One returned him to Planet Skyfire using only half of his time when he went to Ziluo Star. Landing Public Airship Base steadily, Lan Jue encountered a small problem. His airship warehouse had some difficulties to accommodate God King One, and had to temporarily lease a larger warehouse for docking.

high-altitude flying vehicle is already waiting outside. The person who picks him up is Xiuxiu.

Boss.” Seeing Lan Jue leaving airship, Xiuxiu smiled sweetly, greeted him, and opened the door for him.

“You are always so caring.” Lan Jue smiled.

Xiuxiu smiled, glanced at him with a resentful look, and then returned to the driving position.

The high-altitude flying vehicle suspension starts, Lan Jue tilts the back of the chair back to make yourself sit more comfortable, “Is everything okay these days?”

Xiuxiu said: “Everything is fine. According to your instructions, we have suspended business. Our Mecha has also completed converts.”

Um, Xiuxiu. When I went back this time, my father taught me a set of swordsmanship. I will teach you back.” Lan Jue said with a smile.

“OK.” Xiuxiu‘s eyes lit up.

Lan Jue hesitated a little and said, “Xiuxiu, you have really wronged you these years.”

Xiuxiu smiled slightly, “Boss, what are you talking about? Waiting for you at nearby, it was originally Xiuxiu‘s mission!”

Lan Jue said: “Xiuxiu, you know, I have never treated you as a servant, but as a younger sister. You do n’t have to do this in the future. We are partners, friends, and brothers and sisters. Okay?”

Xiuxiu‘s face paled slightly, she pursed her lips, “Boss, what do you want to say?”


Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket. (To be continued)

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